averymayhemeveryday · 18 hours
Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.
It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.
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This Pride post is dedicated to the masc identity.
Soft butches. Hard butches. The girls who look like my uncle Butch. The trans men who look like my uncle Butch. My actual uncle Butch (RIP). The studs who are indeed their own separate group and bring so much to Black culture but get no credit. Y’all are the reason men’s street fashion exists. They were not wearing crossbody ”chest piece” bags before y’all!!! I am your witness.
Shout out to the lesbians who manage the fuck out of a retail store. Corporate polo gang, I see you. Shout out to my lesbian line cooks and chefs. Every lesbian person in a male dominated field, I see you! When I see y’all I know I’m gonna have a good experience. I be feeling so safe!
Happy Pride to the teen who can’t wait to move out so they can dress and wear their hair they want. Missing out of their youth self expression rite is hard. Almost there, honey.
Lastly, let’s light a candle for all the trans men who keep getting shocked by how lonely it is to be a man among men. Go hang out with the same women and queers who loved you before, silly. You’ll live.
See y’all outside ✌🏾
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Thoughts that are mutual between cats and their people:
Yeah you're cute when you sleep but you didn't let me sleep either so I'm going to annoy you now because I'm bored. Hahah get poked, sleepy idiot.
How do you not comprehend this when I am literally staring at you. Like I understand that your brain can't understand things this nuanced but come on, how do you not get this.
I don't know if you know that what I am currently doing is an expression of affection, but that won't stop me. Knowing that I showed you that I love you is enough.
I heard a crinkly material and the sound of you chewing so I have to know what's in your mouth RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
I can't communicate with you and you can't communicate with me, so I'm just copying the tone of the sound you're making in hopes that you understand that I try.
You are doing activities beyond my comprehension, and I find this fascinating. I will never understand what the fuck you are trying to achieve here, but I am intrigued nonetheless.
Hey are you ok, you haven't done your weird thing in a while. Yeah I don't get why you do that but I know you do that when you're ok.
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If you, for some reason, still have a subscription to the Atlantic, cancel it
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i did this instead of writing
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Ooh. This is SO GEN X.... hopefully some of you younger ones will get it too.
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Realized the tiny crown from a board game I have would be perfectly Space Cowboy sized. My collection of pics of my pets in hats grows.
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since mrs, ms, and mr are all descended from the latin word magister, i propose the gender neutral version should be mg, short for "mage"
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When the anti "LGBT propaganda" law passed in Russia, all of you were going insane and cared. Give Georgia the same energy. If you can have sympathy for our oppressors on the basis of them being queer, you should keep the same energy for us, if not more.
If this law passes, every Georgian queer person I know is so severely fucked, myself included. If you make jokes about "being illegal in several countries" you better fucking care about the countries you're apparently illegal in, or going to be illegal in.
Make sure to spread this around. This is important.
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Cats painting studies by Paul Rabaud
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And this is why you switch to DuckDuckGo. :/
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I’ve seen the Ursula K LeGuin quote about capitalism going around, but to really appreciate it you have to know the context.
The year is 2014. She has been given a lifetime achievement award from the National Book Awards. Neil Gaiman puts it on her neck in front of a crowd of booksellers who bankrolled the event, and it’s time to make a standard “thank you for this award, insert story here, something about diversity, blah blah blah” speech. She starts off doing just that, thanking her friends and fellow authors. All is well.
Then this old lady from Oregon looks her audience of executives dead in the eye, and says “Developing written material to suit sales strategies in order to maximize corporate profit and advertising revenue is not the same thing as responsible book publishing or authorship.”
She rails against the reduction of her art to a commodity produced only for profit. She denounces publishers who overcharge libraries for their products and censor writers in favor of something “more profitable”. She specifically denounces Amazon and its business practices, knowing full well that her audience is filled with Amazon employees. And to cap it off, she warns them: “We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art. Very often in our art, the art of words.”
Ursula K LeGuin got up in front of an audience of some of the most powerful people in publishing, was expected to give a trite and politically safe argument about literature, and instead told them directly “Your empire will fall. And I will help it along.”
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averymayhemeveryday · 11 days
feeling obliged to add: yes you can sub out the PB/cream cheese/nutella when mixing after the soak with eggs. this batch is the usual oats/chia seeds/applesauce/oat milk combo plus a couple tablespoons of brown sugar, a tbsp of freeze dried coffee i'm trying to use up and a generous sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice before the soak. next morning i beat 2 eggs till well mixed (it's a lot easier to incorporate them evenly if beaten a bit) and added mini chocolate chips. then ~20-25 minutes at 375
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texture is still not like, totally *normal* cookie texture due to the chia seeds and applesauce, but it's a lot closer than some of the other batches i've made. so if you happen to not be allergic to eggs and don't like the texture of the result using just PB/cream cheese/nutella as a binder, give it a shot. (you can still add some of that for flavor, but the result is a lot moister and you should definitely refrigerate to prevent mold. i think these will probably keep fine on the counter a bit longer.)
Super random, you don't know me lol, but I was looking through the notes of the most common breakfast post and I was wondering if you'd be willing to share your breakfast cookie recipe. I've been wanting to make some but the one recipe I tried I didn't like, and I haven't been motivated to look for another one
i actually love this ask and that's partly because @averymayhemeveryday just asked me for this a few days ago and i typed it all up into a discord server we're in, so i'm just editing that braindump into a slightly neater recipe and including the pictures i took on my most recent batch. still, i made this up from nowhere and i cook on vibes, there is precious little exact measurement in here so you will have to do your own experimenting and figure out what you like.
recipe is Long so it's under the cut
step one: soaking your grains
i mix about two cups old fashioned oats, a couple tablespoons or so of chia seeds, about a cup of unsweetened applesauce, and enough (oat) milk/water to get it fairly loose, then let it sit in the fridge for at least a few hours to let the liquid soak into the grains. overnight is better. i've done it for over 24 hours and i really like the texture i got. i tend to mix in a bit of instant coffee granules at this point for taste and caffeine content, maybe a tablespoon or two. you can add cinnamon or other spices before or after soaking, i think i've done it both ways. iirc em said they put in cardamon after soaking and wished they did it before so it would soak into the grains more.
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step two: mixing in the rest of your stuff
after soaking, i put in a generous amount of peanut butter, maybe like a third/half cup? i don't measure it at all really, just scoop it in. sometimes i add a bit of molasses, you could do brown sugar too. might be nice to do that before soaking so it soaks into the oats, idk i don't think i've tried it. usually like a big spoonful. i frequently do mini chocolate chips, but i usually do sweetening OR chips, not both, that's just a lot of sugar. then if it's too stiff i put a bit more water or milk in, i get it a little looser than traditional cookie dough but still thick enough to hold together.
left picture is straight out of the fridge after soaking, right is ready to bake
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step three: baking
i use a cookie scoop but if you don't have one a spoon is fine it's just more work, flatten them down because without any butter or some kind of fat they won't flatten themselves, you can pack them onto a cookie sheet tightly cause they won't rise or spread, whatever shape you put them into the oven in, they will stay that shape and size. bake about 25 minutes at 375f. might want to check them at 20 depending on your oven. they get a bit brown around the edges when they are done. i use two cookie sheets stacked together, it's a trick my mom taught me that decreases the risk of burning the bottoms.
EDITING THIS TO ADD: please grease your cookie sheet or use parchment paper you do not want to try to bake something without any fat in it and then get it totally stuck!
i find that it makes enough to eat 6-7 a day for a week, i keep them in the fridge so they don't try to mold or anything, i just split them out into individual storage containers so i just grab one each day and eat on the way to work. i usually take the container out of the fridge the night before so i'm not eating them cold because that's a misery tbh.
for the weekend i usually crumble up that day's portion into a bowl and mix in more applesauce and milk so it's a bit of variety.
my friend em doesn't like peanut butter so we talked about ways to replace that for texture, since it helps it hold together in addition to adding protein. obviously another nut butter or sunbutter would be great if you need to eliminate it for allergy reasons. we talked about using cream cheese instead and i tried that this week, that's the batch those pictures are, i used half a 16oz block and still put in a little peanut butter, and honestly it may be the best batch i've made yet.
honestly it just now, as i am editing this for tumblr, occurred to me that you could add an egg or two in place of pb for protein+holding them together. i'm allergic to eggs so i didn't think of it before and i'm not sure how the texture would be but it might be worth a try.
this week's cream cheese variation, baked, with bonus roasted veggies that were in the oven at the same time, sunday is batch cooking in my house cause i never have any energy (or executive function) by the time i get home from work on weekdays.
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they really are more of a cookie by shape than anything, the texture is not at all what a traditional cookie would be, but i quite enjoy them. even on the weeks that they don't turn out quite as well, it's something to nibble on the way to work and i'll eat practically anything half awake at 730am if it means i won't be shaking with hunger halfway to lunch. this week they are so good i am really sad when i reach the end of the day's portion and i will for sure be doing cream cheese again.
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averymayhemeveryday · 11 days
The thing about knitting is it’s much harder to fear the existential futility of all your actions while you’re doing it.
Like ok, sure, sometimes it’s hard to believe you’ve made any positive impact on the world. But it’s pretty easy to believe you’ve made a sock. Look at it. There it is. Put it on, now your foot’s warm.
Checkmate, nihilism.
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averymayhemeveryday · 11 days
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averymayhemeveryday · 13 days
I will be honest guys, the Red portrait of king Charles is gorgeous asdfghjkl
it's a bad portrait. Like. Objectively. It does the opposite of what's intended. It looks like the painter is insulting him. If it was in a contemporary gallery with no context you would see it immediately as the ambivalent criticism of Charles's reign, how he fades into the overwhelming red background as a tiny little figure, small and insignificant, insufficient for the clothes he's wearing. It reminds my of Goya's portraits, how they were so 'realistic' that they ended up making these great figures look pathetic to the viewer. So these are our rulers?
the sheer novelty. the surprise and shock, the kinda cunt it's serving for no reason. I. I love it. It's an incredible portrait by Jonathan Yeo. By the sheer fact that Charles, the man, is impossible to portray as greater than man because he's just such a nothingburger of a dude. So a portrait made to make him look huge and interesting made him be swallowed in red brushstrokes. The butterfly, that reminded me immediately of " we will all laugh at guilded butterflies", draws more attention than him. It looks like an omen. It looks like a warning in all this red. Something is not right here.
This is the best royal portrait ever 10/10
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