Hello Everyone.
So uh. Yeah this is long overdue and I apologize for the lack of updates.
Unfortunately Fairy Tail just isn’t what it used to be. More or less I’ve been slightly disappointed with the current arc and chapters and totally not because of the lack of a certain dragonslayer. The recent chapters coming out have been more or less a bit disappointing for me. I won’t specify which because spoilers, but along with that the drive isn’t there anymore.
There’s also the whole “interest in new fandoms” and that’s comes naturally and I will always be tackling IRL issues. I’m still working my way up and Graduate School may be within my reach if everything goes well this semester.
Once again I apologize for having on and off issues, it’s not to say that I won’t ever draw Fairy Tail forever. Hell I might out of nowhere, and if I feel motivated enough I don’t mind if people send me messages to draw a Rogue or whatever. But I can’t manage this askblog like I used to anymore, the inspiration is gone and it’s becoming a hassle trying to fit this into my schedule.
But I want to thank everyone who has followed and supported me. Sending me all the silly and nice asks, I had a lot of fun and I am really sad that I have to end it, but one shouldn’t force themselves to do something they can’t enjoy anymore right? Life lesson for you guys.
It was a blast being able to be a part of the fandom in some way. I hope you guys enjoyed the silly content I had when I started like 2-3 years ago.
Also if you haven’t already you can follow me on my Art Blog, I update it every now and then.
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High quality transparent AuroPengu content for your dash.
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Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Years coming up! For anyone interested I do have a personal blog and I spend the majority of my time there when inspiration isn’t hitting. Which is very often. >^<
Happy Holidays/New Years/etc!
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Rogue how are you so much hotter in a ponytail? (Teach me your secrets!)
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There’s no secret...the rest of this mess is her doing.
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((An extra because I got hit with SWTOR nostalgia. FOR THE EMPIRE--))
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[to the occ ] hope you accept crossover . Rogue , Which Side are you ? The Jedi or the Sith ? THink Carefully young one .
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Jedi Shadow - (NO PUN INTENDED I SWEAR) As the name suggests they are the shadows of the Jedi Order. They work alone and in secret, using the force to mask their presence. They wield double bladed lightsabers and are adept in lightsaber combat as a result. This is specialization branching off of Jedi Consulars, in which from my research Consulars are known to wield green lightsabers and a bit more diplomatic(??).
((I’m not the biggest fan of Star Wars but I do enjoy it’s lore and trivia. So much I did play SWTOR a few years back…Good times, good times…))
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Hey Rogue, I was just wondering if you have something wrong with your legs? It's just I noticed you're either wearing armour or bandages on your shins...
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.... *at a loss for words*
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To be fair for my anime-only/non-manga readers.
I will not be answering any questions relating to the E.N.D. theory, specifically Chapter 465 and anything relating to the arc. I don’t want to spoil my followers who are not up to date and I tried my best to tag accordingly before but this time I think this is just too risky.
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I was just wondering, what had it have been like when Rogue first met Gajeel? It would be interesting to see :p Thanks
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Does Frosch like gummy bears?
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She thinks they’re tiny frogs so, no.
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Hi! Ive been thinking of making an ask account for quite some time and I just needed to know if you have any tips maybe? I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you! - Apart from that I would just like to say I really love your account, the story you have in mind and the art- it's all just great! Never give up (●°u°●)​ 」
Hi there!
First of all, I want to thank you for your support, it means a ton to me! ;7; ask-thehuman is actually my first askblog, and I’m still learning about how to run it properly as time goes on. 
But I have a few tips I can share. 
Keep reading
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Yay youre back!!!!!!!! Say Rogue, ever tried surfing before?
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I’m not really interested in that sport mainly because it will give dragonslayers motion sickness.
…Sting forgets that occassionally.
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Rogue and Mun. How do you guys stay cool during massive heatwaves. Cause I'm kinda melting here...
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I recommend knocking before you reach in there.
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You are my Favorite Dragon slayer ever!!!;) Sting is my least favorite...... Just letting you know:)
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This isn’t the best picture but this was all I could manage with the little time I had before bed. Seriously though to all of my followers new and old, thank you for putting up with my problems, lateness, and laziness. Life has been a roller coaster for me and I nearly forgot how fun it was to sit on this blog and look through all of the messages and comments I get. You’re all wonderful and I hope to be able to entertain you guys once more when I have time. ;v;/
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