b-ice · 3 years
This is my first post, my take about co-op life,  TV shows, movies, games, books, and other stuff from life.  
Let’s start with co-ops. You  first take a house-tour, have dinner, get to know people and about  how  it’s run. Then you pick your room and move in. In house tours, i have helped out with showing new people around, even though it’s not part of my job.
Each housemate has a task or tasks, could be a position like president or treasurer, or it could be housework, like cooking or cleaning. We all take part, even those who just board but don’t live in the house. Back in 2000, there was no in-house president at J-House to teach me about the house. I asked Brendan at the dinner table what’s guff. He said it is anything hat anyone who lives or boards at the house can eat.
Before the first house meeting, Laurie called me. i was at work, and she said i was voted in as a non-student  i moved into a double with Pierre.
The co-ops are great. i have had some best of times but that's for the next time b-ice out  
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