ateezwriter100799 · 3 months
Pirates and Utopia pt.2
hey Guys this is the Part two of my Story.
I Hope you like it and have fun Reading!
Summary: a few hours later you wake Up from a deep needed sleep and decide to Look at the Crew more closely...
Fluff, San being a whole Sweethear, all members, Yunho being cute, and Hongjoong being the best Captain
If i missed anything please Tell me.
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Hours have passed since I Fell asleep. My Body feels way lighter now and my wounds don't hurt as much anymore.
I slowly Sit Up and listen to the Sound of the waves Outside the ship. I Close my eyes and breath deeply. The smell of the See making me calm. I Open my eyes again looking at the door thinking If I should Go Outside or not.
I decide to stand Up and go Outside for some fresh air. I Open the door and the sunlight shines in my face as soon as i Walk Out of the door. The waves Crash around the ship and a few birds fly above us. Suddenly I hear two voices coming from the left Side of the ship. I decide to See who the voices belong to and Walk into the direction the voices are coming from.
I Spot two of the Crew members Just chatting while looking into the distace. I Look closely and notice that the two Crew members seem to be San and Yunho. I slowly step closer to them Feeling Kind of nervous as I come closer. Suddenly San Turns around and spots me.
"oh hey...seems Like you are awake now. I was worried...are you Feeling better?" He asks now stepping closer to me.
I Just nod and Smile slightly. "Is your throat still hurting?" Yunho suddenly asks. I nod again. I'm still now able to talk...or Well I could but I would only get Out a few words. San Guides me to the end of the ship. I Look into the width of the sea...I remember the Times when me and my Friends used to swim around and have fun. But these dumm Pirates Always have to Ruin everything.
San seems to notice how sad I am and places His Hand on my shoulder. I Look at him with wide, confused eyes.
"You seem sad. Everything okay? Do you miss your Family?" He asks while giving me a concerned Look. I Just Look at him and then lower my head thinking about my mother...why did the Pirates have to Ruin another day?
"It's okay. I'm Here for you. I promise we'll try to find your Family. And until then you can stay with us! We'll keep you safe..." He sais. Then Yunho comes Up to us with a Smile on His face.
"San is right. I'm Sure your Family is Safe. And we'll keep you Safe until you can Go Back to your Family." Yunho gives me a big Smile and Stands Next to me.
I Smile Back, being Happy that they Care so much even though they don't even know me. As I Look into the Horizon where the sun is slowly setting i sigh. I let the Wind breeze through my (h/c) Hair and relax. My Body feels Like it's free and so light.
"There you are." A voice behind us suddenly sais.
"We are waiting for you Guys. Dinner is ready. Wooyoung already Set the table." The voice sais. All three of us Turn around to See Seonghwa Standing behind us with His Arms crossed.
We all follow Seonghwa into the kitchen where all the Other Crew members and Hongjoong are already sitting ready to eat. "Took you Guys Long enough." Wooyoung barcks. "Sorry...but we were Just comforting Our guest. If you thinks thats so bad then Not my Problem." San bites Back. "No fighting. Just Sit down and eat." Hongjoong sais.
After Dinner we all Just Talk and Chat about different things. Suddenly Hongjoong asks; "What's your Name? You never told us. I mean you couldn't until now..."
All of their eyes were on me and i feel a light Wave of nervousness Run through my Body. I Open my mouth to speak but only a caugh comes Out. "You don't need to speak If you can't..." Yunho sais while rubbing my Back slowly. I Smile and Shake my head.
"(y/n)..." I finally breath Out very quietly.
Hongjoong nods. "Thank you. From now on we can call you by yor name. That Sounds good right?" He sais. I nod and Smile at him.
"So Our Journey to Utopia is almost over. When we arrive we'll buy some clothes for (y/n) and get some provisions for our Journey to Treasure. It will Take about a week until we arrive at Treasure so we need new water, food and supplies. We'll arrive in Utopia in about two days so be ready. And (y/n), we'll find some better clothes for you I promise." Hongjoong sais before smiling at me.
I nod and bow to Show how greatfull I am for what they are doing for me.
The sun is now setting as I stand at the end of the ship again, just watching how the sun is slowly disapearing into the horizon.
"hey..." San suddenly sais Next to me. I Turn around facing him while smiling at him. "If you need anything Just Tell me. I'm Here for you and so are the Others." He sais. I bow and Smile at him. I'm starting to get tired and San seems to notice. "I should get you to your room. You should Rest. You need the Energy." He sais while taking my Hand guiding me Back to my room.
I Smile and as we Walk I can feel a weird Feeling in my stomach...I've never felt something Like this before. But it feels...nice.
We arrive at the door to my room. I Turn to San and smile. "T-thank y-you..." I say quietly as I Look Up at him. He gives me a sweet Smile and opens the door for me.
"Remember, If you need anything Just Talk to me." He sais before Putting some of my hair behind my ear smiling at me. I can feel my cheeks become hot. I Smile at him and slowly Walk into my room and slowly closing the door behind me. I sink down the door smiling to myself.
Maybe These Guys are Not so bad...
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ateezwriter100799 · 3 months
Pirates and Utopia
This is my first Story! I Hope you Like it
Summary: you are a young siren living Out in the deep ozean. One day when your Kind gets attacked and you get lost, you meet eight helpful Pirates...
Fluff, Fantasie, Angst, blood warning, all members, hurt comfort
If i missed anything please Tell me :)
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My Name is (y/n) and i'm a siren. I live in the depth of the sea. Sometimes Pirates come around and try to capture us. They Tell Stories about us...that are Not even true. They say that we are cruel and heartless Monsters that try to get Humans into the sea and eat them...all of that is Not true. And If we do make Humans get in the sea, then it's only to defend ourselfs.
Today is one of the days where Pirates Attack us. My friends and I try Our best to save as many sirens as we can. I was Not so lucky...I Got woundet. I'm bleeding...strong. I swim to a nearby Rock and try my best to Stop the bleeding...but it's No use. I'm too weak. As I lay helplessly on the rock my Vision gets blurry and i can feel myself getting tired.
I wake up...on a ship as it seems. I slowly Sit Up on the bed on remove the blanked from my Body. As I Look down i notice that my tail is gone and that I have legs now...Well at least that worked. I tryied to Form legs before passing Out so that people that move passed me Help me. I Look around and notice that the Room is nicely designed...it seems comfortable.
I try to move myself of the bed but Fall onto the ground after fully standing up. I'll have to get used to my legs...suddenly i hear footstep. Shit! I Grab the blanked and try to Cover my Body as best as i can before the door slowly opens...
I Look Up and a Shorts blonde man walks in.
"hey...i See you are awake. My Name is Hongjoong and i'm the Captain of this ship." He sais.
Seven Other men Walk in and Look at me. Some confused some...concerned? I Back away as the first man...Hongjoong He Said His Name was, comes closer to me.
"oh No worries. I'm Not going to hurt you. We found you on a Rock in the Ozean badly woundet. We gave you something for the pain and patched you Up." He sais before kneeling down. He then Points at the Other seven men. "This is my Crew. Seonghwa, Yunho, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Yeosang and Jongho." I Look at them and then Back to Hongjoong.
Seonghwa smiles and Yunho Looks down at me with a soft smile. "M-my-" i try to speak but start caughing as soon as the First Word leaves my mouth. My voice...it's dameged...why? I rub my thought as I Look at Hongjoong then the others. "Don't try to speak If you can't." One of them sais. One of them walks Out for a moment and then comes Back a few minutes later. He has clothes over his wide shoulders and in His Hands is a tray with food.
"here...these are my clothes so they might Not fit you. But it's the best Western can give you for now." The man sais as He gives me the clothes and the food. I nod and want to thank him but He stops me. I smile and Take the clothes from him and lay them in the bed for now.
"get some rest...you can come out whenever you want. I'll be Off now. Take Care miss." Hongjoong sais before Walking Out of the room. I Smile and lean Back against the bed. Then a Guy, i belive San, helps me Up and sits me on the bed before saying ; "you really should get some rest. These wounds don't heale themselfes you know. I'll be Outside If you need anything." He sais with a Smile and Petting my shoulders before also leaving the room.
The Rest of them bow and Smile before also leaving the room leaving me alone in this dark lonely room. I sigh before carefully laying down again.
What is going to Happen? And what about my Family? I Hope the Others are safe...
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