ask-the-syndicate · 6 days
And that, is one of the reasons, cloning is outlawed on our side of the rift, but uh, I've seen the word disco but have no context for it's meaning, do you uh, have any context given earth didn't burn in your universe, like, things looking pretty "disco", a 'horrific necktie' as some describe it, that also looks "disco"? -Inteq Moth
Disco? I think that was some weird music style that died out almost as quickly as it showed up. As for neckties, I haven’t seen any “horrific” ones, but we also don’t really use them around here.
Jesus Christ Charon my fucking ears-
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ask-the-syndicate · 7 days
Oh, I’ve got an idea! Just replace him with a clone that’s more amicable! It worked with Atlas!
Fucking excuse me?
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 7 days
Does he even do anything beneficial? Or is he one of those people who thinks he’s exempt from being useful?
Because if it’s the latter, might I suggest sending him off in a spaceship back home?
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 7 days
Oh, ew. I can feel the pretentiousness all the way from here.
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 7 days
Oh great. Let me guess, we got some corporate higher up here now?
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 7 days
Thank you for your lovely input Artemis, now go bother Ignis. Grownups are talking right now.
Yeah, Artemis can kinda be a buzzkill as well, but at least she doesn’t set the ship on fire with her damn weapon projects.
Rude! I’m not a buzzkill!
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 8 days
Is that a security officer or something?
Shit shit shit-
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 11 days
God, and I thought I had it bad here..
Oh shit-
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 11 days
NT is just as dysfunctional as I remember it being huh, so uh... considering we're missing a huge chunk of our history, what was life like on earth?, as right now post night of fire, it's solcon, it's full of paperwork and very very aggressively neutral, as in, pretty much never taking part in anything to effect relations with other factions, Though they do raise an eyebrow at inteq's no bullshit rule, and the application of near lethal force directly to foreheads of recruits deciding to destroy our ships, or eachother. Also has cloning been Delegalized as well in youe timeline, due to ethical concerns by most groups?-Inteq Moth
Cloning is still definitely a thing here, it’s practically a staple for any good medical bay. As for Earth, it’s not been hit by any major wars or anything like that, though NT controls most of the businesses planetside and in the solar system. Oh, there’s also the Soviets, they’re just as much of a nuisance for Syndicate operations in the frontier as the corporate lunatics at NT.
And then there’s the martians..
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ask-the-syndicate · 12 days
Are you guys ok? Do you need like, a therapist or something there?
God, and I thought some of our agents were lunatics.
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 12 days
we don't know, all we know is most records from that time ended up getting lost, though, uh, if the night of fire didn't happen for you, that means you have to be in an different timeline wouldnt you?-IRMG Moth
I guess?? Good lord, this is a fucking trip. First i gotta deal with some corporate numbskulls, now I need to deal with the fact that alternate realities exist.
I really need to be paid more..
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ask-the-syndicate · 13 days
Night of Fire, theorized to be a nuclear war, wiped out a majority of human records of culture, history and society up to that point???, happened before the founding of NT and the syndicate???, did that not happen for you???-IRMG moth
The fucking what?? What in the fuck happened?!
The only thing that’s happened here was an explosion on the moon, not the near end of a whole planet!
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ask-the-syndicate · 13 days
i mean, do you use telecrystals for ftl drives?, either way in our timeline the one with the IRMG, the syndicate and Nanotrasen had a big war that started as sabotage and just kept ESCALATING until a pyrrhic victory was achieved by the syndicate, but it was pretty much just a draw, with both sides being out of resources, a good portion of the frontier here used to be NT space. But yeah their navy is nowhere near as robust as in your timeline from what you're describing it, not something anyone'd like to fight though, too much resources in a sector low on those. Also this is assuming you had a night of fire right, big nuclear war on earth that devestated existing earth culture, and history, with basically no surviving records about that time, and the remaining people formed the "Most Serene and Intersolar Confederation" or the Solar Confederation if you dont like mouthfuls, this was all before NT and the Syndicate were formed mind, and before FTL travel proper was discovered-IRMG moth
Huh, well that’s a lot to take in.. Wait, what the fuck happened to earth?!
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ask-the-syndicate · 13 days
I mean, Bluespace crystals are the main part of modern Bluespace FTL drives right? They fuck with physics to allow FTL, seeing into alternate timelines could apparently be a thing they can do, but I'm Guessing the ICW ended in a draw due to lack of resources then, in your timeline?, or did it not?-IRMG Moth
Wait wait, when you say Bluespace crystals, do you mean telecrystals? As for the whole corporate fighting, NT practically owns this sector of space, bastards have a navy that would make Earth’s peacekeeping fleets look like a couple of tug boats.
0 notes
ask-the-syndicate · 13 days
What the hell is he yelling about? The quartz what? The hell are you corporate lunatics working on over there?
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 14 days
what the fuck is happening
Why the hell are you asking me? I didn’t do anything to start this whole “time traveling signals” junk. I just run a radio frequency!
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ask-the-syndicate · 14 days
Wait, hold on, hold on, is this not time travel but something else??????, I'm an Artificer, of the Inteq Risk Management Group, IRMG, or Inteq, we're shipbased frontier mercenaries, focused on reduction of risk, most everyone uses ships out in frontier space. Most of our members left Syndicate and NT to form their own faction, being well Inteq, but I'm pretty sure you would know we existed by now then, if it's 10 years after the Inter-Corporate Wars, uh.... is it bluespace bullshit, alternate timelines maybe?-Less confused but still confused Inteq moth
Ok, you gotta pump the breaks a bit. First off, when you say bluespace do you mean that void bullshit that happens? What’s next, am I going to hear that demons are real or some shit?
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