bbywarhol · 3 years
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bbywarhol · 3 years
[ location ; outside coyote salon ]
[ date ; january 23rd ]
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“ALEXANDRA WARHOL, DO YOU CARE TO MAKE A COMMENT on the events that started 2021?” it was the absolute last thing she wanted to hear, hoping that her luck would continue at avoiding any type of press. the heiress had been out and about in town a handful of times during the new year, each attempting to not draw much attention to herself as to avoid the exact situation she found herself in now. even the photos alex’s patience was wearing thin, which she previously adored being the center model of, as recent events left her, once overly done, appearance lacking. and that meant just a simple layer of a natural look glossed her face, as she wasn’t foolish enough to leave the house with no makeup at all. she had been on her way to the salon for a hair appointment, an overdue one she had cancelled from the week prior. “i don’t have anything to say,” the heiress was quick to replied curtly, keeping her eyes anywhere else in hopes the statement would be accepted without further questions. that didn’t seem to be the case, though, as another question was prompted, before a follow up when the first was only met with silence. not even the press would allow her time, it seemed, apparently deciding on their own that twenty three days was enough for the young adult to process a familial death and have the eloquence to speak on it. continuing her trek towards the coyote salon, alex finally opened her mouth, but it wasn’t to answer any of their questions. “can you please just leave me alone and stop ask questions?” it only took a moment passing of the journalist not stepping back for alex to become agitated, saying a bit more loudly, and a bit more distress, “i said, stop asking questions, please.” it probably came off as an aggressive reaction, but her public image wasn’t exactly at the forefront of her mind at that moment.
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bbywarhol · 3 years
[location: amish market]
sarah’s hands ran over the labels of the food as she tried to remember what it was exactly her mother had asked her to pick up. her parents were in town for the week, had decided to visit spur of the moment and it had left sarah stressed, overworked trying to clean her home, and needing even just five minutes away from everyone, from the judgement she heard in her mother’s voice every time she found a single speck of dust in the kitchen, the near meltdown she had had when her mother had yelled at her for nearly five minutes straight over an empty toilet paper roll in her own home, and she sighed as she continued reading labels. she knew she should probably text her mother at this point, ask her what exactly she had been looking for, but admitting that she had forgotten wasn’t something she was willing to do and she waited until she spotted someone before approaching them, hoping from the vague recollection of what her mother had told her that the other would be able to help. “i’m so sorry to bother you,” she started, “but do you know if there’s a cheese that also has like wine in it or something?”, she asked, desperate brown eyes gazing at the other, “i think it has the word port in it but i could be wrong,” she said, an anxious hand run through her silver hair as she spoke.
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SHE COULDN’T SIT IN THE ESTATE ANY LONGER. that had been where alex warhol sat for over a week, until she lost track of the days. the first few were a whirlwind, so much so that she almost didn’t even have enough time to feel anything. and then the days came that were filled with absolute nothing but thoughts. after awhile, she couldn’t take the feeling of the walls closing in, as somehow the over 12,000 square foot estate felt suffocating and constraining. finally, she showed her tear-stained face to the world, of course, covered with enough makeup that she actually looked like a perfectly normal person (or maybe, even better than the average person). alex needed to go somewhere a bit crowded, where her presence wouldn’t be noticed too much, as having a lot of eyes on her sounded awful right now. when she exited her home, she hadn’t exactly known where she would be heading, but the amish market was where she found herself now. there was just enough people milling about that she could exist without effort, letting herself take everything in around her instead of actively thinking. her eyes read over labels, fingers lightly touched over packages, finding any little detail to be an escape. the heiress almost felt relaxed, until she felt someone approaching, worried it was going to be someone asking questions towards topics she didn’t want to answer. her expression must’ve looked something similar to a deer caught in the headlights, until she realized the question was innocent, about cheese, of all things. relief flooded. as many charcuterie boards as she had sampled over the years, she should have known. her mind must’ve been even more blank than she previously remembered, before raised a brow with a possible answer. “i think i may know what you’re talking about. is it a bit of an orange, reddish color?” it sounded familiar. “i think i saw it a few stands back, if you wanted help finding it.” it wasn’t like she was actually there for shopping purposes anyway. 
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bbywarhol · 3 years
She felt very young; at the same time unspeakably aged.
Virginia Woolf  (via paper-fairy)
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bbywarhol · 3 years
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bbywarhol · 3 years
[ December 31st, 2020, New Year’s Eve ; The Blackwell Party - before the chaos. ]
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Growing up with two extravagant families, so to speak, Micah wasn’t precisely a stranger to formal celebrations — her perspective sprawled over the gray area, ruminiating that it could be quite dull at times but there was a fragment of her that adored the lavishness. The people here, Blackwells, admittedly had a magnificent taste when it came to decorations, as proven by her spouse’s rather distracted hues, but it was still a little barren in her opinion, lacking the bubblegum music she would desire to listen for giggles and sheer entertainment. Alas, she could adapt, deliquesce into her proper realm and smoothening her dress, although there was nothing about it that would cover the inked skin she had etched herself with. Everyone seemed quite apprehensive still, particularly after the enigmatic emergence from the brothers but the purple-haired attempted not to act cynical, and instead relish in the festivity as much as she could. She was already starting, sipping on a lightly alcoholic drink and already a giggle was bubbling in her throat. She spoke to the person next to her, head tilted to watch her surroundings. “Something about this feels so pretentious, but you can’t help but savor some parts of it — like some of the outfits, more than a few of them questionable.” A chuckle left her, shaking her head and subtly wishing she had her recorder with her now. “So. Have you got any plans for the big New Year’s countdown later? A kiss or more drinks?” 
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EXPENSIVE PARTIES DURING THE HOLIDAYS (OR REALLY, ANY TIME OF YEAR) was the only kind of celebration the heiress knew of. gourmet food, live entertainment, overdressed guests. the only thing that was entirely odd to alex was not being at home on new years eve, but rather at another fancy estate, where she felt not as safe at all. maybe that was why she was already on her fourth champagne flute, trying not to think of the vampire dungeon that possibly laid under her feet. besides, ana taught her protection spells, so everything would be okay, anyway, right? why was she worrying? if anything, her worry was only going to attract more negative energy. a new year was about to start; alex should have excitement and happiness. besides, she was wearing a dress that filled her with absolute giddiness when she first put it on, making her feel like the princess she always dreamed of being. hand picking another glass of champagne off a passing waiter’s tray, alex tried not to react largely to micah’s casual start to a conversation. the other probably didn’t realize who she was speaking to or was just trying to make polite conversation, but to alex, it was just a bit too close to the way they giggled together all those years ago, pointing out anything funny to each other. the nostalgia was shoved down with a sip of her drink. “i don’t think i can comment on pretension, but the outfits....some are something.” it probably sounded even more pretentious coming from her, but that wasn’t entirely forefront on her mind. “probably just more drinks,” she admitted with a nod. 
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bbywarhol · 3 years
[ Location: Black Veil Tattoo Parking Lot  Time: January 12th, approx. 8:27 AM ] @salemstart​
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( ☀ ) —         despite the fact that phoenix’s last appointment wasn’t for a few hours and her cat, geralt corey, was more than unwilling to take his rooftop perch until it hit 11 a.m., she sometimes hung out in the parking lot of the shop. there was a blanket in her trunk that was so easily laid out on the hood of the car and she definitely enjoyed her car more than most things. the faded yellow ‘68 Impala had character with it’s gently worn vanilla leather seats and wildflower detailing that followed it’s trim. this car had been her safe space since she’d moved to america and especially, since she’d moved to salem. it was a childhood goal made true and she never minded laying on the hood and looking up at the sky when she got the chance. this morning was no different. she needed time while things were still quiet to think about all that had happened at that party and quiet time with her cat and a perfect breakfast fit the bill. she wasn’t shaken up as much as she was just…troubled and a little confused. instead of feeling something threatening hanging over the shoulder, it had felt like a challenge and she wasn’t sure how to take it.  naturally, she brought geralt to work with her, as usual. while he was no less than terrified of crossing the threshold of the buiolding, outside of the shop was free game. he leapt and climbed until he found a comfy spot which this morning happened to be just above pho’s shoulder as she laid down and took deliberately slow bites of her breakfast burrito.           geralt’s generally calm demeanor was disturbed, however, the moment he sensed someone coming and phoenix, with reflexes that rivaled her pet’s, heard the crunch of leaves under the onlooker’s shoes from a few feet away. she sat up and geralt corey moved to perch atop her head, though, trying to keep herself from seeming too threatening despite the fact that she was immediately on defense, she forced a smile on her face lifting a hand to cover her eyes. after the other night at the blackwell’s, her body was stuck in fight or flight mode and whether she liked it or not, she was having some trouble getting out of it.  ❝ we’re not open yet. though, i’m sure if you want some work done, dad wouldn’t mind if i got started a bit early,  ❞ even though, pho was looking in the direct spot that she’d heard the sound arise from, she had no chance in hell of seeing the person with the sun in her eyes and the angle they were coming from. that would, however, be her little secret. 
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ALEX WASN’T USUALLY AN EARLY-RISER, rather quite the opposite. staying up late into the night, falling into all kinds of discussion boards and wiki rabbit holes, had been a usual habit of hers, meaning she normally would try to sleep in as late as was acceptable for a young heiress. and while alex still wasn’t finding sleep early at night, now, she was also having trouble finding any sleep at any time of day. it may have been almost two weeks since seeing her sibling’s lifeless body laying in the middle of the blackwell mansion, but alex could entirely tell the days apart, anyway and it all still felt too fresh. the days were still muddled together, as alex put in little effort as she waded through the haziness of each twenty four hours. today, she found herself leaving the estate as the sun just started to rise for the day, her only indication that a new day was beginning as the bags under her eyes made it obvious a night’s rest woudln’t be that indicator. there was no destination in mind, in fact, her mind was quite blank, as the feeling of the winter chill slipping through her knee-length peacoat was what she focused on. mindless wandering eventually lead her to the point, eyes looking over shops and buildings until they stopped on the tattoo parlor. she had only been inside once before, where she had entirely wimped out once the buzzing tool was coming towards her skin, lack of pain tolerance already screaming out before any contact was even made. however, she was in a bit of a different headspace this time around, or maybe, she’d just blame her lack of thoughts to blame for why she began approaching the shop. the closer she got, the more empty the shop seemed, as the only other person around seemed to be someone relaxing by their car. not wanting to bother, alex was going to walk away, meander somewhere else, until the other spoke up. “i didn’t realize you were still closed.” as if people were lining up for tattoos at eight in the morning. tentative gaze moves over to the cat, alex never really getting along with them except for her uncle’s that caused all kinds of destruction around the estate. “i don’t mean to interrupt your breakfast, and i don’t even have an appointment, anyway, so it’s probably best i come back later anyway.” she should have just walked away, but the thought was too strong on her mind. without thinking of how the question would look relating back to her family. “just a quick question, though...what do you think of memorial tattoos?” the question came with hesitation. 
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bbywarhol · 3 years
i admittedly have not a great memory, but i don’t recall being in the middle of any important threads on alex, so i’m gonna be dropping hers from before my hiatus, unless there’s any paras anyone would like to continue! (not sure what i’m doing with nadia and stella, yet, but we’re tackling one character at a time). i’ll be getting to fresh starters now. (:
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bbywarhol · 3 years
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Asos ‘Prima donna’ - $64
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bbywarhol · 3 years
          [  where  :  massachusetts  general  hospital.           when  :  new  years  day,  late  evening.           @salemstart·.  ]
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          have  you  ever  heard  the  tale  of  the  scorpion  and  the  frog  ?  this  is  of  similar  vein.  that  is  to  say,  he  is  the  scorpion  of  this  tale,  and  many  others.  in  most  cases,  anyway.  he  will  say,  however,  that  kindness  is  not  a  sign  of  weakness  nor  vulnerability  (  because  in  truth,  kindness  could  be  one’s  strongest  attribute  )  ;  but  merely  a  side  of  himself  he  finds  far  rarer  than  usual  these  days.  with  that  being  said,  he  can’t  help  but  feel  a  twinge  of  guilt  as  he  roams  these  halls.  people  who  were  injured  (  and  didn’t  deserve  it,  he  must  admit  it,  but  every  war  has  its  share  of  casualties  )  and  those  who  were  worried  for  the  ones  they  care  most  about,  hidden  away  in  private  rooms  or  lurking  in  the  waiting  room.  he  finds  a  familiar  face  (  several,  actually,  some  who  walked  away  unscathed  or  with  minor  injuries,  and  some  lying  in  hospital  beds  of  their  own  )  and  that  twinge  of  guilt  hits  him  again.  with  as  much  thought  and  grace  as  he  can  muster,  with  a  certain  tightness  in  his  chest  he  struggles  to  bury  deep  within,  he  approaches  the  other.  “  are  you  alright  ?  ”  he  speaks  quietly,  accent  tilting  his  words  and  carrying  them  through  the  quiet  halls.  “  do  you  —  is  there  any  way  i  can  help,  with  anything  ?  even  if  it’s  a  comforting  presence  of  sorts.  ”
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ALEX HAD BEEN BROUGHT IN THE NIGHT BEFORE, or she supposed technically, that morning, since it was right after midnight. she had absolutely insisted that her sibling’s body be rushed to the hospital with the rest of the injured party-goers, even if the paramedics tried to assure her it was no use. eventually, she managed to get herself to the hospital, on the off chance aspen had been taken there for treatment. they hadn’t. the police had already confirmed that sometime during the day, and yet, alex still sat in a chair in the hospital waiting room, eyes staring ahead blankly. there was no use to be there, for the environment was anything but welcoming. for once, all the little noises weren’t getting at her. the only thing on her mind was aspen, and how as soon as she left the hospital, she would be met with funeral plans and burials and everything that made it too real. lukewarm tea sat in a styrofoam cup in her hand, gaze unfocused, when a voice next to her spoke up. was she okay? “no.” that was easy to answer, but she wasn’t going to elaborate on it. there was nothing that could be done to help; she had tried everything to stop something like this from happening. “you can try being a comforting presence, but i don’t think it will help much.” finally a single thought other than her family flickered through her head, to be aware of how her words sounded. “no offense.” 
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bbywarhol · 3 years
I just CANT shut up baby!!!!!!! I’m absolutely FULL of STUPID and simply MUST share it with the world!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bbywarhol · 3 years
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Paolo Sebastian ‘Once Upon a Dream’ Spring 2018 Haute Couture Collection
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bbywarhol · 3 years
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one moment, she was cheerily celebrating the new year, to new and better experiences, and then suddenly, everything was just screams of horror.
alexandra warhol was never one to go towards loud, annoying noises, but something in the pit of her stomach told her to, that she needed to. a striking feeling deep inside said something was terribly wrong, so absolutely wrong.
and as soon as she viewed the scene, she knew she was right. any oxygen in her body left as alex heaved at the sight, struggling to take a breath as she looked at her eldest sibling with an arrow through their neck. pushing through the crowd, shoving her way through, the heiress dropped to her knees next to aspen, not caring what blood what staining her thousand dollar dress. every breath was mostly just a cry, struggling for air as sobs wracked her body.
“don’t just stand there, do something!” her hand went to grab aspen’s but it was so heavy, heavier than a hand had ever felt. aspen was never an affectionate or even caring person, but they were still alex’s family, someone who was there in her life since she was born. “someone do something!” she pleaded to a crowd who only seemed to watch her anguish. maybe they were still okay; maybe the arrow was just through a part of their neck that wasn’t important and all the blood was from other bodies and if they just got to the hospital fast enough maybe then, aspen would be okay. manicured hands squeezed their lifeless one, as she begged, “please, aspen, you have to be okay.”
she did everything. she tried everything. the crystals were supposed to keep them safe. the papers on her walls were supposed to keep her family safe. her prayers for their safety were supposed to mean something. but now her sibling had an arrow through them. vaguely, alex felt someone’s hands on her, attempting to pull her away. it only angered her more and their grip left when she whipped her body around with enraged concern, not wanting anyone’s touch. 
“why isn’t anyone doing something!” someone had to do something to save aspen, they had to. this couldn’t happen. aspen was the strongest of them. they were the one who no one could ever hurt, they were the concrete. and yet, here they lied in front of her, unmoving.
her own hands only tightened around aspen’s, as her head fell onto her sibling’s abdomen, unable to get any more words out as all she could do was cry, hold onto aspen and cry.
again, she felt hands on her shoulders, gently pulling her from her sibling. the power of the cries stopped her from being able to fight anymore, allowing herself to be separated from aspen. between gasping sobs, she managed to ask, “please, get someone to help them,” before she fell into herself, an inconsolable ball that just wanted the new year to bring peace. finally, all the absolute devastation and frustration she was feeling made itself known, as she yelled, throat hurting from the volume in combination with the tears, “can someone just help aspen?” she didn’t care that her behavior would be talk of the town, or that everyone would overanalyze every bit of her reaction. she was just absolutely wrecked feeling so hopeless and weak and vulnerable. all she wanted was her family to be safe. that was the one thing.
but the one thing she wasn’t allowed. 
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bbywarhol · 3 years
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          there’s  a  part  of  him  (  a  small  part,  not  minuscule,  but  small  and  rather  annoying  )  that  makes  him  wonder  why  he’s  bothering  to  be  so  nice  today.  he  had  no  intention  of  interacting  with  anyone  in  passing,  much  less  hold  and  full  -  blown  conversation.  here  he  stands,  however,  turning  over  crystals  in  his  hand  and  leaning  down  to  read  up  further  on  them.  he  doesn’t  know  much,  other  than  the  basics,  but  he  knows  enough  to  piece  things  together  and  bullshit  an  answer  that  makes  an  ounce  of  sense.  to  his  own  ears,  at  the  very  least.  “  i  mean,  yeah  —  i’m  sure  there’s  a  little  more  to  it  than  that,  but  i’m  no  expert  on  the  matter.  i  kinda  just  know  the  random  shit  i  see  online  while  i’m  drowsy  browsing  at  four  a.m.  i  could  go  ask  someone  for  you,  though  ?  ”  he  glances  her  way,  smiling  just  a  tad  as  he  takes  note  of  the  way  she  handles  the  crystals.  “  that’s  alright.  i  wouldn’t  leave  you  hanging,  i’ll  answer  what  i  can.  and  hey,  fuck  yeah,  everyone  loves  shiny  things.  i’m  like  a  crow.  i  see  something  shiny,  i  gotta  pick  it  up.  ”  with  those  words  exactly,  he  reaches  forward  and  studies  another  crystal  ;  jade,  he  assumes,  though  he  wouldn’t  put  much  money  on  that  bet.  the  color  simply  caught  his  eye.  after  a  moment,  he  gently  sets  it  back  down  in  its  place  and  reaches  for  another.  “  huh  ?  oh,  uh  —  no,  i  don’t  think  so  ?  i  think  there’s  crystals  that  are  supposed  to,  like,  harness  negative  energy  and  keep  it  contained.  i’m  not  sure  if  that’s  true,  though.  we  could  probably  go  and  look  for  one,  i  bet.  ”  jiho  rocks  back  on  his  heels,  one  arm  across  his  chest  as  he  grips  his  elbow.  fingers  drumming  gently,  his  head  tilts,  “  i  don’t  think  you’re  at  risk  of,  y’know,  reversing  the  effects  of  the  crystal  or  what  they’re  supposed  to  do.  i  think  you’ll  be  okay.  ”
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“NO, NO, YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK,” the less attention alex brought to herself the better, or at least it seemed that way after recent events. showing up in a psychic studio probably didn’t aid in that at all, but she betted on the shop being pretty empty. it also probably wasn’t such a good idea to be discussing crystals and stones with a co-host of the in love with the rhythm podcast, but it seemed alex was taking some risks today. at least jiho didn’t seem as skeptical of her as micah did, or he was a good actor. “like you said, i could probably just look it up myself online.” that was usually how she received most of her information when she got in a obsessive mood, looking for every piece of information she could discover on the topic from long posts and endless internet research. she had fell down more wiki rabbit holes than she could count in her life. as he smiled at her, it truly did make her feel a bit guilty, the knowledge she had, the knowledge of what she did, while he was seemingly oblivious. and he seemed nice. her only intention at the time was to hurt micah, hurt her the same way alex felt hurt when her previous friend spoke such things of her family. even now, she question her reaction a bit; maybe she shouldn’t have taken it so personally. but she did, and a small part of her still felt that way. the heiress also was starting to think she didn’t consider every consequence of what she chose to do. “a crow,” she repeated with amusement, “so you also like to gift your friends with shiny things?” the joke was supported by a fact she believed she read once about crows being loyal and gift-givers. alex also found joy in gift-giving, though it helped that the price of presents was never something she had to worry about. she continued to turn the rock over in her hand, eyes studying each side and the way the low lights of the shop glinted off of it while she tilted her head. “that’s good to know,” she replied when it came to causing the opposite, even if it was a guess. the last thing she needed was to create more issues than she was already dealing with. her eyes moved to the pile of rocks, head thinking of the validity and how anyone in her family would react to finding out her interest in such things. deciding she didn’t want to know the answer, she vowed to keep this interest a secret from her family, except maybe august. “i hope you’re right. i don’t want to make things worse by trying to make them better.” most of what alex said was spoken vaguely, as any kind of detail could be detrimental if taken in the wrong way. “thank you for the help, though. i think i am going to buy this one,” she nodded as she looked towards the cashier. 
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bbywarhol · 3 years
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bbywarhol · 3 years
anyway bc i’m a 🤡 i managed to give myself food poisoning the day after christmas so i didn’t get to sending out the rest of my presents yesterday. gonna try and finish them up now but also still recovering from my love affair with the toilet. 
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bbywarhol · 3 years
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