boardof-missingposters Ā· 3 years
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(18+) ..āƒ—. ą¼˜ brahms heelshire + male reader, creepy brahms head-canons
i replace ā€œ(Y/N)ā€ with ā€œLā€!!
warnings: more of 18+ implications not too smutty, stalking, overall creepy behavior, dead parents mention(?)
content: nsfw + fluff
pronouns: he/him
head-canons: mine!!
note: i watch the boy clips over and over and thereā€™s a damn obvious difference in the voice on the phone call and brahms when he first appeared smh #notmybrahms
also someone recommended this idea!! tysm!! :D
blue is for you, red is for brahms!!
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ā€œbrahms, i know youā€™re thereā€
ā€œā€¦ no iā€™m notā€
of course even though you and brahms are now dating, heā€™s still stalks and steals your things, considering you donā€™t go in the walls with him because 1. they are extremely confusing and 2. why would you?
but what else is he supposed to do? get a hobby? of course not. his hobby is you
and he wants to be around you all the time :(
he still adds things to the doll he made for you and takes extremely well care of it
changing its clothes (which of course he stole from you), brushing its hair, making sure itā€™s comfortable in the bed, he takes more care of the doll he made of youā€™s hygiene more than his own
you have to leave the house eventually, you do have your own job and house so you can take care of what youā€™re doing in your life and so you can take care of your wall man boyfriend who lives in a now abandoned houseā€” which is under his dead parentsā€™ name
so he misses you when you leave, likeā€” the second youā€™re out the door heā€™s waiting patiently for you to come back
he snuggles with the doll he made of you, because of course it smells like you
he loves how you smell, just burying his face in doll L and taking deep breaths is one of the things he loves to do when youā€™re gone because itā€™s like youā€™re right there and you never left
if you wear cologne,ļæ¼ perfume, or even use some type of soap or product with smell, DONā€™T bring it with you when you visit him unless you want it stolen
heā€™ll use it on doll L and keep it for himself just to take sniffs of
you might have to ask for a raise considering how many new clothes you need to buy
whenever you bring a pair of clothes when youā€™re staying with him, they just so happen to disappear
you know itā€™s brahmsā€” like, youā€™re not slick, brahms
but he thinks he is
donā€™t expect him to give them back thoughā€¦ after all he wants doll L to have clothes and be stylish just like doll brahms :D
or just to cuddle with, bunch them all together and make a pillow with them, holding them close and imagining himself laying on your chest while you stroke and play with his hair
also, it doesnā€™t stop at clothes, cā€™mon. towels that you used to dry your hands, towels after a shower, hair from drains, nails clippings, flowers you mightā€™ve picked
at least heā€™s helping clean upā€¦
also, pictures. donā€™t bring pictures unless you want them to go missingā€” he literally WORSHIPS those pictures, looking at your face, admiring every little part of you
he literally looks at them all day, waiting for you to come home
if theyā€™re younger pictures of you, heā€™ll imagine knowing you when he was younger, being childhood friends and going on adventures with you when he was allowed to leave the house
he thinks you were adorable when you were younger and just wants to defend you from any harm, of course heā€™s the same way nowā€” but when you were innocent, he wanted to protect you from seeing how bad the world really was, but heā€™ll do his best now :-)
also if anyone else is in those pictures, heā€™ll rip them out and apartā€”
or burn them, watching the flames consume them
you may think he would be afraid of fireā€” but if he was he wouldnā€™t have let his parents put SO MANY IN THEIR HOME
also recent pictures are very appreciated, when he misses you a lot
he somewhat made a shrine of youā€” somehow, kind of on accident. with pictures of you, your clothes, other things he stole, notes on how perfect you are, how he wants to be with you forever, and of course candles. even better if you brought a scented candle you like because of course he proceeds to steal it.
when youā€™re not paying attention to him, he goes back in the walls and watches you, just studying and admiring you while he waits for you to give him attention >:(
you got use to the feeling of being watched so much, that you usually forget that you are being watched
he just likes watching you, thatā€™s what heā€™s been doing his entire lifeā€” he doesnā€™t know how to just be in the same room as you
even if he is in the same room as you, he doesnā€™t change, just his hazel-green eyes boring into you
of course even if you look back at him, he doesnā€™t look away.
donā€™t try to battle him to make him look away, you will lose
when you even glance at him, heā€™ll put his head on your arm and look at you like a puppy wanting to be pet and if you donā€™t and just look away heā€™ll start whining like one too
when heā€™s watching you in the walls, you can hear him in someway panic when he makes any kind of noise you couldā€™ve heard (you oddly think itā€™s cute)
he writes letters to you, poems for you, drawings of you and sometimes leaves them around the house for you to find
when heā€™s watching you, he takes notes of everything thing youā€™re doing, even marking the time youā€™re doing it to see if it could be some kind of a schedule and he wants to note about all the things you like
also even when you actually want alone time, like to take a shower, heā€™s still watching you. (especially now smh)
he gets grumpy if he somehow canā€™t manage to see you, waiting for you to come back into view
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end note: dumb love-sick creepy wall man šŸ’•
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boardof-missingposters Ā· 3 years
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šŸŽƒ brahms heelshire + male reader, spooky month head-canons
i replace the ā€œ(Y/N)ā€ with ā€œLā€!!
warnings: blood mentions
content: fluff
pronouns: none mentioned, but masc reader
head-canons: mine!!
note: itā€™s spooky month!!
blue is the colour for you, red is the colour for brahms!
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šŸ•Æ ā€œdonā€™t eat all the candy brahmsā€
i feel brahms' favourite holiday would be christmas, but halloween is his second favouirte
brahms wakes you up the second it hits 12 am of october, just shaking you while making happy noises, you first thought something was wrong but no. he just woke you up to tell you itā€™s october.
ā€œbrahms, pleaseā€¦ā€
he wants to start doing stuff for halloween immediately and he gets all pouty when you say no, but you promise him you two can decorate later
even though itā€™s only the 1st, he doesnā€™t care
spooky month, means spooky month to brahms
his house is already naturally scary with its vintage style, but brahms likes to decorate it with bats, cobwebs, pumpkins, more candles, bloody wallsā€”
might go a little overboard
will ask you every day if itā€™s halloween yet
brahms: is it halloween yet?!?! :O
L: no, love, itā€™s still only the 1st.
brahms: :(
even though heā€™s already wearing a costume, he wants to do a couples one with you (and of course one for doll brahms)
if you think youā€™re funny, just make a (human) brahms costume
i can honestly imagine doing that, copying his every move
stalk and scare HIM
copying his little head tilts
copying his accent
he likes to jump-scare you, giggling after
annoyed stance
you say you wonā€™t kiss him the rest of the day if he does that again
stops immediately
horror movie marathons every night, even just randomly going through the entire horror sections
halloween pet names, please. (pumpkin, boo, ghosty, sweetie (get it?), sweetheart, foxy (i think foxes are halloween themed?), rascal)
if you do use the pet names brahms will think theyā€™re kinda dumb but he doesnā€™t want you to stop
ā€œiā€™m just as excited for halloween as you are, pumpkin :)))))ā€
annoyed wall man-baby noises
you get candy of course (since he canā€™t trick or treat. one because he doesnā€™t leave the house and two heā€™s a grown man) but you have to hide it from him because he would eat all of it
sometimes he finds it and you have to get more
halloween is kind of stressful too because people are probably gonna try to get into the "abandoned" house
brahms recommends he just kills them but that's a big no no, but you tell him he can scare them off. he gets excited, thinking that would be a lot of fun
you two add decorations like notes and messages on the wall written in fake blood
still, its just the beginning of october... so you start getting use to the creepy decorations, remembering who your boyfriend is
if you come across any stray black cats, you bring them to brahms' house, to protect them for the month
brahms is pouty of course that you're giving your affection to another being that isn't him, but, he agrees just for the month
you let him name them
pumpkin carving of course
brahms somehow getting the insides everywhere
you tell him about your past halloween experiences and even try to find some pictures of you in your costumes
if you do find pictures, expect to never see them again
he would at the same time get sad that he really never got to experience halloween, but you promise him you'll make it fun this year
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end note: short and sweet, some fun head-canons and its only the start of october, probably will make actual halloween head-canons!! happy spooky month!! >:D
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boardof-missingposters Ā· 3 years
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pinned post or whatever ĖŽĖŠĖ— ź’° šŸ“Ž ź’±
my page is made for mobile view!!
page for male / masc readers!!
i replace ā€œ(Y/N)ā€ with just a simple ā€œLā€ and the colour changes with characters! :-)
;;šŸŒæ || head-canons
;;šŸ³ || one shot
;;ā˜ļø || fluff
;;šŸ› || angst
;;šŸ’Œ || temporary post
;;šŸ‹ || 18+
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. . . . loading ideas ā€œ=āŒ•
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;;šŸ”Ŗ || brahms heelshire (the boy)
;;šŸ‘“ || felix kraken (the walten files)
;;šŸ¦‹ || simon (detroit: become human)
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writing stuff
tw: quite literally everything
iā€™ll put it all in red because something before it could be likeā€” an innocent thing then it goes to 0-100
ā„ head-canons
trans-male / transmasc reader
she/her gay (nblm / transmasc) reader
readers with ed
readers with dysphoria
transmasc periods
dad / parent reader :)
(18+) top!reader
female / fem readers
female x male reader
character x oc
ACTUAL people x reader
dean winchester (supernatural)
romance with characters under 18, but childhood / teenage romances with characters above the age of 18 is something i may write
(18+) bottom!reader
any kind of pregnancy
non-con / dub-con
incest, pedophilia, abusiveļæ¼
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boardof-missingposters Ā· 3 years
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ā€œ šŸ’­ ā€ž brahms heelshire + male reader, nightmare head-canons
i replace ā€œ(Y/N)ā€ with ā€œLā€!!
warnings: nightmares(?), ptsd talk, death, murder
content: angst + fluff(?)
pronouns: none mentioned, but masc reader
head-canons: mine!!
note: tumblr is so lame on mobile wtf dude also i hope everyone reads whenever i write brahms saying something in a british accent
blue is the colour for you, red is the colour for brahms!
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Ā·Ėš * šŸ”­ brahmsā€™ nightmares
of course brahms has nightmaresā€” about his past, the fire, the loneliness, murder, his parents dying, greta, him losing you, honestly iā€™m not shocked if he has nightmares every night
i feel like he would be used to them, but not be ok when he has them, but his body doesnā€™t do much when he has them. maybe if theyā€™re really bad he starts whimpering in his sleep
if you donā€™t wake up from the sounds he makes, he shakes you awake, always calling your name in his child-like voice begging you to wake up
when you do, you pretty much understand whatā€™s happening immediately because it happens so much. you sling your arms around him and pull him back down to the bed, him clutching onto you and crying in your chest as you rub his back, telling him everything is ok and that youā€™re here
the first time it was a bit more dramatic because you have no idea what was wrong so you snapped awake, but then you comfort him in your arms
you sometimes ask him if he wants to talk about it, but usually you just feel him shake his head
but if itā€™s about losing you, heā€™ll probably tell you and you promise him youā€™re not going to
sometimes you want to make him something warm for him to make him feel better, like hot chocolate, tea, just warm milk and he pretty much just clings onto you the entire time
humming or singing soft songs could also help calm him down
if he tells you about a more intense nightmare you just listen and tell him heā€™s here now and you wonā€™t let anything bad happen to him
if you have a piece of jewelry, maybe a feature that stands out, or even a shirt with a pattern you tell him to describe it to you so he can focus on something else
him being in your arms already makes him feel better
you better kiss him a lot
you try to make him smile or giggle at least once
sometimes if heā€™s too scared to go back to sleep you read him back to sleep or you watch something together (absolutely ļæ¼no horror movies)
have a feeling you two would watch old spongebob episodes or scooby doo
the feeling of watching or reading something late at night makes him feel like when a child can stay up past 12 am on new yearā€™s eve
he eventually falls back asleep
sometimes if you fall asleep first, he doesnā€™t turn off whatever is playing or doesnā€™t turn off the light, which you donā€™t mind
you make sure to check up on him throughout the day and make sure to do something fun with him (baking, art, picking flowers)
he doesnā€™t like when he has nightmares about greta because he has you now, but you only learned about her because he told you about her
you donā€™t know exactly how to feel, loving brahms but can see from her point of view, but you donā€™t say much on it
but you are curious on where she is now
on the fluffier(ish) side, he has nightmares about the horror movies you watch and you restrain saying ā€œi told you soā€
even though he has nightmares about them, he still wants to watch them
when you bring that fact up he just goes ā€œno i wonā€™t >:(ā€
and then he does
but you two still watch them of course
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Ėšāž¶ ļ½”Ėš ā˜ your nightmares
if you have nightmares, of course heā€™ll comfort you
heā€™s a light sleeper, so if you move up and get off the bed, heā€™ll know
if you wake up crying, heā€™ll jump up and ask you whatā€™s wrong
heā€™ll hold you
heā€™ll cup your face, wipe away your tears, and softly kiss all over it
he might not understand everything you say if you choose to talk about it, but heā€™ll listen to you, and say that he wonā€™t let anyone hurt you again
if you choose to not tell him, heā€™ll say that heā€™ll protect you from any harm. mental or physical.
if you get up to do something to calm you down (make a drink, get a snack, have a shower, and even maybe if you smoke, you'll have one) he'll follow you (obviously) and see if he can do anything to help
if the nightmares arenā€™t enough to make you wake up crying, but make you have to get up, if you tell him you just had a bad dream, heā€™ll still do everything he can to make you feel better
heā€™ll hold onto you very tightly when you try to go back to sleep, if you canā€™t, heā€™ll try to stay up with you
even if he fails, itā€™s still sweet
if you have kinda more of a ā€œi rather have not had that dream, but it wasnā€™t that badā€ if you tell brahms that heā€™ll whine about how you should have woke him up
you say you will next time, but thatā€™s a lie because itā€™s hard to get him on a normal sleep schedule
throughout the day heā€™ll check on you, asking if youā€™re ok and if youā€™re scared to go back to sleep
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end note: soft wall man <3
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boardof-missingposters Ā· 3 years
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ą¼‰ā€§ā‚ŠĖš. brahms heelshire + male reader, head-canons: part 1
i replace ā€œ(Y/N)ā€ with ā€œLā€!!
warnings: jealousy (?), slightly possessive behavior, killing mentions (ā€œfluffā€ yeah, ok)
content: fluff(ish)
pronouns: he/him
head-canons: mine!!
note: *starts beatboxing*
blue is the colour for you, red is the colour for brahms!
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ą¼‰ā€§ā‚ŠĖš. gifts from brahms
things he stole from you
if weā€™re being realistic, he would make you simple meals (soup, sandwiches, nothing where you need to do too much) and feel proud of himself (and you let him, petting his head)
he made tea for you once
never again
he draws things for you and you put it on the fridge or take it to your home and put it on that fridge
he also does small crafts (where you buy and bring materials) and gives them to you (he made a little rat. aw :-))
flowers and rocks he gets from outside
ą¼‰ā€§ā‚ŠĖš. gifts from you
heā€™s overjoyed with anything you get him
obliviously, you have an upper-hand in gifts, being the one who leaves the house
itā€™s pretty much a tradition that you had ever since you first came to the home
you avoid getting him anything too ā€œtechyā€ or ā€œmodernā€
he just begs for sweets but you tell him if he eats too many of them heā€™ll get ill
but you like going out to shops and getting baked-goods that you two can share
heā€™ll probably eat 99% of them still, you turn your back and theyā€™re all gone
disappointed dad stance
ā€œi didnā€™t do anythingā€ look
even though he doesnā€™t like other human dolls, you wanted to try to get him stuffed animals
you got him a fluffy, big-eyes teddy bear that had a white bow and he loves it (+ it smells just like you)
matching pieces of jewelry :-D
you gave him one of your hoodies that you have to pry off him to make him bathe and clean his clothes (and then he makes you wear it for a while before giving it back to him)
you made him a makeshift ā€œL rag dollā€ for doll brahms (but real brahms just keeps it for himself)
he asked you if you used your real hair
in response, you just looked at him and didnā€™t answer because iā€™d you said no, heā€™ll try to steal more (heā€™ll steal more anyways)
fairytale + history books, which you read to him
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ą¼‰ā€§ā‚ŠĖš. jealous brahms
brahms gets jealous of eve-ry-thing literally everything
i hope youā€™re not an animal lover, because you cannot get one with this man child as your boyfriend
even if you take away your hand while holding him to just scratch your eye, heā€™ll snap his head towards you expecting a reason for why you dare do that
now, some will argue, ā€œjealously is cute!ā€ and i agree to a certain extent that just slight jealously and clinginess is a cute trait
but with brahms, youā€™ll have to work with him here
you want to get it to the point of ā€œaw, youā€™re jealous ;)ā€ and not ā€œcan i take my hands off you for two seconds pleaseā€
i mean why do you think he watches you? well, yes, he has nothing better to do, but heā€™s always ready to bust out of his hiding place and battle anything that he deems as getting your love
oh, youā€™re watering some flowers? glares at them, hides the water can, rips out the flowers
brahms: hes mine! >:(
L: * nervous side glancing*
may seem extreme, but itā€™s close enough
you promise him that you donā€™t have to battle kill for your love and that youā€™re all his
he looks happy when you say this, but it doesnā€™t mean he stopsā€”
youā€™re trying to slowly open him up to the though of people in your life
L: just because people make me happy, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the same way you make me happy, brahmsy.
brahms: wot
all he hears is people making you happy that isnā€™t him
he clings to you everywhere you go, like the air is taking too much of your time
of course he loves you and always wants to be around you (another problem) but he also wants to keep a look out to make sure no one dare takes you away from him
you actually thought pulling the ā€œwould you like it if i did this to you?ā€ would
of course he would
you have a lot of work on your hands, darling.
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ą¼‰ā€§ā‚ŠĖš. kisses with brahms
he always says he wants a kiss before he actually kisses you
mask or not you can tell heā€™s a bit shy and flushed
you make him say ā€œpleaseā€
he wants to receive all kinds of kisses, anywhere
his head, his (masked) face, his neck, wherever
lip kisses are his favourite of course (needy mf)
but, youā€™re the only one who really can give kisses
you like randomly attacking him, dramatically making kissing noises, while calling him all kinds of nicknames, making him giggle
but on the rare occasion he has his mask off, he always kisses your lips
his kisses are sloppy and a bit rough so you teach him to be softer which he kind of learns, but youā€™re still happy you can kiss his lips
sometimes his kisses are desperate and needy, grabbing onto your arms while melting into you
you think itā€™s cute to just cup his face after kissing him to see how red his pale face gets, seeing his eyes filled with need for the touch of your lips
not just lips though, you like butterfly kisses, bunny, angel, and even trying the ā€œlady and the trampā€ kind. so cute :-)
a punishment is definitely no kisses for at least an hour if he is being a brat
heā€™ll immediately stop being a brat when he hears that
so, all-in-all: he wants kisses 24/7 and itā€™s hard to say no
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ą¼‰ā€§ā‚ŠĖš. other slashers? :O + horror movie marathon date nights
donā€™t. swoon. over. any. other. slasher. very jealous brahms.
if you even say something close to ā€œsheā€™s prettyā€ or ā€œheā€™s cuteā€, heā€™ll hate the character immediately
brahmsā€™ favourite slahser(s): pamela voorhees + michael myers. it just makes sense for pamela. brahms is a mommaā€™s boy for sure, so he can see from her point of view and likes her motive (which is disturbing, butā€¦ ok, brahmsy) but with michael it was completely unexpected but cā€™mon. big, buff, quiet, mysterious, killing as a child, even the little head tilts, heā€™s basically his role model (also disturbing, butā€¦ ok, brahmsyā€¦)
jason voorhees is a close second, but ā€œwhy is he here? heā€™s a ghost boy.ā€
ā€¦ lol
brahmsā€™ least favourite slasher(s): billy lenz + chucky. billy because, quote ā€œhe doesnā€™t stalk as good as me and his voices are not as good as mineā€ (and you want to say somethingā€¦ but you just donā€™t want to open that can of worms during horror movie date nights) and chucky because ā€œhes ugly, not as cute as brahmsā€
L: yes, youā€™re very cute, brahmsy.
brahms: nooo, L, not me! brahms!
L: yes, chucky is not as cute as brahms, love.
brahms: :)
lying? eh. who cares? heā€™s happy :-)
sometimes when you can sneak away to get more snacks (because he eats all of them), you scare him. he just jumps and you laugh as you watch him pout and cross his arms
ā€œthat was mean >:(ā€œ
you kiss attack him, making dramatic noises
ā€œoh, darling, whatever could i do to make you forgive me? D:>ā€
itā€™s kinda revenge for whenever he scares you (by just standing behind you and not saying anything)
he pouts for a few minutes, refusing to let you hold him, making you laugh more
but of course he gives in like 30 seconds later
he clings onto you whenever he gets scared
he likes when you get scared because you huddle closer to him
he likes to count how many people die
whenever he dislikes a character, he constantly asks you if they die
you have to put your foot down on horror movies sometimes because he has nightmares (and of course he throws a tantrumļæ¼)
he prefers older movies, not liking how ā€œHDā€ the newer movies look and are
he also prefers horror movies with actual alive slashers and not paranormal, ghost type ones
you like watching the behind the scenes of the movies, but you donā€™t like to show brahms because it would break his heart to realize that what he watched was a lie, but you learned how to make fake blood which could be a fun project to do with him
he usually likes the final girls + boys and gets sad if they die
sometimes he falls asleep, so you pause where you two are and fall asleep with him
and of course he does the same, wanting to experience it with you, even if you watched it before
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end note: one-shots are literally so hard + i use too many comas *sad beatboxing*
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529 notes Ā· View notes
boardof-missingposters Ā· 3 years
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(18+) ā„ brahms heelshire + male lover, nsfw head-canons
i replace ā€œ(Y/N)ā€ with ā€œLā€!!
warnings: nsfw, bondage mention
content: brahms + dom!male lovers intimacy
pronouns: none mentioned, but masc reader
head-canons: mine! :-)
note: how do people ACTUALLY see brahms as a top smh /j
blue is for you, red is for brahms!
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ā„ such a good boy
heā€™s a bottom, he may act like a top sometimes, but heā€™s just a bottom (switch with sub preference at best)
heā€™s extremely sensitive everywhere
he doesnā€™t moan or groan, just whimpers and whines
he wants to be inside you at least once considering heā€™s never been inside someone before
as much as a complete pervert he is, he gets flushed and embarrassed very easily. a smile that can seem ā€œtoo flirtyā€ will make him all red
if you like being on the submissive side sometimes, he can try, youā€™d just have to work him through it, which is cute to say the least
he likes that you seem sweet and innocent on the outside, but can be rough and dominant with him, like a secret only he can see
100% praising kink
if he feels jealous or possessive, he begs you to take him so he can leave his scent on you
he doesnā€™t like bondage, but being held down by his wrists, hands, or hair is an immediate turn-on
sometimes when he gets on your nerves too much, you just pin him down and can see through his eyes how flushed he is, but then you just leave him there, leaving him pouty and extra needy
even though heā€™s a bottom he still whispers that your his and his only through his whimpers, which you promise him you are
one of the only ways you can make him bathe is if you promise you will with him
he will never admit he likes begging and when you tease him
he doesnā€™t care how you take him, riding him or pounding him into the bed, anything he get from you
will watch you shower and bathe, but you know and say if he likes watching you do it so much he should just do it from right outside the shower door
he took that seriously
you just take it as a chance to be able to wash him
sometimes, you act busy, so you tell him to ride your leg if he really canā€™t wait (he can never wait)
he likes being choked
as much as he wants to be a good boy, heā€™s bad sometimes to get punished
gets jealous of, well, yourself if you have any fun without him
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ā„ aftercare
of course, brahms likes being smothered with affection all the time, but he expects you too extra affectionate after a ā€œlong nightā€
he likes taking a relaxing bath while being held by you
a lot of kisses and giggling
if you try to get up heā€™ll just tighten his grip on you, make grumpy brahms noises, and bury his face in your chest
he likes when you actually kiss his face and you like seeing his afterglow
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iā€™ll probably add more over time, though because i canā€™t get enough of the wall man ;-) <3
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boardof-missingposters Ā· 3 years
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ā˜… brahms heelshire + male lover prompt
i replace ā€œ(Y/N)ā€ with ā€œLā€!! just a writing preference :-)
warnings: stalking, knife mention, extremely flawed mindsets, and that this is VERY long
content: brahms partner preferences, brahms male partner backstory, brahms male partner headcanons (before + after meeting)
pronouns: none mentioned, but masc reader
note: if you feel weird for being obsessed with hot fictional murders, i somewhat try to write as if iā€™m making a horror comedy
blue is for you, red is for brahms!!
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ā„ brahms partner preferences
he actually prefers taller partners (even though heā€™s 6ā€™4 and jacked as fuck), but he wants to be able to look up at his partner and he sees bigger as more comforting
brahms likes dominant partners. honestly, it just makes sense. i donā€™t think he would like physically dominant partners (even if theyā€™re taller) because he would want to force people to stay, but mentally, he wants to be coddled and spoiled
brahms likes reserved and more gentle mannered partners, i canā€™t say i see him as someone who likes sassy, bold, and confident people. he likes people who smile softly, hum him to sleep, donā€™t really talk while their doing something
brahms likes artistic people, he finds it neat and will try to draw too (but heā€™s not that good)
he likes people who can bake and cook, of course he does. he doesnā€™t know how to so if someone can at least make a decent meal, heā€™ll see it as a masterpiece
ā„ male partner backstory
you, yes you, need to bare with me and take a trip to bend reality. immerse yourself into this experience and bare with me ;-)
after greta leaves, she doesnā€™t call the police (because i just feel like she wouldnā€™t), the heelshire house becomes somewhat of a local legend that becomes abandoned and people believe itā€™s haunted
you moved to the english village to be closer to, well to say it bluntly, get the fuck away from people
you were always in your own head, always isolating yourself, not really wanting or needing friends, but the few you have you keep close. they describe you as a quiet and kind guy, but they often worry about you and your mental health.
youā€™re a very tall guy (6ā€™10, trust me) and even though you donā€™t want to be near people, the thought of you scaring people away makes you feel bad. you usually hunch yourself over, trying to appear less scary and intimidating to people around you. giving you a nice and short height of 6ā€™8ā€¦ sometimes.
your friends heard that you live near a infamous haunted house and practically beg you to go in and take pictures or even take something
you just say yes, because the sooner you do it, the sooner theyā€™ll be quiet about it and itā€™s a bonus youā€™re getting out of your room.
you go there and, nothing out of the ordinary. itā€™s a nice house and you just take pictures of random rooms and maybe of a few trinkets you like. sometimes, hearing bangs or footsteps. those throughly creepy you out, but it is a haunted house. what did you expect?
however, these noises do make you speed up your intrusive photo shoot.
but then you come across one room. when you open the door, it creaking loudly, you jump when you find a porcelain ļæ¼doll sitting neatly on a bed.
you put your hand on your chest and take a few deep breaths to calm down, as you realize itā€™s just a doll. a very creepy doll. you walk towards it with caution, afraid at any moment it might snap its head at you.
you notice all the cracks in the porcelain,ļæ¼ almost like itā€™s been broken and then put back together. you stay decently away from the doll, slowly taking a picture of it. the snap of your camera scaring you.
you canā€™t help but think thereā€™s something behind those big hazel eyes and if there is in this house. maybe it wonā€™t be too happy with someone coming in.
but your thoughts stop as you notice something neatly tucked under the mattress. something white. you slowly go to take it.
itā€™s a piece with neatly typed letters, at the top in all capitalized letters it read ā€œRULESā€, with ten things written below.
No guests
Never leave Brahms Alone
Save Meals in Freezer
Never Cover Brahms Face
Read a Bedtime Story
Play Loud Music
Clean the Traps
Only Malcom Brings Deliveries
Brahms is Never to Leave
Kiss Goodnight
your eyebrows furrow as you read the list, something being scribbled out on the 8th rule. banging is heard again, right above you. your body freezes.
you open your mouth slightly, but are interrupted by ringing.
you have another heart attack and snap your head towards the old styled phone. you walk over to it, the ringing pounding in your ears, it almost matching with your fast beating heart.
the phone is cold as you slowly pick it up.
you tried to whisper, it coming out as a shaky breath.
a cold, deep voice responds.
your fear filled voice is met with silence. you keep the phone pressed to your ear, frozen, you donā€™t know what to do. but then, you remember the first rule. ā€œNo guestsā€ and then the 9th rule. ā€œBrahms is Never to Leaveā€.
now, something else fills you, pity. is this ghost, spirit, whatever, stuck here because they have to be? are they still following these rules after death?
ā€œare youā€” brahms?ā€
nothing, but you keep talking, holding the phone with both hands now.
ā€œiā€™mā€” iā€™m, uh, sorry for intruding, i didnā€™tā€”ā€œ
you trip over your words, fear still being your main emotion, but you want to reach out. you already have, now you just need to try again.
ā€œiā€™m sorry, i amā€¦ā€
you swallow the uncomfortable lump in your throat.
ā€œbut, are youā€” stuck here? do you need help?ā€
still silence. you try a different approach and your body relaxes slightly.
ā€œare you lonely? is that why youā€™re still here? waiting forā€” someone?ā€
fear slowly leaves your voice, it returning to your natural soft and gentle tone.
ā€œit must be scaryā€” right? you must be scared and all alone? stuck here?ā€
static still, but you shake your head and take a deep breath.
ā€œi understand. itā€™s okā€” i can help you! iā€” thinkā€¦ā€
you look over to the doll and slowly put the phone down, walking back over to it, you bend down to meet eye to eye with the doll. almost like itā€™s a real child.
ā€œi can help you, you just need to tell me how or if i even canā€¦ being all alone, here forā€” a long time, it makes you scared and that makes you angry, right?ā€
you break your eye contact for a second and look down.
ā€œwe could be friends? yeah? iā€™mā€” Lā€¦ and iā€™m guessing youā€™re brahms.ā€
you nod slightly and rummage in your pocket for something. a small crinkled flower you found around the house.
ā€œiā€™m guessing i made you mad butā€¦ here. you think about it. iā€™ll be back. ok? i donā€™t want to hurt youā€¦ iā€™ll help youā€¦ā€
a few more moments of silence and looking deeply into the dollā€™s eyes until you scurry off out the door. slightly shaken.
what you donā€™t see, is the man that slowly crawled out of his hiding place and slowly twirled your gift in his fingers, looking at it intently through his mask as he repeats your name softly.
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end note: DID NOT MEAN TO MAKE IT THIS LONG, just got a bit carried away. plus, i wanted to give a decent backstory. i donā€™t know if i like it or not, but i wanted to try something else from the already being a nanny(/manny), being gretaā€™s friend, etcā€” but now, my darling, itā€™s head-canon time B-)
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ā„ male lover head-canons, before meeting
he wants you to come back. he knows itā€™s against the rules, but you were niceā€¦
ā€œheā€™sā€¦ prettyā€¦ for a boy? can boys like boys?ā€ type beat
he lays in his bed, whispering your name over and over
after that day, you keep coming back and you always give him a little gift. small gifts. candy, a flower, maybe a small toy. it doesnā€™t matter, he loves them all
heā€™s grown very fond of you, now leaving you little notes and this gets you excited, thinking youā€™re making contact with the spirit and you too grow closer
one time when you had to leave, you finally got another phone call, a childā€™s voice on the other end softly asking you to stay. you hesitate, actually considering it, but you promised that you would be back as soon as possible
you would tell your friends about it, them a mixture of believing and not believing, but they encourage you to keep at your ghost adventure, them seeing that it actually makes you happy and excited
he slowly starts admiring every part of you, your smile, the shape of your teeth, your laugh, your lips, your body, and even you calling out his name whenever you walk into the house
he asks you to start reading to him, kiss him goodbye, and you comply with no thought to it
one time, you accidentally fell asleep and you woke up to being neatly tucked into bed with the jacket you brought that day missing and a fee strands of your hair chopped off
ā€œbrahms, did you do this?ā€
ā€œbrahmsā€¦ my hair?ā€
ā€œbrahms, please give me back my jacket.ā€
ā€¦ no
one time you tried to bring another doll for him, but he didnā€™t like it (he threw a small tantrum) and you havenā€™t brought another one since
he likes how you smell :-)
you start to watch movies with him and his favourite is sleeping beauty.
he doesnā€™t know wether youā€™re the princess aurora to his prince phillip or the prince phillip to his princess aurora
mmmm both.
you basically share your life story with him
you realize now the closest person to you is a ghost in an abandoned house possessing a doll, but you donā€™t mind
you start not wanting to leave him alone, afraid at any moment you would lose him, but at the same time, you want want him to pass to an afterlife (if there is one)
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ā„ meeting brahms
how you two actually met: well, much like you taking a nap, brahms took a too big of risk and stayed next to you to stroke your hair and admire you. but you woke up too soon
he jumps when you open your eyes
you, who just woke up to a dirty, masked, hot, man calmly screamed and ran out the house while dodging him
heā€™s angry that he let himself be seen and heā€™s angry that you ran away from him
you donā€™t come back for at least 4 weeks and you havenā€™t been speaking with your friends, shaken by the incident
when you do finally decide to come back, you have a weapon in tow while you slowly scope out the house, but could you actually hurt someone? no matter who?
as you walk throughout the house, brahms is following right behind you, not saying anything
you eventually (and finally) turn around and you both jump
he doesnā€™t try to attack you when you donā€™t, your hands shaking
you ask who he is and he just walks towards you slowly, saying that you two have been talking for so long, how could you not know him?
oh shit.
how do you react? hyperventilating and screaming at him asking if heā€™s been watching you all this time. how are you supposed to feel?
he tries to calm you down, but you just back away from him, realizing you were never talking to a ghost or a spirit and a man has been watching you this entire time
you try to leave, this time, him being able to grab you and begging for you to stay, telling you that he promises to be good and wonā€™t scare you anymore
you manage to get away from him and run back home, not knowing what to do. call the cops? probably, but instead you decide to research the history behind the ā€œheelshireā€™sā€ house and learn the backstory behind brahms.
you donā€™t know whether to feel scared or bad for him, has he been there the entire time? he only speaks like a child sometimes, but maybe he could be tricking you?
you need to know, like it or not, brahms has now imprinted into your life
you come back, with nothing but yourself this time and call out his name with a slight shake in your voice
he comes out, happily, but quietly exclaiming that you came back. when he tries to come closer to you, you step back but try to remain calm
after what feels like hours of silence, he asks you quietly and innocently if you two could still be friends
what do you do? heā€™s a murderer. but his entire life has been taken away since he was a child. hes dangerous, but helpless. he could kill you at any moment, but heā€™s alone.
maybeā€” you could help him. thatā€™s what you always wanted to do from the beginning, so with heavy breaths you nod slowly.
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end note: if you didnā€™t understand the warning ā€œextremely flawed mindsetā€ itā€™s this. you, my darling, are too kind. your heart is made of pure gold. brahms in your eyes is just a man who was lost since childhood and never helped. i do aim for (mostly) realism!
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ā„ male lover head-canons, after meeting
you can tell that, ā€œyeah, no, this is how he actually thinks this wayā€¦ i need to help himā€
donā€™t worry, you eventually warm up to him
you practically start to take care of him whenever you come over now (which is still as soon as possible)
you tried to make him bathe or shower, but heā€™s fussy. one time you threatened to get a hose him down.
you manage to get him to take one shower while you wash his clothes, but he calls out for help every minute asking what heā€™s supposed to do
ā€œLā€¦ Lā€¦ā€ ā€œYes?ā€ ā€œAm I suppose to use the shampoo or conditioner first :-(ā€œ
(somewhat) clean wall man :-)
heā€™s also extremely picky about food and asks you constantly to get him sweets
ā€œwaitā€¦ so did you put me into to bed that one time?ā€
ā€œdid you cut my hair?ā€
ā€œbrahms, did you take my jacket?ā€
ā€¦ no
you tell him, in the nicest way possible, thatā€™s probably the creepiest thing to do to someone ever
he doesnā€™t understand and whines because you always left he just wanted to always have a piece of you
you tell him, in the nicest way possible, thatā€™s probably the creepiest thing to say to someone ever
he still doesnā€™t get it
he doesnā€™t give you back your jacket
he still asked for kisses goodbye and you have to put your foot down on saying no and if he gets angry you tell him you wonā€™t come for a few days
he tells you heā€™ll force you to say and you groan and explain that heā€™s really making it hard for you to like him right now, which makes him go quiet, but pout. you kiss him on the his masked cheek as a compromise, but doesnā€™t mean heā€™s happy about it (just less grumpy)
he still goes into the walls to watch you when youā€™re busy (doing chores for him, cooking, or just trying to breathe some fresh air), but now you know the feeling whenever heā€™s staring at you, you stop whatever youā€™re doing and call his name bluntly, which leads him to run away like nothing happened
now, when you talk to your friends, he will put his face over your phone whenever he feels youā€™ve been on the phone for ā€œtoo longā€ (about 3-minutes)
your relationship is somewhat ambiguous, you knowing you care deeply for the troubled man and him being infatuated with you
your first ā€œactualā€(lips to masked lips) kiss is when he was being extra whiny and didnā€™t go to bed, therefore not letting you leave. so you promised this time, youā€™ll actually kiss his lips this time. he ran to the bed.
you start staying over sometimes, but you tell him only if heā€™s good which he sometimes is
he loves cuddling you, snuggling into you, and wants to be touching you in someway always
he becomes much more clingy, wanting to be by your side 24/7 and whenever you leave he gives you sad eyes. you promise youā€™ll be back and you always are.
you never asked him to show his face, but you are concerned thatā€™s it uncomfortable when he sleeps
when you did first see his face, it didnā€™t faze you, heā€™s still your wall man, assuring him with affection and a real kiss. promising that heā€™s very handsome. making him flushed and hide in your arms.
also, no. you do not tell your friends that you are currently in a relationship with a man who lives in the walls and has been ā€œdeadā€ for years. theyā€™ll call the police if you donā€™t, darling.
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