atomicmozzarella · 10 months
I see your "people say they are a monster, but I am the only one who knows the truly kind soul beneath" dynamic and raise you "they are exactly the monster everyone says they are, but I see it and I don't flinch away"
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
Peeta is THE BEST forever.
But, the way people describe him...
Peeta Mellark, who deceived a whole country TWICE, who won the Hunger Games without using a weapon before it, who recovered from being hijacked,who came up with the "If it wasn't for the baby" line, is definitely not innocent.
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
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this is actually the most insane thing in the entire world. he changed lives. the world of literature will never be the same.
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
Gale thinking that Finnick could be remotely in love with Katniss is so funny like💀 bruh, he has to be literally sedated whenever he thinks about Annie being tortured by the Capitol.
And Katniss? She has to be put to sleep whenever she even grasps the faintest idea of the Capitol hurting Peeta.
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
you’ve got to love how Suzanne Collins gave Katniss and Peeta the character goals of “keep Prim safe” and “stay myself” and then just flatly denied them both
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
ily: i love you ilysm: i love you so much yapyabyltswtwoyntsiytayadkys: you’re a painter. you're a baker. you like to sleep with the windows open. you never take sugar in your tea. and you always double-knot your shoelaces.
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
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so suzanne collins just dropped this absolute BOMB of a passage — and many more, might i add — and we let her get away with it???????????
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
the way peeta arguably caused the most trouble for president snow because he made the CAPITOL view the games differently during his interviews two years in a row
katniss caused the uprising in the districts but the capitol was definitely willing to change their minds because their favorite victors were being hurt
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
You watch the hunger games trilogy and can actually feel a division between “team Peeta” and “team Gale” but when you read the books it doesn’t exist. It was always Peeta. Only him.
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
sorry. thinking about how katniss just genuinely mourning rue started riots across the dictricts as people realized how fucking devastating it was that they just willingly watched the murder of a 12 year old. just the realization that they’re so desensitized to literal child murder started an entire uprising and revolution. it just gets to me man it gets me every time
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
I think that part of the reason why President Snow is such a well-written villain is because he genuinely never does lie to Katniss. When he says "let's agree to always tell each other the truth," the first time they meet, it not a line, he actually sticks to that. Like a villain who is both incredibly dangerous and and totally trustworthy? Just, openly trying to kill you and being completely upfront with you about it? That's so fucking fascinating to experience
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
"if it weren't for the baby" is iconic but "i wish she was dead. i wish they were all dead, and we were too" is the best line from the entire trilogy
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
i do like the hunger games movies — like, as far as book adaptations go, things were relatively good — but they were WRONG for not including the little bit of haymitch’s backstory in the catching fire movie. the pieces of haymitch’s backstory that the books gave us offered a LOT of insight into his motivations and the way he trusts & understands katniss irrevocably. haymitch’s games were a quarter quell, too. he lost an ally, too. and more importantly, he was the first person to realize that the force fields that surround the arenas are deadly, and he used that to his advantage and won the games as a result. his actions were seen as an act of rebellion by the capitol, and so snow had his family killed. the next, and only other person to ever do this — to use the force field as a weapon — was katniss. she didn’t come up with the idea on her own. she got it from witnessing clips of haymitch’s games. and she knew what it could cost, and she did it anyway. and that was what officially set the wheels of the rebellion into motion. it was a flame that haymitch had sparked years ago, even if it wasn’t a conscious intention. at the time of his own games, the people weren’t ready to unify and rebel as a cohesive unit, but once katniss used his same method, they were. the parallels between haymitch and katniss run deep, and he trusts her irrevocably. he knew exactly what she was about to do when she said “yes” in the tributes meeting, and he stood behind her immediately. haymitch is arguably the one and only person who understands katniss in her entirety. he has felt the same grief, undergone the same tragedies, and held the same passion that begged for a better world.
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
not having katniss’s mental dialogue in the movies was a miss bc in that scene of gale and peeta talking about who she loves more, all she’s thinking is “well one thing is for sure atm i could do without both of ur losers asses gn”
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
finnick is masculine but in like a flashy peacock way and katniss is feminine but in like a wolf silently stalking after you crow watching from the trees cat slowly approaching way and that's why they're best friends
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
peeta: h
book katniss: whats he up to 🤨 is this part of his plan 🤨🤨 NEVER trust a blond bitch
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atomicmozzarella · 1 year
Rereading the Hunger Games as an adult is so funny because yes Katniss is being a girlboss, igniting a rebellion and toppling an oppressive government. But she’s also beefing with a cat, napping in supply closets and missing every social cue that is ever thrown her way. 
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