badbreathrnr · 10 years
Gum Disease Treatments
Exploring Gum Disease Treatment
What is gum disease? Often referred to as gingivitis, gum disease occurs when plaque and bacteria cause inflammation around the gums and can lead to deep pockets forming in the gums between the teeth. An early sign of gingivitis could be bleeding of the gums after a person brushes the teeth. There a several different gum disease treatments that one can explore depending on the severity of the disease.
Treating Gum Disease
Treating gum disease often starts with regular dental checkups. As bacteria builds up on the teeth, plaque can mineralize to form tarter which is very tough to remove. These tarter deposits lead to the inflammation characteristic of gingivitis. By getting a regular teeth cleanings twice per year, you can minimize the amount of inflammation going forward.
If you have tarter deposits beneath the gum line, then a more extensive gum disease treatment will be necessary. Scaling is the process of scraping the tarter off the teeth above and below the gums. It is usually done with the assistance of a local anesthetic. Planing is another nonsurgical procedure that can be used for more severe cases of gum disease. This involves filing down rough spots on the teeth to prevent them from becoming a nidus for a new plaque formation.
If one has developed significant pockets between the teeth, then surgical treatment can be used to restore the gums to a more pristine condition. In pocket reduction surgery, the gums are initially pulled back and tarter removed from beneath them and rough areas smoothed as necessary. Then the dental practitioner will replace the gums over the tooth so that they fit tightly, leaving little space for plaque to re-infiltrate the tissue.
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When Gingivitis Goes Untreated
When gingivitis has gone untreated for a significant amount of time, it can cause periodontal disease destroying the bone tissue under the gums. In such cases, surgical bone grafts can be done to help regenerate the bone tissue. The grafts can come from your own bone tissue elsewhere in your body, donor bone tissue, or a synthetic material.
For less severe cases, there are also home remedies for gum disease that one can try without a visit to a dentist's office. The first is to reduce the amount of stress in your life. Stress can dampen the effectiveness of the immune system, making gum inflammation hard to fight off.
Gum Disease Home Treatments
A sea salt solution is also an effective home therapy to manage gum disease. One simply needs to dissolve a bit of sea salt in water and rinse it in your mouth for 30 seconds multiple times in a row, twice per day. This solution helps to draw out infections from the gum line.
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Tea bags can help control gingivitis. Put a tea bag in boiling water and allow it to cool so that it is not too hot to tolerate against your mouth. Then directly apply the tea bag for five minutes to the area of your gum that is problematic. The tea contains a substance known as tannic acid that helps in treating the infection.
One other useful topical gum disease treatment is honey. It might sound odd putting something with so much sugar content in your mouth as an oral remedy; but, honey does have antibacterial properties. You just want to make sure to get it on the gums and not the teeth. Just put a small amount on the gums in the area that needs it most.
Gum Disease Is Common
With a high carbohydrate diet becoming more commonplace in western society, gum disease has become all too common. By taking the right preventative measures and trying some of the treatments mentioned above, you can effectively fight gum disease.
If you live around the Los Angeles area come see our dentist in Pico Rivera CA. We have wonderful dentist who really care about their patients. You will feel comfortable here. 
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badbreathrnr · 11 years
Importance Of Dental Health
Keep Your Teeth And Gums Clean
Check the local listings and ask around before your make your selection if you are looking for a family dentist in Whittier California. It is actually very good to ask around. You should find about available options as well as their services and facilities. Given that the dentist and the dental office will likely be like a friend for years, you should make your mind up smartly.
It's usually said, "It's essential to look after your teeth when you are youthful since they are a great investment in your upcoming years". Take care of them now and they'll maintain their excellent condition. It’s crucial to have the appropriate dentist so that when your teeth have problems you will get the very best remedy.
How Can Oral Health Problems Happen
During the day food mucus and particles develop a coating of oral plaque on our teeth, along with harmful bacteria in our mouths. This can cause periodontal disease. If we're negligent in this respect, we get a buildup of tartar which can only be removed by a dentist.
Various kinds of bad breath scents of the mouth area can signify several possible illnesses. Your professional dental practice may be able to recognize the problems which are creating these scents. Poor breathe might be brought on because of the many serious health related issues you may have.
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Gum Problems and Gum Disease
Gum problems stats show that the majority of men and women will have gum disease at some time throughout their life. Up to 75% of all adults have experienced some type of periodontal issues. It also the leading cause behind teeth loss in grownups. One kind of gum disease is called Gingivitis.
But what is gum disease, specifically? Its signs can range from slightly irritated gums to full-on oral infections, which can lead to tooth loss or mouth ulcers. It's usually caused by poor oral hygiene. Studies show that people with a family history of periodontal problems may be more likely to develop gum disease in their lifetime than those without this family history.
If not dealt with gingivitis will become full periodontal disease. The tissues protecting your pearly whites will quickly pull away from the gums creating pockets that will store food and bacteria. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing will not remove this food debris. When periodontal illness reaches this phase it is recognized as Periodontal Condition (the word Periodontal signifies 'around the tooth')
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Getting A Dental Health Checkup
The diagnosis of the disease is the first step towards the cure. It is said that if the disease is diagnosed correctly, the cure is much simpler. After all, a job that is started is 50 % complete. Diagnosis a disease is the first step towards curing it. The identical theory pertains to oral health. For this reason, it is essential to have an in depth dentistry check-up once or twice a year. This will protect us from more serious and even deadly illnesses.
Take Care Of Your Teeth
Sloppy maintenance of your dental health might turn into all kinds of issues including bone damage, teeth loss and oral cavity diseases. Family dentistry can help in avoiding these issues. They will also provide different dentistry professional services including oral cleanings, root canal dentistry, and implants to regenerate a missing teeth, fluoride treatments, third molar extractions, dentistry and detection of dentistry ailments with an early on point.
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badbreathrnr · 11 years
Bad Breath Reasons and Remedies Terrible breath is really a too common problem but don’t worry, there are plenty of distinct remedies. Now it's not as effortless as you may believe, but you can find several quite straightforward methods that make it possible to end bad breath permanently. The first step to eliminate smelly breath is to observe the food you eat and identify those that may be causing you odorous breath. It can be difficult for the typical person to understand ways to remove undesirable breath, particularly when it's not brought on by gastric problems or any other type or healthcare condition. Find out your established daily patterns and poor eating and brushing patterns, to get rid of chronic bad breath or halitosis completely by looking into the causes of smelly breath. Are home remedies part of your bad breath treatments the answer to curing odorous breath? Many folks across the world suffer every day from undesirable breath. So, you want to know how to cure poor breath if brushing and flossing isn't enough? The secret is always to make your mouth less "friendly" to these odor causing bacteria. Having terrible breath is indeed a major turn-off. Our Whittier Dentist in Whittier CA can help you fix your bad breath. 
What Does Mouth Wash Do For You? Mouthwash only gets rid of poor breath temporarily. Mouth should be kept clean daily to reduce the bacterial action between your teeth and on your gums. Mouth fresheners, in particular the ones containing chlorine dioxide are great. The chlorine dioxides in mouth fresheners attack the volatile sulfur compounds creating the foul smell. Bacteria can flourish in the mouth, between the teeth and on the tongue, specifically after eating meals. Particles of meals can be stuck between the teeth or in the gum line. These are just a few places these bacteria will then begin to thrive. Bacteria in the mouth are the major causes of terrible breath. Bacteria in the mouth react with the meals and drink residue to emit undesirable breath. Some foods like onion and garlic are also source of foul smelling breath.
  More Serious Complications With Halitosis "Malignant" undesirable breath, or halitosis, can be a sign of periodontal (gum) disease that is eating away at bone around the teeth. Other causes of poor breath might be underlying health-related conditions, including acid reflux, a sinus or lung infection, liver or kidney disease or uncontrolled diabetes. When brushing your teeth, don't forget to brush your tongue. Meals particles stuck between the teeth after a meal rot in the mouth and give off an unpleasant odor. One cause of undesirable breath that often gets overlooked is just not keeping the mouth hydrated enough. One of the major causes of terrible breath is forgetting to brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Chewing gum can keep your mouth hydrated and washing down the bad bacteria, but make sure you are chewing sugarless gum so you don’t have additional dental problems. People suffering from terrible breath need to clean their tongue at periodic intervals. People who are away from home during the day may want to carry a toothbrush and toothpaste with them to use once or twice during the day. People rarely scrape their tongue, but this remains an important step in fighting the odorous bacteria within your mouth. Halitosis usually originates from the back of the throat. This is the location where the bacteria that ruins your breath reside. Halitosis can point to a diet deficiency. Halitosis, or chronic poor breath, is attributable to bacteria. Because you don't eat or drink when you sleep, huge numbers of bacteria that would normally be washed down your throat have the opportunity to "party" til dawn.
See You Dentist For Solutions To Bad Breath Dental X-rays are a useful diagnostic tool when helping your dentist detects damage to your teeth and disease that may not visible during a regular dental exam. Dental floss can reach into the gaps between your teeth where meals residue and plaque can be feasted on by bacteria. Dental problems can be a major reason for halitosis. Regular dental checkups are an essential requirement to maintain good oral health. Your dentist will review your healthcare history for conditions that can cause bad breath and for medicines that can cause dry mouth. Even though it's your doctor or dentist that will eventually help you with a chronic undesirable breath dilemma, you owe it to yourself to also ensure you know all there is always to find out about the various foul breath cures. 
Does Your Tongue Contribute To Foul Breath?
Your tongue is usually a very effective shelter for quite a few bacteria responsible for negative breath. Your tongue has tiny hair-like projections that can trap meals particles and plaque. Tongue scrapers only slightly reduce bad breath. Tongue cleaning is absolutely necessary when treating terrible breath. Odor causing bacteria hide deep within the crevices of the tongue. For the most part the cause of the foul odor that is associated with bad breath comes from specific bacteria which tend to grow in areas that are not exposed to oxygen, such as the back of the tongue and the throat, as well as deep pockets within the gums. Body odor and smelly breath is often a difficulty that often affects a person's self-confidence. When we eat our meals and the food and drinks are digested, volatile substances or chemicals are absorbed into bloodstream. They are then carried into the lungs where they are breathed into the environment. Gingivitis is caused when bacteria starts to grow under the gum line, and go past the point of just being normal bacteria. Gargle daily with mouthwash. Mouthwash or a salt water solution should be gargled for 30 seconds to help wash away and kill off bacteria that may possibly be causing undesirable breath. Prepare a refreshing mouthwash by mixing 2 drops of clove oil, 2 drops of myrrh tincture and 6 drops of eucalyptus oil in a pint of water. Instead of using an alcohol-based mouthwash, here is an idea; mix about two drops of peppermint oil and two drops of tea tree oil to ½ tablespoons of baking soda and at least three ounces of mineral water. Although mouthwashes will solve some of the immediate problems, you must get at the root of the cause. Choosing from one of the numerous negative breath treatments in order to conquer the embarrassing issue can be tricky. Before we look at some undesirable breath treatments we can use to cure terrible breath, we need to understand a bit more about bad breath and its causes. One of the home foul breath remedies that can solve your trouble is by salt water gargle before you sleep at night. However, it can be complicated trying to determine the best solution, including a natural cure for terrible breath, because of the numerous myths associated with halitosis.
Don’t Be Embarrassed By Your Halitosis!
Negative breath can be an embarrassing issue; however, the methods to acquire solutions for undesirable breath can help your social life as well as your physical and dental health. Foul breath, which is also called halitosis, is an embarrassing health condition that affects approximately 30% of people around the world. It can come from odors (Volatile Sulfur Compounds), a group of anaerobic sulfur-producing bacteria that happily live and multiply beneath the surface of your tongue and even in the throat and tonsil area.
Bad breath is mainly caused by odor-producing bacteria that have a nasty habit of growing in your mouth. Bad breath or halitosis can be brought on by sinus or respiratory infections, diabetes, liver failure, kidney disease, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Natural and artificial mouth fresheners can reduce the intensity of bad breath to some extent. Natural gum made with spearmint or peppermint essential oils will also be helpful. Adding peppermint or tea tree oil to your toothpaste or placing a small amount of these oils on the tongue can help rid your mouth of unpleasant odors. Xylitol natural toothpaste and mouthwash-studies report xylitol has many benefits for a healthy mouth when used regularly in toothpaste, and especially in chewing gum. Greens are widely known as a natural deodorizer because of their ability to remove toxins and eliminate bacteria.
Other Thing That Can Contribute To Bad Breath Garlic, onions and exotic spices (such as curry) are widespread sources of problems for several people. Having a garlic breath is never much fun. Some foods, such as garlic can contribute to negative breath because it produces oil brought into the lungs and out through your mouth. One effective way to treat halitosis is by keeping your tongue clean. An effective means of combating terrible breath, therefore, is always to neutralize the bacteria and prevent them from forming VSCs. Finally, an easy and effective home remedy to cure bad breath is simply eating the right meals. Citrus fruits are great for terrible breath because they are acidic. Citric acid is effective at cleaning your mouth and killing bacteria, as well as restoring the pH balance in your mouth. A very effective negative breath solution for digestive halitosis is peppermint. There are many more reasons of causing halitosis like postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, respiratory tract infections, and kidney, liver and digestive problems. If you discover you have bad breath, research your daily habits to determine what may be causing the problem and adjust your routine accordingly. The best dentists in Whittier CA are ready to help solve your all your dental health issues. 
If you need a family dentist in Whittier come to Whittier Square Dentistry and meet our dentists. We offer many dental services in Whittier CA for you and your family. Come and see us and you will find a dental clinic in whittier that truly cares.  
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