Geoff and Brody, what do you think your best prank was?
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Dude, that's like asking a parent to pick their favorite child.
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Mom said it's my sister. That's why we turned her hair green.
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Drama Brothers, how many fans do you have? Do you play any gigs when you're home for both magical and Muggle audiences?
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Well, Sierra comes to all our shows. No matter how hard we try to keep her out.
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We've never tried a Muggle audience before. My little cousin has a birthday coming up...
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Well, it took, what? Two, three years? But we finally have a teaser for the TDI revival/reboot/whatever! I look forward to Sorting y'all soon.
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I hope we're not the only ones to dress up again.
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Wait Amy, you're a pureblood? How do YOU know about Miraculous Ladybug? Sammy, I can understand, she hangs out with Shaun but you? What? *Chuckles* Is the snobby Slytherin pureblood actually interested in what us lame Muggles like? I have to say....I'm impressed.
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Um, wizards can like TV shows. It's not like the Stone Ages, when Muggles hoarded them all for themselves.
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Yeah, her knowledge of history is iffy. Still, by now we've established that Canadian wizards in Current Year know at least a little more about Muggle stuff than in the books.
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There are Miraculous Ladybug books? I only knew about the comics!
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How was everyone’s Valentine’s Day?
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We got this ask last year, so I don't know which Valentine's Day to answer for.
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Doesn't matter. You were sad and alone on both of them, weren't you?
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Why are we friends?
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Step brothers, what's it like sharing a room together back home? Do you have bunk beds?
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Aw, man, that would actually make up for having to live in his smelly room.
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You don't get to call my room smelly, Pit Stains!
And I call top bunk!
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So, Harold, what's your favorite thing about LeShawna?
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Does "everything" count as one thing? Probably not.
How about "personality?" 'Cause hers is great! She's tough, and smart, and sweet, and she's always eventually forgives me when I accidentally hex her. I'm pretty sure those count as four things, but I'm bad at making decisions.
Also, her butt. In fifth place, after the other stuff.
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Hey, my aunt had a baby girl recently and she's adorable! Her name is Sarah Kate!
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Omigosh, that's such a great name! It's like if Katie and I were the same person, just like we've always wanted!
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..."Kate Sarah" would have been a little better, though.
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Um. Why?
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It's alphabetical! And it just sounds nice.
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Anyone seen the Owl house?
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Lesbian elves, you say?
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Anyone watch Demon Slayer? Doesn’t Geoff remind anyone else of Rengoku?
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There's kind of a resemblance. But Rengoku is dedicated to protecting the weak.
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What, and I'm not?
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How many times have you helped Duncan play pranks on me?
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Okay, but you're not that weak.
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I am, and you've played pranks on me, too.
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Ah, come on, bruh!
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To the mun: So do you ship Ezekiel/Anne Marie? Personally, I do but I l’m a fan of odd ball friendships and relationships that on paper shouldn’t work but still somehow do. Right now, me and a friend of mine just thought up a scenario for how Duncan and Scarlett could become friends.
I'm not sure if I ship it, but I don't not ship it. It's a weird match-up, but those are fun if you can think of a way to make them work.
Hmm. Maybe I should actually try that instead of just using it as a gag. 🤔
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We know all the students miss Jude, but what about the teachers?
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He wasn't the worst student I've ever taught. Which is saying something.
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Jasmine, if you still remember what Shawn did to you to strain your relationship, in which of these ways would you punish him? First option is an hourlong tickle torture, second option is having him wear your clothes for a whole week and third option is not allowing him to visit your dormitory for a whole day.
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I'm not taking any fetishy suggestions, as for the third, he's never been in my dormitory.
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Actually, I've snuck into all them. Scoping out the best hiding places.
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Oh. Well, that's a bit creepy, isn't it?
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Tom and Jen should take some fashion advice from Sugar. She's won beauty pageants you know!
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I don't know how to respond to that, so I'm just gonna shudder.
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Good plan.
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Any fans of Doctor Who? Getting my friend into it and he loves the Daleks.
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Everything from classic Who is great. I'm not as into the new one, personally. Anyone remember the Kandy Man?
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I've never seen anything with Nick...ooti...Gat-wah(?) in it, but it's great that we're gonna have our first Doctor of Color!
Still no ginger, though. Never gonna get a ginger.
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Yo, does anyone like the colored Koopa kids from the game Mario Party 5?
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You mean the ones from the mini-games or the one you can play as?
Heh. One time I got into an online fight for three hours over whether he's better than Bowser Jr. It got pretty heated.
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Which side were you on?
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I don't remember.
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