aubigney 5 months
Nah after the whole mess with various members of the AO3 staff being made "uncomfortable" by a volunteers' pro-Palestinian views that eventually ended in them no longer volunteering, it's absolutely justifiable to say it's questionable to continue to dedicate money to the organisation until they release an official apology. The person who was removed themself said to stop donating. You cannot donate to an organisation that puts its anti-censorship status in the bin to prosecute someone for being Pro-Palestine in good faith while claiming to be for Palestinian liberation. And if someone calls you spineless, sorry that makes you uncomfortable and feel bad, but... you are. Frankly.
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aubigney 5 months
making up oc's is so embarrassing like omg here's my favourite little guy in the whole wide world she has soooooooo many problems and likes to kill
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aubigney 5 months
how do i write my series of 40 novels through four people's perspectives while not showing extreme preferential treatment for love of my life szu szu badeaux
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aubigney 5 months
making up oc's is so embarrassing like omg here's my favourite little guy in the whole wide world she has soooooooo many problems and likes to kill
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aubigney 5 months
I've started a substack idk why anyway it's substack dot com slash aubigney
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aubigney 5 months
cringe here! get your cringe here!
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aubigney 5 months
5 things you can do in fanfiction that you shouldn't do in original fiction and 1 thing you can
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aubigney 5 months
examining a bunch of vampire art to ask why we're still obsessed with these losers. it has subtitles and everything!
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aubigney 5 months
10 views already! I'm stoked!
my wife just uploaded her second video and you weenie hut jr鈥檚 better watch it or i鈥檒l kill you and puppet your bodies in a horrifying masquerade
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aubigney 5 months
There is a heart wrenching video of a father who went to buy biscuits for his son only to return and find out his son and the man's wife had both been killed by an Israeli air strike. He is seen putting the pack of biscuits in his son's hand and saying "take it with you to heaven".
There is an indescribable pain to all of this, and I don't know what Israel thinks it's doing by ripping everyone's heart out like this if not to make the whole world resent the mere mention of it.
I don't think the question we should be asking at this point is "how do you justify this?" anymore, even if rhetorically. We need to understand that it is simply irrational to expect an occupying power that built itself on ethnic cleansing to provide any means of reasoning.
This is genocide, you don't debate genocide and you don't rationalise genocide.
I don't care what you do, but speaking about Palestine doesn't suffice anymore. Speak louder, force people to have uncomfortable conversations, call whoever the heck your representative is, go out to rallies if you can, push others to do the same - this is unlike anything we have seen.
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aubigney 5 months
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I got so heated about Ali Abdaal saying "don't waste your time on games and movies" in his tips for students video that I opened my YouTube app on my phone and wrote him a comment. So heated I made a typo which I'm not going to fix.
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aubigney 5 months
my family and i became refugees overnight.
im a young black woman trying to restart my life in the UAE with my family and we can use all the help we can get.
please consider helping a sudanese family that lost everything in the war.
thank you <3
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aubigney 5 months
Hi! My name鈥檚 aubi and I write contemporary fantasy novels. I鈥檝e been a long time destiellie since 2010 (my current ao3 is solarfemm here). I have a website where you can buy my current books:
Daughter of the Valley, about a depressed traumatised werewolf who returns to her hometown to bury her father
The Good Book Of Bad Stories, which is a collection of short stories i wrote last decade, most of which have supernatural elements
and Fight The Good Fight, an analysis of queer content in the Captain America films (not a novel and not supernatural, but it was a labour of love when I was in the Captain America fandom)
I have a novella series coming out soon about two people who run a foster home and collect magical artefacts, called JUNK!, so please look out for that! It鈥檚 my best work!
While I haven鈥檛 turned any of my Supernatural fanfic into novels, the influence is there in every one of my works. I鈥檝e just finished pitching a pilot about someone who works for a supernatural sort of ASIO/FBI catching supernatural creatures whose sibling is a nonbinary werewolf.
I also have a video on my youtube channel where I read out deancas fic I wrote in 2011. So good stuff. This is a great post! Thanks for letting me be a part of it!
Hello! I hope this is not a weird question (if so please ignore this), but I was wondering if you know if there is a list of books that were born as Supernatural fanfiction and were later reworked for publication? (Provided the authors are ok with it being known of course). I ask because I read Running on Empty after seeing it mentioned by you and LOVED it so very much, and it made me curious about how many novels with a similar origin are out there. Thank you, in any case!!
Hi my friend! Not a weird question at all! I don't know of A List per se, but @destielfanfic tries to update their fic rec posts with the links to published versions if they know of them.
The ones I know about are:
Running on Empty by MK Hunter
Point Pleasant by Jen Archer Wood
Free Fall by AJ Lange
Past Present by AJ Lange
Lost Souls by AJ Lange
Small Town Charmer by AJ Lange
A Century Divided by Silvia Hildebrandt
Going Down by Hazel Domain
Those are all originally Destiel, except for the last one which I think might have been J2 RPF... I never read the fic, but the book is great!
There's a bunch more by AJ Lange, but I don't remember reading them as fic, so I'm not sure if they're fic or original. They're such a good writer tho, everyone should check them out. Past Present and Small Town Charmer are FAVORITES of mine. (Back when I was a new writer, someone once accused me of ripping her off because I used the common USA lingo "Houston, we have a problem" and I had a "He's a little bit gay" running joke in my fic Kiss the Baker, and I'm like wow that is actually the highest compliment ever, thank you 馃槃)
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aubigney 5 months
my wife just uploaded her second video and you weenie hut jr鈥檚 better watch it or i鈥檒l kill you and puppet your bodies in a horrifying masquerade
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aubigney 5 months
examining a bunch of vampire art to ask why we're still obsessed with these losers. it has subtitles and everything!
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aubigney 6 months
it's my number one dream in life to be transvestigated. what would that even look like
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aubigney 6 months
i've been thinking about this for a while now. i've noticed that smaller channels aren't growing as fast and the bigger youtubers i watch aren't getting as many views. maybe it's just the niches i'm into that are dying, but i honestly think people are sick of the shitty practices googtube are putting in place.
also, my opinion is that since alphabet is being sued by the doj, they're trying to scrounge as much money as possible before they go bankrupt.
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