bel-ajar · 8 years
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9.22.16+12:23pm // journal spread 1 // here’s the first spread i made in my new moleskine! figured i’d number them and keep a series going. went for a more muted look and made some egregious mistakes but!! oh well. art credits to @heezey/post!
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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Some details from my room.
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bel-ajar · 8 years
How to improve your handwriting quickly
To no surprise, studyblr is absolutely full of handwriting to be envious of. There is no shortage of note-taking photos which look like an angel wrote them. Whilst your handwriting is a part of who you are and there is no shame in having wonderfully messy writing, sometimes you just fancy a change. With this technique I’ve managed to adjust my handwriting in a short space of time. I cannot guarantee this will work for everyone, but hopefully it will be of use! Here  is my step-by-step guide to improving your writing:
Figure out what you want - what part of your writing do you want to change? Are you wanting to learn how to write more cursive or just make your writing more legible? Do you need to write faster or smaller? Write a random paragraph out and see what you like or don’t like about it. That way you can figure out what you need to change. 
Pick a pen - find a pen that you love to write with it! Different pens can influence your writing so try out as many as you can. There is ballpoint, gel pen, fineliner, rollerball, etc! My favourites are Muji Gel Pens and the Pilot G2.
Find inspiration - as I said studyblr is full of inspiring handwriting and beautiful bullet journals. Find a few of your faves and save them. Same with Pinterest! Search around for some examples and save them. 
Download your inspiration - the quickest way to retrain your hand is to copy. Whilst a handwriting sample from your favourite blog might be available, it can be extremely hard to recreate with accuracy. For this, I suggest picking a similar downloadable font. Sites such as dafont.com, fontsquirrel.com, myfonts.com and etsy.com offer hundreds of fonts for your choosing. Obviously choosing a handwritten style is going to be the easiest to recreate so start there. Here are my top handwritten fonts are Shoreline Script, Halo Handletter, MF I Love Glitter, Chocolate Coloured Raindrops, and Handwriting CR. 
Make a cheatsheet - once you’ve picked and downloaded the font you want to make your handwriting like, you can make a cheatsheet. By this I mean opening a word/pages document and typing uppercase and lowercase letters, words and numbers in your chosen font. Pick a size that you think will be easy for you to write on, probably 12pt+. Then print! An example of the one I made is here. 
Start writing - after you’ve printed start writing over the words. By tracing over the letters you’ll eventually retain yourself to write that way more naturally. Take it slow and be sure to properly trace the letters. This might take a while and some hard work but when it works it will be worth it. Try printing your cheatsheet 3 or 4 times and going over them all. Once you feel you’ve got the hang off it try copying without the font underneath and see how similar it is.
Persistence - changing your writing is undoubtedly going to take time so don’t be disheartened if you don’t get it quickly. It is also important to remember that being able to recreate your desired handwriting exactly can be tricky and might not be totally possible. However practicing should help your normal handwriting adapt to have some of the features that the writing you want has. 
I did this over the past few days and have managed to improve my cursive style writing. You can see my normal writing vs the writing style I learnt in 2ish days. I hope this helps! I’m happy to email ready done font cheatsheets if you’d like one, just message me. If you are practicing using these tips, I’d love to see. Tag me on here or Instagram! :~)
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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writing definitions for bio 🍄
check out my studygram!
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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Week 10/14 ❤ My prof approved my concept yesterday and now I’m feeling motivated! So here’s my studyspot, my notes on value elaboration in media and btw (since some people asked) my totoro pouch was a gift, my friend purchased it on an app called “wish” 😊 happy studying everyone ❤
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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hello pals!! this is a masterpost of half (or so) of the reference posts i reblogged/made. i tried uploading this masterpost as just one big masterpost but i had over 250 links so that failed and here i am again. here is part one, encapsulating studying + certain subjects which will be followed by part two (slightly more general) here! enjoy ✨
studying, school, + learning
what i’ve learnt throughout my years of being a student
notes, studying, and self-study resources
self-study resources
starting a studyblr
college + uni
how to get studying
online study guides
good habits
study management
school is starting soon
back to school (1)
back to school (2)
back to school (3)
back to school reminders
50 things to know for back to school
get prepared for a new school year
school resources
final grade calculator
writing emails to professors
cheap textbooks etc!!
save money on textbooks
first week of school stuff
testing effect
make studying fun
high school tips
101 study tips
types of learners
lazy kid’s guide to good grades
catching up on missed work
university tag
igcse resources
sat tag
act tag
ap tag
ib tag
a-level revision tips
diy school supplies
test taking tips
a complete guide to studying (well)
time to study!
groupwork (1)
groupwork (2)
tips tag
study effectively from textbooks
studying better
surviving your least favourite class
studying a subject you hate
doing research
understanding the question
study tips
tactile learning
how to concentrate
exam day
ultimate study masterpost
study tips for exams
school survival
studying on the go
how to read academic journal articles
how to study smart
how to remember anything in 3 steps
distraction-free studying
my study instagram + study blog
+ motivation links
motivation masterpost
stay motivated
get that homework done!
reaching goals
getting motivated
motivation through anime
writing tag
recover an unsaved draft
uni writing resources
add citations!
annotating (1)
annotating (2)
advice for writing papers
writing helps
essay writing tips
how to write an essay
writing term research papers
active vs passive voice
writing masterpost
academic writing resources
essay checklist
reduce your word count
essay writing links
how to write and execute a huge piece of work
summary writing
the discursive/argumentative essay
the narrative essay + the descriptive essay
note-taking in class
cornell note-taking
cornell (2)
lecture notes
illustrating notes
maintaining good notes
sticky notes
colour-code + highlight effectively
studying from textbooks
study guides
upgrade your notes
illustrate your notes
mind maps
note-taking for different lecture types
ribbon drawing
smart highlighting
lettering ideas
how i take notes
note-taking tips
aesthetically pleasing notes
fake cursive notes
languages + literature
the ultimate english masterpost
literature masterpost
studying a foreign language
100+ legal sites to download literature
approaching poetry analysis
write a killer unprepared text essay
literary analysis research papers
how to ace lit
reading lit
write a rhetorical analysis essay
practice oral comprehension!!
how i study for english lit
poetry analysis (1)
poetry analysis (2)
how i learn languages
self-studying languages
languages tag
how to open a new book
literary devices
literaty devices w/ printables
literature masterpost
grow your vocab
a guide to vocab
language learning tips + resources
tips + tricks for learning a language
humanities + other subjects
studying humanities subjects
gathering materials for a humanities research paper
philosophy tag
psychology tag
politics + government
women of wwi
ap world history
design resources
sciences + math
how to memorise diagrams
biology (1)
biology (2)
studying biology
biology help
biology note-taking
anatomy + physiology
ap physics
chemistry (1)
chemistry (2)
chemistry note-taking
studying chemistry
maths tag
how to study for math
how to study math (1)
how to study math (2)
math (1)
math (2)
math (3)
10 tips to excel in maths
avoid carelessness in calculations
succeed in math without really trying
math resources and links
algebra (1)
algebra (2)
space + astronomy (1)
space + astronomy (2)
hope this helps + please check out part 2 as well!! ilysm 💗 
ps here is a list of all my masterposts just in case 🐝
- helena xx
39K notes · View notes
bel-ajar · 8 years
“This is your daily, friendly reminder to use commas instead of periods during the dialogue of your story,” she said with a smile.
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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{ 13-10-16 } 53/100 days of productivity
halfway into the 5 units I have to revise for bio - here’s my study layout 🌧💤
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bel-ajar · 8 years
Assignments and Exam Revision, oh my!
So the past week and a half has been absolutely crazy. I’ve been working on a programming/simulation project that’s due in on Friday, and devoting all of my time to it, since I’m lacking a lot of the coding skills required, and am having to catch up as I go. But, it’s the middle of the third to last week of term, and I have exams in January which I have not started revising for. So what’s a girl to do, when the stress of both an assignment and exam revision start to get to her? 
Take at least an afternoon off to accurately assess the situation:
Make a list of tasks left to do for the assignment, and estimate how long it will take.
Compile a list of all completed and half-completed (and not yet started) lecture courses and rank them according to difficulty and amount of time required to get up to scratch on the topics. Top-ranking courses are the ones that are the most urgent and will need the most studying.
Also rank the courses on how enjoyable you find studying them.
Create a schedule for all days up until exas- not a rigid one, but one with up to 3 tasks per day (with feasible time estimations), and start slotting tasks in them. Prioritize the assignment until it is due, but allow for some light, enjoyable exam revision to take place.
Go to bed early, and ensure that enough sleep is gotten. If you wake up before your alarm due to stress, just stay in bed, relax, and rest your eyes. The little bit of extra rest will help. Meditation/mindfulness is also a good thing to do before your alarm- if not the traditional version, at least a version where you take some time to order your thoughts and breathe some calm into your life. 
Get up the next morning, have a large cup of tea, and head to campus to work on the tasks lined up in your schedule. 
Note that the only absolute is the deadline, and for assignments even that can be moved if you have a sympathetic staff member. The tasks scheduled can be moved around as you see fit- in fact, it’s almost better to pencil them into your schedule rather than using ink (if you’re using a paper-based planner). 
Take frequent breaks, talk to people, make sure that you don’t wear yourself out. Remember to breathe, and that green tea is your friend.
On a final note-how to preserve your mental health in such a stressful time. Personally, I struggle a lot with that. After spending the summer working on getting better to the point where I actual felt stable, it’s scary to feel myself slipping again, despite doing everything I’m supposed to. It’s important to remember that recovery has it’s ups and downs, and that stability is not a given. I’ve managed to keep going due to the momentum I’ve built up over the term, and am in too deep to stop now. Business is my friend, and keeps me on at least a semblance of the right track. I can’t speak for everyone, because my experience is highly personal, but I do think that regularity helps more than one would expect.
Best of luck to everyone dealing with exam stress. xx
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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25.11.16 // exams
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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I’ve been so unproductive recently, really. Maybe these cherries will motivate me! *eats entire bowl and does two questions* ^_^ I’m going to start a Fury Road sketch later, and i’ll post it if it looks decent of the sorts haha
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bel-ajar · 8 years
Reblog if you ARE a woman in STEM, SUPPORT women in STEM, or ARE STILL BITTER about Rosalind Franklin not getting credit for discovering the structure of DNA and the Nobel prize going to Watson and Crick instead.
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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december 09, 2016 1:36 pm
hey guys! sorry I’ve been a little (jk super) forgetful with the challenge!! finals are killing me, but I think I’ll be able to come out of the semester alive. (or as a redead zombie but that is yet to be determined) I’ll still try to post my progress in finals hell as I am able ^^
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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29.02.16 | Another study date with my mumma 😊📘☕️
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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120816 - intro to lit study final could’ve gone better so thank lord i did the extra credit paper! only one more day of classes, a soc paper, and three exams between now and winter break.
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bel-ajar · 8 years
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02/12/16; i started the day with an unplanned visit at the hospital, therefore i got to the library a bit later than i originally wanted to. despite that i managed to get everything i’ve planned for today done. i also got hang of all of the books for intro to scandinavian lit i’m going to have to read in the next half of the semester. first i need to get through the mid-term though - that’s where all the mindmaps are for. i’m quite pleased with how each of them turned out. in the pictures also: my bullet journal spread containing daily lists on the left and all the uni stuff i need to get done by next week on the right, and also a window selfie where you can’t see my swollen eye (aka the reason i went to the hospital in the morning). also black coffee has become my new best friend. 
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