beomv · 2 months
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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beomv · 4 months
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"photograph of a young palestinian girl flying her kite on al-waha beach, gaza, 2011. on this day, 6,200 palestinian children filled the gaza sky with kites, achieving the guinness world record for most kites flown simultaneously. the culture of kite flying amongst gaza youth remains a symbol of resilience, creativity, and joy. over the past 7 weeks, the amount of children killed by the israeli state has nearly surpassed this number, continuing to rise each day. we must continue calling for a permanent ceasefire now. the devastation must end" — via @azeemamag on instagram
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beomv · 4 months
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beomv · 6 months
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things never change, do they?
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beomv · 7 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀★ूੂ★ूੂ flechazo en el centro ★ूੂ★ूੂ
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beomv · 9 months
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휴닝카이 "i love you" fluff drabble 250 word count
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i love you, and i’ll tell you in three words, show you in a million ways.
the atmosphere filled with the hot breath of children, huening kai’s cousin’s, the stories of cereals and orange juice floating in it. there could be a list, scroll, or even walls filled with black expo markers listing how you feel for this man, yet none would capture the truth.
love isn’t delivered in the form of words limited to one or two syllables, but if not, then what way? indents on the colorful mat as a result of the table lying on it stay even after you move the furniture, moving a chair to replace its place.
love is felt in the way of associating the smallest of gestures or objects with someone, to your love. in the way of focusing your eyes on the spotlight, the boy’s smile as the blanket stays up from under the two items. dust remains in the air as the imaginary light feels too real, every other area illegal for your eyes to come to.
in the way of embracing the color of his ears grow as his warm hands leave your skin lingering in its wake. even with shoes made with velcro opposed to laces thrown on the ground; with teasing and playful yells coming from around; with fabric of bright colors containing logos of cartoon animals, you don’t fail to notice his reaction when you let out the words repeating in your head. 
i love you.
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a/n: finally showing my favorite draft because it's been in a cell since august 20th.. also, does this even make sense?
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beomv · 9 months
gonna start posting my drafts bcs they've been rotting for too long
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beomv · 9 months
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'sweet' jacket shooting behind 🧡 beomgyu
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beomv · 9 months
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𔓘 y o u! youre my E V E R Y T H I N G @dovedi 𔓘
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beomv · 11 months
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beomv · 11 months
me listening to the demon slayer entertainment district arc intro
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beomv · 1 year
𝘄𝗵𝗼? - masterlist !
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𝗮 𝗯𝗲𝗼𝗺𝗴𝘆𝘂 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝘂 𝗯𝘆 𝗴𝘆𝘂𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹𝘀
pairing - tuxedo mask!beomgyu x sailor moon!reader
synopsis - working at a local bakery in the morning, fighting villains and monsters alike at night, that had been your daily life for years. all until a mysterious identity of the name tuxedo mask shows up out of nowhere and disrupts your routine.
notes: lol this had been on my mind for a long time hope u guys like it my first smau 😭 ill be working on this alongside my written series tho! :)
extra: if links don't work, read through the #who? 🌙
taglist [OPEN] - @https-skzology @hipsdofangirl @jayoonology @captivq @uno7 @vocaloshin @junebug032 @ihrtnyu @satsuri3su @flrtsbin
profiles - todo victims | the bitchless
chapter 1 - is she alive
chapter 2 - that enhypen song (text + written)
chapter 3 - get jeongin to do it
chapter 4 - botch
chapter 5 - IM NOT A JIM RAT!!!!!!!!
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beomv · 1 year
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beomv · 1 year
Reblog this to tell the person you reblogged it from that they deserve a cookie for being so awesome and mega cool
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beomv · 1 year
modern reiner definitely listens to hyperpop and nightcore. canon
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beomv · 1 year
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happy Thursday the 20th
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beomv · 1 year
i realised it was supposed to be a drabble after reading <//3 but i would love some more f2l beomgyu it’s just soooo perfect!! my fav genre fr
totally unlabeled kisses
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➞ pairing: best friend!beomgyu x f!reader
➞ synopsis: in which you and beomgyu teeter between being normal best friends and well...best friends who makeout from time to time.
➞ genre: fluff, comedy, b2l
➞ notes: i just realized how much im going to exhaust this trope on the blog, with the event + my other big fic...oooh, there's going to be some repetition here. by the time i'm done, won't be able to write anything b2l related. request + request.
★ the playlist .
taglist: @boba-beom , 700 event masterlist!
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Questions you've grown to be annoyingly accustomed to at some point in your life: "What college are you going to?" — that one was a pain for a few months, "When are you getting married?" — this one’s going to be a pain for a few decades, "Is it that time of the month again?" — you sorta learn to filter this question out of your head.
Questions you haven't built tolerance for: "Are you guys together?"
It's ten times more aggravating when it’s always, always about the same person. Y'know, none other than the annoying, but to his credit, somewhat funny, and sorta loveable goofball that is Choi Beomgyu.
Each time, you'd say a similarly repetitive response: "No, we're just friends." Which is exactly what it was. Beomgyu is your best friend. Has been your best friend— for, like, forever.
Starting right from the torturous tween stage that was middle school, to now, it's the question that followed you both to the hells of earth. The era of awkward bowlcuts and invisaligns that fooled no one have been long behind you, yet it seemed that the theory you and Beomgyu were secretly together never passed. Ever.
Sure, you get it, it's the childhood friends to marriage descend that gets everyone swooning, but that was totally not you and Beomgyu.
Even after what happened two months ago. You decided to lean a little too close that day, and somehow, your lips captured his, at a house party, in god knows whose closet. You’re not sure why you went for it—you liked to blame the drinking game you played a little before this, or the darkness of the closet, or the way his breathing was magnified to your ears, how it synced with yours. You don’t even remember how you got in the closet with him.
What you do remember is how the kiss was a little hesitant and trying, tongue testing the waters before Beomgyu decided on his own to tilt his head at an angle, turning the chaste kiss into a little more. 
You liked it.
You liked how his lips were soft, yet the slight roughness of the kiss had you forgetting it was Choi fucking Beomgyu you had your arms around—the boy you’ve seen pick his boogers more times than you’d like to count. His rather large hands cupped your cheeks, still kissing you like his life depended on it.
You call it the Closet incident. 
…There were lots of repeats of the Closet incident.
On top of a kitchen counter, in front of your flat’s entrance, in the hallway of Beomgyu’s dormitory, on the couch, in a movie theater as your unknowing friends sat a seat in front of you focused on the gore scene, in Beomgyu’s rusted, mario kart that he calls a car. But obviously, no feelings involved. Obviously.
"Can you make me look good this time?"
You scoff incredulously. "I always make you look good."
It’s a Friday and Beomgyu came over to your place to pick you up for your friend dates, like usual. Which consisted of going to the mall, then a trip to the local movie theater, and finally getting your favorite frozen yogurt. His go-to flavor being red velvet, and yours good ol’ chocolate mint. You never hear the end of it from Beomgyu.
"I have something to ask by the way." Beomgyu throws his head back on the couch, staring up at you. He’s situated on the floor, between your legs as you braid his hair. What? It’s therapeutic.
“You know how Heeseung asked you if you were dating anyone yesterday?”
“Turn your head to the left, Gyu.” you mutter, eyes narrowing as you focus on his hair, taking the braiding pretty seriously. “And yeah? What about it?”
He doesn’t budge, arms lazily crossed. “Why’d you tell him no?”
Your fingers stop the braid, blinking a few times down at Beomgyu. “Because…I’m not dating anyone.”
He naively blinks a few times, still staring up at you, before cracking a weirdly conflicted smile, as if he got to his senses. Then he turns his head to the left like you asked him to earlier, “Oh, yeah, I mean… yeah.”
You manage to give him a quick smile back, albeit a little stiff, as you refocus your attention on his hair again. But it’s near damn impossible, thoughts as to what Beomgyu was trying to imply clouding your head too much for proper focus.
What’d he want you to say? You weren’t dating anyone, Beomgyu knew, you knew, everyone knew. But he was still confused in those three seconds, as if that wasn’t true. And that had your head in a jumble. 
It wasn’t like this was the only thing he’s done or said that had you questioning what he felt about you was a little more than platonic. 
Like, yesterday as an example, when Beomgyu showed up by your side, presumably out of nowhere, a hand wrapped around your waist when Heeseung approached you.
Or the time you were playing truth or dare and Taehyun asked him if he liked anyone that was in the room, and you swear he found your eyes for a few seconds before smiling and downing his drink— choosing to leave the question unanswered, the rest groaning of how he was no fun.
You’re reading too much into things…right? 
It’s all you’ve been thinking about at the time of your slumber. And it made the occasional, random makeout sessions that much more impactful. Your finger lingering on your lip, starstruck after just a single peck from Beomgyu, as if you were a middle schooler who just got her first kiss.
“What do you think?”
He looks at himself through his phone’s camera at every possible angle, a genuine smile creeping up his face, “It’s so cute, I love it.” When he practically jumps on you, you fall to a laying position, and laugh. He resembled a puppy. “I told you you should be a hairstylist.”
The proximity of his face near yours doesn’t faze you—or you at least hope it looks like that. You quirk a brow, “Since when?”
He taps his index finger on his temple, “Telepathy. I tell you everyday through telepathy.”
Surprisingly, that gets you to snort, broken completely out of your previous reverie— he was ridiculous. 
“I like it so much I want to kiss you.”
He’s quick to follow through, landing a silly peck on your lips. You know it didn’t even look that good, but he still managed to make you feel like you gave him the hairstyle of the century. Which had no business making your heartbeat just a tinge faster. Oh, it’s bad for you.
You adjust your position by attempting to sit up straight. He catches that, a confused smile as he gets off you. You purse your lips, the awkward silence not a bother as you think of ways you could put all your confusion the past few weeks into one simple sentence. 
“Beomgyu, do you… like me?”
You can tell that by the sudden question, he’s taken back, the corner of his lips falling. Before he does his habit again, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, a hesitant grin plastered on his face. “I mean, isn’t it a little obvious?”
You furrow your brows. “Uh no, no it wasn’t …obvious!” It wasn’t! Beomgyu was naturally a romantic, how would you catch that he was serious?
He raises his brows. “What, did you think I kissed you all these times because I was doing it for the shits and giggles?”
You think over it for a second. “…Let’s be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in public.”
“Busted.” he puts up his hands as mock retreat, then sighs, “But for reason. This isn’t how I thought this…would go. But, yeah…I do like you. In the gross romantic way. Maybe L-word you too. I don’t know, I just know that my heart dumbly wholeheartedly believes that you’re my soulmate. For whatever reason.”
You feel your mouth dry, looking up at Beomgyu, your movement still. “Since when?”
Beomgyu chews down on his bottom lip, hesitating before he quietly says, “Since you got me the cookie and cream ice cream sandwich as an apology for saying my ex-girlfriend was butt ugly.”
It’s so comically specific yet it’s still funny how you immediately say, “Seventh grade.” Because you also remember, you very clearly remember the day Beomgyu had bawled his eyes out, because he just got dumped, and your attempt of trying to comfort him by saying he had awful taste. Turns out, people don’t like being told that their ex wasn’t good looking fresh out of the relationship. 
The fury you felt at the sight of seeing Beomgyu so sad could’ve been explained by just the fact that you were extremely close friends, but you’re now left wondering if you also liked him a little back then.
“I like you too.”
Beomgyu huffs out a laugh through his nose, shaking his head, “You don’t have to say that just because I said it. I don’t cry over rejections anymore.” 
Your eyes wander down to his lips for a split second. Then to the man in front of you, his loose fitted signature flannel so…Beomgyu. His quirky styled hair, so fitting on him. No matter how much he matured, his features undeniably handsome, he was still the boy you proudly call a best friend. Your best friend. “No, I like you. In the gross romantic way.”
You’re more sure now in comparison to seven years ago. 
He falls silent, staring at you before he lets out a quiet, “Oh.”
You sit there, playing with your hands as you wait for Beomgyu to say something a little more than that. You’re not sure what’s going through his head, you often feel like, even after knowing him for so long, you don’t know what happens in there. At all.
You’re caught off guard when you feel Beomgyu’s familiar lips on yours, but quickly linger against them, letting him take a hold of you, as he was above you again. 
You feel his smile break into the kiss and you stop for a moment. "Are we a couple now?" he asks, barely a whisper. You nod.
"We swore to everyone this would never happen." You swore to yourself that you didn’t like Beomgyu ‘like that’. Always so sure, so sure that he was nothing but a friend. 
Everyone saw it but you. How idiotic did you look?
"Exactly. We're never going to hear the end of it. But..."
"But... it's worth it?" you finish his sentence.
You like the way his eyes glint under the dim light of your living room. You like the curve of the ends of his lips, the way they create the cutest, most adorable whisker dimples. He lays his forehead on yours. "Like, thirty thousand times worth it."
"People usually say a million..." you tease with a tilt of your head.
His breath fans against your skin before smiling and leaning his head in for another kiss. He catches you by surprise again, but this time you’re a little more prepared, your arms quickly finding their way, hanging off your freshly new boyfriend slash best friend for life’s shoulder. But then he pulls away.
Way too fast. "That was to shut you up for being a smartass." You're slightly left out of breath, your chest softly rising and falling as you look at him confused.
“And this…” He kisses the tip of your nose, “Is for not turning down Heeseung yesterday and making me stupidly, ridiculously sulky."
You catch onto what he’s doing, giggling, but still ask "What are you doing, idiot?" 
He doesn't stop, still as smiley as ever. He kisses the temple of your cheek, "This is for all the years I've chased after your oblivious ass."
Your other cheek, "This is for…”
Suddenly, he peppers kisses all over your face and your giggles turn into full on laughter the more he kisses all over your skin— it's ticklish. When he stops and it's silent you feel the energy shift. You ask the pending question with a whisper, "And what was that for?"
Silence overtakes him as he stares down at you, a faint smile on his face.
"For all the decades I'll spend loving you."
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notes: reblogging [the little sign by the heart button] helps push this fic! it's the main thing that helps me out and its what tumblr's algorithm picks up on!! thoughts are appreciated, always ^^ ❤
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