bodega-daydream · 2 years
March 20, 2022
I was at work and Joey was a guest or something and was showing me and others an easier way to fill in a shape in some drawing program but it looked horrible and not filled in properly and i was trying to be polite and say, 'oh that’s a good idea' and Tet was like no it wasn’t! Tet was also upset that when I offered him a drink, I gave him water instead of alcohol. Across the room, Heather got off the the phone and was like oh sorry i forgot to tell you the counselor called a couple days ago and said your stuff was ready to pick up from the Joker in the guidance councilor's office. I had been waiting for this news and quickly rushed off as there were only 5 mins left of school day.
The layout of the school had some hallways similar to MW, but where the back stairwells would be was a larger open area with a small food store and escalators. After looking a couple of days in a row, really needed to find this guidance counselors office to pick up whatever it was that I had left. I couldn’t find the office cause it kept moving with so much renovation going on throughout the building. I waited at a group table hallway outside of the drama production crews closet, where Pedro Pascal was looking for something for his class, but was in a red super suit with an ugly cape. Jake walked by on his way to class and told me they had moved the office I was looking for. Giving up, I left and went back up the escalator to class where someone told me they gone and picked up my robe from the office for me- but this was very suspicious. I followed them to my bedroom and kept questioning how they got my robe and how they were working with the people in the office, but they just laid down on my bed facing the wall. I wasn't getting any answers so I used my apparent superpowers to have a mummified body crawl up from behind my bed and grab ahold of them until I got my robe back, a short white silk piece with a pink cherry blossom design.
Jimmy Carr was hosting a new game show maze where contestants had to make their way through some store looking set, but he didn’t tell his contestants they would be secretly drugged (I think hallucinogenics). Kathrine Ryan had taken something beforehand to help her out in the game but, with what Jimmy slipped in the beginning as well as several pills you had to take along the course as part of the game, she started having a very bad reaction to all of the mixed drugs. I think she was supposed to be vomiting but my subconscious mind didn't want to see that so instead she was like squirting some blue liquid from a shampoo bottle lol. But it turns out she had anemia the whole time.
I was driving car down long straight highway and the scenery and sunset looked just so beautiful. I took hands off wheel to take photo of the beautiful sun set, thinking the road was long and straight enough that it wouldn't be an issue. Nervous that my car might be veering off to the side, I grabbed the wheel again but found that I was actually flying off the ground from going so fast, but not flying in a good/sustainable way. I was trying desperately to slow down because there were tolls coming up and I thought I would crash right into them or into other cars/trucks on the road. I could not get the car under control, but woke up before any crash.
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bodega-daydream · 2 years
February 20, 2022
I don’t remember circumstances but basically we had to we both worked for this boss I guess and we had to make a trip but usually I guess you go alone it was a big deal if you were with someone else knowing who they were and we individually made the decision that we would go together but it was a big decision and all it was very down to the wire and romantic in a way and we both decided to go except he was dressed as a mandalorian how many wins real cute It wasn’t like a lot of romantic affectionate or anything but very close intimate making a bold statement of going together.
('he' is probably pedro pascal)
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
November 26, 2021
It began as a group of us, Jedi, on a mission. We were on an air station, similar to the Colossus (star wars resistance). No lightsabers. I don't know what our objective was but we were soon discovered. They sent droids after us, like droidekas but more advanced. They didn't have shields but they were bigger, stronger, and faster. We found a way to force push them together to have them explode. I jetted around a corner closely followed by one and was able to force push it just a little bit (as is often the case with dream powers. a tiny bit but I know I can't actually do this). Another one rolled in behind the first and I ducked into a storage closet for the maintenance workers to avoid the explosion. In there I got the bright idea to take their uniforms and hide amongst the invisible. One of the cleaners was already in the room and smirked and ignored me on her way out as a sign of approval to my plan. I got a couple of us uniforms but either the explosions were too much or the enemy had a new way to get us off their station- sink the station in water below. Out on the ledge, it was hard to tell how far out the water really was, if the waves were rising or if we were falling. Finally realizing a little too late, a massive 50ft wave crept up behind us and washed everyone out. A mess of loose parts and people in the murky green underwater, I found my friend's foot and grabbed on- better to stay together. We were able to cling onto the hull and work our way back inside. Scene change. I guess we kept with the keeping in disguise, though our new disguise outfits were tuxes and sunglasses. We traveled as a close group of 5 or 6 (really inconspicuous lol). Wherever we were now felt like the interior of a mall mixed with a kids amusement park with a central living area. People lived in this place, but they designed it to be kind of whimsical with small foot bridges here and there wrapping around little stalls or seating areas. We knew exactly where we were heading to. I was front and center of the group, flanked by two people dressed the same as me. I got ready a thick and sturdy plastic bag. The approaching foot bridge had a bored, plump, little kid sitting on the steps alone. We walked right up to him and without stopping, I scooped him up in this bag, tied it up and handed it off to someone behind me. It was the rival boss's kid. They hung the bag around the neck of our giant panda bear that I guess we had, and the bag now resembled a clear plastic christmas stocking with the kid unharmed inside, also stocking shaped. We were off to the next location, quick enough so we weren't seen. On the way out I remember thinking that someone once told me that season 6 of clone wars was the best and this was like me living it for the first viewing lol. Our next goal took us to the Chinese district in this station/city. It was hot pink with neon lights (similar vibes to Bladerunner, but much less gritty). We met with this one charismatic guy who was seemingly the head of another crew of people who wanted to take out this kid's dad. He led us to these public toilets where there was a secret door (though, not so secret as it was a revolving door in a bathroom stall. hard to miss). We went through and I was giddy with excitement, like I was finally getting to see the context of a movie clip I had really liked. We entered this long, low lit hallway. It seemed like an exclusive back club/airport kind of thing. Lit with blacklights and other colors, it felt fun, but exclusive. As you walked down the hall there were tall, beautiful women handing out free things from trays (not champagne, but like souvenirs) and there were tables lined with large and very soft plush toys, like sharks and stuff for the taking. They know what I like. When we reached the end of the hallway, everything was still in black light, there were more people being sorted into different bunks. Not so glamorous, but everyone was excited because these were the Hogwarts houses' sleeping quarters. Seemed more like an underground bunker meets a Lisa Frank themed slumber party.
But at this point I knew this was a trap. That charismatic man back in the Chinese district led us into a trap and we had to get out. I took my friend by the arm and started to head back but - woke up.
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
September 25, 2021
i had a dream that i was in walmart at christmas time and seth meyers came out with a line of 3 different christmas lights, a stop light, some glow lights in a jar, and like an led desk lamp. i was just gonna get one or two of them but then i saw that they were on sale for a dollar if you bought all three. samara came to see if i was ready to check out and was happy to see that i was using the purse that she had given me (moms purse). i had all these things i was getting, the lights and a roll of artists tape and a bunch of stuff really i had spread out all over a shelf. then some little black boy grabbed a project i was working on out of my purse, also sitting on the shelf. it was a half finished tiny crocheted tiny black kid. he was either deaf or mute or both but somehow told me he’d never seen anything like it and was really attached to it. i couldn’t give it to him bc it wasn’t done and i think i needed it for some commission or something. samara and nathan took my stuff to the check out and car while i talked to him. but i told his mom which was some ginger white lady. i told her what he said and that i’d like to make him one of him, that i just needed her to send me pics of him to my email. she started to say how she was a woman of faith and that this felt like a miracle and i was feeling increasingly less like doing it if she was just gonna thank god for it instead. but i was in a rush anyway. i ran out to what was my car (some oldish silver sedan) with nathan driving and samara on shot gun and they had used some of the stuff i bought to make the car look beat up, like sloppily putting clear packing tape over the gas cover and something on the opposite rear window. i was like why would you do that as i climbed into the back seat and they were like cause it’s funny cause you love this car. but then i had to go get my body covered in a layer of pink wax for some reason. i think like A mold fitting of some kind.
i was driving a car on a highway with sinead and there was a tornado off to the side. i think we were in kentucky. but as i keep driving we see dozens of tornadoes. i lose control of the car in this high way traffic in that i guess that the brakes stopped working because the wind was too strong. i finally weave my way to an exit ramp and, not knowing where to go, i pull up in front of a school. the teacher and kids come out to look at the tornados and the teacher shows me this big clear tub of water she’s carrying to show me it’s rained at least a foot of rain (even tho the weather was perfect now).
I’m on holiday or something. im at the top of elaborate tourist trap. only someone doesn’t want me to leave because everything is covered in grease and the only way to go is back up.
dream that i guess i was having a wedding in a water gel cube. it filled up the garage and didn’t need anything to contain it really. i tried it out in my dress and out swimming but even easier and lighter. but then a bunch of people arrived home, i think my random bridesmaids, and one of them popped it. when popped tho there was nothing, it was just gone. then trying to get into the house the front changed and i was super pregnant. i was so hungry and trying to make a sandwich with the platters that everyone brought home. they were supposed to be for the wedding but everyone was being a dick and eating them anyway but then i couldn’t find them and was so annoyed. then they kept trying to keep me from going into the basement that they decorated as star wars themed but we got down there anyway and it looked like absolute trash but i didn’t say anything. sean s was over to congratulate me and that was my first time trying to hug straight on with a pregnant belly and i hated it and started freaking out and made him give me a side hug instead. my baby was kicking a whole lot and i could hold his individual feet thru my stomach. then just hanging out down there it turned out i was having a super carlin bros baby tho idk who with, i guess ben. one of the girls was like omg first baby of the fam! and i was thinking like uhh are you forgetting J’s three children?? but then my baby who had been licking just starts straightening out and it’s really freaky. i think one of my sister in laws starts doing that too but i ignore that bc too freaky. i’m running around trying to get an answer and then i’m finally standing outside on a balcony at a hospital watching people arrive. 3 ppl on motor cycles eat it and i listen to them slowly skid in and scream in pain. i think i was crying but no one came to comfort me.
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
July 19, 2021
confusing lego dream with reality mixed sleep. but heard rumors that they were going to shoot another kenobi series so i thought to tell andrew so he could audition to be a stunt man. i guess i was pleased too so i could act in the show lol
at home with 3 huge things of honey i got on holiday for friends. in the family room but nathan was eating all the honey so finally gave in and just let him keep that bc he was making a mess of it anyway and already ate a solid portion of it. i tried some with some goldfish i guess but didn’t want the honey all over my fingers so i went to the office bathroom to wash it off. dad had replaced the sink with a smaller sink in the center of the room which i called “a nyc apartment sized sink with corners”. as i was finishing up, andrew showed up behind me in the mirror. he had just come from work at the fire house/renn faire and was very touchy. i was embarrassed that he was there and then realized and asked him, how did you know where i lived? and he claimed it he once went to sleep away camp with nathan and that nathan had zipped me up in a duvet case and i said that sounded like him. didn’t really answer the question tho. he was so imposing and touchy and it made me really uncomfortable.
then i was in class but in this super high chair, like 20ft high and not that big of a seat. apparently it was pete davison’s chair and he and some other guy that looked just like him were calling themselves scum bags. anyway i was trying to put some hand outs into my binder but I just couldn’t do that that while holding on to the chair and really thought i’d fall and die, I was so scared. decided it was time to give up and just come down off the chair and sit in my normal seat next to nan. kind of joked about it mrs. flanagan but then we all decided to switch seats. or at least some people. i think i wanted to move to a seat where i connected with more of the people around me but was unsure i would be able to. i moved to the other side of the classroom (was split up into 2 for some reason, like ppl were seated in a big W) and didn’t really know anyone. a few black guys were there and i didn’t want to seem racist not sitting next to them but i just didn’t know who they were so i sat next to farnaz’s friends like lauren, even tho i didn’t think i’d like them that much and luckily nan came and sat next to me saying she was my left hand man. then i guess i was in danny cantu (dressed like eminem) old seat and he kept rolling over to take stuff from his very full drawers of random stuff. i told him to take his time moving everything for some reason. i had a large gallon sized bag of goldfish that i was eating from the whole time with nan and lauren and i’m not sure what the class was about. i was worried that with more people eating my snacks that i’d run out tho.
my next class seemed to be new, and i also had goldfish there too. there was some older black guy in the corner of the room that told me to throw one his way, which he did not catch in his mouth. but it revealed that he was the teacher and that he was 79. i threw him another one which he nearly caught. this class was about a revenge of the sith podcast and i was so happy to be taking classes that i genuinely found interesting. the teacher was showing us this disc shaped container that he said held his lunch and i said that would hold a tart perfectly and then he opened it and it was a tart and we were both so delighted.
later on i guess it was a graduation ceremony/party that also celebrated that teacher as an elder. i went up to him and he had to show me how to properly pay respect. hold out both arms wide, cross your feet, keep your head down and curtesy. i did a bad job but he didn’t mind. he also was indian now. he was tiny and i tried to give him a kiss on the head but some ceremonial thing that was in my mouth poked him instead. we just gave up and i walked away as a line had gathered behind me including dan fethke. i was then roaming around the next section in this big black graduation robe, kind of browsing a store or something. maybe a museum display. but i was like, trying to get dan’s attention from looking hot and trying to hide the fact that i was trying. but he came up to me and told me i didn’t need to wear the robe anymore bc that part was over so I felt dumb lol typical. i went to this closet and tried to hang everything up, very aware that under that robe i was wearing a very sexy little powder blue sateen spaghetti strap dress and heels. dan then helped me out on this oversized retro jacket thing that looked weird but i tried to make it fashion. it was a color slightly off from the dress color and i see why i brought it but it didn’t really work. but i get back to the main hallway and farnaz is there in only an escape the fate tshirt. she apparently met someone and went to a concert with them and hooked up the night before. i then sang the lyrics poorly to a couple of their songs with some other emo friends and then sat down with her to talk about her night though now she was sasha. the guy was with her and they were sitting like they were very close and maybe together now. he worked at mtv and had connections to these shows i guess. he got her a mug from the show but it came in this huge long box that looked like it held stuff to make a kitchen play set.
then i was back in school i guess, where i went to the bathroom and noticed i had a haircut. but i came back to where i had stored my project and that i now had a bag of wet bread that i was supposed to to a presentation on. jimmy carr was making fun of me bc obv a wet bag of bread isn’t ideal. elise vg was also there trying to figure out her own presentation. i think it was to make something creative with only 3 things, one of them being a slice of that bread. apparently i had the bread, a pack of hot dogs, and a french fry. i was in line in the auditorium in the middle school trying to think of what i’d say. i knew i could do this if i could just sell it right but i couldn’t figure out the connection. elise went first, giving me more time to think. i couldn’t stop giggling at how funny my 3 items were and pleased that some how i knew that i was going to win. i was up and my presentation was running. i was trying to read and present it, as i had no idea what was coming up next, but the presentation was moving a bit too fast for me. i knew it was clever but i only said about half the words while handing mrs. flanagan a hotdog. apparently i connected everything back to disney films. the simple fry was some arabian thing from aladdin, the hot dog was the hide from an elephant whose science name was tusk hide or something, idk it made sense. some one nearby was like, “i think she must be foreign” bc arabian nights was playing and i just rolled my eyes hard at joe mitchell who was next up behind me. i didn’t get to the bread meaning or grade bc my alarm went off and woke me up.
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
July 18, 2021
i was engaged to be married to this woman who had the same short haircut as me. i was really stressed and unsure about if i was gay. she said all i needed to do was buy the dress and she would propose. but i didn’t know what to do, but kind of glad it was on me to make the first move in getting the dress. i really wanted to get out of it but it would be a whole thing, but then i saw her kissing another woman and was so relieved that it would be over and not my fault
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
July 11, 2021
i had a dream where i was in a mall pregnant watching a movie but then later i’m anakin but still in modern day life and i’m about to get married to padme and the venue is absolutely packed and ed sheeran was my mate and made fun of me for giving people petrol the last time i saw him and my duty at the wedding was to launch a volleyball into the crowd and i was so bad it went nowhere and ed poked fun of me for that too. and then i didn’t really seem to fit in with any of the wedding celebrations so i was just wandering around by myself and made the worst blueberry tea and slowly a few people came to sit with me bc it was my wedding. then i went to some bathroom where some sketchy old timey man was to give me a tattoo but the ink was so old and everything was shared by other people, ink, needless, all of it and some one came and stopped it but then i went to find my wife and she was lying naked and sweaty asleep on the floor next to a naked and sweaty pete davison who just said “sorry man” and o was devastated
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
March 26, 2021
I was in high school, of course, but had asked my old coworker if I could please try on her dress from an event she went to. She said I could and I went to the next classroom to try it on but the bell rang and I didn’t have time. I guess I had a free period or I just decided not to go anywhere and this was like *my* classroom where I kept stuff. I’m putting away this dress in the bag when out of nowhere Alana Perlstein shows up in the back of the room all smug. She was talking to me about some school thing I must have been a part of that she was questioning me about when I hear the door close behind me. I turn around and standing right behind me is Andrew towering over me.I jumped a little and was like oh, nice to formally meet you I guess but he kissed me on the cheek and Alana was like oh do you know each other? And he was like yeah, she’s my girlfriend. And I’m like (??? This dude is nuts) in my head. So I just start to walk away to put something away in the front of the room and he grabbed my wrist and made me kiss him on the forehead. And I was like oh ok, but also this is weird and embarrassing. But I let it happen too? So I just started tidying up and pat o’reirden (I think) shows up and is Andrew’s friend and Alana is like quizzing them at stuff and everyone is under the assumption that I’m just doing whatever Andrew is doing and I’m thinking this is so awkward and not true but still not saying anything.Then I got into a small debate with pat about clone wars and rebels. He was very into captain syndulla. Anyway. Then some teacher comes in and is like why the fuck are you all here go to class or the main officeSo I start to head towards the main office with a couple people that actually turns out to be the printing place for the school paper which is actually the Harry Potter newspaper. So it’s got all these special presses. But I guess I brought them a problem/story from another dream I had. My friends (these random Asian kids) kept interrupting me and then it was like a froyo order place and they kept flipping the pages to different foods.Then eventually we left and passed by some really beautiful architecture in the car, which Jag and I commented on. Idk who was driving but we were all headed back to Clayton’s house to hang out in the garage and shoot the shit. I think one of the kids was telling me to finish telling my story from earlier at the press, had something to do with stars. But then this other kid has this book of all these delicious Asian jelly desserts that we have to guess the texture of but we could actually poke the dish like it was there. Anyway this is what we did for fun. When out of nowhere Andrew shows up at the garage and is all like what’s up guys! As if he were invited/knew where I was going to be. Made everything very awkward and he kept bringing up acting in the school play that none of us were in and generally speaking like he was casually part of the group. Clayton finally walked thru later and was like yeah you can jam to (some name but it referred to something Andrew was doing in the play) and then he went inside -dick move-. So then someone put music on and these two dudes were almost having a weird dance off against Andrew and just goofing off even tho you could tell Andrew was serious about it. Then I think Sam requested he do a song or dance or something and I guess we had talked about it earlier bc she was laughing out of joy and sending me pics of the relevant meme or whatever. Not making fun of him or anything. I was texting back a drawing I had done of that meme (a mushroom character, cute and grumpy) but as i was trying to send it Andrew grabbed my wrist and was like What are you sending??? And kept trying to snatch my phone out of my hand. I knew the texts wouldn’t look good unless you understood the context but also I text her earlier about the weird Andrew situation, so I was fighting hard for this mf phone. But I also had had enough of this shit and somehow got him on the ground and kicked him out under the garage door (only open like a foot) And with each kick was yelling at him how he had no right to my phone, my privacy, or me, and that I’m not his girlfriend. Then I walked to the window and Clayton popped back into the garage to comment on how Andrew was rolling around in a leaf pile on the street hugging a leaf blower and crying.
Another dream that I’m not gonna write out but I was getting married to someone and was unsure sure about it and then mandalorians started attacking and wandavision super heroes started fighting during my time slot at the hotel and were kind of using us as a lure. I was just trying to get my sneakers on so I could run and this mf dude just comes in and starts fighting me. 
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
March 24, 2021
It started off not bad, I was on holiday in Berlin with I guess my two sisters. Maybe just my sister and my friend. We were getting on a bus and I sat in the back. As soon as I leaned my face on a side pillow, Samara walked on and was wtf are you doing (bc covid and surfaces) and handed me a wipe from a pubic dispenser. I took it and wiped the surface and she was like "so you'd rather waste the peoples tax money" or something of the like and went into everything I was doing wrong from a moment of me not thinking. I was talking over her telling her how much I didn't care what she said, which I thought was maybe not the best thing to say seeing as we were on holiday together, but I guess she let it slide and not upset her in the interest of a civil holiday. We got off the bus and still pickering when I saw someone in a crowd that looked like Nan so I went over and was like Nan? Nan?? And it was not her. She seemed very shy and kind of walked away. My friend who I was with also thought she was Nan and tried to flag her down. Then there was like a group of women who kind of looked like Disney princesses lined up trying to take a photo. I was behind them so I was like oop, better get out of here. And I squeezed through the line and back behind the camera. I guess I decided to make friends with not-Nan because we started talking as if we knew each other. She turned from a Korean lady into a Ketsu Onyo (clone wars) looking woman and started speaking with an accent. She told me she remembered me from 1996 and I was like....?? She turned into this kind of magical mirror woman was telling me it was an age of inspiring women. Then my friends came out to ask the mirror about their cars. We were getting some good intel here but then I saw in the background Richard Ayoade walking up with a small brown dog, similar to Mocha from down the street. When he got close, he turned into then this beautiful model man that we all seemed to be friends with. He had smooth brown skin and a perfect fro and light blue eyes. Wearing a bright yellow sweater and navy pants. He turned to me and asked if I wanted to go to my friends or stay with him. I was all butterflies and thought wow I think I'll take a chance and stay. The scene we were in morphed into his apartment, a beautiful sunny and quirky set up. Mismatched tables and such, but done in a very stylized way. Very sunny in the dining room, as if we were just outside at sunset. He was having a bunch of people over for dinner. While they were all setting up this charming dining room, I was holding the dog like a baby. I was obsessed with this cute pup. Then I saw my old coworker Liam at one of the tables. He looked kind of upset and was talking to himself- the kind of talking where you’re replaying some argument in your head and almost acting it out without realizing it. He seemed so much older here compared to my smooth skinned man and his friends. I asked him if he was okay and if he wanted to go outside for a cigarette (him not me). He looked up at me and then just followed me outside. The apartment opened out on the street. It was a quietish street, seemed European. Definitely a posh area. The street outside the apartment was almost a pedestrian one way road right next to a park. Where the park met the road, the park dipped down a steep hill to a field where there was a big oak tree. I was very excited to hear what he was going to complain about, hoping it would be something about his love life going wrong with Sophia. Though, once outside, I could kind of hear someone yelling for help in the distance but I couldn’t see anyone else moving to respond and I couldn’t really tell where it was coming from. Finally I saw a policeman running from the opposite end of the field toward the oak tree. I walked forward to the edge of the park and looked down and there was some woman with all of her guts spilled out on the grass. I immediately backed away back to the front step of this apartment and felt sick. Liam went over to go have a look after seeing my reaction. I was looking around frantically trying to see who did it. There were two dumb officers up the road looking around. They completely over looked the man that seemed to blend in unless you were looking for him as he was wearing a long peacoat and trousers that were the same shade of dark navy blue as the wall behind him. He was slowly sliding down this stone wall, saturated in blood (hard to see because of the dark color of his coat) and wide eyed, looking for a target. I wish I hadn’t seen him bc he started coming for me next. Metal music started playing in the background lol for the chase I guess. I somehow got him to leave me alone after I started yelling “it’s him! it’s Nick Cage!” and pointing at him, hoping someone would snag him. I thought, " this has to be one of his movies, like Mandy or something." He kind of moved on to a new target and I started heading back to the apartment when I saw some other thing, like a trash can with swords (lol droids) turn and start toward me. I ran inside and locked the door, ignoring the fact that the glass pane on the door was missing (because it was normally such a trusting neighborhood) and that anyone could get it easily. I started to back away and try and to only think positive thoughts even though in the back of my mind I knew they weren't true. Then I woke up.
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
March 13, 2021
I was trying on my friends metal 5 inch heels and found that they were surprisingly comfortable and that I could walk in them easily. I was taking them for a spin around this large room with a lot of aisles. I was quite far away when I heard my friend Danny ask a librarian for help for the kids he was in charge of on a branding project about the kids bop logo and it’s consistency across all of the albums (it was really the now that’s what I call music logo tho). I said I’d help him and I went to one of the large libraries computers on the end cap of an aisle and was trying to google image search the logo but the computer was shit and it wouldn’t load correctly. This old man who was also with them was getting fed up and nearly walked away so I was like well fine if you’re gonna be a dick I won’t help, until he was like ok ok show me how to find this. Then time was running out bc I guess the presentation was next period so I gave up and just started telling Danny stuff to say from my memory of the logo. But this little shit of a kid he was with wasn’t even listening so the efforts felt wasted. They left and I was talking to two friends at the end of the aisles when I see thru the small high up window (like in basements) this man on the roof with a wrench trying to smash the glass to break in. I ran all the way down to the window and got the guys attention. He saw me and gave up immediately trying to get in, but instead chucked in something thru the open part of the window. I just missed it and he ran off. I looked at what he threw and it was what looked like 2 green freeze pops, but I knew it couldn’t be what it looked like so I just started screaming ‘help! help! Some man threw these in the window! We need to get out!’ So everyone was evacuating to the elevators but I was like damn, I really don’t want to leave without my shoes. I was just walking around in socks at that point. The shoes were right next to the freeze pops all the way across the library tho but I decided I wanted them so I ran to pick them up. When I got near I felt that the area around the pops was warmer. I quickly picked up by shoes and ran. I could feel they were hot in my hands and that it was a dumb idea to go get them. I was running toward the elevators as the doors were closing and I just wasn’t fast enough. Everyone else was gone and it was just me left, smashing this button to get the fuck out of there. I felt so dumb and scared and knew I shouldn’t have gone back and was panicking when finally an elevator showed up and took me to the lobby. I thought someone would be mad with me. I couldn’t find who was in charge of the search upstairs but I saw an area to leave clothes so I thought to just put the shoes down there, but knew they’d find traces of what ever was affecting those on my arm anyway.
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
March 10, 2021
I had a dream that I was trying to win some weird beach game but didn’t want to date either of these twins so I guess that means I lost so I got shown off set and when you lose you’re forced to jump to the ground 10 ft and this carnie so ran it was a real dickhead but I timed it right so I didn’t hurt myself. Then Andrew B was like oh I’ll try this game and then far away on top of this giant sand structure he and bunch of other guys were throwing what looked like large foam lucky charm marshmallow shaped hot air balloon pillows as far as they could and you got thru to the next round. Then I was on what was like a room on a boat on a long term passage somewhere, like sailing to America or some shit. But we shared a room with this guy who was actually Kristen Stewart and we had to share one twin bed between the 3 of us Kristen had one bed to himself. Then I was in a study somewhere had to take a csi exam and this one girl cheated by reading the answers out of the teachers booklet but in French, which apparently everyone could understand except for the teacher who did nothing to stop this girl. Another girl was cheating by having a photo album put together of all these black guys with face tattoos of the answers and we had to tell her that was racist to assume that black men would just have tattoos on their faces. And then I was in a small cafe I guess at winter and with a few friends and was poking fun at the wall decoration what was just a painting of poorly laid out tiles and plants but I used it as an excuse to take a pic of this lady in front of it that we didn’t like who was mad twitchy and every time she laughed her eyeball popped out. So we tried to leave but I forgot my shoes so I went back into get them. I was wearing full winter gear minus the red converse that I was looking for. I went around the corner in the cafe and Andrew was waiting for another round of that game (much longer of a game than I thought it’d be). I stood on a chair in the corner reaching up to get what I guess was my shoes but was just some trinket and pretended not to see him until I got down off the chair and then acted surprised and sat down with him. Some jerk sitting next on the other side of him and was spraying water on his very pregnant girlfriends kankles but not giving up his seat for her. She was clearly in a lot of pain but no one helped her. She didn’t look pregnant tho, just oddly lumpy in spots. And then We went to what was my grandmas house where we split up and I kind of snuck in a side door even tho it was just like 20 feet away. I went straight into this room where my aunt had baked all of these incredible Star Wars shaped pastries of the space ships. Immaculate. Also a spread of some collectible uk Star Wars stamps but also mixed onto a sheet of porn stamps? Then I was showing up to her house again but this time it was a different kind of building and I went with my mom. My grandma opened the door and I hugged her. I saw Joe Lycett behind her waiting to say hi, but he walked off.  I went down the hallway to go find him but he wouldn’t put down this baby to give me a hug so we hugged around the baby. very weird. Found my mom and she told me grandma was doing the same- couldn’t remember much and slept most of the time. But I told her that I guess we came at a good time, implying maybe she was gonna die soon? And then woke up.
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
Jan 22 - Jan 24, 2021 bad
Jan 22 - In the dream I was remembering a movie plot that Clayton had once told me about and then living it out in the dream. I was leaving Target with Kristin Stewart and had to make a quick get away, I don’t remember why. We had taken separate cars. There were a bunch of children on bikes in the parking lot and I made sure to take caution when backing out of the spot. Checking my rear view mirror, the next group of children were quite far behind, so I started moving forward quickly. That’s when I felt the car hit and run over invisible children. Invisible, except for the flood of blood that came pouring out from under my car and filling the parking lot. It was a supernatural presence and I needed to keep going. I had to check something in a barrel I left in the woods nearby. Luckily the first one I caught a glimpse of just had boxes in it, but I had a very bad feeling about the other barrel and managed to wake up before checking the second barrel. When I went to tell Clayton that his movie infiltrated my dream, I realized I had dreamt up that movie plot as well. 
Jan 23 - Star Wars filming with Billie eilish. School projects where my two partners left me out of everything for whatever reason so I went scouring the library floor for broken tea pot pieces. Some kid from my high school was bragging that he had maybe an interview with someone named Nick, and I was like Halzack? That’s my brother’s best friend! and was all of a sudden super smug, as though I had an upper hand over him as he appeared kind of scared? I went back to my ‘apartment’, a kind of building with a bunch of offshoots with beds but not really any doors. I was on my bed which was placed right in front of a door that had no door knob on and someone was trying to open it to get in but the bed was in the way. I was pressing against the door as well. Then Lewis tried to shove a banana through the door hole where the knob should be and I was so annoyed, like what the hell are you doing you’re so annoying someone else is trying to get at me. So then I ran off to a different bed area that was mostly all windows and an indoor awning that when opened, blocked the view from the window (even though I could still see out?) I could see out of the window that normal ppl dressed as luke and leia and were helping Jeff goldblum come after me. I moved to a different room that had this kind of outdoor courtyard fountain area next to a lake (honestly, very pretty) and they were getting close but I woke up.
Jan 24 - I had my own apartment in a building next to what was Clayton’s apartment. I was trying to see what Clayton and Andres were up to, so I went to his neighbor’s apartment, who I seem to kind of be friends with but not very much bc she kicked me out. I saw that they were hanging out without me but also with some other really creepy looking guy. They were all going to sleep now anyway so I was going to go home, but I asked Clayton to walk me back to mine bc it was terrifying outside. He was only in his boxers but then put on only pants and was somehow supppper fat, but whatever. I took his arm and we went outside. As we were walking, some guy in a light hoodie and a cartoon clown bear mask popped out of a bush behind us and started running at us, asking if we had phones, but I was like no sorry, and he ran passed us. I knew Clayton was going to head home after reaching my front door, but I knew there was someone waiting inside my dark apartment and I was terrified. but woke up
Jan 24/later - In a spa/bar/restaurant/supermarket. I was being pushed uphill in a wheelchair bc I was lazy, but once we made it into the store, I was embarrassed for Liam to see me like that. I was going down the various aisles when I heard a crash in the aisle next to mine. idk what happened but someone had dropped something, some with sauce and idk. But I headed to the bar where people were talking about the problem and apparently the bar owner was trying to stop these people but had missed his dose of insulin and died or something? Basically it ended with me and 1 other girl being held captive by this crazy girl who trapped us, put nails up thru the floor boards so we couldn’t get anywhere fast as we didn’t have shoes, couldn’t eat bc she tricked us saying she made a pot roast but when I looked at it it was a severed head of someone who was in the bar earlier that she was snacking on. And I was only there because I had done my job of writing down peoples’ addresses like I was supposed to? I had done nothing but I think the girl I was being held with did. The girl holding us made her start eating leaves off a house plant 
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bodega-daydream · 3 years
December 13, 2020
Part one I did not enjoy bc I was in a car with Farnaz and she drove off an actual ledge. I was like hanging on to a rock somehow outside and told her to scramble out but death was like *imminent*.
Part two was in a top floor department store that was like sealed off and not everybody knew how to access it (bad business model) but everything was on crazy sale and we were just trying to buy everything. I was eyeing a small Christmas tree made out of chocolate covered wavy potato chips but it was still $30. It was getting too crazy in this one area of the store so I went to the book section where I was reading Jaisy’s thicc tell all book and it was scandalous but has also been out for 5 years already.
Part three was in this kind of thrift shop store, but just full of all this random stuff. I got these old emerald boots and a ton of small pieces of wood to carve into spoons. While there though, I ran into Clayton’s ex-girlfriend whom I’ve never met before but somehow knew who I was. She was telling me about her (crazy) spiritual healer (was featured in the Jaisy tell-all) and that they were getting married. She invited me to the wedding so I could give her these $90 supplements. After I was heading to school/work and Emily and Sasha were all over my green boots. Sasha was wearing them and was really considering them as if I hadn’t just bought them myself. Finally I got her to take them off so I could wear them and they were so old and really worn. The soles were falling apart. I figured I could take them to a cobbler but for now I could just break off the toe of the sole so you couldn’t tell it was chipped. 
Part four was in school. I was wearing a mermaid costume. But Sam walked in also wearing a mermaid costume. We always ended up wearing them on the same day. But hers was horrible lol bright shiny and blue but ill fitting and boxy. She kept pulling stuffed toys out of it, two birds and a birdcage that she put one of the birds into. Then I saw Jon post something about not being able to make it to the wedding bc covid, but really he just didn’t want to pay to send a emerald earrings to the crazy couple. He was across the room, and on my side of the room we were talking about how cool and funny Jon was and I was bragging that I had been his friend since 7th grade lol Then I had all of these snacks out on a table for myself, but Clayton came by and I insisted he have some cheez-wiz on a cracker so I could tell him about meeting hours Ex. I didn’t get to bc Pat came over and makes one of those school day ‘oooh you’re in love gonna get married’ comments, but cryptic? Then I turned around and everyone was eating my crackers :( at first upset but then I figured they were only $4. And then when someone was trying to explain what Pats comment meant, the whole table and everyone with it except me slid really fast to the far wall like whoa. So I just scooted up to the next table where two people were singing an argument to each other and I was trying not to cry at the emotions of their songs lol but then they left and this ghost that thought I was his showed up and I was like ugh this fuckin guy again, but he was complaining how while he was gone that he had lost me to Luke (skywalker apparently) because he had saved me or something and I just went with it so I’d be rid of him and it worked.
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bodega-daydream · 4 years
November 19, 2020
there was this big ring of death star ships or something and they were all in this giant circle in space and that was to analyze something major to the evil plot, but then one of the ships, with the protagonists (HP and maybe like baby vader thats not anakin?) were on that ship. and bc they already "passed" the analysis, I think bc they were trying to not be suspicious in the eyes of the antagonist, they guy in charge froze their ship while everyone else went on to get what they needed. but froze it in a certain time so that while everyone was taking their time to get stuff, that ship was doomed to hang around there for 30 years. then I think somehow they requested help from ground, which I guess means they were all near earth lol and there were all these secret clues and we were all against young vader but when we got him caught by the cops, he left a cryptic clue that actually was supposed to help us. but I took that clue to Tet and was like yo what does this decipher too. also we met in some weird city at night behind a building, like you know when you drive behind a strip mall and youre not supposed to be there but it aint illegal? there. but then we also went to this store where we'd wait on line to get cookies and I saw my friend James there sitting in his bed next to the line and I was telling people how I visited him in prison but then thought maybe he didnt want people to know he;d been to prison. but then when it was my turn to get the cookies, the guy couldnt say that they didnt have peanuts in them so he recommended I get the donut (and tet backed me in this choice but kind of in one of those do it do it kind of ways) but the donut was a ring donut but still filled all the way around with like, this weird poppy seed passion fruit flavor mix? and it was supposed to make you poop and I was like “....okay but how fast does it work”. and apparently, immediately. then later in there was almost this escape the room type of maze where you had to complete these certain tasks, but scary. There were people trying to shoot you like a video game and you had to take them out and then "get the shirt" but it was very specific team members had to do specific tasks. and I had already gone through it kind of, and had to again but this time with Sam. so I'm trying not to give it away but also kind of pointing her to each thing bc I know she doesn't want to get shot and wants to be done with this. But the "get the shirt" task was hers this time and it was this really cool distressed Harley Davidson long sleeve grey shirt.
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bodega-daydream · 4 years
November Friday the 13th, 2020
I was supposed to be hanging out with the old gang; David, Angela, Britney, Chris(ex); and making cookies. But as I was going through the stuff in the kitchen with only Chris, I kept asking if I could take old things. There were tons of these old boxes of muffin mix and other things, but I guess I was doing it in a slightly suggestive way? Not like sexy.. idk, but he got really upset and said I ruined cookie night. Then David got upset with me for upsetting Chris and I tried to repair everything saying I'll put it all back and make cookies for everyone bc I felt bad. Then there was a part where I was sneaking around this small sort of reservoir at night to try and get a picture of the huge moon. There were three wooden structures that went over the water and I navigated my way across one of them and just had to shimmy over to the next to get on top to get the photo but then someone else showed up so I went to the third one but there were HUGE spiders everywhere. like all tarantula sized, just chillin. So I got too spooked and didn't get the shot.Then I was in my family room and where the old keyboard used to be was instead a large sink. I also had this baby and I was way into having this baby. It was so cute and soft and I gave it a bath in the sink and it was having so much fun and then we took a nap on the couch right next to the sink. Then my mom came to relieve me from baby-duty. End of baby existence in dream)At some point I went into my mom's room and she was sitting with her legs on her desk scratching them and the room was filled with SO much dust from it and I was like YOU'RE THE REASON IT'S SO DUSTY IN HERE.Then I was in a store and my friend was trying on clothes. But as I was looking around, I saw the mini skirt (Vivid jungle green with a bright yellow trim, lined linen, couple fabric buttons down the front) and matching top that I saw in a catalog and was so thrilled to try it on. My mom tried to follow me into the changing room and I was like bitch no. Then I was in this beach city. It almost felt like a real life version of a city from star wars, very crowded and busy with so much going on. I was with a group of friends and we were just walking up a street when I saw some guy poking a frog that was on top of a large lizard that was holding a baby lizard. but as I got closer and the frog jumped away, I saw these huge rainbow chameleons in the trees! They were like 3 ft long and so so cute. The closer we got, the more we saw in the trees, like 5 of them. I thought about living in this beach city because it was so friendly and had so many reptiles around. Then one of the chameleons floated down to us and turned itself into a large raft. I asked if it would take us on a ride in the ocean and he said he would (deep voice) if one of us could answer his riddle. I don't know what it was but someone else in the crew got it so we got to go on the sentient chameleon boat, we just had to meet him at the very far end of the beach in time. So we were running down this beach, passed the Amendola's Pizza shack and passed a Miley Cyrus sitting on the ground outside of another food shack (there was a solid row of these on the back edge of the beach). I shouted at her that she was so cool. We made it to the end of the beach but then entered this bar/restaurant that Logan(ex) owned. It was kind of space crafty in a way that it was dark, cluttered and small. I think this was now our spaceship that was taking us on some sort of mission but I was trying to get Logan alone to talk to him but he wasn't having it. He went into the back to go to the bathroom but it turned out it was an individual escape craft and he jetted off without us and we were like well fuck, now what. But that apparently didn’t affect the mission at all. Then I was at home on my couches with Ben Greengrass and I think Ben Page-Gil. We were watching whatever it is we just shot and Ben G was asking why it was so difficult to film and I was like 'oh, bc my ex and the guy I was currently seeing (and cheating on, she said in her head) on were both there.'
Also at some point at this beach town I was joking with someone and they told me to lure this guy I didn’t want to talk to off the edge of the beach - and I mean the edge of the beach, it was this crazy steep slope, like 13 degrees and a 50ft drop to the waves crashing at the bottom. I was looking at it and didn't know if anyone could actually make it back up. but I accidentally slipped off the edge of this and was hanging on and trying to crawl my way back up while my 2 friends sat on beach chairs in front of me. I was very nearly there when a rare and HUGE wave crashed into me and everyone was like ooooooooh! but then I just managed to get back up. I don’t know how they could have suggested I lure a man off the edge of this for entertainment. Also I'd like to point out the atmosphere of this beach town was like kind of dark always. Not night and not necessarily cloudy, but like a deep teal sky that felt comforting.
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bodega-daydream · 4 years
November 3, 2020
I think my dream started out as far as I can remember with me walking around the neighborhood by myself I was walking really really fast. There are a lot of people and kids outside to where maybe trick-or-treating they had no personal space bubbles and then there are cops that were coming around, more like special agents, that were asking Questions about what we’ve been doing because someone complained about their tree branches being touched or something. Then my grandma was a substitute Teacher at school and then my mom showed up and then we were and what was once an apartment that I lived in that was huge and my grandma was trying to help me buy it. Then I was On the roof of the building and you can see there was a huge basketball court and people on the street playing with this giant inflatable ball and would take it up onto the roof and you had to throw it back but there is a fence on the side so it’s really hard to get it over the fence. Then at some point I was On kind of a train that was kind of like the Hogwarts express but I was also just building. Richard Ayoade was on the train and I think me and him and a bunch of other kids were trying to figure out some puzzles because this was also at school. I think I had some sort of Ron Hermione relationship going on because there was tension so I think maybe I was also In a gay relationship but not sure I wanted to be in one? But at some point we all gathered in a classroom which was actually just my bedroom and we all faced my closet and some guy was showing us these bizarre clips that supposedly had multiple meanings to them. And in one of them it sucked you into their world and you were the protagonist and had to make the decisions and I had to drink some champagne or something in order to send me back through space and back into my former reality. I don’tKnow how to describe that part because it was so abstract but it was really mind blowing. Similar to a sci fi film when the character is the first human ever to discover something bigger than humanity and can barely comprehend it, but it was beautiful. Then I woke up on The floor in an empty room that I had been hanging out in before but knew it was still a dream and had to shake myself out of that dream to find out if I was still dreaming. I think I woke up in another dream more like reality because I checked the time and I had Only 40 minutes to sketch before I had to send my work to Tierney for the real life meeting that I have today at 3. But I was so distressed that I woke up so late. But I was somehow thinking this was still a dream and was able to wake up for real. 
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bodega-daydream · 4 years
October 30, 2020
I just had a crazy dream. I was supposed to go on a date with Dennis Dunne and I decided to wear my sisters junior prom dress. And then I was like should we take your car out separate cars and he was like uhhhhh separate and then got into his car and drove up to my neighbors driveway and called me saying maybe we shouldn’t bc of Covid and I was like bitch I knew you didn’t want to do this. But then my dad had him help move furniture outside. Then I was at a work function and we were celebrating someone so I went to get the cake out of the restaurants fridge and when I got back the restaurant was like you’ve all been here for 19 minutes and that’s too long so they sold all of our belongings and I spent the rest of the Dream trying to get back my coat and was crying over it and yelled at an employee who took me to first class duty free and instead tried to give me a bunch of albums to replace my coat
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