bluecollarbisexual · 5 days
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bluecollarbisexual · 5 days
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The brain does not magically mature at 25. Actual neuroscientists note some 8-year-olds even have a greater "maturation index" than 25-year-olds. The myth misunderstands basic neuroscience but is still used for anti-trans policymaking like the Cass Report. https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html
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bluecollarbisexual · 5 days
'Irredeemable media' is such a funny concept to me because it's never used for stuff like Birth of a Nation or A Serbian Film. It's always The Owl House or My Hero Academia because these people only watch things for children and can't stand any conflict more complex than Super Mario Brothers.
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bluecollarbisexual · 5 days
The Weill Cornell Medicine commencement was held earlier this month where a medical graduate from Gaza used his time on stage to condemn the university and its leadership for their complicity in the genocide on Gaza and implored his fellow graduates to stay true to their oath and stand with the hundreds of healthcare workers who have been killed by the IOF. In response the university have done everything they can to minimise this young graduate from speaking truth to power from his own graduation records by cutting away from him during the ceremony’s livestream and erasing his time on stage in the released footage.
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bluecollarbisexual · 5 days
Lil Nas X did a cover of Jolene and Dolly Parton responded to it on twitter
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Image descriptions under the cut
[ID: Screenshots of two tweets. The first one is by Dolly Parton and it says "I was so excited when someone told me that Lil Nas X had done my song #Jolene. I had to find it and listen to it immediately…and it's really good. Of course, I love him anyway. I was surprised and I'm honored and flattered. I hope he does good for both of us. Thank you @LilNasX". The second tweet is Lil Nas X responding to the Dolly Parton tweet by simply saying "HOLY SHIT" in all caps. End of ID.]
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bluecollarbisexual · 7 days
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bluecollarbisexual · 14 days
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title of this is just ‘lesbian sex’
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bluecollarbisexual · 15 days
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bluecollarbisexual · 17 days
"i dont want topless women or leather daddies at pride" then why are you going. like be really fucking serious why are you going
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bluecollarbisexual · 22 days
If you’re not sure where to start, feeling passive, or really just would rather have someone curate different unknown/indie music choices for you: I’ve found college radio is a really good place to start.
I’ll frequently put it on when I’m doing chores, or on long drives. I’ve discovered all kinds of music from both genres I’m already inclined to as well as genres I didn’t even know existed. Everything from Mongolian folk throat metal, to an Icelandic rock group from the 90s, to dreamy acid surfer vibe rock, to Australian electro pop. There’s no shortage of artists you’ve never heard of who are absolutely phenomenal.
You can start with whatever college/university is closest to you, or maybe even the school you studied at. Or if you need some recommendations and don’t mind streaming radio from a website, I’ve found UC Berkeley’s KALX radio, and UC Davis’s KDVS radio tend to be diverse and overall play stuff that’s surprising and great! You can google those and stream directly from the website with “listen now” for free!
Support indie and international artists! There’s so much out there to discover and love. Happy listening all.
I still think if you want to broaden your taste musically you should do it by literally branching out. Take something you already like, look into it’s influences, and give those a try, find something you like then do that again and again and it’s infinite. Yes, by the nature of music in the 20th century this *will* eventually take you invariably outside your genre zone and national zone, if you’re willing to give it a try. (If you like Lady Gaga, she references Sun Ra on her first album and loves him, and from there you’re already a second away from so much music from Africa and Asia, let alone the entire jazz tradition…) Getting into music in a broad and general way is such a magical trip it’s indescribable. Look up the samples, check the wiki ask friends look up the references etc…
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bluecollarbisexual · 29 days
My dad was a fire captain for calfire. I’m a nurse.
Started watching 911 for the bisexual rep that’s cropped up recently, as I’ve watched much worse shows for a lot less. Was really excited to watch a dumb procedural with a compelling bi storyline since I feel like the experience of figuring your shit out/exploring your sexuality older is a distinctly bisexual experience.
My experience of actually watching the show has been a little surprising though. I went into it mostly just stoked for a queer storyline that I could see myself reflected in. But what’s sticking with me more is the way I’m sort of understanding my father.
It took me until I started working as a nurse to really be able to understand even a fraction of some of the stuff I was only peripherally aware of as a kid. The way he resisted to the point of rage when I was insisting on wanting a motorcycle. The way he would angrily tell me how he spent too many nights scraping people off of the freeway for him to ever condone me buying something like that.
When I finally started working in medicine I began to understand some of his trauma, and the way it made him angry. I’ve learned what it’s like not to be able to save people and to watch them die, sometimes horrifically.
I didn’t go into this show expecting any real insights. I just wanted a fun romp with a queer reward. But weirdly the standout character has been Bobby for me. I see a lot of my father in him. The trauma and the fear and the still putting the turnouts back on and going out there under the influence of some drive that’s 1 part naturally-born hero, 1 martyr, and 1 part adrenaline junkie. And the mark that these kinds of jobs leave on the people who do them.
I grew up hearing stories about horrific motorcycle accidents. About how my father wasn’t there to help my mother when I was a newborn, because he was in San Francisco responding to the devastation of Loma Prieta. About how after one particularly nasty stretch, his brand new turnouts were completely black from blood. About how I didn’t recognize him and hid behind my mother’s leg when he came home after months on the line one fire season.
And this shit did take a toll. I’ve seen a lot of his anger, his inability to cry or mourn even when his father died, his tendency to fly into fire captain mode over even really mild emergencies. He couldn’t even finish the movie Seabiscuit because he couldn’t stomach the kid dying in the beginning of the film. Watching similar struggles of Bobby’s character, the PTSD, and the situations that contribute to it, is making me appreciate the life he lead in a way that not even being a nurse can.
Anyway I don’t expect anyone is particularly interested in this. I’m in season 2, and just a little surprised by the way this show is hitting me and just sorta needed to reflect on it.
If anyone is also in emergency/medical (or has a loved one who is) and has had similar experiences watching this show I’d be interested in hearing from you.
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bluecollarbisexual · 1 month
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bluecollarbisexual · 1 month
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This is from 2020, but it definitely still applies.
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bluecollarbisexual · 1 month
finding out there's a frankenstein ballet and that it was in october of last year…DEVASTATING
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look at this. look at these. im foaming at the mouth
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bluecollarbisexual · 1 month
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bluecollarbisexual · 1 month
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bluecollarbisexual · 2 months
i watched one (1) video on how to draw hands that changed my life forever. like. i can suddenly draw hands again
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these were all drawn without reference btw. i can just. Understand Hands now (for the most part, im sure theres definitely inaccuracies). im a little baffled
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