ask-karlachbear · 2 months
Hi, I hate doing this stuff, but I guess I owe everyone an apology for disappearing. A lot has happened since I last tried to get back here and I feel like I'd do a disservice if I'd explain it here like it's nothing- since a lot of people got hurt, me included- and looking at this profile has been like being stabbed lately.. I tried sitting down to answer messages but my inbox is filled with hate I don't think I deserve, regardless of everything- cause the hate in question wasn't just harmless sentences or telling me to deactivate- but purposely targeted personal stuff that whoever wrote it knew what they were doing..
All of this to say that I will put this account on rest until I can figure out how to deal with this emotionally, I'm up for roleplaying on discord in case someone is still interested- though I highly doubt- and I will be "active" on main if anyone wants to talk or stay in contact, my dms are always open.
I don't want anyone to get any hate, reason why Im not saying names or talking about what happened specifically in respect to everyone involved, so please as always keep in mind to practice kindness towards everyone.
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ask-karlachbear · 3 months
Hi, I hate doing this stuff, but I guess I owe everyone an apology for disappearing. A lot has happened since I last tried to get back here and I feel like I'd do a disservice if I'd explain it here like it's nothing- since a lot of people got hurt, me included- and looking at this profile has been like being stabbed lately.. I tried sitting down to answer messages but my inbox is filled with hate I don't think I deserve, regardless of everything- cause the hate in question wasn't just harmless sentences or telling me to deactivate- but purposely targeted personal stuff that whoever wrote it knew what they were doing..
All of this to say that I will put this account on rest until I can figure out how to deal with this emotionally, I'm up for roleplaying on discord in case someone is still interested- though I highly doubt- and I will be "active" on main if anyone wants to talk or stay in contact, my dms are always open.
I don't want anyone to get any hate, reason why Im not saying names or talking about what happened specifically in respect to everyone involved, so please as always keep in mind to practice kindness towards everyone.
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ask-karlachbear · 3 months
Hi, I hate doing this stuff, but I guess I owe everyone an apology for disappearing. A lot has happened since I last tried to get back here and I feel like I'd do a disservice if I'd explain it here like it's nothing- since a lot of people got hurt, me included- and looking at this profile has been like being stabbed lately.. I tried sitting down to answer messages but my inbox is filled with hate I don't think I deserve, regardless of everything- cause the hate in question wasn't just harmless sentences or telling me to deactivate- but purposely targeted personal stuff that whoever wrote it knew what they were doing..
All of this to say that I will put this account on rest until I can figure out how to deal with this emotionally, I'm up for roleplaying on discord in case someone is still interested- though I highly doubt- and I will be "active" on main if anyone wants to talk or stay in contact, my dms are always open.
I don't want anyone to get any hate, reason why Im not saying names or talking about what happened specifically in respect to everyone involved, so please as always keep in mind to practice kindness towards everyone.
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ask-karlachbear · 3 months
Hi, I hate doing this stuff, but I guess I owe everyone an apology for disappearing. A lot has happened since I last tried to get back here and I feel like I'd do a disservice if I'd explain it here like it's nothing- since a lot of people got hurt, me included- and looking at this profile has been like being stabbed lately.. I tried sitting down to answer messages but my inbox is filled with hate I don't think I deserve, regardless of everything- cause the hate in question wasn't just harmless sentences or telling me to deactivate- but purposely targeted personal stuff that whoever wrote it knew what they were doing..
All of this to say that I will put this account on rest until I can figure out how to deal with this emotionally, I'm up for roleplaying on discord in case someone is still interested- though I highly doubt- and I will be "active" on main if anyone wants to talk or stay in contact, my dms are always open.
I don't want anyone to get any hate, reason why Im not saying names or talking about what happened specifically in respect to everyone involved, so please as always keep in mind to practice kindness towards everyone.
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ask-karlachbear · 4 months
Sooo, made a server.
18+ to join <3
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
rp prompt December 7th.
"Let's play a game" She looked at them thoughtful, before her face beamed in a smile. "I say one word, you tell me a random word back, I give you another word, and together we make a random story.. what do you think?"
"I start" She thinks for a moment. "Plain"
Taglist: @thewildrover @anderwelt @gweneal-ainsley
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
Now.. I'm not saying I'm open for this kind of stuff,,,
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i have a deep desire to be with karlach, before her engine is fixed. i want to burn ever so slightly. i wish she would've used the fireplay to her advantage
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
Karlach giggled at the butterflies around them. "Can you teach me how to do that?"
Rp starter: (December 4th)
Everyone was focused on their tasks, whether they were reading the books you had gathered in your past day of exploring, or whether they were cooking or messing around the campfire.
Karlach on the other hand, had asked Gale to conjure another Gale that could play some music, she was in a particularly happy mood as she danced and swayed through the camp, followed by the illusion Gale that was somehow producing a tune.
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
"No please, stay here with me" She smiled as she patted the spot next to her. "The city seems so silent at night.."
Rp prompt December 7th.
Everyone was getting ready for sleep as Karlach instead reached for the post to keep watch. She could see Rivington and the lower city from there, the lights of the city slowly snuffed as the only left awake were the insomniacs and the creatures of the night.
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
"Well I hope you won't spar with him, cause if that's what you want, you are gonna have an easy time" She laughed
Rp starter: (December 4th)
Everyone was focused on their tasks, whether they were reading the books you had gathered in your past day of exploring, or whether they were cooking or messing around the campfire.
Karlach on the other hand, had asked Gale to conjure another Gale that could play some music, she was in a particularly happy mood as she danced and swayed through the camp, followed by the illusion Gale that was somehow producing a tune.
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
OOC: Now that I'm back, should I open a taglist for the prompts? Would you join? Please let me know if you want to be added❣️
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
Rp prompt December 7th.
Everyone was getting ready for sleep as Karlach instead reached for the post to keep watch. She could see Rivington and the lower city from there, the lights of the city slowly snuffed as the only left awake were the insomniacs and the creatures of the night.
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
Pidgeon enters the camp, taking a seat next to Karlach. The young woman leans in with a serious expression as she makes a proposal.
"If you have free time right now, I'd love to hug you..."
Her voice drops to a soft, barely audible whisper, as if she doesn't want the world to know what she's about to say.
"...and maybe it could escalate to cuddling?"
- 🪶
"Of course, butterfly" Karlach opened her arms inviting her on her lap. "Come here, are you cold?" she asked tenderly.
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
"I just woke up in a good mood" She smiled as she held out her hand for them to take. "I gave him my secret stash of snacks" She whispered still grinning.
(don't worry ahah I've been off as well the past weeks but Im hopefully back<3 i hope u had a good thanksgiving as well<3)
Rp starter: (December 4th)
Everyone was focused on their tasks, whether they were reading the books you had gathered in your past day of exploring, or whether they were cooking or messing around the campfire.
Karlach on the other hand, had asked Gale to conjure another Gale that could play some music, she was in a particularly happy mood as she danced and swayed through the camp, followed by the illusion Gale that was somehow producing a tune.
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
OOC: idk whats wrong with people in the past weeks, but i will literally haunt your nightmares if u cant respect people on here. We are supposed to have fun not to insult people we dont know for stuff that's none of your business. Shadow's acc owner is a lovely person that doesn't deserve this shit, and if you are not able to participate in the fun, our fun, respectfully, then you are not welcome.
I'll also take the moment to say that I've been reading the anons ive been getting in the past week as well, and if you cant behave yourself- aka send unwarranted insults- I'll turn off the anon once and for all. I've been kind enough already, I took time off to unwind cause some shit i got affected me negatively, but I'm here to have fun not get random hate when I already contribute to my own enough.
This being said I'll get back at rping with the lovely people that have been kind to me and my friends.
Ooc: if you're going to send anon hate at least be creative. Calling me a slu.t or who.re because I'm poly and ship the camp isn't creative and I will send @ask-karlachbear to throw hands
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
She smiled as she kept waltzing around camp. "I didn't wanna bother you" She laughed as she held out her hand, as if she wanted to spin him around. She was mesmerized at the mist as she joined the little improvisation, adding little ad libs along her laughs!
Rp starter: (December 4th)
Everyone was focused on their tasks, whether they were reading the books you had gathered in your past day of exploring, or whether they were cooking or messing around the campfire.
Karlach on the other hand, had asked Gale to conjure another Gale that could play some music, she was in a particularly happy mood as she danced and swayed through the camp, followed by the illusion Gale that was somehow producing a tune.
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
Karlach smiled at the effort of the princess to not look so nervous, she was definitely a whole lot of work, but she had a feeling she was going to have fun dealing with this.
"I could tell from the way you were chased" She laughed softly. "And let me say, you are quite the runner. I'm impressed" She bent forward just a bit to fix the shoulder of her dress. "Though next time, let me help you so Gregor won't be so annoying" She winked at her as she rose back up.
"Would you like to read that book together?" She asked, that could be a good way to keep an eye on her without having to run, and plus it was about magical weapons, who could have helped her better than her on the topic of weapons??
It was a warm summer evening, the cool air gently blew through the bustling elven village and a half elf, Gregor walked with a certain red Tiefling up to the palace gates. His head held high as he passed the gate, the wind in his chocolate brown hair.
"I'm so glad you were able to come, Shadowheart looked a little green and I'd rather not take the chance of her ruining this meeting." Gregor said, flicking his blue eyes to the big double doors of the castle open when they got near. "It's just a general safety meeting for the princess but you might get to see the radiance that is Luthander's chosen." He added, his hand held high when talking about this princess, Gregor, once an acolyte for Luthander now clad in knight amour with the seal of the morninglord to defend the light and ensure the sun rose again, and he did the task well. Though the content of his character was always... Questionable.
With how Shadowheart spoke of him, one would think he was just a lovable buffoon, he, in fact was quite a hateable buffoon.
Within the castle walls, a princess with blonde hair and golden eyes snuck around the palace, holding her white and gold dress as she hurried through the halls. Trying to dodge her personal maid as best she could, so she could read the book she stole from her father's library.
"Princess Orirel!" The maid called as she sprinted through the halls before she stopped to take a breath, being outrun by the princess.
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