artisgonnabeok · 13 days
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Enigma Nigma.
As always, more details/other versions underneath the cut:
Eyes: heterocromia specifically a reference to in the early days of his creation Riddlers eye color was blue and then it changed to green. Of course I made her iris's question marks but also the third eye highlight is also a question mark.
Skin:in the other version of the drawing she actually has a scar that you would get from a blunt object, this is a reference to her death in her second major appearance, also based her skin color off of Riddlers skin in the Arkham Games (her skin is typically more red or yellowish)
Also dramatic makeup as a nod to her mask, lip color is from her Tiny Titans appearance.
Hair: the top is from her Arkham Academy as well as her second major comic book appearance, the haircut itself is also from her Arkham Academy appearance but I decided to change it up a bit, her sides are based on how Riddlers hair is sometimes brown almost black also she has a question mark cowlick.
Body type: based it off of the fact that this chick has legs for days but also wanted to give her the brod shoulders she had in Arkham Academy.
Jewelry: the earrings are a nod to her original outfit while the bracelets are a reference to two Arkham Academy characters El'Sombero Jr aka Death Trap (the top bracelet is based off of him) and Lil'Kitten (the bottom bracelet) I used their main colors for the colors of the bracelet.
Phone: The color is a nod to the color of her question mark cane also the skull is a reference to a Arkham Academy character (The Noise specifically her shirt decal)
Boots: The heel part has her question marks (her question mark staff is jagged)
The laces are purple because of her design, but also, lace code (I know, Lace code is dead) would mean that she is queer (more of my own head cannon)
Gave her boots to make her legs look even longer
The socks also have question marks on them and is a reference to the riddler socks you can buy.
Fishnets: that is a reference to Echo and Query who are often shown wearing fishnets.
Jacket: a reference to Riddlers jacket/unbuttoned shirt in the Arkham games...it also has question marks. That's also why it's baggy as well and to show off brod shoulders.
Shirt: has tiny questions marks and is a reference to her Titans appearance/debut. It has a sweater like design which is a reference to her father.
Choker: a reference to her costume that goes to her neck/close to her neck.
Belt: Reference to her dad's which is why it also has a gold question mark on it,
Shorts:based off of her costume that has stripes while the color is based off of her shoe color from Tiny Titans/Titans.
All around, I wanted to give reference to her designs/attitudes as well as a reference to Riddler while still making it her own.
Her without glasses:
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Colors and references I used for Enigma:
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Her other version:
TW: Blunt scar, it's not too bad:
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artisgonnabeok · 15 days
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Stefán Karl & Hreimur Heimisson - Sigurjón Digri
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artisgonnabeok · 16 days
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This boy just can’t stop playing with his food
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artisgonnabeok · 16 days
real photo of me at college showing Ever After High to people
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it was an attempt at indoctrination (failed)
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artisgonnabeok · 20 days
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250 posts!
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artisgonnabeok · 20 days
Fact #15:
Lizzie Hearts mother gave her cards before she escaped Wonderland on how to become a better queen.
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I'm still sick
Source: The books.
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artisgonnabeok · 28 days
Hi there, I actually have Bipolar (Bipolar 1 to be exact) and I am also studying to become a psychologist and that isn't really Bipolar, at best his actions would be similar to a mix episode but those go away after a bit while for him, that's just the way he is.
Bipolar would be if he's hyper for weeks/months and then becomes depressed and unmotivated.
I would say ADHD though.
Guys, is it just me or does Caine seem kind of bipolar? I don't know much about it I looked it up on the internet but how he switches to Goofy silly to kind of dark a troubling then back to silly just seems like he is.
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Also enjoy this random picture
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artisgonnabeok · 1 month
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Please click for higher quality!
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artisgonnabeok · 2 months
Fact #13:
Sparrow Hood most definitely has a pet weasel!
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Source: The Episodes.
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artisgonnabeok · 2 months
When today's fact is gonna be unpopular, but it's also a fact that I really enjoy because I think it's cute and it includes my favorite student:
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artisgonnabeok · 2 months
People: treating me as though I am more than just the messenger for these facts/acting as though I'm the creator of the plot-holes in EAH.
Me, a tired university student who is running off of coffee, fast food, and a love for sharing knowledge:
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artisgonnabeok · 2 months
Fact #7:
The Mad Hatter married Red Riding Hood and Professor Badwolf.
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Source: The Books
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artisgonnabeok · 2 months
The White Knight from "Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There" is a professor at Ever After High and teaches Hero Training.
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It is not clear that he is from The Looking Glass until you notice that his suit of armor has chess pieace decals all over, including a horse in the middle, which is the symbol for the knight in the game of chess.
Also, he is described as having a white beard in the books, which would make sense because in "Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There," here is how he looks
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Should note in the Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There book he wins the fight that he was in however they were using wonderland rules of fighting which goes as follows:
"one Rule seems to be, that if one Knight hits the other, he knocks him off his horse, and if he misses, he tumbles off himself—and another Rule seems to be that they hold their clubs with their arms, as if they were Punch and Judy—What a noise they make when they tumble! Just like a whole set of fire-irons falling into the fender! And how quiet the horses are! They let them get on and off them just as if they were tables!’
Source: The episodes/books
Another Rule of Battle, that Alice had not noticed, seemed to be that they always fell on their heads, and the battle ended with their both falling off in this way, side by side: when they got up again, they shook hands, and then the Red Knight mounted and galloped off."
Also, in the Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There book the White Knight is one of the only ones to show Alice kindness as well as compassion. He answers her questions and makes jokes. He's also an inventor who's not that good at inventing. He's a Knight who can't seem to stay on his horse either.
Source: Episodes/Book
Outside Source: Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There
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artisgonnabeok · 2 months
The son of The Nutcracker from "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" actually attends Ever After High, and his name is Nathan Nutcracker, but some call him Nate. From what we can gather from the books, he is a humanoid Nutcracker and is too short to bungee jump.
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Source:The books
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artisgonnabeok · 2 months
Peggy Darts (redesign of my redesign of her)
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For Peggy, I wanted to use a lot of pinks as well as give her make-up that's pink. Even her earrings and arrows are rose gold.
Decided to add in scars due to the fact that unlike Sportacus she actually attends riots as well as the fact that what she fights for is more serious in a way that in the book it mentions how she was fighting for a women's right to drive (in countries they can't) well for that she could have easily been killed by officials. I wanted to show that through her scars as well as her bandages.
Also, on the topic of her bandages, both those and her bat and her belt, as well as her combat boots, are all references to rioting. Speaking of her bat, it saids "Kindness." this is a reference to the quote, "Kill them with Kindness."
I wanted to make her eyes green which is both a reference to Edward as well as a reference to Poison Ivy from DC comics who was one of the first female villains Batman fought and is extremely against pollution.
I wanted to give her running shorts as well as a sports bra, so I added those things. I wanted to also give reference to her stripes she has in her original design, so I move them to her crop top as well as adding the lines to her shorts. Also, her socks are a reference to the purple in her outfit (as well as the stripes)
Background: the wooden plank actually saids the book she appears in as well as the number "14" being the chapter she first appears in.
Each building represents a social-class with each color representing her and her friends.
The blue is of course a reference to Sportacus but the house is to represent Middle class. It's the shortest to represent how the middle class is shrinking and it's sad because it's doomed.
The green is a reference to Edward but it also represents Upper-class it's mad because well... It's the rich.
The purple/pink house is a reference to Peggy but also represents the lower class who are miserable so that's why the house looks miserable.
The road is a reference to Sportacus colors in the second play/third book
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artisgonnabeok · 3 months
At one point after Cupid returns home due to finishing her assignment in Ever After
Blondie, leaning against the window: We really have to stop meeting like this~
Cupid: Maybe we would, if you stopped breaKING INTO MY CHAMBERS!
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artisgonnabeok · 3 months
Hey guys remember that Tiny/Jillian/Nina fankid I was talking about?
Well :3
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