bigjjuicee · 1 month
I need to share this. (@st-just : hearty gruel alert!)
Red lentils. Boil them in a pot all by themselves, with salt, until soft. Skim the Bad Foam (or first wash them many times, until the water's clear). Set them aside.
Take a big skillet, and sauté in medium heat garlic with cumin, coriander seeds, mustard seeds, and ginger. Grate a tomato in there (or however you add tomato in sauces), add fresh parsley or coriander, and stir.
Drop in the red lentils with water, tumeric, lemon juice, AND TAHINI. Mix them together, let them cook for a few minutes more, stir until done. Adjust texture to taste basically, it's up to you if you'll eat with a fork or with a spoon.
Now serve. In the middle of the gruel, plop a spoonful of strained yoghurt, and slice some raw red onion around it. Drizzle some olive oil/lemon on top. Ready? CHARGE.
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hot lentils (sans parsley, I was out) served in gruel form, a hearty meal for 1
Numbers (approximate), for 2 people
200 gr red lentils
7 minutes boiling
salt to taste
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger [I don't actually KNOW numbers for the spices, I'm eyeballing this; do what you will]
1 big tomato
salt and pepper to taste
+2 minutes stirring
skillet with the lentils:
~1/2 cup water (IF you've strained the lentils; I empty most but not all of the water from the pot, and then unceremoniously plop the whole thing in there)
1 teaspoon tumeric
4 tablespoons tahini
1/2 lemon
8 minutes cooking total
per serving:
1 hefty tablespoon yoghurt
1/2 small red onion
olive oil and lemon to taste
Feel free to play around with spices and seasoning. The only essential ingredients are the lentils, oil+tomato+cumin, and tahini+lemon.
It's completely feasible with brown lentils, except they take longer to boil. Basically this recipe combines the standard "brown lentils + tahini" with "red lentils + a bunch of spices".
If you have iron deficiency, the dairy will inhibit the iron absorption from the lentils, so either skip the yoghurt, or decide you're eating this because it's delicious, and not because it's good for your blood.
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cold lentils ~8 hours later, now in spread-ish form, kinda like hummus. reheating not necessary, fantastic mezze for 2. lasts in the fridge for 3-4 days (just let it out to acquire room temperature first, and serve with yoghurt and onions again).
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bigjjuicee · 1 month
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bigjjuicee · 1 month
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bigjjuicee · 1 month
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Austin Osman Spare
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bigjjuicee · 5 months
“Look at yourself as a color. You may not be everybody’s favorite color but believe me, one day you will meet someone who needs you to complete this picture.”
— Unknown
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bigjjuicee · 6 months
“Love didn’t hurt you. Someone who doesn’t know how to love you hurt you. Don’t confuse the two.”
— Unknown
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bigjjuicee · 9 months
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
“I notice you, I want to say. Even when no one else does, I do. I will.”
— David Levithan, Every Day
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
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Perseid Meteors l Peter Forister l Virginia U.S.
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
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A lil blackbird (acrylic + thickener on canvas)
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
So I was joking around on this post about the lack of alignment in Baldur’s gate when a shiver ran down my spine. My badtake senses were tingling, and lo and behold there was this waiting for me in my notifications:
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Now this is fascinating because this user obviously has an axe to grind: We were specifically talking about a notoriously clunky and contentious ruleset in d&d that no one really likes, not even the current developers, and this person decided to go off like I was the architect of the modern godless age.
Checking their blog shows we’re dealing with someone with some baggage, as what appears to at first be your bog-standard cocktail of conservative cottage-core and LOTR memes gives way to Jordan Peterson clips, antichoice rhetoric, and more than a few posts that veer into Q-Anon nonsense.
What leaks through most however (especially if you’re like me and spend a lot of time examining the whys of ideological brainrot) is that despite how much this person wants a peaceful life in the country what they REALLY want is to die for a righteous cause: Their blog name is a biblical reference to mass death and the punishment of the wicked, they’re WEIRDLY invested in the final charge of the Rohirrim, and simmering below the pretty pictures of forests and mountains and animals and guns is the sense that the world is an evil place and the only thing that’s going to fix it is a cleansing wave of violence.
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Normally I wouldn’t go so in depth like this but I thought since we were talking about morality systems and where they might lead us it’d be a good idea to get a read on where this criticism is coming from.
Now onto my rebuttal: My desire to see the alignment chart left behind along with other clunky rpg systems like Thac0 has no bearing on my real life stance on morality. You shouldn’t NEED a fantasy rolplaying game to tell you that you’re objectively good in order to soothe your IRL moral anxieties and you going off like this when I suggested changing something tells me that this is a bit of a safety blanket for you.
The fact that you can’t tell the difference between a story with no moral compass and one that allows for diverse opinions on what could be considered “moral” tells me that you’re terrified of doing the wrong thing and that makes you easily exploited by people who cloak themselves in righteous authority and call you a good boy for wasting your life in their service. I was like that too once but let me tell you it’s far better to question who decides what rightness is than to follow it blindly.
Lastly, on the topic of morality codes in rpgs, I’m not against characters or the stories they’re in having morals, I just think it’s silly for there to be only nine codified (though extremely contradictory) options for how those morals can be expressed. Why hold onto a system that’s too flawed to be useful ?
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
“Breathe. It’s only a bad day, not a bad life.”
— Ashley Purdy
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
Every so often (okay, mostly when I'm reading a r/hobbydrama post) I open a page of some mainstream superhero comic with a female protagonist, and do genuinely have a moment where I look at the costume and character design and wonder if I somehow accidentally opened a porn parody instead.
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
“The worst mistake that you can make, is to walk away from the person who actually stood there and waited for you.”
— Unknown
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
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bigjjuicee · 10 months
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