bluevamp · 4 years
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bluevamp · 4 years
How to Predict Timing with Tarot
When performing a Celtic Cross, there are three cards that can reveal when the event will happen: the advice, the outcome, and the card at the bottom of the deck. While your intuition will tell you which is most likely, it is best to acknowledge all three possibilities.
The Fool – Whenever you are ready
The Magician – It has already begun
The High Priestess – You know exactly when
The Empress – During harvest season
The Emperor – It is almost done
The Hierophant – It is finished
The Lovers – As soon as you make the choice
The Chariot – In just a few moments
Strength – The minute you accept it
The Hermit – Only after you meditate on it
The Wheel of Fortune – During your first or next Saturn return
Justice – When you least expect it
The Hanged Man – When the circumstances change
Death – Whenever it is ready
Temperance – After the storm
The Devil – It is happening right now
The Tower – Soon, unexpectedly and suddenly
The Star – The more you believe, the sooner it will happen
The Moon – It cannot be determined at the moment
The Sun – In the summer or by sunrise
Judgement – Soon and inevitably
The World – In divine timing
Ace of Wands – One day
Two of Wands – Two days
Three of Wands – Three days
Four of Wands – Four days
Five of Wands – Five days
Six of Wands – Six days
Seven of Wands – Seven days
Eight of Wands – Eight days
Nine of Wands – Nine days
Ten of Wands – Ten days
Page of Wands – As we speak
Knight of Wands – End of November to most of December
Queen of Wands – End of March to most of April
King of Wands – End of July to most of August
Keep reading
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bluevamp · 4 years
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*DJ Khaled’s voice* Another one Merlin being a sassy little shit, gifset number 54593043 because he just never stops and I won’t too 
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bluevamp · 4 years
💀● Hex-Breaking Herbs ●💀
I decided to include more than herbs on this list! These are great for breaking hexes and some curses;
●Angelica root
●Batwing Herb
●Calamus Root
●Alkanet root
●Elder Flowers
●Galangal root
●Pepper (black or cayenne)
●Bay leaves
●Lemon verbena
●Devil’s Bit
●Licorice root or fennel
●Stinging nettle
●Linden Flowers
●Red Clover
●Dragon’s Blood
●Juniper Berries
●Woods: Ash, Hazel, Oak, Rue, Sandalwood, West Indian Elm, Willow, Wormwood
*Disclaimer* Please do your research before using them anywhere on or in your body, or even burning! Your safety comes first!
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bluevamp · 4 years
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bluevamp · 4 years
Aang: You know, Zuko, I don’t care what everyone else says about you. You’re pretty smart.
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bluevamp · 4 years
Aang: LISTEN, we DON'T—
*Appa licks Zuko*
Aang: trust—
*Appa licks Zuko*
Aang: you—actually guys I'd die for Zuko.
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bluevamp · 4 years
Being a pegan witch is weird,sometimes the signs that you see,are absolutely insane.
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bluevamp · 4 years
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By Nate Bittinger
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bluevamp · 4 years
Tips for Hexing & Cursing
Anything Hot, Spicy, or Sour can inflict physical pain, heat, agitation, or “sourness” to the individual.
Anything you normally use for divination, dreams, or astral can be used for Illusions, Delusions, & Nightmares
Anything you use for spirit work can be used to send unhappiness, restlessness, or spirits to someone
Anything poisonous/toxic can be used to create either illness or even death.
Any number or color association you may have can be used in opposition against them.
Anything with positive aspects can be used to siphon those aspects from your target.
Personal Recommendations:
Amethyst - Nightmares, illusion, paranoia
Jet - cloud their vision, blind them
Serpentine - Sickness, illness, make their ground unsteady
Smoky Quartz - Delay them, cloud their vision, make them be late
Lead - weigh them down, make them be late
Malachite - Anxiety, fear, cowardice, nausea
Green Obsidian - Siphon/steal energy
Obsidian - Cloud judgement, block energy
Jade - give yourself control over aspects of their lives
Amber - get them stuck, cause obstacles
Bloodstone - Nausea, chaos, frailty
Carnelian - Rage, anger
Hematite - Attract negativity into their lives
Peridot - Confusion
Petrified Wood - Ruin, abandonment
Garnet - Steal their loved ones, others wide with you
Nightshade - Anxiety, nightmares, sickness
Rosemary - Taint their dreams, nightmares, cloud their vision
Mistletoe - Attracting serious harm
Gardenia - Steal their love life, break someone up
Ivy - Binding, standstill
Roses - Tempt them into cheating, cause cheating in their life, make them attracted to you (especially good when you want to hurt them)
Mint - Visions, nightmares, paranoia
Lavender - Depression, lack of sleep, restlessness
Lotus - Depression, sadness
Catnip - Distraction, loss
Dahlia - Bad luck, loss
Violet - Nervousness, Anxiety, Paranoia
Valerian - Nightmares, Anxiety
Foxglove - Nausea, nightmares, obsessive vanity
Ginger - Bitterness
Sandalwood - Block, prevention, aids in astral cursing
Dragon’s Blood - Cause unwanted attention, spotlight, destruction
Frankincense - Can be used to control, subconscious actions to your bidding
Myrrh - Reflect back hexes/curses
Lavender - Anxiety, fear, depression, delusion, lack of sleep
Patchouli - Cause unwanted attention, push away loved ones
Nag Champa - Cause tunnel vision, over-focus, fussy, over-critical 
Musk - Temptation, authoritative interference
Sage - “Cut that shit out”
Red - Unwanted attention, aggression, anger, divide, agitation, burning, itching, emotional/personal obsession, impulsive, temptation
Pink - Anxiety, nervousness, unease, fussiness, over critical, discrimination, bias, error
Blue - Sadness, anxiety, depression, loss, mourning, grief, loss of money and valuables, distance, emptiness
Light Blue - Anxiety, detached, cold, loss of control, slipping, time manipulation (cause lateness or earliness), vague, cloud judgement, obscure visions, dream manipulation
Dark Blue - Nightmares, dream manipulation, fear, terror, darkness, manipulation
Purple - Nightmares, anxiety, dreams and visions altered/tainted, material obsession, confusion, constant change, manipulate variables, influence
Lavender - Lack of ambition, distraction, confusion, lack of motivation, easily distracted, restless, dissociation, indecisive
Green - Stubborn, forceful, rash, obstacles, getting nothing from work, blocking, inability to reach milestones, halt, stop
Orange - Expenses, not enough money, blocking flow, material obsession, yearning and getting nothing, distractions
Yellow - Siphon money/fortune/good from them, leech from them, lack of energy, lack of control, constant annoyanes
Gold - Financial ruin, siphon money, narrow-minded, tunnel-vision
Silver - Financial ruin, lying (to them), reveal truths, loss, mourning, departure
Black - Death, loss, mourning, depression, obscure their vision, bring out the worst, drama
White - Lack of ambition, blank their mind, disappear, make them (or yourself to them) invisible, push away their family
Ego, selfishness, loneliness
Discontent, not enough, divide
Imbalance, obstacles, hurdles
Hard authority figures, brutality, dominated
Lack of reason, lack of logic, lack of common sense
Unwanted attention, steal love, take away passion
Lack of ability, taken advantage of, gullible
Blocking knowledge, not thinking, clouded judgement
Shadow, unwanted memories
Forced change, starting over, ruination
Lack of energy, siphon strength and courage
Over-sacrifice, sensitivity
Ending, regrettable actions
Restraint, discomfort
Dissatisfaction, lackluster, anti-climatic
Destruction, violence, catastrophe
Hopelessness, lack of courage, blocking
Anxiety, delusion, nightmares, trouble with discernment
Lack of expression, trouble expressing, you have influence over them
Absolution, resolve, forced ending, loss, limitations
Note: Adding salt to certain herbs or small spells (such as bay and/or basil mixed with lemon for money) can siphon that thing to you from them for a simple small hex. 
Whatever you do with information is on you. Do with it what you wish.
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bluevamp · 4 years
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Ghost story, Karen Jerzyk
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bluevamp · 4 years
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bluevamp · 4 years
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Mental clarity bottle
Salt - cleansing
Mint - refreshing
Ginkgo - memory
Lotus incense ash - purity
Sage - cleansing
Juniper - rejuvenating
Clear quartz - clarity
White candle - purity
Cleanse your space well and layer the ingredients in the bottle, focusing on the intent of each one. Now some of these are more personal and can vary for different people, e.g. I used desert sage because it grows wild here. Maybe you hate mint, if so then don't use it. Etc. Put the candle in the bottle and light it any time you need to clear your brain fog or make a tough decision.
I don't have an incantation for this one because I typically don't use them. Instead I use bells (pictured) or some other instrument to raise the energy and bring everything together. In this case I rang the bells over the bottle, focused on their ring, and let the sound gradually fade, then focused on the silence.
I feel like selenite works be a good addition, I just didn't have any extra on hand.
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bluevamp · 4 years
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Cristina Coral + Cancer
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bluevamp · 4 years
Spiritual protection/ negativity banishing spell jar
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What you will need
Small mason jar or other glass container
5 tablespoons salt (very salty)
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon rosemary
1 tablespoon majorama
1 teaspoon thyme
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 teaspoon black salt
a pinch of activated charcoal
a few drops of mint essential oil (mint leaves work just as well, or some loose mint tea)
any sort of quartz (depending on specific intentions, rose quartz is a great idea! However, clear quartz is best for banishing negativity -in my opinion- I always have it around.)
boiling water and some strong intent at ready!
Add all of your dry ingredients into the jar, i didn’t know exact measurements when I typed this up, so you may need a slightly larger mason jar. (I’ll make another jar tomorrow following this recipe and see if the small jar is ok)
Carefully pour your water into the jar over the ingredients (You might want to have a cloth under the jar in case of spills-)
Add your essential oils (If you used mint leaves or tea and didn’t add them with the dry ingredients, you can add them now.)
Close the lid tight and shake the jar to get everything mixed and ensure all of the salt dissolves (You should probably allow the jar to cool for a bit so it isn’t too hot to handle)
Bless your spell jar by spraying with some moon water, letting it sit in the moon/sunlight or swishing it around in some incense smoke.
I use my spell jar for help banishing unwanted spirits by splooshing some around my room
I also shake it when i need to scare away any negativity in my life.
Have fun witches!
Blessed be,
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bluevamp · 4 years
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bluevamp · 4 years
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