ase0ny · 11 days
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palestine signs at seoul pride
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ase0ny · 12 days
The Lemkin Institute for Genocide has released a statement saying that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and the United States is complicit. The statement was released in the aftermath of the horrific attack on a refugee camp in Rafah
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In April, Lemkin also issued a genocide alert for the West Bank
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ase0ny · 16 days
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ase0ny · 22 days
csm characters but whether or not I could take them in a fight
(disclaimer: extremely exaggerated and unrealistic)
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ase0ny · 2 months
Chainsaw Man Spoilers
I like how the Angel devil is someone who’s meant to parallel so many different characters in csm, he is a representation of both duality and a lot of the major themes throughout csm despite being a side character
Starting off with Reze, who personally I think is the most obvious parallel as they’re both the two main focuses of the bomb girl arc, Angel are Reze both represent the ‘country mouse’ mindset in which they would rather live a life of comfortability and “simple pleasures” in exchange for not getting to experience every luxury the world has to offer. Those two specifically choose the country mouse because of their dislike of the city. Reze is bound to the Soviet Union and is forced to risk her life in order to carry out her missions, while Angel is forced to live a life in public safety with no actual freedom. Reze offering to run away with Denji to away from public safety is later paralleled in chapter 74 when Angel tells Aki he should “run away to the other side of the world”. Angel and Reze represent the desire for freedom and (in my opinion) love, as the actions they take near the end of the arc revolve around who they wish to be with or protect. Reze goes back to the cafe to find Denji, while Angel kills her to protect Aki from having to kill a women. It’s the only time they interact despite being so similar, Angel is forced to choose his own desire to protect someone he cares about over Reze’s freedom with Denji.
Denji and Angel also have a lot of similarities which I believe mainly lie in 1) food and 2) ignorance. Denji is someone who’s been starved his whole life, food is both important and scarce to him, in comparison to Angel who shown to always be eating something like ice cream, or even other devils. I’ve seen many interpretations of food in csm being a representation of basic happiness as well as love. Whenever Denji eats, it’s clear he honors what he’s eating no matter what it is (ie. him always eating power’s vegetables so they won’t go to waste), and him eating Makima at the end of part one is said to be an act of love—he honored her even while destroying her. Angel, despite eating so much, doesn’t seem to have much thought on what he consumes. It’s clear he likes the food he eats considering he makes a comment about how a dead devil looked like it’d taste good while on patrol with Aki, or the copious amounts of ice cream he’s always holding, but he doesn’t care about it as much as Denji. In his first appearance, he only takes one bite out of the zombie before carelessly throwing it off to the side, and if we use the idea that food represents bliss and love, it could be said that Angel eats so much because he’s trying to find to chase a feeling of comfort through food. He doesn’t care about food in the long run, but he still eats because of the idea that it might give him a small dose of contentment or pleasure. If we look at the topic of ignorance, Denji has to ultimately choose between ignorance or awareness, while Angel is forced into a life of ignorance through his memories getting erased. I believe that Angel, similar to Quanxi, represents a possible future for Denji if he chose to be Makima’s dog; he’d forget what made him feel human and content and only be seen as a devil to be used by public safety.
I’m not going to say much about Aki because it’d take forever and a day to go over the whole situation between them, but basically him and Angel parallel each other as people who seek comfort within each other after spending a lifetime of pushing others away for the sake of their motives (Angel basically not wanting to hurt anyone with his powers and Aki neglecting those who care about him to chase after the gun devil).
Himeno and Angel, to me, are two sides of the same coin. Himeno copes with the devil hunter lifestyle through alcohol, cigarettes, and sex; short pleasures that only get her by for a little while and don’t actually help her adjust to the life she’s living. Angel does something similar with food, but he also copes with isolation because a large part of his issues lie in the fact that he believes he is fundamentally evil. The parallels continue with the way they care for Aki, both of them wanting him to run away from public safety. This goes further with how they don’t believe they are worth saving, and that he has a better chance of getting out than them.
Makima and Angel have a dynamic that more so lies in the religious imagery used in csm. Makima is god, while Angel is Lucifer. Angel would probably be considered Makima’s “favorite” devil, mostly because of his unique powers, which is similar to how God favored Lucifer for his beauty and overall loyalty to him. Angel, just like Lucifer, strays away from the control of his superior. Lucifer ended up in hell after trying to overthrow god, while Angel ends up back in hell after trying to kill Makima.
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ase0ny · 3 months
Csm characters as Laufey songs (I love Laufey)
I’m providing explanations because I think some of the songs would have to be interpreted slightly differently to fit but this was just for fun.
Denji: Just like Chet
just like Laufey and just like Chet, Denji also falls in love too easily and is too willing to listen to women who don’t have his best interest in mind, even though in part two it’s shown how he doesn’t like this pattern of behavior he has.
Power: Best Friend
I think Power’s friendship with Denji is definitely the most important part about her character and role in the story, and even through her lies and rough personality she loves him and how much he means to her. The girl Laufey is singing about in Best Friend is her twin sister, which sort of fits with how Power and Denji have that sibling dynamic.
Aki: Above the Chinese Restaurant
Similar to how friendship is important to Power, family and having a home with Denji and Power is extremely important to Aki. Even though his life was kind of shitty he still grew to appreciate and love Denji and Power and the apartment they had together. I think this song could also work with Denji since it emphasizes missing that home you had with someone, but it also fits Aki really well with how much the found family dynamic grew on him by the end of part one.
Makima: Magnolia
there’s not much of an explanation to be had; the way magnolia is described in the song is quite literally how the other characters view Makima
Reze: Second Best
Reze was very much considered the second choice compared to Makima in the bomb girl arc, even though Denji really did love her. She specifically asks if the reason he won’t run away with her is because he also likes someone else, which can show how she probably felt like she was second best to Makima the whole time.
Angel: Fragile
I think this song’s chorus works with chapter 50 specifically but it also works if we look at how he’s “fragile” when it comes to getting close or emotionally intimate with others (as in he avoids it so he won’t hurt others). Throughout part one he slowly becomes more close with Aki and is able to be more emotionally vulnerable, showing how Aki has sort of shattered his fragility through the care he’s shown for him.
Himeno: Haunted
Haunted fits her in the way that the deaths of her past partners and her own unhealthy coping mechanisms still follow her. Also with her unrequited crush on Aki it could also fit with how he “haunts” her by not loving her the way she loves him.
Asa: Falling Behind
Even with Asa’s insecurities it’s clear she’s lonely and longs for companionship, though she thinks she’ll never be able to have that. She feels like she’s failing at maintaining relationships with other people, and with the scene in the earlier chapters of part two where she was seeing other people in her school interacting with each other, it’s clear she’s jealous of the bonds they have that she thinks she’ll never achieve.
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ase0ny · 4 months
its overlooked that asa knowing about harukas fake pullcord leaves the opportunity for an asaden moment where she sees him shirtless for the first time (in a fight? during something intimate? either way) and goes “you got that surgery too??? god chainsaw fanboys are so CRINGE”
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ase0ny · 5 months
ngl it kind of annoys me when I see people talking about the Angel devil and then there’s people that are like “he was barely there/he showed up like one time” because it proves how some people in the csm fandom didn’t actually read the manga and just skimmed it 💀
my guy was there for three arcs (four if you count the end of the katana man arc) and is literally one of the most important side characters in the story. Him and Reze are THE characters of the bomb girl arc there’s no way he’s supposed to be a minor/background character in the story. Idk I might just be over-dramatic though since ik it’s silly to get annoyed by characters and stuff
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ase0ny · 5 months
[Chainsaw Man spoilers]
I think once I saw someone claim that csm was “unshippable” (in the sense that romance had no place in that kind of setting if that makes sense) and it made me think about how absolutely fucking ridiculous that is.
love is literally one of the core themes of chainsaw man, the story shows so many different kinds of relationships and ways to love people it’s impossible to miss it. Denji eating Makima is specifically stated as being an act of love, Denji himself is a character that craves connection and love even if it just comes off as him being a horny teenager. Reze wanted to run away with Denji, she tried to run back to the cafe because she wanted to be with him. Makima wanted to have a family and to be loved more than anything in the world, she cried during a movie where two people hugged. Quanxi specifically took the assignment to assassinate Denji because she loved her girlfriends and wanted them to have rights and an education. Aki hated devils more than anything yet found himself caring for them so much he chose to give up on killing the gun devil. Behind his more sadistic and apathetic persona, Angel adores humans; he was in an environment where he was loved and cared for by humans, he fell in love with one and then fell for another.
To say that romance or just love in general (since csm does not exclusively focus on healthy relationships or romantic relationships) cannot exist in a world like Chainsaw man’s is to deny the story itself. And I’ve seen people say the same about JJK, that the characters “wouldn’t have time for romance”. Just because a setting in a story is crazy or high-stakes doesn’t mean people aren’t going to love each other it’s human nature. Yes it’s fiction and not everyone enjoys shipping which is fine, obviously, but the logic behind saying that characters “don’t have time for love” because of the setting or events in a story is just so odd to me.
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ase0ny · 6 months
when I say I like feminine male characters I don’t mean it in the “uwu soft boy 🥺” kind of way I mean it in the cool, badass, queer-coded kind of way
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ase0ny · 7 months
I think we should use the word fem-androgynous more because it’s probably the best descriptor of my gender that doesn’t feel too too specific yet still describes me if that makes sense
like there’s one wiki page that has it as a label but the page apparently isn’t official or whatever but honestly I think it’s a nice word
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ase0ny · 7 months
me except I’ve gone as far as to write cringey, short little fanfic prompts about it in my google docs 💀
I know fantasizing about yourself being in media you enjoy isnt that rare but i dont know how many people take it to the level i do. I give myself highly detailed back stories that link into the lore and small details about "my charecter design" and even think of "fans" reactions and thoughts. All in public settings looking like 😐
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ase0ny · 7 months
idk why my brain put this question in my head but do you ever wonder if in like; devil history when pochita was the most powerful devil in hell and was this really renowned and feared concept, he ever took other devils as lovers? Like with the bat devil and the slug devil they were dating and stuff so do you think pochita would have ever been with another devil in hell?
like imagine if the whole beef between him and the war devil was over a nasty breakup, or the reason why he put that one image of the angel devil in Denji’s head was because he’s been down bad for different angel incarnations in the past or something. What if he’s got seven evil devil exes that Asa has to fight in order to have Denji’s “heart” (that slimy-looking pochita heart thing)
it’s a such a dumb concept yet it sounds really interesting to me
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ase0ny · 7 months
my favorite csm headcanon that I came up with was that with the more the Angel devil is feared (and therefore more powerful) the more beautiful he appears to humans. I’ve seen some people say that it’s be cool if he got more abstract and “biblically accurate” the more powerful he becomes which I also think is really cool but I was thinking about how in chainsaw man some of the characters are meant to be parallels to characters in the Bible (Makima being god, Angel being Lucifer, I think denjis supposed to be Jesus? Idk) and since angel is meant to be csm’s version of Lucifer, I think it makes sense as to why Angel is commonly described as this beautiful devil because in biblical lore Lucifer was depicted as being the most beautiful of all god’s angels. One of the reasons Lucifer was feared was because he was so beautiful he could easily trick people into committing sin, so if we consider how angel is supposed to parallel lucifer, it would be cool if Angel only got more beautiful the more he was feared because humans would be more scared of being tempted into sin by him
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ase0ny · 7 months
saying words that don’t make sense
gender is silly because at this point I’m just a pot of random melted words to describe my gender and naming the pot “nonbinary”
I love the word fem-androgynous. I don’t think it has any official meaning but it describes how I feel really well. I’m also a pretty pink flower and a renaissance painting, the skeleton in a middle school science classroom that the class named Henry or some shit
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ase0ny · 8 months
sometimes in fics on in csm fandom spaces I see people characterize Angel as being not lazy but like- “messy” or saying that he wouldn’t care about his appearance (that kind of stuff) and I got some stuff to say about that
that man could not stand having blood on his shoes, that’s what caused him to go out of his way to ask a human for help. He does care about he looks he does care about his own appearance, even if he’s considered lazy. The scene where he gets blood on his shoes shows this as being literally the first piece of characterization he gets
in all honestly I really don’t think Angel would be the kind of person that would willing be musty if he had a choice, if anything that might be a result of the “angel part” of him.
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ase0ny · 9 months
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