beingmom-oftwo · 9 years
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beingmom-oftwo · 9 years
I haven't been on tumblr in at least a year. with that being said, people are reblogging things I had posted over a year ago arguing things? how are you guys even bringing these up? anyways, just to point out that some of what I said over a year ago and what I had or hadn't agreed with has mostly likely been changed. just wanted to throw that out there. good day to you all.
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
sharing with toddlers
Joe and I ran into a little disagreement last night and I thought I'd share. I've been watching a little girl that's about 6 months younger than kynleigh. she comes here and of course kynleigh has to shares all her toys and does so willingly. well, last night when I was making dinner I handed kynleigh a piece of sliced cheese because she asked for it. she went into the living room where the little girl was and so was joe and the little girl started reaching for kynleighs piece of cheese. and joe kinda yelled at kynleigh telling her to share the cheese with her. I came out there and told her not to share it with her and told joe that she didn't need to share her food because it's HER FOOD! I could obviously give her a piece of cheese of her own. he told me I'm going to make kynleigh a brat all because I told her she didn't have to share her food. she is already sharing her home, her toys and my attention. was it wrong of me for doing that?
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
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since Cullen was about 2 months he was diagnosed with acid reflux. and once given the medicine he started sleeping through the night. well just recently the past week (maybe) he's been waking up, squirming around just not sleeping well at all. I took him to see his dr yesterday and well of course we had to up his dosage of medicine to help with his reflux. she also told me putting some cereal in one of his bottles a day may help too. ANYWAYS, last night he slept through the night! he was acting sooo uncomfortable so I'm glad he's getting some relief.
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
I hate similac!
Cullen gets so gassy on it but he can not get it up!! enfamil gentlease has been the only formula to work for him. errrrr
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
I can understand where you're coming from but at the same time, does it really matter? a lot of the times it is an insurance issue. why are you going to pay an x amount of money for a 5 minute visit. quite honestly you can do everything they do at the dr at home. rent a Doppler for $60 for 3 months. check baby's heart beat. you can measure your the progress of your stomach on your own to make sure everything is on track and just take your prenatal vitamins.
if you have a local pregnancy center they may offer free ultrasounds. at least the one in our town does.
you don't always know the back ground and reason they're not going to the dr or have a midwife.
sure, if they're just not going cause they're lazy... I see your point.
Girls who
Don’t see a doctor while pregnant… Bother me.
Or Midwife.. Or any prenatal care..
They blame it on an insurance issue… But if you’re about 30 weeks pregnant….How in the hell?
I just don’t… Understand.
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
why can't I find the motivation and energy to wok out! I hate the way I look and feel but I can't get myself going to actually work out. I want to at least lose 10 pounds and tone up. ugh
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
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okay so I came up with a way to better encourage kynleigh to use the potty. I told her that of she pees and goes #2 on the potty all week she will be rewarded with this Elsa baby doll. (she’s super excited) so then I thought well I’m not going to be rewarding her every time she goes with a prize so every time she successfully uses the toilet she will write the day and what she did on a paper fold it up and put it in the box and were going to “keep track” of her potty training. if she has an accident she has to write that down too and it’ll be “used against her”
i don’t know.. hopefully it works.
**added note. change of plans. someone. suggested we give her fake money if she goes on the potty (to pay for the doll) and if she has an accident she has to take money out and give it back to us. **
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
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I'm bribing kynleigh with this Elsa baby doll. if she pees and poops on the potty all week she will be rewarded with this.
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
we've started some hard core potty training
Kynleigh has been using the potty since she was about a year and a half but we never really went full force with potty training until now. that's because she tells me when's she needs to pee or when she's going and she'll say "mom I'm poopin" she'll only go if she's completely naked. then she'll run to the bathroom and go. so were only using undies during the day and night time diapers at night. I want her to understand that just because she had something on her butt does not mean it'll catch everything. I'm hoping that when she does have accidents and it runs down her legs she'll be like oh yeah I have to go to the bathroom not in my underwear. yesterday was the fort full day of trying. we had a total of 4 accidents,
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
I think it should be some how impossible for moms to get sick. I thought about this the other day when I got this vicious stomach virus. I ended up having to ask someone to watch Kynleigh and Cullen for me while I shook it off. joe had just gotten home for work and had to go to sleep for work that night so he couldn't help me out. it was awful!
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
I'm a girl and I wanna be circumcised, clits are gross uwu
do what you want
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
Instagram moms! follow me !!
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
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being a mom of two is tough sometimes. it tests your patients, your sanity, your ability to run off a couple hours a sleep and to manager surviving a day with a pounding headache. but it means twice the kisses, twice the smiles and giggles, twice the love. I enjoy it every single day. I love this life I live.
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
I'm not sure how long ago this was but for future reference maybe. when I've been in stand still traffic with a crying baby I've gotten them out and just walked with them. person driving should stay on same side you're walking and once traffic starts rolling.. hop back in.
Rear facing in front seat?
Need quick help - Jesse crying in back seat and I’m in non-moving traffic. Can I bring him in his seat onto to front seat and disable airbags? He’s in a rear facing seat and I could easily bring it round as nobody is moving but I haven’t done it before but I feel like I should and the gov.uk websites suggests I can?
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beingmom-oftwo · 10 years
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puppy loving. I can say it's nice adding to the family but jeez work of a puppy, newborn and toddler gets exhausting. not to mention we have a 5 month old cat and almost a one year old dog. it's fun though. more animals to come once we build our house.
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