blindseyeghted · 6 years
Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
* interview the muse
‘ do you miss anyone? ’
‘ how are you doing? ’
‘ do you believe in ghosts? ’
‘ what makes you laugh? ’ 
‘ list your top three bands or singers. ’ 
‘ how many blankets do you sleep with? ’
‘ does your name hold any special meaning to you? ’
‘ gum, cake, pie or ice cream? ’
‘ favorite book? ’
‘ are you a good person? ’
‘ describe love. ’
‘ have you ever taken part in an uprising? ‘
‘ favorite song? ’
‘ name a guilty pleasure. ’
‘ the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you today? ’
‘ tell me one truth and one lie. ’
‘ do you like people? ’
‘ what motivates you? ’
‘ describe the perfect weekend. ’
‘ any pet peeves? ’
‘ do you need a hug? ’
‘ would you like to have kids? ’
‘ do you have any tattoos? ’
‘ classical, oldies, punk, hip hop or country? ’
‘ when was the last time you cried? ’
‘ are you religious? ’
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
ooc: I know I’m late, but I won’t be a part of citta anymore, and will be going on indefinite hiatus on both my muses. Though I most likely will join the new group eventually, it might take me a month or two.
While I won’t continue any threads I’ve had, if you want to discuss how this or that thread went and ended or maybe even continue it in private, hmu on twitter(@sunnyletom) or discord(Sunn.place#5813).
Love you all and best of luck wherever the rp life takes you.
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
Self-Knowledge Questionnaire
Part of you is gripped by the fear that you’ll launch into something and completely mess it up. The upside of this is wise caution: people are indeed often too rash, whereas you know, by instinct, that holding back can save you. Probably, you feel shame and self-disgust a bit too much. But when you do feel in your element, you act with a wisdom and sensitivity never found in people with thicker skins.
You love it when everything is neat and tidy: when there is a proper way of doing things, and you can tick things off the to-do list and know where everything is. So others, at times, are to you unbearably sloppy and messy. And you run into things that can’t be ordered (a child, a partner, a colleague at work) which drives you slightly nuts. But your desire for order is a good one when it is focused where it is needed and when you’re okay with a bit of mess.
You are good at seeing what’s funny, at relaxing and finding the pleasure of the moment. Play is random, whimsical, fantasy-driven behaviour which releases internal tension. Because it is detached from some pressures it allows you to act on weirder, perhaps neglected, parts of yourself. The downside is that it is no help in sticking with things that are not much fun but which need to be addressed. So it is well complemented by its opposite, Stoicism.
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
RP starters: Concern.
“It’s midnight, where the hell were you?!”
“Stop keeping your phone in silent, you got me worried!”
“Blood? Are you bleeding?”
“I don’t like the idea of you walking down the streets all alone.”
“I thought I would never see you again…”
“We should get you to hospital.”
“Where did all those bruises came from?”
“I have the right to be worried!”
“Have you been drinking? You look terrible.”
“Sleep at my place tonight.”
“I don’t feel safe letting you be alone when you’re in that shape.”
“Please talk to me about it.”
“Let me take care of you.”
“You need to rest now. Don’t move.”
“How many times have I told you to not go there?”
“You could’ve died, you know…”
“I don’t care if you don’t want my help, I’ll do it anyways.”
“You really need to stop drinking. I’m serious.”
“This time you got yourself into a hospital. I think that’s a sign.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“You need to stop doing stupid shit like that or you will get yourself killed.”
“I’m your friend, of course I care!”
“You know I’m always here for you, right?”
“You’re not okay.”
“I’m just trying to help you.”
“Let me clean your wounds…”
“Why did you do it? Tell me.”
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
could probably use more threads so i don’t get booted in activity check again, so here’s another rp ad, capped at 3.
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
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“You can have it if you want to”, after all, the boy’s been staring at the little toy he’s been fiddling with for a few minutes already. And it’s not like the engineer needs it, all he wanted to was to try and give his hands something to do. It’s nothing sophisticated either, just a small wind-up gnome fused with the lighter to create an... entirely useless fire-breathing gnome. 
...On the other hand, maybe giving it to a kid is not the best idea.
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
Well this is awkward. At least both of them had enough presence of mind to pull back before their hands touched.
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“S-sorry. You can have it.” He waits a second before placing a hand on the corner of the book and pushing it towards the other. You have plenty of romance novels in your stack anyways.
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
    𝓞utside of the context of the dream this reality might never have occurred to Fiddleford: a world where the catastrophe that was the portal had never come to pass. But Ford had seen it– he’d been to that distant dimension where things had worked out all for the better. Foolishly, he had longed to be a part of it; a wish granted now at the behest of the scientists’ sick experiment.
    He knew not how horribly displaced he was, the smile his partner’s presence yielded embodying a degree of sincerity that, for the Ford of Dimension 26′\, had been lost to time itself. Rather, genteel gestures came quite easily to this iteration of Stanford Pines, six fingers encasing five securely in their grip when he spoke.
    “Of course not! I wouldn’t delay this for the world.” Humored his voice sounded, and slightly teasing in accompanying the knowledge that circumstances had led to their delay once already. But, if they were being fair…the two had mutually forgotten their commitment to Sagan’s Gala. Well, at least they’d gotten a nice little award out of it!
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    “Where are we headed this time, my dear? Beach City? Wilhelmina Springs? Lottocron Nine?” He sounded rather hopeful despite their both knowing what pitfalls accompanied Stanford’s keen knack for counting cards. “Ah…do you think our ban has been lifted yet?”
Whatever doubt or discomfort he felt dissipated the moment he felt Ford’s fingers intertwine with his. That just felt too right to be fake. Him being here felt too right. Something about the man made all of Fiddleford’s worries seem small and insignificant. Even the simplest contacts like holding hands was all that he needed sometimes to stop himself from spiraling.
God, how did he get so lucky to have this man as his husband?
“Sure you wouldn’t. And didn’t. Multiple times.” And yes, maybe Fiddleford himself was complicit in that crime - they both had this tendency to forget about things like breaks, food and sleep when something interesting caught their attention - but at least he actually acknowledged it was a bad thing. 
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“How about I make it a surprise, love?” His free hand went to Ford’s shoulder as he leaned forward, placing a small kiss on the man's cheek. 
“Let me think... We’ve been banned for life and, if my eyes are not deceiving me, we both are still alive. So no, probably not. Unless you want to try an’ find a way to sneak in?” 
Wait, no, don’t give him ideas.
“...Which is something we are not going to do. At least, not this time. I want to have one day off that doesn’t end up with us running from some or other interdimensional authorities if you don’t mind.”
I Dreamed A Dream
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
fiddleford h. mcgucket in journal 3:  level-headed and compassionate, spends three days straight writing an entire research paper in ford’s name in hopes of saving him, logical and forgiving even after he loses more than thirty years of his life to the mysteries of gravity falls
also fiddleford in journal 3:  starts a mind-wiping cult that literally throws trash cans at his ex 
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
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Now that I’m home from the con I can make a proper rp ad! Those will likely be small but not mini small. Capped at 3 for now but I might get back to you if you go over the cap!
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
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The (not)old man McGucket
Just an anxious engineer from the 1980s trying to live this life
Has been in and out of the city like five times, still not a fan
Since Cittageddon, he’s retained all his memories. He’s not very happy about that
If you’re a paranormal creature, he will be terrified of you
Also he might have maybe built and let loose a giant robot pterodactyl that shoots fire when his wife divorced him, but we don’t talk about that
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
I Dreamed A Dream
He doesn’t get a chance to “enjoy” his return to the city proper before he’s thrust into another of the scientists’ fun experiments. At least this one’s been treating him nice thus far.
The engineer himself doesn’t know it, busy as he is: hunched over the blueprints laid out before him with the concentrated look on his face. Was he aware that the whole lab around him was nothing but a dream, he would notice that the calculations he’s trying to decipher now are nothing but gibberish, letters and numbers fused together with no rhyme or reason behind them.
Yet Fiddleford is oblivious to that, as well as to the other’s presence in the room until he feels a heavy hand on his shoulder. A wave of panic rushes through him (why, isn’t he supposed to be safe here?), disappearing the very moment he sees the all-too-familiar face next to him.
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“Oh, it’s you.” 
A smile is offered to the other, and his hand gravitates towards Ford’s, grasping it lightly.
“I was just double-checking those-” What were they for again? The engineer shakes his hand and turns to the other fully, “Are you ready? And please don’t tell me we have to cancel again, I’ve been planning this day off for weeks!”
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
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Fall out boy - Young Volcanoes
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blindseyeghted · 6 years
am i doing it right?
                    probably not.
                                              but i’ll be DAMNED if i’m not trying.
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blindseyeghted · 7 years
Next To Normal Ask Meme
“It's 4 in the morning, is everything ok?”
“Some days I think I'm dying, but I'm really only trying to get through.”
“I think the house is spinning.”
“So, we'll try again and eventually we'll get it right.”
“Not a very exact science, is it?”
“I'm trying to tell you I love you.”
“I can be perfect for you.”
“I miss the pain.”
“Nothing's real.”
“I didn't know you had a brother.”
“He's been dead 16 years.”
“This is fucked.”
“I know you're hurting. I am, too.”
“Can you tell me what it is you're afraid of?”
“Can I touch you?”
“Are you wanting all that she can't give?”
“I am the one who won't walk away.”
“I wish I could fly, I'd fly far away from here.”
“I love you as much as I can.”
“I'm your worst fear, you'll find it in me.”
“I need you to need me.”
“It's not going to get better, is it?”
“Are you nervous?”
“What's your story?”
“Did you see my parents out there?”
“How could she leave me on my own?”
“Why didn't you take me with you?”
“You're kidding, right? That's bullshit.”
“What makes you think I'd lose my mind for you?”
“Tell me why I wait through the night.”
“I can't get through this alone.”
“Am I feeling what I think I'm feeling?”
“I'm good as gone.”
“You don't remember any of this?”
“I thought you might call.”
“Don't say that we're over.”
“I couldn't give a flying fuck what's normal.”
“Your life has kind of sucked, I think.”
“Won't anything be better than before?”
“Your son is gone forever though.”
“There's something missing.”
“Let me know you again.”
“Why do I get denied?”
“Where'd you get that?”
“How could I ever forget?”
Why would you want to remember the things that hurt you?”
“Please, tell me his name.”
“Why stay?”
“Something next to normal would be okay.”
“You look like a star.”
“Can you leave it behind?”
“I might end up crazy.”
“So anyway I'm leaving.”
“It's time for me to go.”
“I am the one who saved you.”
“I know you know who I am.”
“We need some light.”
“It's the price we pay to feel.”
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