A loss of credit, not a lack of academic preparedness, negatively impacts community college students' chances of earning four-year degrees.
Friends don't let friends attend community college. 
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That awkward moment when your grandma friends you on Facebook That awkward moment when all of her pictures have a very obviously fake smile and it's creepy
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How the fuck did/do people do it? How do they figure out what their major is at the age of 17? How did they know which colleges to apply to? How did they know where to get scholarships and loans? How are they able to be done with their education and start their career by the time they're 22? How? Who the fuck taught them how to do all this shit? Where were they when I needed the same help? Why couldn't I get the help? Why am I expected to do the same things without any help? every single person whose job it was to help me has been completely incompetent and/or ignored me.
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Why the fuck do I even bother with school? I'm way too fucking far behind for it to even matter anymore. I'm nowhere close to getting my fucking AA, let alone anything that actually matters. Everyone else is done and moving on with their lives, starting careers, getting married, having kids, owning their own home.  I wanted to be done by now.  I wanted to be done, but I don't even have the equivalent of Freshman level classes because I made so many goddamn stupid school choices. 
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So I was at work and I dropped something and the first thing that popped into my head was "at least it wasn't a baby"
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(Scandal about thing)
Omg, Thing-gate!
(Homoerotic thing subtext)
Omg, Brokeback Thing!
(Thing within thing)
Omg, Thingception!
(Erotic thing)
Omg, 50 shades of Thing!
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This is my mom. Today's her 52nd birthday. This is what she wanted to do to celebrate. Behind her is a straight drop downwards. I love her, no matter how crazy she is.
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I say this every year, but when I worked retail I volunteered to work Thanksgiving so I wouldn't have to deal with the drunk, irritable customers at midnight. Plus time and a half pay, meaning more than working an 8 hour Friday shift
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My therapist told me instead of hurting myself I should draw something pretty were I want to cut. This is the result. And it works, honestly. If you’re struggling with self harm I really recommend this. (Make sure you use a marker and not a pen cause pens can hurt you! )
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#selfiesforsuffrage #suffragistnotsuffragette
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Al wants to rock and roll all night. #babyanddaddy #laughingbaby
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Showed this to my bf. He said "then you should date me a lot because I'm a lot proud of you!"
don’t date anyone who isn’t proud of you
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My friend said he would have called the cops on his old roommate's abusive boyfriend but he didn't want them to search the apartment and arrest my friend for possessing weed.
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It’s just a flesh wound.
The single greatest scene in cinematic history.
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shout out to the kids and adults who have memory problems, who get yelled and screamed at by their families for not remembering things
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I think I read this book. It was a collection of short stories about witches and one of them ran a website where she sold spells. Nothing really dangerous, just irritating and inconveniencing
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