ask-tay-relic · 2 months
How are you, the mod, doing currently?
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[[Sorry for the late message! I've been well! Been recovering from surgery for the last few months! I'm only now (As of the end of March!) allowed to do more physical activity so I'll be working full time soon enough! As, I've found out during this time while doing my taxes, I'm not 'on the poverty line' I am Actively In Poverty and that explains so much for why finances are so difficult and I'm so stressed all the time! So I'll be doing my best to be active in blog work but I can't promise that I will just due to adult obligations!
My personal time will be spent writing my novels though so I'll still have a creative outlet! Comic work and digital art takes more commitment (I do not draw fast we know this) so that may take a back seat! As soon as i'm financially stable I do want to come back to working on it though! But I can't promise that'll be anytime soon.
So you may find me at my Mun Blog @augment-duke for other non-mlp work, but it's much more likely I won't be online at all for awhile! So I will not be posting much or often I do apologize!
I hope you're all well and have safe and happy days!!]
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
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“Hello! It’s always nice to meet new people, I am Princess Aeterna Cinder, who may you be?”
She’d bowed.
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“Um… Cinder which pony are you talking to? There’s multiple. I apologize for my friend here but it’s nice to meet you all!”
She’d scratch the back of her mane sheepishly.
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Frae's initial excitement suddenly turns to pure anxiety and she quickly does her best to bow to the royal while the other two offer a similar greeting in turn while smiling at the young mare's spirited plight.
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"It is an honor to make your acquaintance Princess, and you as well." He offers the same polite greeting to Night Star with a smile.
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Unseen is Mourn, who somehow seems to have disappeared at the mere presence of the apparent royal.
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
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Molly Veska-Salvesen;; The other POV Character for my novel work [REDACTED] (Designed by my wife @hlkproductions who's character visual design never misses) Without gettin into too much, has a nanite AI supercomputer in the base of her skull called The Ivory Queen. Hunts Phages with her own biotic-flesh shifting to make weapons. She's been part of the BAEL team since the early days. Smart, honest, and loyal you can't ask for a better teammate.
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
"Hello! I hope you are well, Are there any particular types of parties that you plan? I would love to hear a story of the favourite you and your co-workers have hosted thus far, if you so wish." -- [Read also as hello! I enjoy your work and content and am enamoured with the concept! Also as someone who's colorblind I thank you for putting the text at the bottoms of your posts! It is very helpful! :D]
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Miss Pie: Well, we mostly plan things like soireès, Cuteciñeras, and dinner parties. Our clientele usually consists of Manehattan socialites, and I'll be the first to admit I find them a little boring. But the customer wants what they want I suppose.
Miss Pie: My favorite parties to plan are the Cuteciñeras, the fillies and colts are always so excited, although sometimes the parents talk over them... I try to include the child in the planning as much as possible, but parents can be quite the obstacle...
Candy Streamers: I think my favorite was this birthday party we threw when we first opened the business. The little guy had just turned 10 and couldn't wait to celebrate with all his friends! It was Power Ponies themed, and his mom "crashed the" the party dressed as the Mane-iac! So cute!
Miss Pie: Pfft! Do you remember when his father came in as her henchman, and immediately tripped over his hooves? All the kids couldn't stop laughing long enough to stop the "Mane-iac's" plot!
Candy Streamers: HaHa!
Miss Pie: HeeHee!
(Mod: I'm glad I made my blog accessible! I tend to prefer when there are subtitles at the bottom of a post so I just decided it would be best for myself! I'll try to remember to add them as often as possible! I'm so happy you enjoy my blog ❤)
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Solar and twilight: hey Tay Relic
Solar; how are you doing
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He blinks, the general openness of the question catching him off guard before he offers a tentative smile. "I am doing well, all things considered."
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Hey Morn, wanna hear a song? *plays Airborne Toxic Event's Innocent* what do you think?
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He listens to it. Quiet for a bit before nodding, his jaw set tight. "It..." Bright blues drift down for a moment, then back up to the other, the welcome face he couldn't blame. "It brings feelings. You have an accurate ear." Mourn's smile is dim, but genuine. "Thank you all the same."
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Have you been back to your home village yet in sixty years?
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For a few minutes he ignores the question as it swirls around unrepentantly. Pushing it away with an ignorant flick of an ear, or a turn of the head. Perhaps the young mare was right. His thoughts were more tangled than he'd assumed. His answer is quiet, as if the silence might steal it. "Only once. I tried to return just over a decade after I had left to see... that is... I received ill tidings. I wasn't allowed within the walls." A pause as dull eyes blink away the feelings. "Perhaps I could try again. I doubt many are left who remember me."
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Take this doodle from months ago for the unfinished Story Update (Couldn't work on the next 4 pages cause of Surgery)
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The context of what they're looking at is so fucking funny.
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
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"When I tell you that I was not prepared for the torrent of questions that flooded my thoughts, I mean it quite seriously. Questions upon Questions that I had stifled down into my subconscious came over me as a typhoon of words I'd long wished to neglect. Her attention to my caged mentality quickly broke down that dam... and she was correct to do so."
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The full Archive is posted here; The Leyline Athenaeum
(Updates Fri/Sat, [hopefully] Bi-Weekly)
[Sent Asks may be held for use in Comic/Cameo! Please keep in mind when sending questions! :D]
As stated above!! My inbox will now be fully open for using questions for drawn-comic content! And when within open locations [Green Stables for example] Those questions will be used as 'Cameos' with those characters being drawn! (As long as I can find references openly on your blogs!)
Also I apologize for the quality of the pages!! My computer is fighting me so very hard to get ANYTHING done!! :(
Commissions / Sale / Comic Coms available Here!
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Hello Everyone! Um a little about me is I’m something called a Mequine! We’re a race of magical clockwork creatures (although most of us are ponies) made to fight the threat of King Sombra. Unfortunately that didn’t quite work out…
Anyways feel free to ask away!
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Phone doodles may be on the table folks.
But don't expect any quality. In any capacity.
Surgery recovery can't stop me forever!!
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Heya Frae do you have a lullaby you remember?
Morn how about you?
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"My parents didn't sing much, but we had many record disks they would play for me. I can't really choose one."
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He pauses, thinking on it; then shakes his head. Whether that means he doesn't know or is withholding the answer is up for debate.
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?
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"Never. All things happen as they are supposed to and as they are written. Just as I cannot interject to change a narrative, I cannot bemoan what fate has for me."
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Frae is a unique name. Any relation to nordic mythology?
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She should be used to people by now, but it still filled her with such fear- Taking a deep breath she tried again, pulling her hooves closer to her as she sat with the flat of her tail wrapped around her posture in turn. "H-hello. I was... I'm not sure where my parents got the... the name... But I wasn't given 'Welk' until I was... older." The young mare shuffles a bit, eyes darting a bit - obviously wanting to add more, and it's only with the patience of the other she finishes the thought. "They hoped I'd be a... blooming seed.... But I'm much too withered. I suppose."
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Whats your favorite song from your childhood, Tay?
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The thought brings a solemn silence to his features as a faded remembrance begins to unravel from beneath the hoard of stories in his mind. A lullaby, hummed and shared in song. He doesn't answer aloud. This a memory for him alone.
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
What sorts of magic do you know? What sorts of magic do you want to know?
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A chuff of a laugh escapes him at the question, but he replies with a smile nonetheless. "Despite my alicornship, I'm not well versed in magic. Flight is my main area from birth as a pegasus after all. I am capable of basic levitation spells... and my innate talent to share a visual story." He pauses, adding and answering the latter in turn. "Aetherial Barriers are something my homeland is known for. I've not enough practice to make them proud. That's all I would wish to learn."
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ask-tay-relic · 5 months
Tell us the story of your alicorn ascension please!
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He pauses for a moment from his preening to let the thought wander in his mind for a bit, akin to allowing it to slide over his pallet as he picked apart the words. A small smile graces his features and he nods, motioning for the newcomers to settle in comfortably, sitting up from the bed as he cleared his throat; within rose hued magic from the rings of his horn came swirls of spirals, a mirror of thought and feeling - bringing the images to those who wished to hear.
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"Once upon a time, there lived a young pegasus within the Belus Mountains, high, high high atop the tallest peak sat his home. A beautiful place where the sun was warm, yet the winters long and hard. Magic kept them safe from the outside, and spoken verse taught them well."
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"This young stallion was the oldest child to countless others who had come to their village without homes. Always seeing the colour lost from the trials they knew, he began to tell them stories of his home, so they would love it as much as he and so they would feel it was their home too."
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"Soon enough his younger siblings had heard all of his stories, so he began to find more. First from the elders who only shared spoken verse, then from adults who had left their village brought unknown books; an obsession formed to memorize them, as If he'd not asked for such things, then no one else would know them."
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"Far too soon there were no more stories for him to learn within the safety of Mount Belus. So that young pegasus left the only home he would ever know. Breaking through that skybound barrier meant he'd not return until the renewal, a lifetime away. That was the choice he made, for the sake of his duty."
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"Decades passed in this solitude, and the mastery of his craft bloomed into an endless affirmation. Now and forever, he would serve as the Alicorn of Stories. The narrator of the lives of others, the collector of their struggles and victories; Tay Relic, he who holds the magic to bind fables to eternity."
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The magic fades and he hums in thought, as if to say something more, but decides against it - clicking his tongue as he offers a different wording.
"The world is full of... conviction, whole lifetimes that eventually fade to the unknown. I was given the duty to safeguard as many as I can, even those many wish forgotten."
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