billhaderlovebot · 4 months
finding out there's a frankenstein ballet and that it was in october of last year…DEVASTATING
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look at this. look at these. im foaming at the mouth
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billhaderlovebot · 7 months
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And now I know how Joan of Arc felt
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billhaderlovebot · 7 months
couples costume: hot knife and pat of butter
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billhaderlovebot · 11 months
Crowley was Raphael?
Ok, so in the last few years we all enjoyed the headcanon that Crowley was the Archangel Raphal pre-Fall. To be completely honest, in season one this theory didn't make a lot of sense because we knew basically nothing about Crowley as an angel except for the fact that he helped create the stars and fell because he asked too many questions. So, even though it was a nice and interesting theory, I thought it would remain that, a theory.
Well, seems like this theory is basically confirmed now at the end of season 2. But let's start at the beginning.
First, we have to talk about the Hierarchy of Angels in Christianity. This Hierarchy was theorized by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in his book De Coelesti Hierarchia (On the Celestial Hierarchy). Dionysius described nine levels of spiritual beings which he grouped into 9 orders.
Highest orders:
Middle orders:
Lowest orders:
Now, a lot of people asked Neil why the Archangels have so much power if they are so low in the Hierarchy and he said that he and Terry actually tought of archangels and Archangels as different beings.
So we have the arch-angels, in thre sense of being just above the lowest Choir of angels, and then we have the Arch-angels, in the sense of being above all angels.
Actually, the term archangel itself is not found in the Hebrew Bible or the Christian Old Testament, and in the Greek New Testament the term archangel is used referring to Michael, who is called 'one of the chief princes,' and 'the great prince'.
The idea of seven archangels is most explicitly stated in the apocryphal Book of Tobit when Raphael reveals himself, declaring: "I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of the Lord, ready to serve him."
In Judaism the Archangels are given the title of śārīm, meaning "princes", to show their superior rank and status, so they are also called "Princes of Heaven".
In season 2 episode 6, when Crowley is in Heaven trying to find any info on Gabriel, Muriel gives him the missing Archangel's file explaining that even if they wanted, they couldn't show it to him, since only angels above the rank of Dominions could access it. Immediately after, without putting in any effort, Crowley opens the file, saying that he was an angel once and they never bothered to change passwords. (I totally read a fic like this btw).
When the Archangel Saraquel meets them and recognises Crowley, she says that they worked together on the Horsehead Nebula. So Crowley must have been pretty high up in the ranks if he worked with an Archangel.
When they show us the scene of the trial, Gabriel is ready to be cast down to Hell, but the Metatron stops him and says:
"You are not going to hell. For one Prince of Heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story. For it to happen twice makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem."
So we know that one of the Seven Archangels has Fallen, and it could be Lucifer, even though in the bible it is never stated that he was an archangel, but wouldn't they have said so if it were the case?
Also in episode 2, when Shax tells Crowley that Heaven and Hell think Aziraphale has something to do with Gabriel's disappearence, she says:
"A miracle of enormous power happened last night. The kind of miracle only the mightiest of Archangels could've performed".
Reminds you of something? Raphael, one of the mightiest of Archangels?
I really hope they will confirm the theory in season 3.
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billhaderlovebot · 1 year
hello does anyone want richie content even tho i haven't posted in 70 years<3
my writing style has evolved and improved and i would love to do some things for u
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
Rule #1 stick to the fucking bit
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
my moat fucking sucks and i am going to get sieged
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
fiona what you did to that snake was fucked up
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
ngl if i was a elphephant id whip that thing around crazy style
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
so you know those metal cubes they grow watermelons in so they grow cube shaped well guess where your "lost" son has been for the last 12 years haha surprise !happy birdthday. go on open it.
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
carrie (1976) isn’t a piece of fiction btw. autistic ppl can just do that
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
i m a normal girl who has normal thoughts all yhe time
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
are you a transgenrered girl like from girl to boy with the blogging an....
biden's final message as i wheel him closer and closer to the end of a pier
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
are you a transgenrered girl like from girl to boy with the blogging an....
biden's final message as i wheel him closer and closer to the end of a pier
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
Try to have some respect the queen just DIED. It's not like she was evil or anything
And why should I do that for the head of a family that oversaw the British Empire's legendarily brutal concentration camps in colonialist Kenya during the 1952-1960 Mau Mau rebellion, has personally and repeatedly shielded credibly accused rapist Prince Andrew and tried to get the scandal to go away, personally paid Andrew's financial settlement while the family treated Meghan Markle terribly and gave her none of the same protection, exerted a huge amount of control over UK public finances without any transparency or disclosure (while also receiving huge amounts of that money), got to personally edit laws according to her likes and dislikes, enjoyed sweeping legal immunities that are described as a "threat to UK democracy," is the most visible figurehead of British colonialism even as her descendants put on a horribly tone-deaf Caribbean tour (twice in one year!) that was basically about unreconstructed imperial imagery of the kind that is poisoning Britain, while the entire country buys into the fantasy that she is an impartial, uninvolved, kindly and benevolent grandmotherly figure....?
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
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billhaderlovebot · 2 years
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“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” - ILYA REPIN “Watchers in The Night” - THOMAS BLACKSHEAR “The Creation of Adam” - MICHELANGELO “Lucifer” - FRANZ STUCK “Pietà” - ANNIBALE CARRACCI
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