yo im bringing back an old trend on this blog... oh boi
yikes this is super dead though try @askelementaryteacheralfred that blog handles this all now.))
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((FIXINg SHIT MY BRO. ACTUALLY. THIS BLOG??? BEING MOVED AND GONNA BE ACTIVE ONCE I GET THIS AU IN CHECK. BUT FOR NOW YA BOI IS MOVING TO @askelementaryteacheralfred! It won’t tag it but believe me it’s real!! It’s a new start and I’m dumping this. I’m just all anxiety. It’s been a year, babe. I need to go through a midlife crisis at 17.))
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-“his hand has leukemia”
-Gayened up
-CAH madness
-Twink to Twunk mun meter
-Maxy screaming
-Satan’s revival
Wanna know what the Heta Teachers Discord is like?
* Constant fighting
* “The Daddy Incident of 2017™”
* “Don’t make Roderich anxious this is v important”
* Roderich being constantly out of the loop
* Mr. Jones x Dad Bot OTP
* Dad Bot got kicked. :( (But secretly yay I hate dad bot)
* Weed in the vents
* Homophobic waiter is now a Janitor
* “Can we Tomato together?”
*”please end me” “I agree with Roderich.”
* *loud sobbing from bathroom*
* Why did I ever think joining this would be a good idea oml-
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My husband has arrived. Sorry guys. I’m married now.
Since Arthur is obviously liked by Oliver and vice versa, do you have a crush anyone, Mr. Jones?
Haha… gosh, it’s pretty embarrassing but yeah. Well if ya really wanna know
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((wHY DOES NO ONE SUPPORT THE LOVE OF DAD BOT!? jokes aside he doesn’t actually love dad bot, but!!!!! Is there someone else he’s interested in!? Probably but everyone really hates dad bot so he’s going to stick to that. Dad bot x Jones is going to destroy the school and his figurative family and it’s kinda totally hilarious.))
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Cardverse AU
Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, Clubs. Those are the four kingdoms that occupy the land of Cardverse. Will you live in the land where time passes in a snap of a finger? Perhaps the Diamond Kingdom is for you, where the wealthiest of the land lives. Will you test your luck in the Clubs kingdom? Or, will you try to find true love in the Hearts Kingdom? All of these adventures await you in the land of Cardverse!
Application Form
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*memetrain noot noot thomas* NOOT NOOT NOTT NOOT NOOT NOOT
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did you know that ⑨ = baka
((Nuh, thank you for enlightening me.))
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Im a genius (is actually a ‘ultimate baka’) 1+1= ⑨ !
((It’s 12:23 AM. I look down at my phone. It’s this. This is why I love you, kiddo. Good nonsense but a heckin’ mood.))
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((LOOOOOOOOOOOOK SHES BACK, AINT THAT WACK. I’m sorry for the use of wack in 2018 bUT LOOK AT HER.))
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Ms. Esmee just got back from a very long “vacation” back in her homeland, Belgium!
“Welp, nevermind. They’re still too young to even understand anything. Anyways, hello there! Care to give me some questions?”
Asks - Open!
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Mr. Jones? You seem a bit different. Is everything ok? (@ask-elementary-teacher-latvia)
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((Someone needs to call him out on his shit))
When you're done with the Yandere M!A, Alfred becomes the canon APH America(Aka America) for 10 asks!
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((After the yandere m!a? Hahahaha,, whoops legit just doing it to get it out of the way and bitch to Gil))
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When you're done with the Yandere M!A, Alfred becomes the canon APH America(Aka America) for 10 asks!
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((After the yandere m!a? Hahahaha,, whoops legit just doing it to get it out of the way and bitch to Gil))
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((Okay fuck you too for doing it anyways.))
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//blackmail? ~Ivan-Mun
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The Dad Bot Pamphlet
((Well Ivan is trying to “blackmail” me with the dumb shit I said so if I do it first he can’t. So under the cut is my weird messages about Dad bot and shit. So hAH. @askelementaryteacher-mrbraginsky come @ me. I did it. I have no shame in my love for dad bot. e is good and pure and these are embarrassing only because of the connotation of them but because of the feelings and acts but my love is good and pure. These conversations take place between our cardverse server and hetateachers server.))
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Hey can we get a list of the ask blogs Associated with this au please?
((Oh hell yeah. I needed to update The List!! Alright, this is everyone who’s still here as far as I know though there are some people who I don’t know if they’re still around or not- just two but either way! I’ll update it on my own page for the staff… sorry for the long post!!))
America|Alfred F. Jones
Austria|Roderich Edelstein
Belarus|Natalya Arlovskaya
2p!Canada|Matt Williams@
Canada|Matthew Williams
Nyo!Canada|Madeline Williams
2p!Denmark|Markell Anderson
England|Arthur Kirkland
Nyo!Finland|Tuli Väinämöinen
France|Francis Bonnefoy
Germania|Aldrich Beilschmidt
@ask-viceprincipal-mrbeilschmidt https://ask-viceprincipal-mrbeilschmidt.tumblr.com
Nyo!Iceland||Haven Steilsson
Latvia|Raivis Galante
Liechtenstein|Erika Vogel
Lithuania|Toris Laurinaitis
Prussia|Gilbert Beilschmidt
Nyo!Prussia|Julchenn Beilschmidt
Rome|Romulus Vargas
Russia|Ivan Braginsky
@askelementaryteacher-mrbraginsky https://askelementaryteacher-mrbraginsky.tumblr.com
Seychelles|Michelle Mancham
2p!South Italy|Flavio Vergas
@ask-fourthgrade-teacher-mrvergas https://ask-fourthgrade-teacher-mrvergas.tumblr.com
South Italy|Lovino Vargas
Spain|Antonio Carriedo
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((Son- You are too good to me. I am but a small trash bag in the wind. You do me too good.))
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@ask-elementaryteacher-mrjones I made ya a thingy ;0
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