audinon · 9 years
ooc: hiatus
Hey! Sorry for being gone from Julia for the past month. I don’t currently have the muse for her, but I also don’t want to abandon this account entirely, as she is definitely a cutiepie.
Right now, my two active blogs are citygardy and micahruba, and any of my followers here are super welcome to RP with either of those two blogs, they’re both very friendly. I might get active again here on Julia in the summer, depending on how things go. In the meantime, I guess this is a hello and goodbye!
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audinon · 9 years
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永久の緑に永遠の祝福を   20日はNの中の人のお誕生日だったそうですね 原稿描いてて改めて感じたんですがNがどうしようもなく好きです 本当に大好きです この気持ちが5年たっても燃え尽きるどころか天まで昇る勢いで火柱が伸びている状態です…ほんとどうしようもない… 文章力も画力も稚拙すぎてNの魅力を最大限に伝えることが出来なくてもどかしいのですが、これからも沢山Nを描いていきたいです N主♀はもちろんのこと…
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audinon · 9 years
"Let’s see, well...” She left her third donut on the table for the time being as she tried to brainstorm some fun things to do - or at least, things not involving food. “I try to see the Pokemon Musical once every few weeks! And I always enjoy going to the fairgrounds when the weather’s nice. What about you?”
"Excuse me?" Ray calls out as he enters the Pokemon Center with a large, purple gash along his arm. The Lucario manages to stumble inside before taking a seat and leaning back into the chair. "Is anyone here? I'm in need of some medical assistance."
A team of nurses quickly surrounded the Lucario, gently lifting him up and placing him onto a stretcher. Once on top, he was rushed into a private room, where a young Audino was waiting on duty. As they lifted the Lucario onto the bed, she trotted over to his side and immediately sent a Heal Pulse towards his arm.
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audinon · 9 years
She nodded excitedly. “Thank you. It’s been a pretty long day, actually...” She cut her own sentence off as she brought the second donut to her lips, shoving it down nearly as rapidly as the first.
"Excuse me?" Ray calls out as he enters the Pokemon Center with a large, purple gash along his arm. The Lucario manages to stumble inside before taking a seat and leaning back into the chair. "Is anyone here? I'm in need of some medical assistance."
A team of nurses quickly surrounded the Lucario, gently lifting him up and placing him onto a stretcher. Once on top, he was rushed into a private room, where a young Audino was waiting on duty. As they lifted the Lucario onto the bed, she trotted over to his side and immediately sent a Heal Pulse towards his arm.
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audinon · 9 years
She nodded. “Powerful ones, too....” She wasn’t going to say it to Fenny or his trainer, but it was considered one of the most high-pressure gyms, with some young trainers not even making it past the gym leader’s students. Plus, with the Gym being in the middle of the fairgrounds, the crowds added even more pressure.
Closed RP [audinon and journeyofkanto]
A quizzical face comes upon Fenny’s face as he listens to her talk about how the sports teams in Unova actually use battling as a way of settling disputes or scores in random sports. “I think I’d like to see that… That sounds interesting actually.”
He turned his head to the side thinking about all the starter Pokemon, the Snivy, Tepigs, and Oshawotts, or perhaps even their evolved forms, battling it out in the gym and actually getting paralyzed. He thought for a moment before responding back. “Are her Pokemon electric types?”
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audinon · 9 years
She froze in place as his paw pressed against the center of her face. “A-ah, but...” She did remember saying that, back in the forest, that she would share some food with him. At the same time... “...there’s certain rules and procedures in this human building? One of them being... obey the signs?” It was rather hard to explain things with a paw on her nose, and she was beginning to get rather flustered.
Quickly the cat turned around to the voice, paw held up and pressing against the Audino’s nose. “Boop, hello there!” The cat cooed slightly, still not removing his paw from the other’s face. “It’s Jewels! But, why would I needa wait, didn’t you say I was allowed to get food from your place? This placey place!”
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audinon · 9 years
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“Don’t worry too much about it, okay?” She spoke gently, keeping her spirits high even as she shot down her ideas. “There’s so many different medical professions... I’m positive there’s a niche for you, somewhere.”
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{ ϟ } — “Ah, I don’t know about that.. I don’t think I could handle the stress and all.” He said, looking down at his feet. Galvantula is well aware of his shy attitude, it can spark lots of problems in communication. “I don’t think I can reach my goal, though..”
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audinon · 9 years
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Hello, hello, hello! New rp blog for a gijinka Dratini. A like/reblog would be great, so I can find more people to follow!
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audinon · 9 years
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Wow. Already at 400 followers and it’s near the second month mark. I never expected to get so many followers. Especially in such little time. Even though I’m bad at getting to all of my replies, I still get new followers and make awesome new friends. With that thought, here’s the ones that hold a special place on my dashboard and my heart.
The Lovelies*
abinterim lifeentity empathiae callainus—gratia lordgiratina oblivxsci xeternitas suiisho transmxw victini30 ninesilvertails nijinohane rubychxrmer audinon tanabatanouta *These people have officially ruined my life. Congrats.
The Sweeties
lordoftheseas rulebreakertoph theruleroftheland aruseus justicesteel deokishiribo millennium-wishmaker mirarigenesis whenthingsfall cosonantea pkmnexchanger kyuureimu uratanu multilimbedhoarder
The Awesome People (who I have yet to talk to or I have briefly and it’s just basically me stalking your blogs on my dashboard and reading everything you write)
redbxlt blueflxre sycamorite synthesizebeing platinumverity placidii bellomag jxdeorb latilass viridianite x—crimson sola—cordis armxnia flxgrxns arkaizoku arkeusk professorsycam0re heroxftruth darkenedelite glacierbxdges dikaiosynii wishfxl-thixking pearlkia diaruga resurgamxextempora achromatic-colress northwiind valxant lyraisms birchsapph birdofiice mxsalai
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audinon · 9 years
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Julia was slowly coming back to reality, and the very first thing she noticed was how saddened the Latias was. She leaned over to rest on the dragon’s shoulder, her head against her long neck, whispering, “No, it’s all right... I’m just... I’m just a wimp, that’s all...” She fully blamed herself for ruining the moment.
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That had probably been the least convincing answer Latias had ever heard, and the expression on her face contorted into further dismay. She lowered herself until she was practically sitting on the ground alongside her friend, her arms tucked tightly against her chest. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t think it would scare you that much,” she continued to apologize fervently. “Can I do anything for you?”
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audinon · 9 years
“They do, yes! I’ve been to quite a few tennis matches here, they’re quite exciting.” Julia could never get herself psyched up for a contact sport, but watching baseball and tennis was a fun pastime, even if tickets tended to be on the expensive side. “Anyway, the Gym here has a tough reputation. Elesa’s a famous celebrity, and we seem to get paralyzed Pokemon coming in here daily.”
Closed RP [audinon and journeyofkanto]
He listened to her comments and gave a few nods of his head. That seemed about right to him. Jace was actually going to go to the Nimbasa City gym to take it on. He was planning on taking on all the gyms and seeing how they do against the Elite Four. But, Fenny was Jace’s only Pokemon coming into the new region, Jace would have to capture a full team once again. “I think that’s what my trainer was planning on doing after he picks me back up. He has a childhood friend that lives here now and that’s who he’s going to see right now. And the sports teams even battle each other? I know some of the football (soccer) teams in Kanto have Pokemon, but they don’t battle each other.”
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audinon · 9 years
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“That would be lovely, thank you!” She held the bakery’s door open for him, and once they were both inside, rushed straight to the front. The guys behind the counter knew exactly what she wanted, the same thing she ordered 5-6 days a week; a trio of glazed donuts.
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                                                          It soon became apparent why she was a                                                               nurse. She was cute and happy. Maybe                                                               that was just the way she was raised? It                                                               didn’t matter because it brought him to jog                                                           beside her. A chuckle parted his lips at the                                                           way she tugged him, eventually he let her                                                           hold onto his hand for the rest of the                                                                   journey. 
                                                          It wasn’t long before they were upon the                                                               sweet shop. It smelled divine. Leon’s nose                                                           was quickly in the air sniffing loudly and                                                               taking in all he could. He was very excited                                                           to go in and devour the treats it confined. 
“Well I say this is a nice turn…Thank you nurse. Perhaps I may be so kind as to pay for your doughnuts?”
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audinon · 9 years
She was a little surprised he could speak English, but she had met a few people like that before, and in any case, her hunger was trumping nearly every other thought. As they sat down at a table, she picked up the first of her donuts and jammed it into her mouth, swallowing it down with just two bites.
"Excuse me?" Ray calls out as he enters the Pokemon Center with a large, purple gash along his arm. The Lucario manages to stumble inside before taking a seat and leaning back into the chair. "Is anyone here? I'm in need of some medical assistance."
A team of nurses quickly surrounded the Lucario, gently lifting him up and placing him onto a stretcher. Once on top, he was rushed into a private room, where a young Audino was waiting on duty. As they lifted the Lucario onto the bed, she trotted over to his side and immediately sent a Heal Pulse towards his arm.
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audinon · 9 years
Reblog if you actually like my blog (*˙︶˙*)☆*°
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audinon · 9 years
She bounded to the register, knowing immediately what she wanted. The humans who worked there didn’t understand her Pokemon speech, but she had been in there so many times that they were quite familiar with her. She pointed eagerly to a trio of glazed donuts, and man behind the counter brought them out together, stacked on a plate. She turned back to look at Ray, her right arm motioning him to come forward - as famished as she was, she wouldn’t start eating without him.
"Excuse me?" Ray calls out as he enters the Pokemon Center with a large, purple gash along his arm. The Lucario manages to stumble inside before taking a seat and leaning back into the chair. "Is anyone here? I'm in need of some medical assistance."
A team of nurses quickly surrounded the Lucario, gently lifting him up and placing him onto a stretcher. Once on top, he was rushed into a private room, where a young Audino was waiting on duty. As they lifted the Lucario onto the bed, she trotted over to his side and immediately sent a Heal Pulse towards his arm.
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audinon · 9 years
It was amazing to her that battles could actually be enjoyable. But she believed him. He definitely looked like a veteran. “This is actually a really good city for battling, you know... we get people in here all the time from the Gym in the eastern half of the city. And the sports teams, they battle a lot, too.”
Closed RP [audinon and journeyofkanto]
The Delphox thought about that question for a moment before giving a small nod of his head. “Yes, very much so. I didn’t used to when I was still a Fennekin. In fact I actually hated it. And my trainer knew it too.”
He gave another laugh shaking his head reminiscing about his trainer and how crazy he was about getting him to battle. “Jace was very stubborn about his advances in getting me to battle. In fact, I used flamethrower on him to get him to stop, he still didn’t quit. Well, it was the first battle I ever had when I realized how much I liked it. I just wanted to do it just to get him to leave me alone about it. Ended up beating a family friend’s Bulbasaur. Now I can’t hardly go anywhere without wanting a battle. I’m always wanting to test my strength. And I think the Kanto League was the best for that. That’s why we’re here in Unova.”
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audinon · 9 years
Hello hello!
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Yo, hey! My name’s Gardy, and I’m coming back to tumblr from a three month hiatus! I’m looking to catch up with some old friends, and hopefully make a bunch of new ones!
I’m a multiverse Gardevoir, with my main two verses being Pokemon RP and KRP. I’m up for all styles of RP, and I’m known for sending quite a bit of memes. So, if you’re interested, please like/reblog this post, and I’ll check you out!
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