unfortunate update: both of us have been more swamped than we realized; college and job hunting/musical rehearsals are both no joke. you'll get the next update when we both get our heads above water. see y'all soon.
— mod emmett
hey, y'all! just wanna put this out there that neo and i have a lot of busy work coming up ahead IRL. the next part of chapter 1 will probably be coming out on tuesday, the 27th, instead of next tuesday, the 20th. fear not, it will still be coming! university and a new job are just getting in the way, regrettably, and we want to give ourselves enough time to make things good. just wanted to keep you guys in the know if we get a little spotty!
— mod emmett
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hey, y'all! just wanna put this out there that neo and i have a lot of busy work coming up ahead IRL. the next part of chapter 1 will probably be coming out on tuesday, the 27th, instead of next tuesday, the 20th. fear not, it will still be coming! university and a new job are just getting in the way, regrettably, and we want to give ourselves enough time to make things good. just wanted to keep you guys in the know if we get a little spotty!
— mod emmett
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just curious but do u guys have plans for the super punch out boxers?
Perhaps! ;) Let's just say the WVBA really does have a global set of boxers, and there might be more than one branch of it. These guys definitely aren't the only boxers you'll meet, though.
— Mod Emmett
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[ ALT text will be coming someday. This is a lot. Read the script in the meantime. ]
Here it comes. Part 2 will be next Tuesday.
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Hey gamers, Tumblr keeps killing the link in my bio so I’m putting my ko-fi here in this pinned post instead - if you find yourself wanting to commission me, this is the first place to look!
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Do how old is everyone here?
We can answer that pretty easy! The setting of this point in the AU is early September, 2020 (with no... unfortunate happenstances happening; the world hasn't gone to shit yet, and it won't in the ways that happened in the real world). With that being said, the AU technically starts in late 2017, and we'll get to some of the plot in flashbacks, so just take everyone's canon ages and add three! For instance, Mac at the time of this blog is 20, Disco Kid is 23, Von Kaiser is 45, etc.
But if you really wanna be 100% accurate, you better keep this hush-hush. You didn't hear this from me.
Little Mac (Mackenzie Mancuso): 20 (December 15th, 1999) Doc Louis (Jerome Louis): 46 (July 9th, 1974) Carmen Isabela Merlo Campana: 221 (March 8th, 1799) Glass Joe (Julien Mercier): 418 (October 30th, 1599) Von Kaiser (Stefan von Fischer): 107 (January 19th, 1913) Disco Kid (Marcus Corey): 23 (born April 10th, 1997) King Hippo (Arumogo Aroi): ??? (centuries old, maybe June [18th]) Piston Hondo (Nakamura Tadashi): 31 (November 1st, 1264) Bear Hugger (Shawn Patrick Ruddock): 35 (February 3rd, 1985) Great Tiger (Sandhi Mandal): 32 (September 29th, 1988) Don Flamenco (Rafael Emilio Ordóñez): 228 (April 16th, 1792) Declan Clover (Aran Ryan): ??? (centuries old in human years, 26 in feywild years, definitely April 7th) Soda Popinski (Mikhail Ivanovich Korobov): 139 (May 19th, 1881) Bald Bull (Erhan Tiryaki): 39 (September 13th, 1984) Super Macho Man (Randy Laurent): "30" (35 - May 21st, 1985) Mr. Sandman (Clay Gabriel Esther): 34 (August 8th, 1986)
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Joe you uh, you a’ight?
you might not want to ask glass joe anything right now. for your own safety!
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[ALT text: Glass Joe stands in front of the same background as the previous ask, still colored in de-saturated, reddish-greys. He looks at his blue phone, and an arrow points towards it where some text of the previous post's hashtags show up floating besides him. "#ooooooh french fry is pissed #everyone run for the hills #hes mad #Ahh get over it frenchie lol", indicating he's reading the hashtags. In the second panel, he looks up to the camera, unamused, and says "Rentre dans le ring et dis-moi ça encore pour voir."—"Get in the ring and say that again." In the third panel, the picture seems to darken a bit, and his text is red with his rage against a deep black-red gradient speech bubble. "S'il te plaît. Je t'en supplie."—"Please. I implore you." Strange shadows have appeared on the walls, and Joe's eyes almost seem to be glowing with his ire. An olive green speech bubble is in the lower left hand corner, most likely Mac, speaking up and saying "Uhm, Julien, your cloak—"]
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Hiii Mac!! Are you ready to fight Glass Joe?! What type of monster is he?? :O
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[ALT text: In the first panel, against a pale yellow background, Glass Joe looks to the camera with a withering glare. He's colored in dark grey-reds. In the second panel, Mac comes in with a sheepish expression, saying "Actually, I beat him a couple of months ago." while Joe shuffles off to the right of the frame. In the third panel, Mac's expression sobers, adding "Though, you really shouldn't call him a monster. That's pretty mean."—all the while Joe pulls out a cigarette and mumbles under his breath in French, taking a drag on his cigarette. The text is slightly faded as to portray mumbling, but it says "dans mon temps, les petit fils de pute fermaient leur gueule et respectaient leurs aînés. qu'est-ce que t'as à me poser des questions personnelles comme ça ? je te demande pas la couleur de tes poils de cul, espèce de petit fouille-merde—"]
Yikes. You guys are really coming for these poor folks. The cute facade Joe has might just crack!
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the next ask is coming, it's just a teensy bit late! makin it really funny for you guys <3
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For Narcis Prince: 1. Why do you box in sneakers instead of proper boxing boots? 2. You and Little Mac are the only boxers who cover their upper bodies during fights. Secret to the public eye, who has the better body between you and him? 3. If you do not want people to punch you in the face, why do you punch others in their face? 4. How many London Lashings does it take to knock out an American boxer?
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[ALT text: In the first picture, Little Mac sits in front of a set of red olympic bars resting on a stand. The room has a light orange floor and pale yellow walls, with a couple of windows behind him. He wears a black tank top with olive green shorts and dark green sneakers, with a towel slung across his right (our left) shoulder. He begins his reply with "Well, uhh... I'm not exactly able to answer for Mr. Prince right now." In the second picture, his speech bubble reads "As for me...", leaving it for the viewer to glean the answer themselves. He's in a darker, desaturated orange room, with light shining from a window on the left. It seems to be a picture he's taken or someone took of him, as he looks away from the camera while putting on a dress shirt over the tops of a brown belt and dark pants. His face and torso are in full view, showing a short, feathery mustache, top surgery scars, and lean musculature—this is no longer the scrappy young seventeen-year-old that came into the Minor Circuit, and is instead a young man on at least a couple of years of testosterone therapy. While his expression is reserved, his confidence and contentedness with himself is evident.]
In just a few months, he'll be able to legally drink with the other boxers to celebrate five years on T. Sources say this announcement's been a long time coming.
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Now how does the WVBA enforce its rules given the things they allow? (ie literal weapons)
From Adam M. Dream CEO and Founder of the World Video Boxing Association
Date: 08/30/2020 (August 30th, 2020)
Re: Notice to Cease and Desist
This letter is served upon due to infringing upon company policy and attempting to divulge private information from clients and founder. The information of our employees is incredibly important to us at the WVBA, and in matters regarding the rules of the WVBA, you can find them on our website. If you do not cease all questions regarding this matter, we will immediately seek a temporary restraining order, and if it persists beyond this, we will file a lawsuit. The previously described actions are unwanted and unwelcome. This cease-and-desist letter shall serve as a pre-suit letter demanding that you provide us written assurance within seven days that you will refrain from further actions that could be deemed as harassment.
Sincerely, Adam M. Dream
(cw: slight arg aspects and paranoia-inducing threats if you decide to investigate)
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just gonna put this out here: we're doing a post a day right now to try and get ourselves out there, but when this week is over (so from august 29th onwards), we're going to be posting two or three times a week (depending on how much we can get done): we'll always post on tuesdays and fridays at 3pm EST! unfortunately our hands can only do so much—expect to see more art from emmett and also some writing responses, as well! there do be fics and vignettes for this AU ^^
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Macho man! how does it feel to be in the limelight? Afraid for Mac if he makes it into the world circuit?
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[ALT text: in the first panel, Super Macho Man, colored in shades of dark blue, sits in the light orange chair with pale yellow background. he holds his sunglasses in his hand, a smug expression on his face. he answers the question with "the limelight is where i'm meant to be! anywhere there's eyes on me is my favorite place in the world. i'm not afraid of that scrawny loser, either—honestly, i admire his guts to try his hand at the major circuit, let alone the world circuit..." the second panel is a closeup on his face, and he opens his eyes as his expression sobers. he finishes with "but he's gonna have to finish elementary school and grow up a little before he can sit with the big kids."]
ah, macho man. so eloquent and kind.
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are disco kid or bear hugger available for questions? - BG
At this moment in time, everyone in the Punch Out!! Wii cast is available for questions, including Doc Louis and the referee (a fifty-year-old man by the name of Mario Vescovi)! Any other characters from the series will "have messages passed along to them" (read: stored for later), and should they come up in the story, they'll answer them then.
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To Don, how's Carmen doing? :D
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"Tachááán." ("Tadaaa.")
[ALT text: a set of screenshots from Don's iPhone depicting a conversation between him and Carmen, who he's labeled as "mi corazón" in his phone. there are plenty of emojis throughout, especially from carmen.]
they're sickeningly sweet with each other, it makes anyone within a thirty-foot radius gag.
don: Hey baby, are you busy right now? carmen: no, i'm free!!! what do you need, my better half (literally: my half an orange)??? don: These people on this weird blog thing I have to do are asking me how you're doing. Gotta admit, it's kinda sweet! carmen: awwww that's so nice! 🥹🥹 tell them i'm doing great! i'm at the pool right now... want a pic? :3c don: Of course, but not now, I'm taking a screenshot for the blog. carmen: you know i don't mind, right?? 👀👀 don: You may not mind, but I do—lol! (literally "hahaha") 😁 carmen: lol, i thought so!!! 😇😇😇 don: See you later. Kisses! 😘 carmen: 🤭 😘😘😘
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is there a reason sandman isnt in the header?
he wasn't there in time for the picture.
we'll fix that up right away, that was a total accident
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