asexualfennekin · 30 days
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fuck killing a victorian child by making them listen to hyperpop all you gotta do is make a white tumblr user listen to rap
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asexualfennekin · 30 days
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orrrrr you could like. acknowledge that the way it's being talked about is racist
fuck killing a victorian child by making them listen to hyperpop all you gotta do is make a white tumblr user listen to rap
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asexualfennekin · 1 month
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fuck killing a victorian child by making them listen to hyperpop all you gotta do is make a white tumblr user listen to rap
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asexualfennekin · 1 month
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We finally did it, y’all! We’re married 💍
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asexualfennekin · 1 month
why were you on reddit
because I hate myself next question
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asexualfennekin · 1 month
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I need to be able to kill people through the screen
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asexualfennekin · 5 months
love this website where a large creator will be like "uhmmm excuse you I don't discuss Israel/Palestine or Zionism" and then you check the blogs of people they regularly reblog from and it is the most heinous dehumanization of Palestinians and Arabs
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asexualfennekin · 5 months
I was 15-18 during the peak of ace discourse. A minor for most of it.
I got rape threats from grown adults. I got sent gore, porn, death threats, child porn, graphic descriptions of how people were going to sexually assault and abuse me. The reason why I stopped really using this blog was because I was sent the address of my high school.
Again, for most of this, I was A Child. All because I, as a child, was trying to defend my own right to exist online.
I don't think younger/newer users fully grasp the shit show that ace discourse was around 2014-17
It was so hostile that, to this day, discussions that begin to derail just enough can make me physically nauseous, some specific mockery trigger crying sessions years later. We lost most accounts with any sort of ace positivity. There was no information, no support, and all this damage was done predominantly by other queer people.
All this to say that you, however you identify yourself, should be engaging with aphobic comments the same way you do any hate. We don't sugarcoat or try to be comprehensive with people who are blatantly racist, homophobic or terfs, so why give it a pass just because it's coming from a queer person? I see how this tolerance goes and it's done enough damage as it is.
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asexualfennekin · 6 months
....anyway if you think any form of calling for land back means the indigenous peoples are going to kill you, it's because you've been killing the indigenous peoples and you're afraid they will do to you what you have done to them. calling for a free Palestine is not saying all Jews should be killed shut the fuck uppppppp just like land back isn't saying we should kill every white American my god
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asexualfennekin · 6 months
You telling me over 200 countries voted for a ceasefire in Gaza and the US can just say lol no? petition to stab American politicians in the knees
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asexualfennekin · 6 months
bisan's live video on her 2nd acc is piercing my heart
she started off expressing (in arabic) how sick she is of the constant sharing, photographing, capturing, having to speak english and how she wants to speak in her native tongue instead.
she explained that the leaflets that were dropped again are ordering evacuation to rafah so they are forced into the sinai, and how impossible it is for over 2 million people to go to an area that's only 151 square km, so many have no choice but to stay in khan younis. they are trapped and have no international passports. rafah is the southernmost point of palestine after khan younis and she said - this part in english - "after rafah there is no more palestine. if we are forced into rafah there is no more palestine."
someone asked her if she has eaten and whether they have any food, her response was no, not at all; one loaf of bread has to be divided between everyone in her camp.
the video kept freezing because of how bad the internet service is in gaza right now so i lost bits and pieces, but at some point an older woman joined the live, a journalist outside of the country. it's unclear whether they knew each other previously, but a lot of warmth was exchanged. the woman got tears out of bisan when she told her "dont listen to people who tell you to be strong, i don't want you to be strong, i want you to be you. if you are sad i want to know, if you are happy i want to know." she explained that she tried entering rafah but the occupation refuses to let any foreign journalists in anymore.
after the woman left, bisan talked about her life before october. she said her life was beautiful and fruitful and any source of strife was solely on israeli hands; namely her inability to travel or pursue placements for her education outside of palestine. other than that she had nothing to complain about. if im able to watch the video after it ends, i will add any pieces i missed
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asexualfennekin · 6 months
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update from Motaz amid blackout - hundreds of white phosphorus bombs dropped on Khan Younis throughout the night. this may be the most terrifying overnight period yet in Gaza and there have been no updates on RNN for over 3 hours.
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asexualfennekin · 6 months
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asexualfennekin · 6 months
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asexualfennekin · 6 months
the reason colonisers slaughtered buffalo to near extinction in america is consistent for why israel is bombing, uprooting and burning the olive trees in palestine. over 100 years later and the tactics for control and genocide are the same. tell me again about how america has learnt from it's past and people need to stop talking about it as they fund and support israel by once again making the oppressed out to be ruthless and an evil that needs to be stomped out. "savages" has become "terrorists" because history will repeat itself right in front of our eyes and those people who claim to be disgusted by that history will stand by and watch it happen again with pride.
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asexualfennekin · 6 months
This was what we feared the most in the past few days when the so called truce would come so close to its expiration time at 7 am Gaza time
Every morning for the past few days everyone would hold their breath as the clock approached 7 am, only for the truce to be renewed 10 or 15 minutes before the deadline, and that's when people went back to stand in line for gas and food
Today, however, was the worst case scenario we all feared and the clock kept ticking towards 7 am - and no announcement was made that Gaza can have at least one extra night's sleep
We all heard Israeli scum officials say that they intend to go back in full force. 7:01 Israel's shelling starts hailing down and 6 people are already killed within the first hour.
Absolutely sickening and heartbreaking. Keep advocating for Palestine please, this is nowhere near over.
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asexualfennekin · 7 months
Holy shit I think I just cracked the code of why people think you can’t sell things on Tumblr 😭
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