ask-lissandra · 6 years
Who the fuck is in charge of RIOT’s lore department and why do they hate it?
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ask-lissandra · 6 years
Lissandra, I played you before so much, so you're my third Favorite Champion.
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
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Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Masterlist, featuring YOU, the roleplay community!
With the size of the last promotion, it’s time for a new post to curate the list a little easier!
We’re an active roleplay masterlist promotion canon, OC, and non-champion characters in League of Legends! Please reblog/like this post and follow this blog to be added to the masterlist, as well as to see blog promotions from new and old faces in the community!
A note to original characters and non-champion characters: please have a reference pic to use for your spot on the ‘misc character’ page! It must be art you have permission to use. If you do not, a general picture from League itself will be used.
If you already have a place on the list, you can reblog this post to spread it around!
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
And then there's mine. Kek.
Isn't Lissandra blind? Isn't she technically always blindfolded?
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Now, listen here, you-
… you’re right. She is blind. However, as a result, her other senses are heightened, and she can perceive things through chills in the air, such as a cold wind or moisture. So, this meme is as if she has no access to any of that, except for her ears.
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
Where had you been witch? You took summer vacations?
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“Oh Tryndamere, dull as always, aren’t you?”
// she sorta doesn’t know that she can tan >W>
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
Lulu drapes a blanket over Lissansra, after all, she must be so cold!
Urge. To kill. Rising. 
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
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My Ask Box is open owo
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
Next time tho… show some god damn respect, when you come into my lane.
@sacrifices-were-made @ask-lissandra
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
Hi guys!
I’m in need of help ;-; I just moved to Texas and I’m broke. Due to the fact that I start Law School in the fall, (and my school does not allow me to hold a job while I am studying) no one around here is hiring me because they don’t want to train temporary employees.
Fun, right?
I come to you guys! I will be doing nightly commission streams in an attempt to make money for the summer! I have a lot of expenses coming up in the coming months, so I am hoping to get a lot of business from you guys!
Here are some samples of what I will do for the various projects!
Sketch Samples:
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Line Arts!
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And full color works (may take more than one stream depending on complexity)!
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If you would like to commission me, please either message me here on Tumblr, OR, if I’m live on Picarto (using the link at the top or the one below), please contact me there!
I hope to see you soon!
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
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My Ask Box is open owo
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
Ice legs, Conquest too, makes the witch go “EN-TOMB”
-Lissandra (via ask-lissandra)
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
What's your actual goal in the end? WHat do you expect from bury the world in ice? Or in short what do the watchers offer that makes you turn on your own family? ((I know you play her more in a funny way I hope you don't mind me with the serious question))
// Hope you got your permission slips anon, we’re going on a feels trip. 
“Allow me to tell you a tale, one that the history tome of the Freljord never would. It’s a tale about a girl, one of three legendary sisters of the Freljord, a girl who cared more about her sisters than herself, a girl who, despite always caring for and teaching them, always suffered for their foolishness.
You know who this girl is. So why don’t you see it through her eyes.”
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“My life was an oddity. In those times, I was expected to marry and have children and be a good little Freljordian housewife while my potential suitor went off to drink and fight. I and my sisters, however, refused such simple lifestyles, and resolved to be shield maidens and warriors. Quite honestly, I sometimes wonder what my life would have been had I chosen a simpler path.”
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“Serylda was a cunning warrior and savage fighter. She could crush glaciers with her fists alone and could cleave a troll with a single swing of her axe. I studied with a sword, with occasional delving into Freljordian frost magics. Avarosa, the ‘rebel’ of the three of us, elected to use the coward’s method of combat; archery. Freljordians loathe Archers in general. The usage of a bow as a main style of fighting is seen as weak and cowardly. They also make for stupid weapons when you have to fight the kinds of opponents you do in our frozen hell hole of a homeland. An arrow means nothing to a charging Ice drake…”
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“Avarosa, however, never took any advice to heart, and never stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe, someone knew more than her. When I’d heard she went into Ursine country to try to prove her skill with her toy, I immediately went out to save her. I loved my sister, I loved her enough to save her from her own stupidity. That was my first, and biggest mistake.” 
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“An Ursine’s claws are not forgiving. I have never experienced a more horrific and obscene pain in my entire multi-millennia of life than when I felt that beast’s claws sink into my face, rending my flesh and tearing the beauty of the colorful world from me for eternity. And, of course, Avarosa escaped unscathed.”
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“Freljordian shamans are fools. They know nothing of arcane arts. Had this woman known a damn thing, I could have seen again.” 
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“She never stopped tormenting me. Never left me to just be with myself. Her words meant nothing, her actions continued to be stupid and reckless. She never gave a damn about us, her people, the Freljord, Avarosa wanted what Avarosa wanted, and did as Avarosa wanted to do.” 
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“In the very darkest reaches of my mind, I felt them for the first time. They came to me, singing sweet words of beauty and power, of restoring my world and letting me start a new life, a better life.”
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“so of course I took up their offer. My sisters and I became their champions, their proclaimers and their loyal servants. I loved my lords, they treated us like Queens, gave us dignity and power and immortality. They gave us things beyond our wildest dreams, and all it ever cost us was our loyalty. We did not have war, we did not have starvation, we did not have fear. We were safe, secure, happy.”
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“And Avarosa, being the insufferable fool she was, could not just be content with not being the best, not being at the top. She created uprisings, war, she created death and riots and turned the people against our lords. Our lords, who had given us everything, who had kept every promise they gave to us. Like the spoiled brat Avarosa was, she demanded that she be given the powers she felt she deserved, powers that she would do nothing but abuse. She was refused, and so, she sacrificed countless numbers of our once happy brethren to our lords, only to treat it like a victory when she sent them into the abyss, howling screams of anger and betrayal and grief as they did so.”
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“There are no words to describe how much I disdain Avarosa. How much I felt myself die inside when I watched the last great Watcher fall. The creeping darkness that seeped into my very core. With no Watchers left, I felt my world disappear once more. For thousands of years, I have lived in darkness, my only reprieve is that ability I retained, to see my surroundings through vibrations in the ice… Do you know what it is like to not be able to look at yourself in a mirror? Do you have any clue what it is like to not be able to watch a sunset, or see the northern lights of the Freljord? I hate her.”
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“It does not have to be this way forever, however. The Watchers will return. They will rise from their frozen imprisonment stronger than ever before, and when they do, I will be waiting for them with open arms and devotion. I will have my sight back. I will see it all again.” 
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“Now that you know my story, now that you have seen the world through my eyes, there is a question i must ask you…” 
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
Lissandra needs love too, no? What do you think about ahegao NSFW in her?
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
Ever draw a Lissandra sushi roll?
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
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Hi everyone :D 
In celebration of me hitting 500 followers (and to fund the next doujin), I’m having a sale on my comics by me and @poppezinga :D
Smoke and Mercenaries and Support Mains Win Games are now on sale as a duo pack for just 7.50$! Half the usual price of the two combined! 
If you like seeing Leblanc and Leona get rammed, as well as doujin-limited artwork from artists such as @koikingkumiko @caco-bro @lewddoc @kidku0 @scorchingnova @anmatiel and more, then check out these comics!
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ask-lissandra · 7 years
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I heard there was a ''bunny' thing going on.
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