augustusaugustus · 33 minutes
12.109 Karma
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BOULTON: It’s a waste of time, if you ask me. Price murdered both her kids in cold blood. DEAKIN: So? BOULTON: She drowned her three-year-old in the bath while his brother’s watching the television. Puts him to bed, then does the same to the other one. DEAKIN: I read the report. BOULTON: Yeah? Well you should’ve seen the bodies after the fire that she started and how upset she was and how she wanted to get the people who’d started it.
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John hates pretty much everyone in this episode. The woman who killed her children, the men who prey on her from their positions of power… Another character may have gained some kind of sympathy for Price, but he just finds more people to despise.
Guest starring Jim Norton, who will always be Bishop Brennan to me. He was a randy old bugger too.
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augustusaugustus · 20 hours
12.108 Detained
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Scott Neal’s final pre-Luke Ashton guest appearance.
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augustusaugustus · 23 hours
12.107 Liar
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RAWTON: I thought I’d show Sun Hill how it was done.
Liz Rawton’s first episode hurrah! And she spends it being whip smart and extremely slashy with Suzi. What an excellent start ;)
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augustusaugustus · 2 days
If Scout Harding isn't fully romanceable this time I will riot.
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"Bellara, a creative and romantic Veil Jumper obsessed with uncovering ancient secrets.
Davrin,a bold and charming Grey Warden who has made a name for himself as a monster hunter.
Emmrich, a necromancer of Nevarra's Mourn Watch who comes complete with a skeletal assistant, Manfred.
Harding, the dwarven scout, returns to the fray as a companion with her big heart, a positive outlook, and a ready bow – as well as unexpected magical powers.
Lucanis, a poised & pragmatic assassin who descends from the bloodline of the House of Crows, a criminal organization renowned throughout Thedas.
Neve, a cynic fighting for a better future, both as a private detective and a member of Tevinter's rebellious Shadow Dragons.
Taash, a dragon hunter allied with the Lords of Fortune who lives for adventure and doesn't mind taking risks."
Companion information from EA. [source]
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augustusaugustus · 2 days
12.106 Repossession
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A sad episode, but Derek finally gets a proper gig at least. I always like the ones where he gets to be a negotiator.
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augustusaugustus · 2 days
12.105 Second Chances
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How the hell did this become my main ship?
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A man arrested by immigration says he was the witness to a murder.
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augustusaugustus · 5 days
12.104 A Day in the Life
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KEANE: There’s other jobs besides robbery and policing.
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Fantastic Debbie episode showing off her brilliant mix of intelligence, empathy and bravery. Yet again, I wonder how I wasn’t head over heels for her when I watched this era in the past. Guest starring Kulvinder Ghir as a shooting victim who wasn’t actually shot.
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augustusaugustus · 5 days
12.102 Day Tripper
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SKASE: Why not just keep quiet, and let a judge decide?
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SKASE: So, what do you think? GREIG: What do I think about perjuring myself for the greater good? Not a lot.
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GREIG: Things are so… uncomplicated for you, aren’t they, Rod? SKASE: Maybe they are. You win some, you lose some, that’s how I see it. It’s a game. The only thing is, I’m playing rugby and you’re playing… chess.
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A good Alastair episode, with a race against time to find sufficient evidence to keep a drug dealer in the country. Great juxtaposition of his rigidity and Rod’s more laissez-faire attitude and the two work well together here.
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augustusaugustus · 6 days
12.101 Out of Control
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Lucy Speed (Stevie Moss) guesting.
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augustusaugustus · 6 days
12.100 Pony Express
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If Jim would stop looking at people like that I wouldn’t be forced to pair him with everyone in the station.
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STAMP: Have they been where I think they’ve been?
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A man dies after smuggling drugs into the country inside his stomach. His brother agrees to help CID catch the buyer.
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augustusaugustus · 7 days
12.96 Minding
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Matt’s face when a suspect starts changing a toddler on the custody desk.
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SLATER: That’s who they’re looking for. She hasn’t got green hair, though.
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A woman brought in for shoplifting with two children in tow turns out to be their nanny and not their mother, like she says.  
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augustusaugustus · 7 days
12.95 Reminders
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A prisoner has gone missing and a man has been stabbed. Unsurprisingly, these two things are related.
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augustusaugustus · 8 days
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‘Join The Bill’, a series of press advertisements published in the lead up to the 1988 series.
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augustusaugustus · 8 days
12.94 Lean on Me
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CRYER: A bit of sensitivity, that’s all I’m saying, Reg. HOLLIS: Sarge, can I say something? CRYER: Of course. HOLLIS: Well, I didn’t join the job to be a sympathetic ear all the time CRYER: I don’t think that’s how you’re being used. HOLLIS: Yeah, but I think I am. I mean, anything to do with mums or kids and I’m the top of the list. I’m just not very happy about the of jobs I’ve been getting, that’s all. I’m sorry, Sarge, but it had to be said.
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I love that Reg gets the confidence to be more assertive at the station thanks to his relationship with Barbara. It’s a pity it ends with her leaving town, because they’re a good match and he deserves someone who appreciates him.
(Also? Reg does mess up here, but if he’d had support from CID, instead of mockery, things would’ve been different.)
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augustusaugustus · 8 days
12.93 Drinking Partners
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A bit of a frustrating episode, but Alastair is being so stupidly underused this series that you just have to take what you get when he's actually given a gig!
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augustusaugustus · 9 days
12.91 For Their Own Good
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LINES: Sergeant Boulton’s one-man fight against crime.
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LINES: Monroe’s quoting PACE. BOULTON: Been reading Scouting for Boys again, has he?
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VILLAIN: You think you’re so smart, don’t you? BOULTON: Yeah. I do. 
A clever one, where John seems truly dodgy for a lot of it, only to just be doing his usual rule bending in the end. Alan’s last episode, boo. I’ll miss his brilliant tongue-in-cheek comments.
Some weird blocking here—several scenes have characters standing too close as if for a close-up, but in a wide-angle shot so it looks very bizarre. Might be why the director only did two episodes ;)
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augustusaugustus · 9 days
12.87 Playing It by the Rules
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DEAKIN: Jim, look after the shop, will you? Keep the punters happy. CARVER: ???
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Brownlow’s put a total ban on overtime, which is as popular as you’d think, and Chris is trying to get a woman he knows from his robbery squad days to grass on her boyfriend. John, meanwhile, is confused and unimpressed when Chris seems to be on a drugs suspect’s side in his interviews.
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