bahannah01writes · 4 years
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The cutest flower
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
there’s something about the sight of steps leading down into the water. it feels like the ocean telling me to come home
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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the loml ♡
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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he’s an art! so beautiful so breathtaking so pretty 🤧
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
Oh wait I just thought of a soulmate au where like, you have a black mark on your arm in a simple shape that turns red when after your soulmate first touches you. And this is an idol au so once when Jimin is out he lingers for too long and suddenly he’s getting a little mobbed and followed, its happened to all of them before and honestly he just needs to find a place to duck into, and he’s walking by an alley way when a hand pulls him into it and he’s about to freak out before the person says “hang on be still they’re almost gone” and he’s like a little shaken but mostly thankful.
Both of you look at each other for a moment, maybe it’s raining, and you have to stand a little close to stay away from there the rain is pouring. “sorry- I saw you and you and for a second I though I knew you and then I saw them and I figured you could use some help” and he’s quick to shake his head “no- thank you- for a second I thought I recognized you too.”
he leaves when the coast is clear and it’s not until he’s on a plane later- taking off his jacket that he looks down at his arm and ghasps because his soulmate mark isn’t black anymore, the red band around his wrist aches for the touch of his soulmate and he Dosent have any sort of idea how to find you again and where you are or your name. And you- when you look down at it you figure it must have happened really quickly and that you’ll never see him again.
He tries to go back to the alleyway and finds a small coffee shop in the back but after asking the owner no one by your description works there anymore. Maybe he tries to find you- but years later he sees some of your art with your soulmate mark drawn or an interview with you you’re an up and coming artist and sees the mark on your wrist and has a vivid flash back to that day.
But it’s been years and he’s so unsure. He’s been back to that alley way so many times that it almost feels comforting, only this time you’re waiting there too again, he drops in- standing next to you and you recognize him with a soft smile.
“I wondered when I’d see you here again, took you long enough” and it turns out your studio is upstairs and you’re just waiting for your food to be delivered and you invite Jimin in for food. And it’s a little awkward but- eventually it’s sweet- Jimin holding your hand across the small table in your studio. “I’m sorry it took me so long to find you”
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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5yr old kim seokjin in his unicorn onesie
+ bonus:
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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cutest (almost) birthday boy!!!
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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what a relief that you exist in this world
happy birthday to the brilliant songwriter, talented rapper and inspiring artist that you are. may your trials end in full bloom. ♥
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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papa and baby mochi
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
I have a masterlist on my blog where you should be able to find the rest!! 😊💕
Sweet Dreams, My Dear (Markiplier x Reader) Prologue
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Your sleepy eyes scan the screen, monitoring the dream you set in motion a few hours ago. So far so good, you think to yourself as you smile at the wondrous world you’ve created for the lucky dreamer.
You are a Dream Maker. And well, you do exactly that. You make dreams for the people of the world so when they fall asleep, weary from reality, they’re welcomed into a world of their own where anything can happen. However; it’d be a bit insane to think that you’re the only one making dreams for all the people of the world. Even for a high-level Dream Maker or your Boss, that workload is unimaginable. The relationship between Dreamers and Dream Makers is the reason both sides can rest easily. Every time a child is born, a new Dream Maker is born. Well, born is used loosely, more like a Dream Maker is formed from happiness, pixie dust, and clouds. But anyway, this makes it so that each person has their own personal Dream Maker who knows them best: knows their fears, their gifts, the things that make them jovial, even knows if they prefer cute, fluffy bunnies or fierce badass tigers as companions.
Now usually, everything is fine. Dreams are produced, the Dreamer wakes up well-rested and it’s time for the Dream Maker to recharge only to repeat the process once the day comes to an end. It’s only a problem when a Dream Maker doesn’t recharge fully or is too affected by their Dreamer’s mood… This leads to nightmares. When a Dream Maker produces a nightmare, our Boss is alerted and they’re punished based upon the severity of the nightmare. Thankfully the punishments are never too bad, a few days in the land of the living but never anything permanent.
Only thing is, it takes a lot of concentration to control dreams and right now, you feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Shaking your head, you sigh and try to concentrate on the screen before you and resist the urge to shut your eyes. What’s left of the night? Maybe an hour or two more? You can last. You’ve done it before, just add a few more cats in top hats and watch how your Dreamer ( Who’s currently donned in suspenders and a top hat himself) would react to the absurd number of dapper kitty companions he has. A soft laugh passing your lips as his surprise yet welcome reaction to the furballs. Yeah, you’ll be just fine!
A loud yell pierces your slumber as you bolt up instantly. Your (e/c) eyes look around frantically only to meet harsh, steel blue eyes that are all too familiar. “H-Hey, Boss, what’s up?” You stammer out, trying to not let your fear show. For someone who is supposed to be the ruler of the ever so delightful Dream Realm, he’d be able to terrify the bravest Dreamer on Earth.
“‘What’s up?’ What’s up?!” He fumes, silver brows furrowing in anger, “What’s up is you dozed off and made a nightmare!”
And surely enough, when your eyes shamefully look back at the screen you see your Dreamer scared beyond belief as he runs away from giant, cat-like creatures with multiple heads and glowing red eyes. Instead of replying, you merely hang you head in humiliation. You’ve rarely done this, maybe a few times while you were a rookie, but not in at least sixteen or twenty years.
You can’t see your Boss’ expression but guessing as there isn’t more scolding, his anger has faded into disappointment. You raise your head a bit only to confirm your suspicion.
“You know what this means, right?” He asks expectantly, his voice holding a crestfallen tone rather than annoyance. One of his previously crossed arms reach out to you, though before you take it, your eyes meet his and share a sullen glance.
“How long will I stay?”
“At least twenty moons, you’re experienced. You should know better and recharge fully by the time your Dreamer is asleep and with how scared he had gotten, it earns at most fifteen moons in itself.” Your Boss informs while adding in a light scolding. He’s like a father-figure to the Dream Makers since you don’t exactly have parents yourself. It pains him to give harder punishments as this, especially when seeing the reactions. And to say the least, yours broke his heart.
“At least twenty moons?! Twenty?! But, Boss I swear, it’s a one-”
“Time thing, yes, I know. I’ve heard it before. A punishment fits the nightmare, (Y/n), and that’s yours. No ifs, ands, or buts. Got it?” He more sternly informs this time.
While you’re about to protest once more, his raised brow stops you. You sigh and accept the fact that you can’t escape your sentence. Your eyes leave his and travel down to the hand reached out to you and finally, you take it.
A blinding, golden light disorients you for a moment. Your body weighing down, your Boss’ hand disappearing from your own. Oh goodness, you’ve forgotten the feeling of flashing down. A heavy pit in your stomach and your feet feeling like lead, dragging you down from your cozy cloud above the ground. You want to scream, you so badly want to scream, but your voice seems to have vanished along with your former weightlessness body. There’s no control and all you know and recognize is that the light is beginning to fade. Suddenly, you have contact with another object, a giant weight hitting into you alongside the new weight of your body you feel.
Groaning, the pain starts to fade as you sit up. You look beneath you, curious to see exactly what you’ve hit. And much to your surprise, it’s a bench. You furrow your brows and decide to see exactly where you are and why your Boss could have possibly thought to leave you on a bench. Yet, you’re only confused more as you analyze your surroundings.
You’re outside.
At a bus stop.
In the middle of nowhere.
And it’s still dark outside.
Yeah, great Boss you have.
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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This shit is my version of asmr
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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I could stare at him all day
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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Caption: @bts_bighit @BTS_twt have a soundcheck and rehearsal before their performance on New Year’s Eve in Times Square in NYC on Dec. 31, 2019. Photos by John Angelillo @johnnyfoto for @UPI. #BTS #NYE #NYEWITHBTS
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
Hello, I'm new and I just found your stories: Sweet dreams my dear and Bring me a dream and I absolutely LOVE them I cant help but notice that Bring me a dream seems to end at pt. 14 I tried to see if you made an announcement about not finishing the story but I can't seem to find one and I was just wondering if you plan to write more of that story or if there is a link to pt.15 I am not seeing. I absolutely love your writing and hope to hear from you!
Aww honestly, thank you so much!! That means a whole lot 😊💕 I'm glad you like the series that much, though I am sorry to say it isn't being continued anymore :( I'm unsure if I made an announcement on it or not but I know I started to write more oneshots and shorter series with Mark. I was feeling a lil lost with the series and more people seemed to enjoy the other stories more so I switched focuses. I will say that this series does hold a very special place in my heart and I've been thinking of rewriting it as an independent story! If you ever want to discuss SDMD/BMD, feel free to message me! 💙💙💙
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
You are a lovely person and I’m sending you positive happy vibes 💕💕💕💕💕
Aaaaaa sending them right back!! All the love and positivity, thank you so much!!🤧💕💕💕
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bahannah01writes · 4 years
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