baubuttercup · 3 years
Me 😭
your blog sucks
you should see my life
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baubuttercup · 3 years
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Rossi should’ve got the same treatment Elle did when she shot the rapist. He done the exact same thing which the “Nelson’s killer”, yet everyone over looked it. Elle was cornered into leaving her job, while everyone acted like nothing happened with Rossi.
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baubuttercup · 3 years
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Matthew wrote these before Criminal Minds even aired!! This is so cute 😭
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Hey!! I’m kind of new to tumblr Criminal Minds. I’d love to meet new people who also share the same love for Criminal Minds ☺️
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Things I would change in criminal minds
Spoilers Ahead
- Maeve should have ended up with Spencer
- we see Spencer become a dad
- Elle should have stayed and met Emily, because they would have been powerful
- Garcia and Morgan should have kissed at least once
- we should have seen Garcia and Luke’s date
- we should of got a flashback to Reid and jjs date which included Garcia
- JJ Should have either confessed her love for Spencer before she got with will or should have just kept it to herself
- the replicator should have been someone we knew
- professor Reid should of had more air time
- Rossi should not have been portrayed as raciest
- Rossi’s ex wife did not need to die
- Morgan should NOT have been right about the guy that shot Penelope cause that made her insecurities real
- MGG should have directed every episode
- closure to Haley cheating
- Spencer mom should have either had schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s not both
- we should have seen more of Reid’s drug addiction
- Seaver should have followed in her fathers footsteps and become an unsub
- we should have seen Spencer grieve maeves death
- we should have seen the 10 weeks that Spencer cried at jjs doorstep
- Emily should have confessed her love for JJ or any girl
- Hotch should have ended up with Beth
- we should have seen Reid on his day off
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Burning Calories / Spencer Reid
Summary: At ladies night reader spills about her crush on a particular co-worker and later finds out he may already know.
Spencer Reid x Reader
Warning: Fluff, mention of sexual activities
A/N: I haven’t fully edited it but hope you enjoy it. Feel free to send requests in :)
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After a long case in South Carolina, me and girls decided to have a ladies night at Penelope's house. We were currently five shots in and Penelope was already in a laughing fit. "I think we need to cut you off now" JJ suggested giggling at the colourful girl "Don't be a party pooper JJ...ooo i know lets play never have i ever" Penelope cheered filling her cup with some concoction she created earlier
I was already ready to pass out but knew i wouldn't hear the end of it from the girls. I wasn't a heavy drinker at all and when the team usually went out to the bar, i hung around with Spencer who i found to be great company. Ever since i first started at the BAU, Spencer and  i got on like a house on fire, we constantly spoke about our favourite writers, the new episodes of Doctor Who and even about personal issue going on in our lives. I felt incredibly safe around him and it didn't help because i was developing a huge crush on him, but i knew he would never feel the same way, i mean how could he?
"Okay i'll go first, never have i ever showed up to work hung over" Emily said. Everyone drank except for me. I mean thats not surprising at all.
The game continues for about 5 questions until Penelope decided to spice up it up
"Okay, never have i ever had a sexual dream about a co-worker" I mentally facepalm myself knowing i have had plenty. I slowly take a sip of my drink hoping nobody would notice, that is until i hear a squeak coming from beside me. "UMM SPILL IT GIRL, WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW" Garcia caught me and never have i ever felt so embarrassed, i could feel my face burning up."come on y/n elaborate, don't keep us guessing" Emily stated chuckling to herself "we won't judge, we promise" JJ tries to keep the others settled while also trying to get information out of me.
I debated whether or not to tell them but eventually gave up knowing they are probably too drunk to even remember what i say "Fine, um i may have sort of had a dream about Reid one or twice" more like a dozen times i think to myself. All the girls had their jaws on the floor staring at me straight in the eye. I took a sip of my drink awkward at the silence and stares that filled the room "REID AS IN BOY GENIUS REID" Penelope practically yells at the top of her lungs "there is no way,  oh my god you have a thing for Spencer, this is so cute" Emily couldn’t contain her smiles any longer. JJ looks at me with awe "Please tell me you are going to tell him you like him and also what kind of sexual dream?" my heart starts to race at the though of Spencer finding out, i would be completely shattered if i got rejected so by me not telling him prevents a lot of heartbreak and also an awkward work place environment.
  "to answer your question no i wont tell him because there is no point, he doesn't like me and i am okay with that" i lie to myself and the others knowing i am not fine with it, i want nothing more than to be with Reid and i knowing that it will never happen does hurt. "and to continue with the question, lets just say we were burning some calories on the plane" i smirk to myself remembering the vivid dream that i wished was real. "naughty girl" Emily stated laughing at the thought of me and Reid doing it on the plane.
the night continued with the girls asking me many many questions about my crush on Reid and practically forcing me to tell him. 
The next day i walk into the BAU, head pounding and feeling kind of nauseous.  I walk up to the break area and see Reid pouring himself a cup of coffee. He looks up and meets my eyes and i start to get butterflies in the pit of my stomach "Hey y/n, how was ladies yesterday?" all the memories start flushing back and i physically try to contain my blushed cheeks that were getting hotter by the minute. As i was about to say speak Hotch came up to us with a look of hurry "Wheels up now, there's been a child abduction in Florida, Garcia will brief us on the plane" Spencer and i stare at each other before walking out with out go bags.
The plane ride seemed somewhat awkward but i couldn't put my finger on it. I sat next to Spencer while Derek and Hotch sat across from us. Derek kept looking up at at me and Reid every now and then and all i could think of was that Penelope must have told him what i said. I made a mental note to ask Derek and make sure he doesn't tell Spencer anything.
The plane landed and everyone was slowly filing out. It was just me and Reid in the plane gathering out belongings. All of a sudden i feel his lips inches away from my ear and my heart beings to pound fast and the slight contact."So should we burn some calories now or on the way back" I quickly whipped my head up to looked at him and saw a sweet, adorable smile on his face. I nudged him giggling unable to control my smile. We both exited with blushed expression on our faces. Maybe i should spill secrets more often on ladies nights, it seems to definitely work in my favour. 
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Mini Garcia pt2 /Spencer Reid
Summary: It’s been 2 months since reader started her job at the BAU alongside Garcia. Will a certain someone finally ask her out on a date? 
Spencer x Reader
Warning: Fluff/none
A/N: I haven’t fully edited it but hope you enjoy it :)
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Its been about 2 months since i started interning at the BAU alongside Penelope as her Junior Tech Analyst. I absolutely love every moment of this job and everyone here had become my family. From our first encounter Spencer and I hit it off really well, we came to find out that we had so much in common from the genius writing of Edgar Allan Poe to the newest episode of Dr Who it was like we were the same person. I have to admit i do have a slight...okay maybe large crush on him but i mean who wouldn't the man is a genius, kind hearted and very easy on the eyes. I was patiently waiting for Penelope to come into work, it was currently 9am and i still hadn't heard or seen here anywhere. Usually she is the first one here around 8-8:30am. I make my way out of the bat cave and up towards Hotch's office to see if he has heard anything from her. I knock on the door seeing him looking intensely at a case file, he looks up at me with a welcoming smile to come in. "Hi Sir, i was just wondering if you had heard or seen Garcia today, it doesn't seem like she's here" he closes the case file standing up "Garcia is feeling under the weather so she is going to take some time off, have you by any chance taken a look at the LA case file" I slowly begin to walk out with Hotch going towards the conference room "Yes, me and Penelope researched that file last Friday" he hands me a case file "Good because you are going to be our full time Tech Analyst whilst Garcia is sick, your first task is to brief the team" my stomach drops at the words he just said, i can't do this, i'm completely incapable of doing this without Penelope. Just as I entered the conference room I receive a text
Queen Penelope: "Hi my beautiful little Einstein, as Hotch probably filled you in i am sick and wont be coming in for a couple of day, so you are going to have to be Super Y/L and do what i know you do best. I believe in you, just remember everything i told you and you will do perfectly fine. Message me if you need anything my little sweet sugar plum. Queen Oracle Out!
  Receiving that text from Garcia did surprisingly calm my nerves. I open the case file to to refresh my memory as walked up to the plasma screen while everyone else was gathering in "Y/N will be filling in for Garcia as she is sick so all information is to be run through her on this case" Hotch looked up at me "Whenever your ready" I look over to see Spencer staring at me then mouthed "you got this" while sticking his thumbs up. The reassurance from him and Garcia sure did the trick cause my nerves were practically gone.  I grab the remote displaying the images of the victims while handing out the case files to the agents" Okay, latest victim is Tara Farris, 20, she is the third victim in two weeks all found in a freeway off-ramp by commuters, there were  no signs of sexual assault on any of the victims, but all the victims were severely hypovolemic, Tara had less than a pint of blood in her..."  
-- After briefing the team on the LA vampire case, i came back to the bat cave to make sure all the systems were working fine and ready to go. I began researching into the victimology to see if i could find any connection between them. a sudden knock on the door made me spine my chair around "Hey I just wanted to say you done great in there and thought you might need a little 'pick me up' so here is a coffee and bagel" I stare straight ahead at the pretty boy placing the drink and food on my table, my heart melted at how cute that little gesture was "Reid thats so sweet, thank you, i did need this, so you just made my morning"  i couldn't contain the smile on my face, i was just so taken back at how adorable he was "u-m i actually wanted to ask you u-m, ah u-m by any chance um...do you have an extra copy of the victims forensic report, i didn't seem to get one in my case file" I was a little disappointed as i genuinely thought he was about to ask me out, guess i really am in over my head. "Yeah sure no worries, here, Garcia and i always make extra copies of all the reports" he was about to say something before Morgan stormed in "Reid lets go, Hotch wants us on the plane" Reid looks at me and smiles waving goodbye. I turn back to the computer refocusing my attention on the victimology.
REID'S POV I was so close, all i had to do was say 6 words, 6 words and i might have a chance "Will you go out with me" but no i'm such a coward "Reid its been two months already, are you ever planning on asking her out" I turn back to her office to make sure she didn't hear what Morgan just said as we were only a few feet away "lower your voice she could hear you, and what makes you think i like her" Derek looked at the clueless boy with an ‘are you serious expression’ "Reid you can't go five minutes without talking about here, god damn when we are on a case you don't shut up about the things she does, then when you are in her presence you stutter and continuously stare at her. Reid you just bought her coffee and a bagel for christ sake. If i were you i would swoop in before another guy comes along and take your shot" the last sentence made my blood boil. Knowing she isn't mine and she can very well be with anyone else hurts me "Morgan even if i did like her, i'm me , Reid remember, boy genius who doesn't shut up about statistics, what makes you think a girl like that would go for someone like me" Morgan stops in his tracks to confront him about what he just said "Reid i'd be damned if that girl in there doesn't like you. You two talk constantly, she blushes whenever she is in your presence and for your information Garcia might have slipped and told me that Y/N thinks your cute" she what, there is no way, me, the person who's hair is too long, tie always perpetually crooked and not to mention the darkened circles under my eyes from lack of sleep. She thinks i'm cute.  
Y/N POV "Y/N you in yet" JJ said over video call, i was currently trying to hack into Tara's computer. I think to myself, if i was a vampire lover what would i put my password as, then it hits me "that was fast Y/N" i smile to myself "Password was Cullen" I see Reid enter next to JJ staring at the computer screen "Colon?" i laugh a little too loud at his question "No Reid, Cullen, the vampire family from Twilight" He looks at me with confusion "Whats Twilight?" I am taken back by how clueless he "Reid you do realise i'm going to force you to watch all the movies now right" Reid looked a bit scared but chuckled a little -- The case went for two day and let me tell you those were the most tiring two days ever. I mentally make note to appreciate Garcia more cause this job is not easy at all. The team had just arrived back so i decided to go greet them at the elevator as Garcia usually does. The elevator doors open and the first person i see is Reid, his eyes were on the the floor and when he looked up they met mine. An instant smile appeared on his face as he came over an hugged me. I was a little shocked as this was our first hug encounter. He was so soft and gentle, i could have stay like that forever "Hey Y/N, i told you you would do great, how did you find it without Garcia" I looked into his chocolate brown eyes completely entranced "It was an experience and a very educational one, but i do prefer her with me, adds to the excitement" Morgan walked past smiling at me telling me i had done a good job. Just as he was about to leave i saw him nudge Reid and whisper "do it now pretty boy" Reid blushed a little noticing that i had noticed their encounter. "U-m, Y/L, i mean Y/N, I was ah wondering if ah- " i smirk to myself excited about where this is headed "what is it Reid, do you need another copy of the forensic report" i giggle winking at him, he laughed and continue "ha no um i'm sorry about that, what i wanted to ask you was if you would like to go to this Edgar Allan Poe reading at Georgetown, you know like a date...with me" I couldn't contain my smile at all, his attempt at asking me out was so cute i couldn't hold it back "Of course i will Reid, i'd love to go on a date with you" we both smile at each other before parting. i go back to the bat cave to gather my things and as i walking out i saw from the corner of my eye an excited Reid telling Morgan that i said yes to go on a date with him. Here i was thinking he couldn't get any cute. 
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Caught Red Handed /Spencer Reid
Summary: Reader and Spencer went from enemies to lovers and can barely keep their hands to themselves. What happens when their  co-workers don’t know about their new agreement. 
Spencer x Reader
Warning: Fluff, Mentions of Sexual Activities, Sexual Activities  
A/N: I haven’t fully edited it but hope you enjoy it :)
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As the sun beamed through my window i slowly shifted my weight shielding my face from the bright light. I turn to the other side of the bed where i am met with a sleeping Spencer who has his arms currently entangled around me. I take in the scenery for a moment not wanting this to end until two loud beeps echoed in the room coming from the nightstand. I peer over and check the time that read 7am "Spence, Spencer, Re-i-i-d wake up" he began to grown tightening the grip around my waist "No, its too early" I chuckle knowing that we are both extremely tired from last nights antics, and with that all the memories start flushing back. You see Spencer and I have been working together for the past two years at the BAU and during those two years we mainly had a hateful relationship, both finding each other annoying and overbearing...that was until three months ago after a night out at the bar where we found a new form of friendship, if you know what i mean. We aren't per-say together but we do have a bond which makes us inseparable, which is also hard to hide as work from our coworker who lets just say don't know about our little arrangement. I begin once again to nudge Spencer in an attempt to wake him up "Spencer Reid get your butt up so we aren't late for work" He rolled his eyes at me chuckling "How about we both call in sick today and we do something else much more eventful" He begins to leave wet soft kisses down my neck, before i found myself releasing a moan "Agh- No Reid, stop, come on we have to get ready, people will start to get suspicious" he groans and releases his grip "Fine, but that’s not any fun" I take his face in my palm bringing my lips closer to his. We are currently just inches apart from each other "If you get through the whole day without seeming like it's the end of the world, i'll give you a reward tonight" he kissed my lips passionately in agreement before getting up to get ready. -- The one thing i did hate about work was that me and Spencer had to continue this hateful charade so our coworkers didn't get suspicious. We both enter pretending to in an argument "What are you two going on about now" Morgan came up to us as we both got settled in our seats. "Reid once again thinks he is the smartest person on earth" Spence placed his satchel down on his desk before looking at me straight in the eyes "Technically i do have an eidetic memory, an I.Q of 187 and can read 20′000 words per minute, so yes i am a genius" i don't know why that did something to me but it did, all i wanted to do was pull him to the storage closet in that moment, but i needed to contain myself. "I'm sorry" i look at him with pure eyes "for what?" , "your existence" I turn back to my computer opening the files i needed to get done today "When are you two just going to confess your love for each other and get that sexual frustration out. We are getting a little tired of this" Me and Spencer shot a look at each other before turning to Morgan "Sorry to break it to you Morgan but i like men not little boys who watch Dr Who" Spencer whipped his head back to me in awe at what i just said. I was hoping he knew i was just trying to deflect. "Morgan, i'm a nice guy, i don't date stuck up spoiled girls who have been on millions of date yet can't keep a boyfriend" I was a little thrown back by the comment but reassured myself that its all an act. "well at least i can get a date, let me ask you this Reid, are you still a virgin cause i don't think i could ever imagine you actually having sex with someone, how terrible it would be for them"  At that moment i knew i struck a nerve and knew i would get punished for that, the whole idea of it turned me on. I had to contain myself at work so i quickly brushed those thoughts away, which was incredibly hard to do "Wow you guys need therapy or a punching bag" with that Derek walked out heading towards his office. -- For the rest of the day i could see Spencer constantly stare at me, and i knew exactly what was on his mind. Just as i was about to finish up my paper work i got a text from Spencer
Reid: Meet me in supply closed in the hallway I look up to see if Reid was at his desk but he was not
Y/N: why, whats up?
Reid: come now!
  I close the file sitting on my desk and begin to head towards the hallway. I check my surroundings hoping nobody is there to witness me randomly going into a supply closet. All of a sudden i was dragged in and pushed up against the door.  "So I'm a virgin, little boy who can't satisfy a woman" i chuckle at his remark feeling his hand slowly go up my thigh "And i'm a stuck up spoiled girl who can't keep a boyfriend" With that Reid smashed his lips on mine passionately as we began to make-out, His hand rose up my thigh gently caressing in whilst the other was around my neck pushing my face closer to his. He parts his lips from mine as i groan at the lack of contact but then am met with the once again on my neck. I groan at the euphoric feeling before getting startled by banging on the door. Reid Covers my mouth quickly not letting another moan fall off my tongue. "Reid are you in there?" Reid looks straight at me mouthing to stay quiet. He slowly opens the door revealing a confused Morgan "Hey, whats up? Reid tries to calm himself down from the events that just took place "Reid, why are you in the supply closet", I mentally face palm hoping he is able to come up with a sufficient excuse "Y/N was annoying me so i needed to go somewhere quiet" I could hear the awkward silence "Ok-kay, um, but if you see Y/N can you tell her to forward me the briefing file from the case we had in Montana "U-m-m i mean you will probably see her before me you know but yeah sure if i see her which is not gonna happen cause i'm in the supply closet hiding from her"Reid continues to rambles making me nudge him "Okay, i'm gonna let you be Reid, probably stay off the coffee today" Reid signs "Noted" The door shuts revealing me once again. Spencer went in for a kiss. I put my hands out in front of me pushing his chest away "Uh Uh the moment has left pretty boy, i'm going to go back to my desk and doing my work so nothing else suspicious happens. Spencer tries to argue before i peck him on the lips walking out"
  "BUSTED" as i open the door i am met with pure fear. Garcia and Morgan are standing right in front of the door smirking at both Reid and i. "So how long has this been going on" i look at Reid for help "Um i don't know what you are talking about Y/N just randomly came in here while i was working an-" realising we have been cause, i mentally gave up and didn't want Reid to embarrass himself any longer "three months" i said casually looking at the three of them staring at me "Come on babe, i wanna get home to finish what we started" They all look at me in disbelief at what i just said before Reid grabbed my hand as we walked back to our desks. We heard a faint murmur come from Garcias voice "You owe me $50 chocolate thunder". I giggle happy that i don't have to pretend to hate the love of my life anymore. 
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Masterlist :)
Spencer Reid 
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Fluff - 
Mini Garcia pt 1 - y/n is the new intern at the BAU and is excited to me a particular co-worker
I Always Win - Spencer finds out y/n can play chess and demands that she plays with him
Caught Red Handed - y/n and Spencer must keep their relationship a secret and continue to pretend to hate each other 
Mini Garcia pt 2 - y/n has been interning at the BAU and has got much closer to Spencer 
Burning Calories - y/n spills her about her crush on Spencer at ladies night only to realise he might already know
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baubuttercup · 3 years
I Always Win / Spencer Reid
Summary: Spencer finds out that Reader can play chess and demands that she verse him in a game only to find out she is incredibly good...Reader thinks there are other ways for Spencer to win. 
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Warning: Fluff/none 
Why i had woken up with so much energy this morning i have no clue, was it something in the air?, was it due to my addiction to coffee? or was it merely just because i was excited for the day ahead?. Either way, i felt more chirpy than usual as i entered the doors of the BAU. I have been a profiler here for the past two years and can honestly say the FBI is my home. As I walk towards my desk, I notice the brunette haired boy reading a book whilst trying to play chess. “If this kid can’t get anymore geeky” i think to myself before i walked beside him observing his board “Check in three, Spence” Spencer looks up above his shoulder to see me standing there watching his intense game with himself. “Y/N since when did you play chess” i smirk as i walk back to my desk knowing i just spilled a secret i swore to never tell him “I dabble I guess” the boy sitting across from me observers the board then looks back at me in disbelief “how come all those time on the Jet you never once asked to play” he looked a little hurt that you have never shared this secret, mainly because the only other two who knew how to play chess were Rossi and Prentiss and they refused to play with him because he always won. “Reid if i challenge you, i will win and you are a sore loser, so i’d rather let you keep your dignity while you still have it”. Morgan had walked over to us as he had heard the conversation on his way back from Hotch’s office. “Reid why do you look so shocked...oh...wait, Y/N did you finally tell him you can play chess” Reid immediately looked at Morgan in disbelief “Wait so Morgan even knew” i can’t help but giggle at how Reid looked like a lost puppy “Sweetie the whole team knew” from disbelief to frustration Reid walked up to Y/N standing in front of her desk “Verse me, right here, right now” I shake my head swiftly at the idea of potentially challenging Reid to chess “Reid no, I will win and you will just be butt hurt” Reid went back and sat at his desk, keeping eye contact with you the entire time.
As the day progressed Reid continued to hound you to play a game of chess with him and this had been going on for hours “One game, i promise i won’t get upset if you some how by a miracle beat me” i tilt my head looking at the goofball in front of me “I can’t take this anymore, fine, i give in, one game and you can’t be a sore loser, got it”, “got it” he said raising his thumbs in agreement.
“Checkmate” i said for the fifth time that night, “no i want a rematch, there is no way you could have possibly beat me five times in a row” I groan knowing he would never give up and i would most likely die in this chair “Rei-i-i-d no you said one game and you promised not to be a sore loser. I’m going home and so should you” I begin to pack my thing as i hear Reid mumble under his breath “But i never lose” a brilliant idea pops into my head as i walk up to his seat and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek “i know something you can definitely win at” giving him a wink and giggling as i begin to head to the elevator doors but not before noticing the brunette boy who sat at his desk flustered and unsure of what to do next. 
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Spencer and Maeve should have been endgame, and nobody can tell me otherwise
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baubuttercup · 3 years
So your telling me Spencer Reid spent close to $1000 on 2 cardigans!!!!
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Mini Garcia pt1/ Spencer Reid
Summery: Y/N is the new Tech Analyst intern under her mentor Penelope Garcia and has just started her first day at the BAU. During a case Y/N get a few calls from a not so familiar boy genius who seeks her help...or does he seek more? 
Spencer Reid x Reader
Warning: Fluff/none 
A/N: This is the first of many stories i will be writing and i look forwarding to writing more. I haven’t fully edited it but hope you enjoy it :)
Please Interact for more Spencer Reid/ MGG fics!!
“you will be fine trust me, you are already a natural and thats coming from yours truly” you were so nervous because today was your first day working at the BAU as a Tech Analyst Intern. Penelope was the one who got you the job working along side her. She was your teacher, mentor, and even your close friend and you knew working with her would be nothing less than entertaining. “P what if they don’t like me or I don’t fit into their group, you told me that they were like family” you followed the women wearing a floral dress with glittery high heel through the halls of the FBI coming to a stop next to two glass doors. “Y/N before we go in you are going to take three deep breathes and snap the hell out of it, cause you my little prized protege, will fit in just fine, so stop over thinking and pull yourself together”. I inhale three breathes before she pulled the glass door opened guiding me into a large room which from memory i think she had called it the “Bullpen”.  As we walked in i noticed in the corner of my eyes a man and a women eyeing me up and down. The man was large and muscled, he was appealing to the eye, just not preferably my type “Babygirl who is this fine little thin-” Penelope put her hand out barricading me from the man “cool it hot cakes, she is pure” I chuckled under my breath at her immediate response “This Derek chocolate thunder Morgan is the new Intern, working beside me as i mentor her into become the next best Garcia, Y/n meet Derek Morgan” we both extend our hands to go in for a friendly handshake “Oh and this fine ass piece of women is Jennifer Jareau” I smile shaking the pretty blondes hand “JJ for short its lovely to meet you” she hesitated for a moment before continuing “You seem so young, if you don’t mind me asking how old you are” I nervously try not to stutter upon my words “Oh um-m yeah i’m 20, but I got into the early acceptance program for computer programming and coding at Georgetown and now i’m here” Derek and JJ both exchange stairs before Derek opens his mouth “you, princess should meet our resident genius, i’m sure you two would get along quite well” JJ chuckles before giving Derek a smirk “OH YES how could I have forgotten about boy genius, where is he by the way” A tall dark haired man and a slightly shorter Italian looking man appeared from behind us “Reid and Prentiss are at a conference they will be meeting us in San Francisco” He looked intently at the group surrounding me then turned to look at me “You must be Y/N L/N, i’m Aaron Hotchner but please call me Hotch, and this is David Rossi, we are happy to have you on board, Garcia has spoken very highly of you” both men shake my hand firmly “I’m glad to be on board sir and thank you for this amazing opportunity” Hotch goes to say something before he was cut off by a text message appearing on his phone. “Wheels us now, they need us down their asap, Garcia brief us on the plane” and with that they were all making their way to the elevator. “Come on little Einstein we have work to do”
Garcia had just finished briefing the team on the case they were assigned to. From what i could catch it was about a Zodiac killer who had been killing over a decade ago and has recently just started up again. I tried to listen in and take note on everything Garcia was doing because god knows this job is fast past and i don’t want to fall behind on my first day. I found myself continuously zoning out thinking back to what that Morgan guy said about a “resident genius”. Who was he and why was Morgan so sure we would get along. So many questions were crossing my mind, before i heard Garcia’s voice continuously saying “Earth to my little oracle, hello, Y/N come back down to earth little one” i snap back to reality seeing Garcia waving her hand in front of of me “oh sorry- P who was that resident genius Morgan spoke about earlier” she spun in her chair making eye contact with me smirking “Oh my god yes Reid, how could i forget again. So you didn’t meet Emily Prentiss she is a total kick ass babe who is super cool and Spencer Reid who is a total genius with an eidetic memory and a whopping I.Q of 187″ i began to open my mouth to say something when Garcia interrupted “you guys would totally be so cute together, i need to set you two up, it would be a match made in heaven” I blush, a little taken back by the abrupt comments made by Garcia who is now really cheery “P calm down i haven’t event met the guy and i think you are a little in over your head” she looks at me still smirking “you are already intrigued by him aren’t you” just as i was about to stop her, the computer phone began to ring and the caller I.D was most clearly someone i didn’t even know yet but for some reason already was under affect by “ANSWER IT” Garcia motioned to the headset on my head “no i don’t even know what to say” she pointed at me with her fluffy unicorn pen “answer the phone i trained you for this” I reluctantly answered and within seconds i was met with a masculine yet soft voice on the other line “Hey Garcia I need you to track the ISP of the user who entered the spam comment to an internet cafe” I immediately got butterflies in my stomach, no stop Y/N you have never met this person and Garcia is just getting in your head, you continue to remind yourself. “U-mm i’m sorry I-I’m not Garcia i’m Y/N L/N the new Tech Analyst intern” I began to fidget with my figures staring between the plasma computer screens and Garcia “Oh Hi, I’m Reid, I mean I’m Spencer, let me start over I’m Dr Spencer Reid but you can call me Spencer or Reid, nice to meet you” my nerves begin to calm at the sound of his voice and the fact that he sounded just as nervous as me. I look to Garcia as she was smiling and motioning her hands to continue the conversation “Oh um-m sorry, you needed me to track the ISP of the user who entered the spam comment to an internet cafe...right?”I patiently await his response, which seemed like forever “Yeah, if you can do that, that would be great, thanks” I look to Garcia once again as she gives me a reassuring smile of encouragement before i turn to the monitors and type away, I remember everything Garcia taught me about the bureau system and was surprising easier to manoeuvre once actually assigned to a task “Hey um Reid, you still there?” thinking maybe he hung up “still here buttercup...um i mean Y/N” Garcia nudged me overhearing what Reid had just said and was cheering in the air, I quickly regained focus “so yeah unfortunately the unsub used a prepaid credit card, so I don’t have an I.D, i’m sorry” i felt my nerves regain their position in my stomach as i thought i didn’t do a good job “Thats okay, thanks for your help L/N and am excited to meet you in person, hopefully soon” I blush quickly at his comment, this going unnoticed by Garcia who is in her own world of happiness at the moment. “Yeah same goes for you, take care and if you need anything else you know where to find us” I end the call not wanting to make anymore of a fool of myself than i already have “BUTTERCUP, HE CALLED YOU BUTTERCUP” I groan at Garcia’s response already embarrassed by the ordeal “Y/N i know Reid and i have know him for many years, never in my time of being in boy geniuses presence have i ever heard him call someone BUTTERCUP” a million things swoop through my mind in that moment, why did he call me that, was it a fluke, was he just trying to be friendly, what am i saying i have literally never met this guys before its for sure nothing. I turn my head to Garcia giving her a please stop looking at me face, before she puts her hands up in defence” Okay okay i’ll stop, but you guys would make cute babies” she whispered the last part just loud enough for me to catch it. 
As time goes on I observe everything Garcia continues to do in order to find the details of the unsub. This job although seeming like fun is very high pressure and i made sure i noted down everything that Garcia done so i didn’t seem like the biggest failure in front of the team, or one team member in particular. The phone rang once again causing Garcia to answer it “He who seeks the queen of all knowledge, speak and be recognised” I chuckle under my breath at the witty response before i felt a tap on my shoulder “Pretty boy wants to speak with you” I give her a confused look “Boy genius, girly” I straighten up and answer my headset “Hello L/N speaking” i try to analyse why on earth he would want to speak with me and before he got a chance to answer a million conclusions were rushing through my mind “Hey L/N, long time no speak” there was a pause in the background before i heard a male chuckle and whisper “thats one way to get the girl Reid” he cleared his throat before continuing on “So i just thought i’d give you more training so can you run something for me” I physically prepare myself for what he is about to ask, ensuring i don’t screw this up “I need you to compile a list of people with I.Qs of 160 and above in the region” I type away trying to speed up so i don’t slow the team down “I’m checking with the bay area mensa society which is kind of slumming cause folks can get in with a measly I.Q of 130″ Reid chuckled at my statement making me feel more comfortable about what i was doing “try and check old school records, we’re looking for someone who is in his 20′s or 30′s” as I am intensely try my best to recover these names it appears in front of me “BINGO, Caleb Rossmore and Harvey Morell, they both have I.Qs over 160 and get this they both use to write about the Zodiac in their junior high school newspaper” I smile at myself, kinda proud at what i just accomplished on my own “thats amazing, thanks Y/N and tell Garcia she has the best intern” I smile to myself satisfied that i done something right and that Reid thought so too. “Yes that’s my little Einstein, ah you are moulding into a beautiful little Garcia, how proud i am right now
The team had just got back from catching both Caleb Rossmore and Harvey Morell and Garcia had gone to greet Morgan at the elevators. I had stayed behind packing my belonging as i was ready to head home to my fluffy dog Milo and sleep for hours. A knock on the door startled me. I abruptly turn around and was met with a tall figure who had beautiful brown eyes and shaggy hair. “Hi, I’m so sorry to have startled you, I’m Spencer Reid the one that kept annoying you on the phone” I feel my cheeks heat up from the sight of how pretty this boy was “um yes, i mean no you weren't annoying at all if anything you gave me the training i need, so i should be thanking you, and I’m Y/N L/N” Reid stuck out his hand which took me by surprise because according to Garcia he was not a handshaker and refused to shake hands with anyone, stating that even kissing was more sanitary “Well, in that case i’m glad to be of assistance and its nice to officially meet you Y/N” we stared in each others eyes for a few moments before we were met by Penelope and Morgan “Hey guys you have met, yay, okay now can we go this princess is getting bags under her eyes and those aren’t the kind of bags i want” we all laugh at Garcia’s remark as we start to head towards the elevator. “So I heard you went to Georgetown” i look up at the brunette boy who was gazing down at me “yeah, I actually graduated this year, which i’m kind of sad” “oh why’s that” I look straight into his eyes “I like educating myself, and expanding my field of study is something that i genuinely enjoy, so i’m kind of sad its over, but i’m looking at going for my PHD in Computer engineering” Reid looked me deeper in my eyes without saying anything, just then i heard a murmur “they will make such cute babies and i’m going to be the best godmother” and with that the elevator doors open and we all began to file in. 
I may have just met Spencer Reid but i have a feeling we are definitely going to be getting along. 
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baubuttercup · 3 years
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baubuttercup · 3 years
Hey hey if y’all love mgg, criminal minds and Spencer Reid let’s interact 😁 and if you have any book requests pls send them through Im looking to write some stories ❤️❤️
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baubuttercup · 3 years
If you love Moreid you will love these pics -
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