autistic-demiboy · 2 years
I have been gone from this blog for quite a while. 😅 Oops. I mostly post on another account and I might just move there instead of but i'm not sure. I talk in third person there so it takes way less spoons. If any followers here want to follow me there it is @nonspeakingkiku
Updated intro time I guess.
I'm Percy. I also go by Kiku. On my other account I primarily go by Kiku.
I am a mostly nonverbal multiply disabled autistic and adhd adult. I am high support needs. I previously identified as semiverbal but I rarely have speech and when I do have it I can't communicate very well with it. I suspect I have global apraxia and a language disability of some kind but I have no idea what. I am working on becoming a full time aac user (I have trauma because I was forced to talk a lot because no one knew I have a speech disability).
I currently use LAMP words for life, Proloquo2go, Proloquo, and TD Snap. I use LAMP and Proloquo2go about the same amount probably and I use Proloquo more than TD Snap. I am still customising things in them though and I only have one device for communication and self regulation so that affects things.
I communicate using my aac apps, word approximations, gestures, a handful of ASL signs, sounds, and sometimes echolalia. My speech is increadibly unreliable and I often can't be understood especially by people other than my partners.
I have processing difficulties especially with to auditory processing. I have migraines that affect my vision and because of this I have some of my aac apps set up similar to how you would for someone who is visually impaired (The main one is LAMP currently) and I want to get a keyguard for it eventually to help prevent misshits.
I am genderqueer, and I collect a lot of gender terms because I feel they fit me. I like the words boy, girl, and enby to discribe myself at different times. Sometimes I am a boy, sometimes i'm a girl, sometimes i'm both, sometimes i'm neither, and sometimes i'm something else. Boy and girl at the same time is most common. My pronouns are fluid but currently He/She/They/Fae are good and I like canine and bunny themed neopronouns.
I am nonhuman and identify with a lot of different creatures, currently the most prevelant ones are werewolf, bunny, unicorn (MLP universe), and fox/kitsune.
I am something called an aspen. That means my parts of self are bigger due to trauma. Similar to DID/OSDD but I am one person, not multiple. Although I don't always feel like one person.
I love animals, crafting, video games and have many interests.
I'm not sure what else to say but if you read this thanks ☺️
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
I luckily haven't had to deal with much chronic pain or hand pain yet, especially with regards to baking (crochet is another story). That said, these look like some pretty solid tips! There's also some in the comments section.
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
I got my talker!! I'm so happy. It's been so useful. I've only had it a could of days and I'm still learning and customizing it but it's going really well and I am so happy with it. I got a purple and black case and my ipad is the dark grey one. The back is so pretty but of course it's covered by the case. I've been unable to talk a lot recently so I'm so glad I finally got it. I've also gotten some other stuff but I'm gonna post about that later. Right now I need to charge my self regulation tablet and I still have to download my social media apps to my ipad but I'm working on that.
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
Autism Speaks fought against and killed a bill (1047) that:
- was meant to ensure school staff would be trained to support nonspeaking students before school starts
- would protect nonspeaking students who need AAC from segregation
- would prevent the use of IQ tests to deny access to AAC
IDEA is supposed to put these protections in place, but they don’t happen. This bill was brought forth because nonspeaking students are still being unfairly segregated and not offered AAC at all.
Teachers want to support nonspeaking people! They want the training!
And Autism Speaks just killed the bill that would help so many nonspeaking people.
So tell me again how they’re so great, because once more they are silencing autistic voices.
Autism Speaks doesn’t want nonspeaking autistic people to speak because it will break the carefully crafted tragedy narrative they’ve built up and struggle to maintain.
A link to the Twitter thread is under the cut so tumblr doesn’t eat this out of tags.
A mom to a nonspeaking child tried to advocate to help her child and people like him and was basically shot down by Autism Speaks.
Twitter thread.
Autism Speaks came into the replies trying to gaslight the op, and they got splattered by autistic people.
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
everyone conveniently forgets american girl's transgender character 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
Is it okay to ask for a blue/blueberry and moth themed moodboard for my partner?
Blueberry Moth Agere Moodboard 🫐
Sure thing! Sorry it took so long, I had lots of requests ^_^ I hope they like this!!!
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DNI: kink, nsfw, 18+, dd/lg or variants, (no)maps, trauma, proship, violence/gore, hate/discourse, pro-ana/thinspo
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
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Digger the Crab (Orange) – Beanie Baby
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
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Kass stimboard for anon
💙 x x x - x x x - x x x 💙
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
hi could ii request a ladybug and chat noir regression board? 🥺👉👈
Ladybug and Chat Noir Agere Moodboard 🐞🐈‍⬛
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DNI: Kink, nsfw, 18+, dd/lg, cg/l, (no)maps, trauma, gore, anti/hate/discourse, pro-ana/thinspo
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
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Dinosaurs! Rawr!
(this has been sitting in my drafts so so long p.p)
🦖 🦖 🦖 | 🦖 🦖 🦖 | 🦖 🦖 🦖
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
Frog Agere Moodboard 🐸💚
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[DNI: kink, nsfw, 18+, (no)maps, dd/lg, cgl, trauma, violence/g0re, anti/hate/discourse, pro-ana/thinspo]
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
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i want dis kina stuffs for xmas but i dunno how to ask > . <
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
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Agere playdate!! ♡
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
Heyyy also shoutout to other autistic people with funky grammar/syntax.
People who integrate whatever slang they find useful/interesting/whatever into their language even if it “doesn’t fit them” (like I read a lot of British lit growing up so I sometimes use UK wording even though I’m not British), people who flip around the order of words so it still makes sense but is just “out of order”, people who repeat bits of phrases from the first part of their sentences without realizing (“Though I don’t think you’d like that dress though”), people who incorporate wording from different time periods, people who adopt accents really easily, whatever, y’all are cool ily
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
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Here’s the new 24 hour comic I drew this year!  This one is called THE KING’S FOREST.  cw: blood, violence
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autistic-demiboy · 2 years
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