biktor · 4 years
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Is that eh title of the ep then
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a sense of how small one is in the universe might be the cause?
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sounds like a lie
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ahh maybe its like getting mad over something small, but as soon as you get to calm down you feel like a worthless human being
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and that is a lie
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a specific date huh,
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everyone has things they just can not handle and that is understandable
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i know i personally can not stand the sound of chewing
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or when nothing is happening
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i really feel this person
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ahh the amount of tiems i have wished that
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its thanks to salt
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oven? hmm is it weird that i am worried
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fourth wall what wall there are only three here
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so that is the title ey ,i am intrigued 
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i certainly hope not
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thats mean. again i really love the eyes in this series
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look how detailed that eye is,
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language lesson
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i think that is a thing already
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but you just said you did
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understandable have a good day
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i when i read that accidentily added a t after the o
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you used to live here?
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good rules
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when the fire nation attacked
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why crab
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crab touch? he is just staring at her boobs
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for some reason i feel uneasy
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thats good friends are nice, i would have never started watching this series if it were not for a freind
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=very pretty eyes
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please dont be awkard i dont handle akward scenes well
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okay not awkard just a bit of fun to watch
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she is establing dominance for future friendship
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interesting tears
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that is dangeours to say to a teenage boy, just saying
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nice referance
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and it is not over yet!
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they are having a fun day at the park
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but what about that but for your entire life
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dont do that!
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i am starting to thing she has a crush on him
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pictured a boy trying to say he is not a pervert
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i mean, i think it is the 3rd most innocent one she said
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i mean juding from where he is looking now he would be happy i think
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why not?
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hahahaha and shot down all his hopes and dreams
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is that sarcasm?
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and hes dead
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 i have you know i am extremly picky probably why i still am not in an relationship
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good for you!
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where is this going
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i dont know what is the truth anymore
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so both a burn and a selfburn, you will both need some ice for that nice damage
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thats sweet
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ah my fav list
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that is not nice to say
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and he just agreed
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high grade animation here
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sad time
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what.. that ... that face what is that face
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that face and that sub is wow he wont be alive at the end of the day, cause of death burning
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that is probably accurate, i mean i dont have any little sisters but i have friends i see like little sisters and the thought of doing stuff with them is really unappealing.
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i hope he isnt
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what is that?
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still does not tell me anything,
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ohh, that,,, that would be weird
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so you think he likes younge women?
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ah she is still in the line of thought that he just wants an incest relationship without the actual incest
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i really like this girl she is fun
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she has her place in my top 100 chars now
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alright freeza
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i like this style of animation
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i like this animation to
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i think she hit the nail on the head
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pretty eye
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his eyes changed colour
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112 i want to report a burn
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and he got shot down
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 a bit harsh
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not gonna lie he is acting really creepy
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she is just sitting there confused
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 i dont like where this is going
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he just keeps getting burner
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uhm that is kinda uhmm
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except children children gets knocked out
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mr man beast
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this girl is a delight
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she kicked him so hard he changed artstyle
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uhmm this is not good
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 but she grabs his hair
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and elbows him in the head
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and fight cloud who will win, well never know
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evil laugh
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and all of a sudden he remembered
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not gonna work i think
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not a dream i am afraid
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i really liked this ep, but my brain is tired now, i will take ep 4 tommorow i think! the ending is really interesting but love this show so far!
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biktor · 4 years
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interesting way to say park
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really like the vivid colours
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 really cool effect
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uhmm what happened here
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i feel that
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and understandable feeling
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lonely boi
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whats happening
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i is confused
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really cool eyes
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is this a metephor or does she/he/idk have 2 twin sisters?
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everyone is her and she missed her stop.
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but my backpack is fine
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is this some sort of methaphor that she can only trust herself,
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it looks like a digimon
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why is everyone her
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there seems to be alot places where she almost fall to her death, hmm this is worrying
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must protect
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that is adorable, it is so adorable that i don’t even know what i am watching anymore
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again being saved by herself
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lots of cute images, but i wonder if it is trying to tell us the story of this girl in a way, she seems to by the lyrics have runaway from home, she seems to be falling from things alot, and she seems to only trust herself, hmm this is worrying.
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biktor · 4 years
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and we start
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biktor · 4 years
Here is a story i have reacted to the first 2 eps of bakemonogatari on my yt, but i dont really have good enough internet to upload vids anymore, so i will be liveblogging them, then i might do another ep of demon slayer after the next 2 eps of bakemonogatari
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biktor · 4 years
I might liveblog episode 3 later
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biktor · 4 years
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I am guessing this is going to be our “kakashi”
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is my demon kid sister turning into a mole now -main character i feel for this poor kid,
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thats the face of someone regretting all their life choices up until this point
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Nice Tardis
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So many nice people in this series
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I think he will get lost
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Are we going to see another dead family?
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seems like it
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thats a face even a mother could kill
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Nice work there kid
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why are you still alive
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she is drooling
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save your brother little lady
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excuse me what
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I guess that solves that problem
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that body is not dead
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“You BaStArDs”- beheaded demon
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i have the same question
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i mean you used your head atleast, now you are ahead of the game be careful so you don’t take water over your head
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cresent moon
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cue to be continued meme
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dead or stunned?
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strong moral code in this main it seems like
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nice mask
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 i would say this is more a everyone problem rather then a him problem
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 he had problem doing a nice stab and now he is going to crush the head alright then
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oh he is not going to be able to do this is he
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quick get your sister into the basket
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good girl
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he buried the dead thats nice
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i will go in there and give you a slap
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you seem to have a personal cause in this somehow, i wonder why
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good news they dont need to be feed anymore, we can get you that new piece of clothing
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oh that is kinda his reasoning here
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i donth think that was the test
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it is kakashi
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thank you random stranger
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traps then do be careful
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 take a deep breath and count to 10 and do that until you have calmed down all this paniced breathing will just make this worse
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good boy
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instant regret
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there there sleep safe now, it is a bit chilly tonight so take this thick blanket
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that was what the crow was cool
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because as you know keen sense of smell means good at cureing demons apparently
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this has been a great episode! love the animation and wow i love all the characters
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biktor · 4 years
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A suspicous crow
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Snowless ricefields? have we moved forward in time or something?
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People are so nice but why does he want a broken basket?
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“TAKE MY MONEY!!!!” calm down there buddy you are scaring the nice man
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He is just forceing money on this poor man I love this series btw
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I think he has a broken wrist now
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top 10 most adorable things i have seen in anime
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the eyes in this series are so pretty
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Beware of red tape man
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Strange vampire lady/man
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allergies are hitting this guy hard, look how red his eyes are
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I am guessing this is our squad of masters or something
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colour me intrigued that does not look like a mask as i thought it was,
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who and what are you
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are you the previous pics mother?
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you look scared probably going to be really op or something
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One of the most epic shots i have seen so far and it is pigman i love it
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Look at that face that fierce fierce face
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So he has some kind of lightning magic i am guessing then?
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and main has a water dragon, i want a water dragon
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again i love the eyes
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biktor · 4 years
time to start! episode 2
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biktor · 4 years
do you exist?
Hmm a good question i will have to come back to you on that one
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biktor · 4 years
she is crying, wow he just came in and tried to kill them both, pretty eyes he is fast just kidnapped her before he could blink.  demons are kinda like zombies in this world then i am guessing our big plot line is going to be finding the cure then.  and wow i am feeling really sad for our main character. i dont really like this guy. the weak do have rights, oh he is just trying to force motivation.  love the music haha she is protecting her big brother good little girl that i am not even going to try to spell the name of Classic anime knock out move so demons are vampires then zombie vampires. no sunlight, no cure, blood starved, ect he took the time for a burial of his family thats nice episode 1 cruelty  opening time. love the colour scheme nice mask nice mask nice mask i hope that is a nice mask crazy eyes the eyes in this series are so pretty so he will get a water sword then, nice i am looking forward to this journey guys i will try to do another ep tommorow
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biktor · 4 years
Uhm that sister seems to be a “demon” still really pretty eyes though. 
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biktor · 4 years
The smell of blood this bodes not well. oh oh they dead, they killed small ones. did not expect that to be honest
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biktor · 4 years
how would you be fine thanks to your good nose i think you are missing a few key details right there buddy oh wow this is a nice neighboor* not sure what to call him, letting him stay over the night  or rather forcing him to stay the night demons are a common thing then.  mr sabua. demon slayer is an occupation apperantly so i am going to guess that a demon is going to kill the mother and try to kill his sister and he will discover some sort of power that kills the demon, maybe hinted at by his good sense of smell?
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biktor · 4 years
yay he sold all his charcoal, 
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biktor · 4 years
Wow he has a good nose apperantly did not see that coming but it is not a terrible power to have
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biktor · 4 years
that was ominous 
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biktor · 4 years
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My anime senses are tingeling, something heartbreaking is going to happen to atleast 5 of these characters and yes i am aware that they are in total 5 characters on screen.
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