armands-eyefuckery · 8 days
i wish that people were more accepting of the fact that not everyone's "core being" or whatever you want to call it will line up perfectly with a label. some people use labels that match their feelings 100% some will use labels that mostly of kind of fit. some will use a label but only to get people to stop asking about it. some use no labels. etc. labels are just tools that we use to describe our unique + indescribable experiences and feelings, and they tend to work pretty well, but it isn't 100% effective. this is what it means to not sort people into boxes
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armands-eyefuckery · 11 days
*going to a festival that celebrates what has for a long time been considered sexual degeneracy by society* Oh boy I sure hope I don’t encounter anything that society views as sexually degenerate!
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armands-eyefuckery · 11 days
We need kink at pride because “kink” isn’t just kink. “Kink” is:
That boy wearing jeans that are too tight
Your neighbors and their “friend” that lives with them
Having a beard and wearing a skirt
Wearing any kind of choker
Literally anything else they decide goes against the “norm”, and it can be literally anything. That is why we need kink at pride.
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armands-eyefuckery · 13 days
I'm seeing so many complaints and disappointment on EP3 and I can't believe it since imo it was one of the best episodes ever but totally acknowledge impressions can differ and respect that.
However it really surprises me how many people are specifically disappointed by Armand's flashback, the whole 18th century bit and the French parts.. discussing how realistic it was.. how good French was.. how was Lestat portrayed, how was Nicki portrayed etc...
Guys! that was totally not the point 🤣 and I can't believe how many people missed the intentional tone of vibe of the that EP3 flashback. As a video editor I noticed what they're doing immediately and I think they did it great. The whole segment was shot, as Danny said in last episode.. as telenovela. It was intentionally shot like little cringy theatre play.. how did people miss this?? Making whole thing French, a superficial retelling and simple badly written lines, actors totally overacting on purpose, Armand and Lestat ridiculous "passionate plotline" and romance that moved at the speed of light.. silly little music in the background. Even tho it has some basic elements of truth sprinkled in there, all of this was done so that the whole clips feels a bit bizarre and is suppose to have a feeling of a farce and very skewed retelling, and it's on purpose, even editing choices made sure of it.
It didn't have the wight of real scenes and acting and editing because it wasn't meant to be presented like that. It's not real version of events, it's not what the story was like, what Lestat was like, it's not what Armand was like even, it's just silly lill bit he told to Danny. The whole thing was bordering on comedy and people are taking it so seriously lol.
The funniest part to me is how it ends on his face.. literally lost in his own little personal fantasy moment..
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And Danny's face in contrast... totally me lol! 🤨
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Armand is just simply so full of shit there and the show couldn't spell it out more clearly. I also see people worry about how good their French was... I'm not French so obviously I can't tell, but I did love hearing them speak it if only for little while. but again, perfect French is NOT the point. Actors would never be able to play the whole show in French and have perfect pronunciation and be half as convincing and give as good of a performance as they could in native english. It would be ridiculous, so I'm sure they will not do this for S3 when we will be watching "real" Lestat's origin story and real serious acting.. the point of French in this scene to make it feel more removed, more like a little skit, which fit perfectly. If you take it for what it is, it very actually very funny and entertaining and wonderfully done. 🤣
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armands-eyefuckery · 13 days
I'm loving Season Two, even more than Season One. I think a lot of it comes from seeing these vampires, these superior creatures of the night, falling into the most human of habits. And I find it entertaining as hell.
Oh, this one can fly? Great! This one can stop time with his mind? Fab! Each one can slaughter an inferior human before said human can blink? Hallelujah!
That doesn't stop them ALL from being a bunch of petty, back-stabbing little liars. The King and Queen of Untruth are sitting on a couch, ex-boyfriend bashing in the most eloquent, but transparent way possible. Lestat isn't there to defend himself, or give his side of the story (which would be a real peach, as well, I'm sure). Armand is parading his campaign of misinformation to everyone to cover his own ass. Louis is (mostly) lying to himself by way of both manipulation and self-preservation. And even Daniel - beloved, half-ish-normal Daniel - is caught up in fabrications he isn't yet aware of (thanks, Armand).
Liars, all of them.
And all it's going to take is one pulled thread, one unstable Jenga piece to tear it all apart.
I'm so here for it. 🩷
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armands-eyefuckery · 13 days
for all of y'all arguing over "who's POV is the right one"....
like, I love fan analysis and discussions, meta posts, all of that great stuff that is essential because it shows us fans are here and we're invested in the it!
but fighting like we're in the trenches of 2010s shipwars??
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isn't a key aspect of the damned chronicles that the perspective from which a story is told alters the narrative??
"memory is a / the monster"
nobody's version of events is 'correct' or the 'true' story
^^THAT^^ is where the beauty of the books / show lies; in the very nature of the unreliable narrators who recount their versions of events to us, their audience
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armands-eyefuckery · 14 days
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50K notes · View notes
armands-eyefuckery · 14 days
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Edit Note: I'm really amazed by how much love this post got. Guess it just shows we're all in the same boat. I do have other humorous writing memes on this tumblr under the same tag, if you're interested. Never give up writing! ❤️
Edit Note 2: I can't believe this has reached 10000+ notes. Been on tumblr for almost ten years (different account) and nothing like this has ever happened before. Thank you! 😊
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armands-eyefuckery · 14 days
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armands-eyefuckery · 14 days
Anyone else really attached to Old Maniel? Like I honestly will be upset if they pull a body swap storyline with him. I need to see him with his violet vampire eyes like it's air. ( also with Armand ) Always have liked Daniel in the books and movie but this version of Daniel has my whole heart. 💜
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armands-eyefuckery · 14 days
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the grasp of Armand's influence and manipulation reaching not only Louis but Daniel as well this season.. as always.. top class visual representation with those wall vines 🤩
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armands-eyefuckery · 18 days
You ever realize that someone you don't like, someone that annoys you, is probably pretty similar to you?
Like, they talk or write like you do, and it's quite annoying to you. That's... Bothersome.
Because what does it mean about you and how you talk/write? Are you this annoying to other people? Or do you just not like yourself? Or even only when it's not coming from yourself, like it's a jealousy thing?
I dunno.
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armands-eyefuckery · 18 days
they should make a headphones that is comfortable to wear while lying on your side
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armands-eyefuckery · 19 days
Here's to the people who can't get the words on the page. The people who are too tired after all life throws at them to write. The people who are blocked. The people who are burnt out. The people who can't write because of physical or mental illnesses. The people who don't know why they can't write. And the people struggling with all those other things that get in the way of writing and make it seem or be impossible.
You're still a writer, you're still an artist. And you matter. This world is better since you're in it. Thank you for wanting to write, even if you can't right now. I hope you and your words find each other soon.
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armands-eyefuckery · 19 days
Get weirder. Get hornier. Get kinkier. Get more bisexual. Get more autistic. Get more nonbinary.
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armands-eyefuckery · 19 days
might fuck around and walk into a thick fog and never return idk
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armands-eyefuckery · 20 days
i think the biggest reason why some book devil's minion readers don't like tv devil's minion is because y'all just don't like old ppl. you just don't like the fact they aged daniel. i'm sorry you're so blinded by your ageism that you can't see past it to find how ingenious it is that they made daniel older. what a bunch of cowards.
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