Send "be honest" followed by a question and my muse will be forced to answer with 100% honesty
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“Hey other me. Look what I can do.” He made his floppy goblin like pointed ears flap. “Bet you’re jealous huh. I’ve got cute ass floppy ears.”
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“Neat, but no Cigar as they say, it would take a hell of a lot more than that to come close to getting me hot under the collar with the Green monster.” He answers, although he did offer the other him a smile. “Cute is a subjective adjective, but in this case I’m okay with agreeing that they’re cute.” He smirks.
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"Alright." He answers, it certainly hadn't escaped him throughout the years of practicing being human that women did prefer that sort of pastime, he himself was okay with it but was not exactly inclined toward it.
At her remark he frowns. "I like it, it has a nice lived in appearance." He says feigning hurt at her suggestion that he needed better decorations. He didn't say anything about the needing a new apartment part, he didn't see how getting a new place would help with decorating.
Janet sighed deeply as she pushed the mangled corpse in the ditch. She wanted to do more to the body, but her "code" wouldn't allow it. She stood up, clean off the dust off of herself and goes back to her car, picking up her prize, the victim's ID card. Luckily the guy had multiple ID cards so it wouldn't exactly be found or even mentioned. She always took the ID cards as a trophy, her father Harry Morgan always said most killers tend to steal something of their victim's to remind themselves of the act that they did. Janet smiled sadly as she started her car, taking off her gloves as she drove over to her apartment to clean up before heading over to her brother's place. @janetcarlettos
Dexter was in his kitchenette working on making a steak and vegetable dinner, something he was quite looking forward to as he settled down from work, all that blood was driving him through the roof with the unpleasant feeling it left in his mind. He wouldn’t be doing any Killing tonight, needing to do some research on the suspected man first but soon he would, the Dark Passenger hisses in anticipation. Harry was a wonderful Adoptive Father, although one might argue that “Wonderful” would have been a bit biased all things considered, he did teach him how to Kill and avoid the cops while doing so after all, but to him he was still the best, and not to mention only, Father figure he’d ever known.
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Dexter shakes his head, a soft chuckle, her pulling him in for a hug got a hug in return and he kissed her back. "So... if I don't shower than you won't cook dinner? Interesting concept." He teases. "Okay, okay I'm going." He adds heading into the shower, making sure it was hot but not too hot he then stepped in.
Rosemary was whistling a small tune as she had her victim strapped down in a chair, plastic bags all over the flooring beneath him to catch any blood spilt out of him. She looked at the scared pedophile and smiled as she grabbed her special dagger and walked over to him. “You know prison would've been so much better than this,” she said as she placed the dagger on the man's neck. But before she could make the cut, she heard a door opening and closing. “What the? Hang on don't make a sound,” she said as she walked out of the bedroom and hid by the stairs.
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Walking into the place, he hadn’t even really any clue what drew him to it, the Dark Passenger was just clicking his claws and hissing slightly but it seemed his thoughts weren’t going to be shared beyond that. Dexter figured that was probably as close to approval of this as he was going to get, which was disconcerting as usually the Passenger reveled in this sort of thing, the other thought he had which may explain the huffish behavior was another Monster had stalked his kill already, and that would also explain why he’d heard movement above, and the fact that the place did appear to have already been entered into.
Heading for the stairs he observed that what appeared to he his usual handiwork of plastic sheets were hanging on the wall the closer to the top he’d get. This was enough to make even him upset, and it certainly explained the Passenger being upset.
Unfortunately for the other, the man on the table, wide eyed and afraid, let out a muffled scream when he saw Dexter. Yep that was what happened, some other Monster had stalked his prey and gone to attempt to make the kill.
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Jason seemed to be quite happy with that thought, the eight year old just seeming to glow in pleasure at the suggestion that they could possibly get to see animals on their path through the forest. "Yeah!" He says with the first hint of returning childlike enthusiasm since the bullies incident. He was determined to have fun with Freddy.
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Camp wasn’t something he expected to be at, then again it shouldn’t be too odd given that it’d mean Mr. Underwood wouldn’t have to deal with taking care of him for a few months and that didn’t seem too off for him to want. He looked around the place, it didn’t seem too fancy but eh it looked like it’d be alright to be stuck here for a while. He wondered where the other kids were as he started to wander the camp grounds. Of course his other thought was what sort of activities this place has. He expected canoeing given that well it had a lake, hiking seemed likely too really. Being away from home might be not too bad. @ask-the-camp-of-chaos
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"Right, and you're just the punniest man I know." Came the reply before he noted the expression on Freddy's face. "What are you up to Krueger?" He asks Freddy, a huff acknowledged that he saw precisely what he had in mind, and was trying to be tolerant of the situation. "Oh come on." He grumbled as he thought about leaving Freddy just then to go fetch it. "You know, I gave you your hat back, you don't have to be a jerk about it." He says as he finally sighed and goes to fetch the prized weapon back, tugging it out of the tree with barely a grunt of effort and returning to Freddy.
-grabs Jason’s machete and runs-
April Fools Day joke (obviously not accepting anymore but making this one exception due to my being delayed in replying)
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Gaze casted downward for a split second at the sudden movement and the equally sudden disappearance of a prized weapon of his the larger man seemed to internally spew a few words of confusion before moving off toward Freddy, his pace deliberate yet actually quite quick. The Dream Demon had succeeded in one thing that was for sure; he sparked the other’s curiosity as to what in the world was happening just now.
Knowing Freddy though he knew that in a mood like this he was probably not intending harm toward him so he too would relax his usual action and play back, if that was indeed what the other was intending to do. He may be much larger than the comparatively smaller Freddy but he could play just as easily if desired, and he had to admit, this could be an interesting game. Pamela in his head however was a silent rage ball of a voice in his mind that wanted to spew a tirade of profanities at the Dream Demon but seeing as she was in Jason’s mind she couldn’t and even if she could, she wasn’t going to either.
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Jason nods. "Uh huh." He confirmed, grateful Freddy had asked. "I'm glad you both are alright, well I am going to get back to my duties." Pamela says, leaning over to kiss Jason's head, much to the younger boy's embarrassment but he smiles all the same. "Love you buddy. Have fun." She says and turns around to head back.
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Camp wasn’t something he expected to be at, then again it shouldn’t be too odd given that it’d mean Mr. Underwood wouldn’t have to deal with taking care of him for a few months and that didn’t seem too off for him to want. He looked around the place, it didn’t seem too fancy but eh it looked like it’d be alright to be stuck here for a while. He wondered where the other kids were as he started to wander the camp grounds. Of course his other thought was what sort of activities this place has. He expected canoeing given that well it had a lake, hiking seemed likely too really. Being away from home might be not too bad. @ask-the-camp-of-chaos
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Jason had to chuckle slightly internally at that. "I was trying to make a pun based on a feline and screaming, but nevermind that, I never had claimed to be funny." He answers.
-grabs Jason’s machete and runs-
April Fools Day joke (obviously not accepting anymore but making this one exception due to my being delayed in replying)
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Gaze casted downward for a split second at the sudden movement and the equally sudden disappearance of a prized weapon of his the larger man seemed to internally spew a few words of confusion before moving off toward Freddy, his pace deliberate yet actually quite quick. The Dream Demon had succeeded in one thing that was for sure; he sparked the other’s curiosity as to what in the world was happening just now.
Knowing Freddy though he knew that in a mood like this he was probably not intending harm toward him so he too would relax his usual action and play back, if that was indeed what the other was intending to do. He may be much larger than the comparatively smaller Freddy but he could play just as easily if desired, and he had to admit, this could be an interesting game. Pamela in his head however was a silent rage ball of a voice in his mind that wanted to spew a tirade of profanities at the Dream Demon but seeing as she was in Jason’s mind she couldn’t and even if she could, she wasn’t going to either.
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-points to Freddy then self- “You can’t be me! I’m me!”
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"Hi Me, I'm Freddy, nice to meet you."
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Are there any Mun meme/random Mun day questions anyone wants to send?
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Send 🐣 for your muse to come to mine with a child
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Alas unfortunately for her he wasn't there, as quickly as he'd set foot in his prized box her creeping up on him sent him scurrying into his safety again. Her words would be met with empty air, most certainly heard by no one, at the very least no one in the box.
Erik scowls as he dashes back down to his dungeon home again, plans for a pleasant evening watching, or at least attempting for a pleasant evening watching, the Opera were dashed for the moment.
The Phantom and the Ghost
Callie sighed as she made her way through the Palais Garnier she began to hum a few soft songs as she looked around . she had arrived at Paris a few weeks ago and she instantly started to hear stories of a Phantom that hunted the opera so naturally she had to explore. she walked with the beauty and grace of a trained dancer although the way she moved she seemed to float. she went unnoticed by the Opera staff . her long brown hair lay in sot waves down her back she made her way to the stage. what could she say she could not help her self and it was empty , well empty as far as she could see. she jump down in to the orchestra pit and picked up a violin and tried it realising it was out of tune she began to go about tuning it. soon the theatre filled with beautiful and upbeat music . she made her way up on the stage and began to move around it playing the Violin with a skill that meant years of practice. 
After a while she stopped playing when she heard movement 
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Her reaction to his admission was slightly more surprising than it probably should have been but he did remain fairly unbothered by it. "No, unfortunately based on your reaction, you heard correctly." He answers his tone calm. "Oh? And what sort of sob story would you like to hear? Child born to unfortunate events, tormented by a nickname he couldn't possibly have helped and an Adoptive Father who was an Abusive Drunkard who couldn't give a rat's ass about any of it and couldn't fucking care less to make life easier? Is that the type of sob story you wanted to hear?" He hissed. "Or perhaps you would like to hear the one about him having a wife and a daughter whom he loved very much, tried so hard to be normal for but unfortunately he failed and they took her away when he killed his wife?" He added.
It was clear that her reaction had set him on edge but he was determined not to take it too much to heart at the moment.
“Why the fuck are you wearing a Christmas sweater in the springtime? Can’t you like wait until at least July so you can be like those freaks who celebrate Christmas in July?” The foul mouthed angel snarked upon noticing the dream demons attire. She didn’t question the fedora or the glove. Sure the voice seemed odd to her but eh. It was the sweater that caught her eye.
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“And just who are you to judge?” Freddy answers, he was clearly fairly used to people teasing his attire, he wouldn’t change it just to please his haters though. Looking at the speaker he definitely wasn’t taking his words back at all.
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"Oh come on you know dang well that isn't true." He chuckles mentally as he stepped forward and yanked the spear bolt out of the tree. "Alright, alright. Here's your hat back, please give me the Machete back you dang hairless screaline." He adds, teasing him again as he gives him his hat back.
-grabs Jason’s machete and runs-
April Fools Day joke (obviously not accepting anymore but making this one exception due to my being delayed in replying)
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Gaze casted downward for a split second at the sudden movement and the equally sudden disappearance of a prized weapon of his the larger man seemed to internally spew a few words of confusion before moving off toward Freddy, his pace deliberate yet actually quite quick. The Dream Demon had succeeded in one thing that was for sure; he sparked the other’s curiosity as to what in the world was happening just now.
Knowing Freddy though he knew that in a mood like this he was probably not intending harm toward him so he too would relax his usual action and play back, if that was indeed what the other was intending to do. He may be much larger than the comparatively smaller Freddy but he could play just as easily if desired, and he had to admit, this could be an interesting game. Pamela in his head however was a silent rage ball of a voice in his mind that wanted to spew a tirade of profanities at the Dream Demon but seeing as she was in Jason’s mind she couldn’t and even if she could, she wasn’t going to either.
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"Alright, if you're sure, if they cause trouble again just let me know." She answers and nods back. "You're welcome, sweetie." She answers his thanks.
Jason was beginning to get back to being happier now that the situation had calmed down again and now he was tearing to going back to playing in the forest with Freddy.
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Camp wasn’t something he expected to be at, then again it shouldn’t be too odd given that it’d mean Mr. Underwood wouldn’t have to deal with taking care of him for a few months and that didn’t seem too off for him to want. He looked around the place, it didn’t seem too fancy but eh it looked like it’d be alright to be stuck here for a while. He wondered where the other kids were as he started to wander the camp grounds. Of course his other thought was what sort of activities this place has. He expected canoeing given that well it had a lake, hiking seemed likely too really. Being away from home might be not too bad. @ask-the-camp-of-chaos
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((I love it! It’s very cuddly and tall. I give it 5 stars. [for Jason]))
Review my muse like a product
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Hehe yeah, he is cuddly ^^
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".... Thanks..."
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Ask my muse anything you want on anon!
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