bankcare1 · 2 years
Kindle Short Reads - Is the Kindle Dead?
I've had a number of queries from readers regarding the ongoing debate about the Kindle's "exclusive rights" to short e-books. Should the Kindle be allowed to run short books without needing owner approval? Should the Kindle be punished for not allowing one form of reading to be free while another was not? My response to those questions is, "No." There is The Inheritance of Lactose Intolerance in the US law or in the international law literature that makes short e-books not available on Kindles. Opinions: Short reads are long gone under the Kindle exclusive license scheme. FACT: The Kindle new program only affects exclusive borrows for Amazon Prime and Kindle Unlimited. You can still sell short reads and other short stories through Amazon. But the marketplace has gotten very competitive. The Kindle allows you to choose various book page lengths. Some of the biggest sellers on Amazon right now are romance novels, mysteries, and best selling business books. Why would anybody choose to restrict eBook reader competition to the short read length when there is huge market for business and romance novels with lengthy book pages? And if you restrict eBook short reads to book page lengths that are too long, how can you be sure that your customer will have time to "tread" the shelves looking for what they want? The new Kindle Short Reads program is an attempt by Amazon to provide a reasonable alternative to the Kindle's dominance of the eBook reader market. By making the short story available as an eBook download after a customer has purchased a specific amount of money through the kindle premium or amazon monthly membership fee, Amazon is attempting to create more competition among the different kinds of ebooks available on the market. Now, instead of having to buy a specific amount of money up front, the customer will be able to purchase a certain number of virtual dollars which they can then download as they choose. For most writers and literary agents this is a huge plus. By giving their work away as an eBook, authors can make more money and take on more clients, while the average reader can get the same story for less money by purchasing the same length of print. This new royalty sharing feature is a huge step forward in terms of the accessibility of short reads. It is also a huge step backward in terms of the quality of the print. If you are going to create something that is only available as an eBook, you better give people a reason to pay for it. Luckily, the Kindle Short Reads program eliminates all of these potential problems. The Kindle Owners Association created a special kindle reading pane that contains a list of all of the participating eBooks for the period of January to July, 2021. As soon as the user selects a title from this list, they will be able to download it for free. Kindle's kdp select option allows the consumer to select which books may be borrowed from the kindle store, which means that you no longer have to worry about whether or not your short stories will be accessible in the Kindle library. To go along with the kindle short stories royalty scheme change, the Kindle now supports KDP Select, which gives the consumer even more freedom. With KDP Select, you will be able to set the minimum and maximum page lengths for your book pages. You will also have the ability to control the visibility of your book's table of contents. This feature makes it easier than ever to organize and manage your book's resources, especially when you have a large number of books to manage. KDP Select is only available on the kindle, but is still a huge advancement for e-readers like the Kindle. On a final note, don't think that Kindle's support for Amazon's own content, such as books, will limit your opportunities with KDP Select. There are still many other publishing options available. For example, if you wish to write a non-exclusive eBook or script, you will be able to do so with Amazon's Create Space. Also, if you would prefer to focus on one niche market, such as children's books, there are numerous options for that as well. By utilizing the Amazon's own content and features, the Kindle Short Reads program proves that there is life yet for the short read!
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