artsymissblog · 2 years
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by JensensPhotoGraphy
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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modular mycosynthesis 
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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People always correct me when I say fishes even though I’m right
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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artsymissblog · 2 years
What animal looks like it would screm the loudest
the bare-throated bellbird is so loud that it can cause permanent damage to human hearing at close range!
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and they absolutely look like it.
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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hey guys this gyroid…hehe….this gyroid kinda looks like a…hhehe
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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paper crane polishing effect ✿ by gen_vii on twt
submitted by @queenqueso
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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the threat has been contained
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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I don't need it
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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artsymissblog · 2 years
Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of eight seasonal festivals that mark the midway point between the seasons. Referred to as Sabbat’s, these seasonal celebrations represent the continuing cycle of life, death and rebirth, which can be observed in nature. 
Samhain 🖤
Northern Hemisphere: 31st of October Southern Hemisphere: 30th of April
The third and final fall harvest. This is the witches’ New Year when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. Samhain is the time of year for remembering and honouring our loved ones who have passed.
Yule 💙
Northern Hemisphere: 21st of December Southern Hemisphere: 21st of June
Yule is the celebration of the sun and the renewal of the light. It marks the time of year when the sun begins to climb higher in the sky, pushing away the cold darkness of winter.
Imbolc 💚
Northern Hemisphere: 2nd of February Southern Hemisphere: 1st of August
Imbolc celebrates the seasonal changes where the first signs of spring and the return of the sun are noted. This is the festival of light and fertility as the earth begins to warm up.
Ostara 💕
Northern Hemisphere: 20th of March Southern Hemisphere: 21st of September
The Spring Equinox marks the time of year when day and night are once again in perfect equilibrium. This major Sabbat is a celebration of the renewal and rebirth of life, as the sun begins to shines longer in the sky each day.
Beltane 💜
Northern Hemisphere: 1st of May Southern Hemisphere: 31st of October
Beltane is the celebration of fertility and love. Known as the fire festival, it represents the peak of spring and the beginning of summer.
Litha 💛
Northern Hemisphere: 21st of June Southern Hemisphere: 21st of December
Litha is the celebration of the summer solstice where we have reached the longest day and shortest night of the year. This is the peak of the year where the sun is at the height of its life-giving power.
Lughnasadh 🤍
Northern Hemisphere: 1st of August Southern Hemisphere: 2nd of February
Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, is the first of the three fall harvest festivals celebrating the grains & cereal crops of the first harvesting cycle. It is a time for us to gather with our loved ones and give thanks to the abundance of life around us.
Mabon ❤️
Northern Hemisphere: 23rd of September Southern Hemisphere: 21st of March
Mabon is the Autumn Equinox in which the night and day have reached a state of perfect equilibrium. It is the second harvest festival, in which we enjoy and give thanks to the abundance of fruit and vegetables available at this time of the year.
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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Kanto Pokemon Battles by LeapHere
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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Cumbl Confetti Cake Cookies - Funfetti Cookies
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artsymissblog · 2 years
When I enter a bookstore
My heart: 
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My Bank Account: 
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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Found on TikTok. Absolutely true
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artsymissblog · 2 years
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A few of my object headed characters~ whenever I run out of ideas I just pick a random object and proceed to force humanity upon it.
My art book is up for preorder~
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artsymissblog · 2 years
Different Types of Wood for Wands
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Alder - Support, foundation, magical beginnings, fire and water magic 
Apple - An apple wand is used for love magic, for rituals designed to establish contact with the Otherworld, for initiation, and for fertility rituals 
Ash - The ash is a great conductor of magical force, traditionally used for witches’ broomsticks, druids’ wands, and cunning men’s staffs; the use of the ash wand connects the magician to all three realms, and when using an ash wand he or she acts within all three 
Aspen - The aspen is used to invoke magical shields, for protection, and for healing 
Bay - The bay tree is associated with the sun god and his powers of protection, healing, and divination; a bay wand may be used in all these rituals 
Beech - The beech tree is associated with written knowledge; use a beech wand for spells and rituals concerning such knowledge, and in the consecration of written talismans 
Birch - The birch is a tree of fertility, but is also a powerful magical force in rituals of purification and the banishment of negativity
Blackthorn - A blackthorn wand can be used for great good or great ill; it is a powerful magical protection, but also an instrument of cursing, used anciently to invoke the Wild Hunt to carry off the soul of an enemy 
Bramble - Healing 
Buckthorn - Healing Cypress-Rites for the dead, crossing the gates of the underworld 
Elder - Rites of the crone goddess, rites of Samhain and winter, fairy contact, healing, and summoning spirits 
Elm - Rites of the Goddess, feminine magic 
Hawthorn - Protection, invoking a psychic shield, fairy contact, the rite of Beltane, and Goddess magic 
Hazel - A good general-purpose wand, some say this is the most efficacious of all wands; a hazel wand is sometimes called the wishing rod 
Holly - Rites of male magic, warrior magic, protection from negative forces Ivy-Binding magic, protection from psychic attack Juniper-For warding off the evil eye, exorcism 
Linden - Feminine power and rites of the Goddess 
Maple - Handfastings, rituals of celebration 
Mistletoe - Rites of healing, luck, and good fortune 
Oak - Rites of protection, general-purpose magic, Midsummer, divination, fairy contact, Otherworld magic 
Pine - Gaining knowledge, fire magic, illumination 
Poplar - Divination 
Rowan - Protection, divination Service 
Tree - Protection, or as an all-purpose wand
Spindle Tree - Spinning and weaving magic, creating magic, Goddess magic 
Whitebeam - Earth magic 
Willow - Bardic magic, healing, Goddess magic, feminine magic, rebirth, purification 
Yew - Initiation, funeral rites
*Credit to original author - If anyone knows who it is please let me know 
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