Drawing emotions
Hello one more time, in this post I wanted to talk about the emotions but with a different focus, I know that sometimes when we are sad we don't know how to express this emotions and just some of us considerate the art one way to let it out all that we feel, so my objective today is let you know that draw is a really good way to express your sadness, happines, depression or anxiety it makes you feel calm and serene and with addition it helps you to disconnect of the virtual world and be more centered in yourself. I just wanted to say this because I passed for bad moments and my best scape is the art, draw, paint and the music so I want to give you my support if anytime you feel like that, art can be your scape too. If anyone that read this feels bad I have some words to you; everything will be okay, you can get over to any situation and I hope that you do it.
With love Valeba.
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Websites with models to draw part 5
Nooow we have the last tool, but this (like the last time) is a profile but is a profile of tumblr, it calls "Pose Reference" it has diversity of poses that are free, so you can use them, for a little price you can have an especial pose by the autor, it includes anime characters, female poses, male poses and collection poses, the autor also have a youtube channel, in the profile you can find other websites of the autor but here I put the youtube channel too.
Profile link: https://posereference.tumblr.com/
Youtube channel: https://href.li/?https://www.youtube.com/user/idfungus/videos
As I said in the beginning of the post this is the last part of the collection of websites that helps like a reference to draw and practice human anatomy, I hope that you liked this collection.
The following pictures are an example of the pictures that you will find in the profile.
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Websites with models to draw part 4
Today we have a curious website but an interesant too when I see this site I think "that was not the thing that I spected and I like it" hahaha, so I hope that you like it too. This website is flickr, it is not a website dedicated to pictures to drawing or something like that, but it is a tool that you can use, but I refer to a especificly profile and that is the Mark Michaelson profile, Mark "collects" in him flickr account police photos of different ages and this pictures are a perfect resource to practice faces with interesant expressions, Mark also published a book with some pictures like this but you can acced free to this photos in flickr so here I put the link of the profile: https://www.flickr.com/photos/leastwanted/albums
I hope that this site was interesant to you and that this photos can help you with your practices.
The following photos are an example of the photos in the profile of Mark.
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Websites with models to draw part 3
Hello before start I want to tell you that I hope that this tools can help you in your artistic process, that is al,l ily. Now in this edition of websites with models to draw (insert dramatic voice) xd we have the website "Folio" this website is a good tool to practice faces, then you can find a lot of images of models, when you click in the name of a model you can see all of the photos of her or him portfolio with a lot of poses so this site is perfect to the artist who want to practice faces and expressions.
Link of "Folio": https://foliomontreal.com/
This is the kind of photos that you will find in the website.
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Websites with models to draw part 2
The second website is "Character desing" this site have thousands of reference pictures to artist every image have Creative Commons licenses, it includes naked galeries with different poses, and the pictures are divide in pictures for painting and drawing, people with costumes, escultures of museums, armors and suits. As you can see this site have a lot of diversity so if you want to paint you can find the perfect picture here.
Link of "Character desing":https://www.characterdesigns.com/characterdesignscom
This is an example of the pictures in the website
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Websites with models to draw part 1
The first website is "Pose space" this site allows you to search any kind of pose because it has pictures of professional artistic models it even filters the pictures based on poses, gender, ilumination, and more. You have pictures to see, download and buy. If you want to see the poses that you used you have to create an account. Is a versatile site If you want to start.
There is an example of the images in the website. I hope that it can helps you. Link of Pose space: https://www.posespace.com/posetool/Default.aspx
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To draw a part of the body the most important thing is have a model, we have websites to this (but I want to tal about the sites in other posts) you can even be the model, so if you want to draw a hand you can take a photo of your hand in the pose that you want, and you can do this with any part of your body or you can practice with a photo of you, your friend or a person of instagram in this way you can practice the anatomy, and the more than you do more you learn.
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I found the way!!!
Hey so, I tell that I have problems with my creativity and I found a solution to this or something that can help, I was thinking "what can I do? what can I put in a paper and be happy about what I see in the paper?" so... I take a notebook and I wrote a list with every animal that like to me in one sheet, in the other sheet I wrote my favorite characters of anime, movies and so on. I choose the Koi fish then I search photos of the animal I selected my favorite and I tried to do something with that, after that I felt so happy with the thing that my eyes see it was like someone give me a key to open the padlock in my brain... was amazing, I left the result of this activity here, my "master piece" hahaha, I hope that this technique can help you with these days when you feel your mind in blanc xd
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Artist block?
The last months I had a lot of problems to draw/paint, I wanted to do it but my mind just said "no" it is something weird, have motivation to do something and can't do it is frustrated, maybe is a signal to take a break, during the time of the artist block the only thing we can do is search ideas or inspiration to wake the creativity that is on our interior, so that is my recomendation (?) take a break and wait for more inspiration, don't be sad everything happens for a reason.
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Some recomendations
Hi it's Valeba again :v who else would it be(?) In this post I want recomend to you some things about the art remember I'm not an expert I juts wanna share what I know.
The first thing is that you dont need professional materials to being an artist you can start just whit a pencil and an eraser, the technique is know how to press the pencil on the sheet in that way you can do soft and strong strokes, also if you do a softly press you can do shades in your draws, another thing is that your eraser can work like a stump and you can do brightness with it.
This is an example of a draw whit just a pencil and an eraser, you can take it as a guide if you want to practice.I hope you liked the post.
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Introduction (or something like that)
Hey, I'm Valeba this blog was made to show and talk to you about my life being an inexpert artist like my name says, since I was a child I love the art and I started in the world of drawing and painting and I think that this blog can help or cause laughter in someone (any is okay) xd.
On the other hand I have to say that if you like draw and you think that you're bad in that, you just need practice nobody is bad in something just try to not frustate yourself remember everything is a process nobody was born drawing or painting.
This is just a little introduction about the blog; I hope that you like, more posts soon.
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