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THE SCORPIO FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE IS HAPPENING ON MAY 5 at 10:34 am Pacific🌟Though it may be Cinco de Mayo here in California, this is not a Party Moon🌟The annual Scorpio Full Moon is known as Wesak or the Buddha Full Moon🌟It is deeply intuitive, introspective and acknowledged as the moon of the Buddha’s Enlightenment pertaining Birth, Death and Rebirth..themes of Scorpio🌟The Watery Scorpio Moon opposes the Earthy Taurus Sun at 15• which is conjunct both Mercury and Uranus🌟When Mercury and Uranus meet up with the Sun in Taurus, Earthly Enlightenment is absolutely possible in the magic of this lunation🌟The key is to get Actively Still and Sensitive (Mars in Cancer) to the Hidden Gems embedded in the wounds, trauma and healing/recovery of Chiron in Aries🌟This is an Immediately Felt Positive Reconfiguration of Body, Mind and Spirit if we choose to go inward🌟Chiron is inconjunct the Scorpio Moon so dig deep, become a detective of your soul🌟Follow all the clues to find Freedom from the Bondage of Ego (Edging God Out)🌟Pluto the co-ruler of Scorpio stands still at 0• Aquarius RX, while Mars in Cancer the other ruler of Scorpio is feeling protective of his soft underbelly🌟Chariklo in Aquarius (the goddess planetoid wife of Chiron) is opposite Lilith (Shadow Work) forming a Fixed Grand Cross to the Sun and Moon🌟This is Concentrated Energy that is slow to budge, but must🌟We are breaking out of old patterns, leaving the past behind🌟Embrace this Threshold of Change🌟Good Fortune is sprinkling in through Venus sextile Jupiter, but her square to Neptune says we’re prone to deceiving ourselves, over-imbibing, and missing the treasure chest of rewards🌟Take a big Pause to Go Within and connect with Source Energy🌟Eclipse energies play out for up to 6 months going forward🌟Make Daily Meditation your absolute go-to for the Fortunes of Inner Peace, Joy and Love🌟DM for Readings🌟#fullmooneclipse #scorpiofullmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr10M5Sv-QS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A RARE 2ND ARIES HYBRID NEW MOON LANDS APRIL 19 AT 9:13 PM PACIFIC🌟It is directly followed by a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in TAURUS at 1:14 am on the 20th as the SUN ENTERS TAURUS🌟And..on the 21st MERCURY STATIONS RETROGRADE🌟Wow! This is a Powerhouse of Shape Shifting Celestial Happenings all at once💫🌟The Taurus Solar Eclipse at 29•50” then creates a solid Fixed Square to Death/Rebirth Agent Pluto at 0•( Pluto newly in Aquarius)🌟Dang..it’s all so Karmic🌟It’s like the rare double Aries New Moons are lighting the Fire for radical New Beginnings, but then the Earthy Taurus Eclipse Energy immediately demands a reset of our intentions🌟Mercury conjunct Wild Card Uranus in Taurus gifts us the ability to deftly shift our thinking/perceptions to adapt to our shifting circumstances🌟This is more than personal..it’s Collective as Pluto and Uranus are prominent🌟The US Pluto Return which is doing an overhaul on our country is also strongly assisted by this Eclipse in getting rid of the dead wood, transmuting the stagnation, and evolving into the New Paradigm🌟Giant Jupiter conjunct Rabble Rouser Eris are part of this Firey Aries Stellium, ensuring Big Drama in the headlines🌟By all accounts we collectively will be changed in one way or another🌟Mercury RX in Taurus will then stop us in our tracks until May 14 to thoughtfully, perhaps tediously regroup ourselves to all the shifts and changes of perception we’ve gone through🌟We’re in the Spin Cycle..and remember..Normal is just a setting on your washing machine🌟Keep an Open Mind🌟Change or Be Changed🌟Shift Happens🌟DM for readings🌟#solareclipse #astrology (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrPep1YLOxG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE LIBRA FULL MOON is happening April 5 at 9:34 pm Pacific🌟Supernatural Healing on all dimensions of all our relationships is coming through strong with the Aries Sun conjoining Chiron and Jupiter..all opposite the Libra Full Moon🌟Aries is the Individual and Libra is Relationships🌟Our main relationship with ourselves is the crux of the acupuncture needle that will send healing through all the meridians of our body🌟As we heal ourselves, our relationships with others naturally heals🌟We’ve all been feeling this Chiron influence for days as the Aries Sun has been approaching him (now cazimi) and alchemizing Chiron’s strong Wounded Healer energies🌟Go with it. Heal Thyself..Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Energetically and Spiritually🌟Additionally, we have a beautiful Grand Water Trine amongst Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces and the South Node in Scorpio indicating very good, flowing, healing energy coming through🌟This Grand Water Trine is attached to Mercury conjunct the North Node in Taurus creating a Kite configuration🌟It shows us moving from the heady Aries-Mercury energy into the intelligence of the embodied Taurus-Mercury🌟Any good healer will tell you to drop into the wisdom of the heart down into the intelligence of the body🌟This devotion to healing and listening to our bodies will serve us well as we move into the volatility of the coming Eclipse Season and Mercury Retrograde🌟We have a rare second Aries New Moon on April 20 giving us an Aries Solar Eclipse at the potent aneretic 29• of Aries🌟Just hours later the Sun enters Taurus, and on April 21 Mercury stations RX in Taurus🌟More to come on all of that..follow my Daily IG Stories🌟In Love and Healing🌻❤️🌻#horoscope #librafullmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqrkvmLuJSQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE ARIES NEW MOON ARRIVES ON MARCH 21 on the coattails of the Spring Equinox making this a 00• Aries New Moon🌟Amazingly, there will be a second Aries New Moon on April 20, underscoring New Beginnings like never before🌟Aries, the first sign of the zodiacal new year, likes to jump into action taking things head on🌟Yet in the midst of this eager new born ram energy we have two major shifts in the outer planets🌟Saturn has entered Pisces for 2 1/2 years, and Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23 for approximately 20 years🌟This is a huge shakeup for the patriarchy as both Saturn and Pluto are old man guys used to running the Collective Show🌟Saturn can’t get much traction in Pisces to continue his rigid rules and control issues on society..in Pisces things just go this way and that creatively🌟Pluto is at his endgame in his rulership over Patriarchal Traditional Systems in Capricorn since 2008🌟His move into Aquarius is about the Future and Community, not the Past and the 1%🌟Mars the planet of action and ruler of Aries makes close aspects to the Aries Sun and Moon, to Saturn and the Nodes of Collective Fate🌟Yet, he enters Cancer on March 25 where he’d rathe sidestep things and hide in his shell until the opportune moment to seize the day/prey🌟This is a good reminder that Strategic Action rather that Action for Action’s sake wins the day🌟Mercury in Aries is conjunct this New Moon so our minds and mouths may be running a little too quickly🌟Nevertheless, jot all this rush of inspiration down to flesh out, and take action when the time is right. Use your quick mouth to give compliments, and recite affirmations and mantras🌟Back to Pluto..this is Huge for the USA as it’s our first Pluto Return since the country was founded🌟Pluto wants us to deal with our Collective Shadow and Be Reborn🌟Aquarius wants Freedom, Change and Community🌟These are the big underlying themes being laid in place this week that roll out over the next 20 years🌟It’s probably the biggest week of the year🌟Happy Spring Equinox Everyone💐🌸💐🌸💐Dm for readings. Link in profile🌟#horoscope #ariesnewmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBw49aPmQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE VIRGO FULL MOON Arrives March 7 at 4:40 AM Pacific with SATURN ENTERING PISCES at 5:35 AM🌟That’s Massive Shift!🌟Full moons signify letting go, while Pisces as the last sign of the zodiac is endings🌟It’s time to stop the perfectionism and fixing (Virgo) and let go into the Mystical Flow of Pisces🌟Yet, Saturn is restriction, discipline, timelines, boundaries, structure🌟Saturn in Pisces is closing the door on what’s no longer working creatively, spiritually, and with healing🌟It’s asking us to have the faith and discipline, to trust and move forward along unfamiliar paths that will take elbow grease and perhaps isolation to Create Anew🌟Multiple easy-flowing trines and sextiles light up this chart including a beautiful trine from the Moon to Freedom-loving Uranus🌟Saturn at 0• trines the South Node in Scorpio…all three together is a massive dump of what’s no longer viable, reasonable, or in our Highest Good🌟It’s time to cut the losses, clinging to the past, and trust the process🌟You already know what you’ve been evolving towards🌟Pluto makes a landmark move into Aquarius on March 23 that shows up as Huge Shifts in the Zeitgeist🌟Pluto at 29• Capricorn has already been hanging out in T-Square to the North and South Nodes of Collective Karma/Destiny🌟He’s been in Capricorn since 2008 and is finally done removing old structures, and in Aquarius is excited to invent something new🌟The Full Moon is opposite Neptune in Pisces showing us longing for the past, attached to nostalgia🌟Let’s not throw out the baby with the bath water🌟Not all of the bones of our foundations and structure need to be scrapped🌟Virgo is Refinement, Discernment, Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff🌟Mercury in Pisces whispers into the ears of Past and Present Karma/Destiny about Magical Ways to Open the Doors of Perception🌟Stay Curious🌟Repurpose, Recycle, Reinvent🌟Virgo likes to clean and take out the trash🌟Start with one small drawer or corner and start making room for the new to be born🌟In Trust, Faith and Love🌟DM for Readings. Link in Bio🌟#astrology #virgofullmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpbZxO1pVW7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Ethereal Pisces Super New Moon lands February 19 at 11:06 pm Pacific🌟Heralded by The Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces (Neptune rules Pisces), this is the fourth consecutive New Moon at 1• putting extra emphasis on New Beginnings🌟Pisces Themes include: Joy, Love, Beauty, Compassion and Spirituality, as well as Illusion, Delusion, and Addiction🌟Saturn forms an out-of-sign conjunction to the Pisces Sun/Moon gifting us great Discipline, Order, Structure and Commitment to rein in our Pisces Hopes, Wishes and Dreams🌟Our Visions can come true if we Work for them🌟This is Practical Spirituality🌟As the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces is about Release and Letting Go🌟Healing & Ending Old Behaviors, Attitudes, and Beliefs is in order🌟Decluttering is a great Support to us at this time..physically, mentally, emotionally and psychically🌟Recommit to daily Meditation, Yoga, Time in Nature and Spiritual Practices by leaning into Neptune to access your Angels, Guides, And Ascended Masters🌟Spirit Guides and Planetary/Star energies will be easier to access and thrilled to hear from you🌟Learn to commune with them under the night sky🌟The Jupiter-Chiron conjunction is helping Expand Healing and Spiritual Studies🌟The Environmental Asteroids Makemake and Haumea ask to be called on for Earth Healing🌟Makemake calls on us to be Earth Warriors, to protect and clean up our Mother Earth🌟Haumea is calling us to clean up the Waters🌟With Saturn entering Pisces on the Virgo Full Moon March 7, and Pluto entering Aquarius to challenge the Karmic Nodes of the Collective for years to come on March 23, we have unavoidable responsibilities to put Earth Health first for the Good of All🌟These are life changing transits🌟Keep your Practical Spirituality Strong🌟DM me for readings🌟Link in bio🌟#horoscope #piscesnewmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co3G2DSun76/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE LEO FULL MOON comes in on February 5 at 10:29 am Pacific opposing the Aquarius Sun and forming a T-Square to Uranus in Taurus🌟This conglomeration of Fixed signs can each hold their ground like nobody’s business, which makes them both stubborn and tenacious🌟Our missing Fixed sign influence is Scorpio, deep and mysterious🌟Uranus is the Wild Card, and also rules Aquarius, so we’ve got a double dose of potent Change and Unexpected Happenings🌟Those with the Moon in Leo have a quiet, yet unmistakable shining aura to them🌟Leos love fiercely and devotedly, are dramatic and creative, and require much attention🌟We all have Leo in our chart somewhere, and that area is where we’ll want to focus on loving ourselves and not requiring approval from others🌟The Aquarius area of our charts will signify the need for independence, logic, and being a little or a lot different🌟So we find ourselves on this full moon with both the desire to be seen and admired (Leo), and challenged by our need for freedom and doing our own thing (Aquarius)🌟As we grapple with this tension within ourselves, there is Uranus in Taurus throwing shade on both our Leo and Aquarius selves battling for our true sense of self🌟Uranus is a Lightening Bolt of Awareness, a startling lightbulb of truth awakening inside each of us to how our fixations and patterns of fear-based control limit our growth and happiness🌟Notice old clinging to aversions and addictions and become willing to thank them for their service up to this point🌟Then become curious about how painful and limiting these deep-seated (even ancestral) ways of being are, and choose to hang in the Mysterious Void of Scorpio (which also has its own power issues)🌟This will be our assignment this weekend..to surrender what’s no longer serving our highest good, and accept the cosmic invitation to just Love🌟Loving ourselves and others in our struggle to be real, we will find great relief in the New You and Me we have suddenly stepped into🌟It’s in our faces, yet ever so subtle🌟Practice Pausing🌟Pushing is passé🌟DM me for readings..I’ll soon have a scheduling system that works😂#astrology #leofullmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoO3hclucjw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THIS AQUARIUS SUPER NEW MOON IS A POWERFUL PORTAL OF UPGRADES happening JANUARY 21 at 12:53 pm Pacific🌟The Sun just entered Aquarius on the heels of both Mercury and Mars exiting their retrogrades, and now here is the Aquarius Super New Moon!🌟That’s a lot of big cosmic events packed together🌟And then on January 22 we have the Chinese Year of the Water Rabbit beginning, which is said to bode well for peace, harmony, fertility, prosperity and new beginnings, Plus Uranus stationing Direct!🌟Wowza..We’ll take it!🌟Remembering that the USA is in the beginning stages of its first Pluto Return, note that Pluto closely conjuncts the New Moon🌟Pluto signals deep transformation, depth psychology, surrender, and acceptance of divine detours leading us to Something Divinely Ordained🌟When Pluto us present, the ego must bow to Something Sacred emerging from the depths of letting go🌟Letting go, as in an epochal change for all of us, because Pluto is exiting Capricorn after 15 years of excavating the Established Order, and entering the Future Trip Ship Aquarius on March 23🌟Additionally, Black Moon Lilith in Leo is exactly opposite this Aquarius New Moon, underscoring that Shadow Work is required to mine the prosperity, happiness, peace and fertility promised by the Water Rabbit🌟Life is Yin-Yang, Shadow and Light🌟The strength of Aquarius is Individuality in alliance with the Highest Good of the Collective🌟Mars in Gemini is standing still after 5 months RX, getting his bearings, along with Mercury in Capricorn taking teensy baby steps to readjust to forward movement🌟The Doors of Freedom are wide open🌟Pause and take it all in, there’s no need to rush, but get going in the direction your heart takes you🌟Adapt to your cage door opening, and Sing Your Songs of Freedom🌟Trust the process🌟Create from Faith one step at a time🌟DM for readings. Link in Bio🌟#astrology #horoscope (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnqrF_suqWE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE CANCER FULL MOON arrives with Divine Mother Healing Energy on January 6 at 3:08 pm Pacific🌟And..I could not stop cooking tonight😅🌟Under the Cancer Moon’s insistence I whipped up coconut curry roasted squash soup with my new immersion blender🌟While Joni Mitchell’s Mingus album played I improvised soup toppings..sautéed marinated tofu and crimini mushrooms🌟It turned out amazingly nurturing and warming on a cold winters night, just as Cancer the Divine Mother would have it🌟Luna opposes the Capricorn Sun/Mercury RX conjunction, and together they form a T-Square to Chiron in Aries🌟We travel backwards in time to a place that continues to hold Healing and Mentorship for us🌟This place lives in our bones guiding us on our way home wherever life may take us🌟Honoring Grandmother’s recipes and Grandfather’s hard work out in the field, we are led to an eternal flame of peace, ease and comfort that’s always there for us🌟We can do our part with attention to ancestral healing during this Capricorn Season to connect to our ancestral roots, finding balance within our selves and our lives🌟We can use this Mercury-Mars RX time to go deep within ourselves praying, meditating and vision questing🌟Because..soon Mars, then Mercury and finally Change-Agent Uranus will turn direct (January12, 18, and 22 respectively), and at that point everything moves ahead at warp speed🌟No need to worry that you can’t get going or can’t figure it out, or feel blocked right now🌟Things are as they cosmically need to be to get us connected to our New Path and New Life that is always percolating perfectly on our own behalf🌟The outer action steps come later🌟Inner work is essential now🌟Uranus saturates this Full Moon chart with quirky lefts and rights over the coming days leading into the Aquarius New Moon on January 20 when things are ready to launch forward at a dynamic pace🌟Full Moons are for letting go🌟Let go of resistance to taking good care of yourself🌟Let’s Commit to Mothering and Fathering Ourselves beautifully and watch with wonder what New Life is forming within us🌟Be Kind to Yourself🌟DM for readings🌟#horoscope #fullmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnEKO1durP4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE CAPRICORN SUPER NEW MOON surfaces on December 23 at 2:17 am Pacific🌟Following on the heels of the Winter Solstice and the Sun’s ingress into Capricorn, the New Moon joins a massive hardworking Capricorn Stellium🌟Jupiter who just segued into Enthusiastic Firey Aries stands in close square to the Capricorn Sun & Moon, and shows us excited and willing to roll up our sleeves to get to work on our hopes, wishes and dreams🌟Chiron in Aries stations direct just an hour before the New Moon lunation seeding our intentions with healing, learning and mentors🌟As much as this New Moon just wants to get down to business, Jupiter in Aries may want to party too so discernment and balance are key🌟Mercury joins Mars in Retrograde motion on December 29🌟Mars stations direct on January 12 followed by Mercury on the 18th🌟We may have the greatest of resolutions to make things happen, but the Mercury/Mars RXs insist on taking it slow🌟Dot the i’s, cross the t’s, and review/strategize your inspirations before launching anything🌟There are 4 Mercury RX’s in 2023 (usually 3), along with multiple important sign changes in the first half of the year🌟This signals the need to stay patient, diligently working behind the scenes, tending to our health, and keeping our eye on the prize🌟Those planet sign changes that will bring major collective newness to our lives are: Jupiter into Aries and then Taurus, Saturn into Pisces, and Pluto into Aquarius along with the Eclipse cycles beginning to move from Taurus-Scorpio into Aries-Libra🌟Stay flexible with childlike curiosity as you Create, Create, Create🌟DM for readings..link in bio🌟#horoscope #astrology (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmgHecUu3KV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE CAPRICORN SUPER NEW MOON surfaces on December 23 at 2:17 am Pacific🌟Following on the heels of the Winter Solstice and the Sun’s ingress into Capricorn, the New Moon joins a massive hardworking Capricorn Stellium🌟Jupiter who just segued into Enthusiastic Firey Aries stands in close square to the Capricorn Sun & Moon shows us excited and willing to roll up our sleeves and get to work on our hopes, wishes and dreams🌟Chiron in Aries stations direct just an hour before the New Moon lunation seeding our intentions with healing, learning and mentors🌟As much as this New Moon just wants to get down to business, Jupiter in Aries may want to party too so discernment and balance are key🌟Mercury joins Mars in Retrograde motion on December 29🌟Mars stations direct on January 12 followed by Mercury on the 18th🌟We may have the greatest of resolutions to make things happen, but the Mercury/Mars RXs insist on taking it slow🌟Dot the i’s, cross the t’s, and review/strategize your inspirations before launching anything🌟There are 4 Mercury RX’s in 2023 (usually 3), along with multiple important sign changes in the first half of the year🌟This signals the need to stay patient, diligently working behind the scenes, tending to our health, and keeping our eye on the prize🌟Those planet sign changes that will bring major collective newness to our lives are: Jupiter into Aries and then Taurus, Saturn into Pisces, and Pluto into Aquarius along with the Eclipse cycles beginning to move from Taurus-Scorpio into Aries-Libra🌟Stay flexible with childlike curiosity as you Create, Create, Create🌟DM for readings..link in bio🌟#horoscope #astrology (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmgHecUu3KV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE GEMINI FULL MOON SWINGS IN ON DECEMBER 7 at 8:08 pm Pacific🌟Exhibiting the Joy of the Sun in Jovial Sagittarius opposing the Gemini Moon’s Dualistic Nature, this Full Moon is not sure where it’s going, but it’s going!🌟Only an hour after the lunation, Mars RX in Gemini exactly conjuncts the Full Moon🌟Moon-Mars stuff can be edgy and uncomfortable, and that is amplified by the Full Moon🌟Plus, Mars is Out-of-Bounds which means running rogue and impulsive🌟Additionally, we have the Sun conjunct the Great Attractor and Venus conjunct the Galactic Center, so we are in a powerful Portal of Deep Space talking to us🌟This Portal is active throughout December, and with Jupiter hovering in the last most potent degrees of Pisces the Eternal One, anything is possible with visitations/visions/awakenings/activations from our Spirit Guides and Angels🌟Keep your feet on the ground though, as Neptune in Pisces widely conjunct Jupiter creates a challenging T-Square with the Sagittarius Sun opposing Moon-Mars in Gemini🌟Neptune can be inspirational, yet highly prone to delusion and illusion..have a sober driver if you’re out partying this holiday season🌟And check yourself for foot-in-mouth disease (Sagittarius) and TMI/Gossip (Gemini) throughout Sagittarius Season, but especially on this Rogue Full Moon🌟December can be an excellent time for a year end personal inventory/gratitude list for 2022’s lessons, as well as vision boarding/vision questing/card readings for 2023 which will promise multiple major planet sign shifts🌟As great change is on the horizon for 2023, let’s practice gratitude for the grace that has brought us through the recent Eclipses and the life-changing challenges of 2020-2022🌟It’s time to Let Go Big Time🌟Be done with Scarcity/Survival Mode Thinking (Gemini)and Trust/Take Calculated Risks (Sagittarius)🌟This is a most Sacred Time of Year as Darkness gives way to the Light on Winter Solstice December 21🌟Bright Blessings, Swift Healings and Multiple Miracles Upon Miracles are Unfolding🌟Sometimes Quickly, Sometimes Slowly, Faith plus Work is the Key🌟DM me for readings..Link in Bio🌟#fullmoon #astrology #geminifullmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl0WsmiOYyd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON ARRIVES November 23 AT 2:57 pm Pacific just as it’s Ruler Jupiter stations Direct in Pisces..Wow🤩🌟This is Big, and Positive which will feel great after such a turbulent Eclipse Season🌟Hurray!🌟Immense Letting Go has led us to Rebirth with Sagittarius Season now underway🌟It’s so powerful with Jupiter in Pisces, the Ancient Ruler of Sagittarius, combining with Sagittarius the modern day ruler🌟Sagittarius takes risks, dreams big, and adventures far and wide🌟Its ok to come out from under the covers now and choose to feel good🌟Feeling Good Feels Good, and that can be born out of Gratitude for the Small yet Large things like Love, Family and Friendship🌟Jupiter the Philosopher is conjunct widely to Neptune in Pisces the Spiritual Knower of Eternity🌟Epiphanies Abound as they trine the Sagittarius Sun and Moon along with Mercury and Venus also in that Sagittarius Stellium🌟This bodes so well for Personal/Family/Friends Communications,Negotiations and Reasoning Things Out🌟Sagittarius can be quite opinionated, so allow everyone their opinions, remain curious and remember it’s not personal..maybe set a timer for everyone to get things off their chests🤪🌟Mars in Gemini RX reminds us to be patient as his cycle is nearly 6 months long, whew!🌟These communications/negotiations will go out over the months ahead with Mars stationing direct in January, but not totally done debating until March🌟Sagittarius lends us joviality going into the HoliDaze, but can overdo on extravagance🌟Remember, Less is still More, And, we can be happy about not debting and feeling the freedom in spending wisely🌟Mercury and Venus trine Chiron in Aries..healing comes from heartfelt communications🌟Overall these are the most positive vibes we’ve seen from a lunation all year🌟Thank the Stars and Stay Close to Creator🌟Enjoy Feeling Good..it’s Ok, honest💯🌟DM for Readings; link in Bio🌟Beautiful Art by #stephankindermann🌟#astrology #sagittarius (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUf8AWy7zR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE Taurus FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE arrives on November 8 at 3:02 am Pacific🌟This Earthy, Centered Blood Moon of Life Force Energy is exactly conjunct Radical Change Agent Uranus at 16•🌟Eclipses always bring Shift and Change, but this one is Mega Watt No Nonsense Voltage🌟They are also closely conjunct the North Node of our Collective Destiny🌟We are meant to head in the Direction of this Divinely Appointed Moment of Serendipity and Synchronicity🌟We are forced to take our hands off the Wheel of our Desires and Plans🌟Let’s prepare to have our Minds Blown as the Sun/Mercury conjunct in Scorpio oppose the Moon/Uranus in Taurus🌟The Sun/Mercury are near conjunct with the South Node of our collective Karma in Scorpio, so there may be something Ancestral deep within our bones yearning for this Electrical Jolt🌟The Ancient meets the Future in a Cosmic Dance of Letting Go to Be Reborn🌟Our Current Values (Taurus) are being shocked into Revolutionary “New” Ways of Being that are informed by the Wisdom Ways of the Ancients🌟This is a Somatic Experience..be in your Body..tend to your Body🌟Let your Head Surrender to your Heart🌟The Heart knows best🌟As Shock Waves come, Responsible Saturn in Aquarius holds the Tension Inventively and requests our Childlike Trust to Respond with Love and Creativity🌟Jupiter conjunct Neptune is Pisces is nearby gaining strength over the coming weeks granting us a sense of Spiritual Knowingness that Passeth All Understanding🌟They are involved in the Grand Dissolution necessary to bring the people of our world closer together🌟Be quiet on Eclipse Days🌟These are Subtle yet Powerful Lunar Gateways requesting our trust to go inward🌟Stop Doing and Be🌟Meditation, Warm Baths, Gentle Yoga, Quiet Meandering in Nature, Hydration🌟DM for readings. Link in Bio🌟#astrology #fullmooneclipse (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckrk_8vplkj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We have a SCORPIO NEW MOON PARTIAL ECLIPSE today, November 25 at 3:49 am Pacific🌟New Moons are generally for New Beginnings to Initiate something you’d like to bring forth🌟But..this being an eclipse, the new beginning focuses on Surrender and Letting Go of something no longer serving our Highest Good🌟The Sun, Moon and Venus are all conjunct in Scorpio at 2• exact🌟The Number Two represents Relationships, and Venus and Scorpio are most certainly all about that🌟Scorpio relationship themes are: Intensity, Intrigue, Desire, Power Dynamics, and ultimately Surrender🌟If you are Patient, Surrender can be the Big Win🌟We can harness the ego and not let pride trip us up before we really know what’s going on Behind the Scenes🌟Because, Behind the Scenes is the place of Mystery and Intrigue the Scorpio Solar Eclipse is taking us🌟Jupiter in Aries plays into this Chiaroscuros by an inconjunct to the Scorpio Trio🌟Inconjuncts are the things we don’t know that are trying to communicate with us from around the corner..Ancestral Spirits, Angels or Spirit Animals perhaps🌟Jupiter in Aries could be conveying a message to Expand and Initiate something outwardly that’s just too impetuous for the Depth Psychology of the Scorpio New Moon’s mission within a Solar Eclipse Portal🌟And, in a few hours of the New Moon Lunation, the Scorpio Moon opposes both the Collective North Node Destiny point as well as Uranus in Taurus🌟This could shake the Secrets out of the Scorpio Trio that redirects us in a radical new direction🌟Scorpio rules Birth, Death and Rebirth🌟There could be a Dearly Departed Loved One trying to contact us..Listen..Feel🌟A Solar Eclipse plays out over the coming six months🌟Chiaroscuro is the Play of Light and Dark, or Lila the Sanskrit term for All is Divine Play🌟Invite Spirit in now to be the Guiding Light through the coming months🌟Check out my link above for readings🌟Follow my daily IG Stories for the latest Astro Inspiration🌟#horoscope #scorpio (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkKY0EKrnfx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE ARIES FULL MOON LANDS ON OCTOBER 9 at 1:55 pm Pacific🌟The flavor is Deep Intensity as Pluto has just stationed direct at 26•Capricorn positively aspected by Mercury the Messenger in Virgo🌟We are deeply in touch and affected by the Collective Trauma and thankfully able to communicate about it, not hide it🌟Mercury is the only Planetary god (a Psychopomp) allowed by Pluto into the Shadowy Realms of the Underworld, and his forte is Communication🌟He is coming back from his Retrograde convos with Pluto now, and as we can see Much is Being Revealed in the the Body Politic🌟The Aries Full Moon is conjunct Chiron where we are stepping into our Healing Powers with humility and enthusiasm🌟The pair opposes the Libra Sun conjunct Venus to crack any remaining superficial veneers wide open🌟Beauty is not enough; justice,fairness and balance must prevail🌟There are multiple other storylines playing out in the Full Moon chart as well as the pre-Eclipse Shadow for the Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse happening on October 25🌟A stabilizing Grand Air Trine between Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Gemini and the Sun/Venus in Libra wants to talk things out and come to an innovative working agreement for all involved🌟Take life one day at a time🌟Flow with dignity and grace 🌟Meditate and Talk things through with your Higher Power/Spirit Guides in the 5D before bringing it down to the 3D convos with family, friends and business dealings🌟Aries initiates forward movement, yet always takes care of number one first🌟Give from a well that’s is running over with inner strength, courage, wisdom and Joy🌟DM me for readings🌟Link in my profile🌟#astrology #fullmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjfB3D0u9N7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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THE LIBRA NEW MOON is here🌟She entered at 2:55 pm West Coast on September 25 conjunct the Sun, Mercury and Venus🌟The New Moon/Sun exactly oppose Jupiter in Aries, while Mercury/Venus oppose Neptune🌟There are a lot of big opposing conversations going on, as well as agreements and concessions being made🌟For sanity’s sake, Agree to Disagree🌟Tell the Other (including those parts in your own psyche) we are a team working things out together🌟This is a great Libra signature of Negotiating for the Highest Good of All🌟Let the Other know you like them, even love them, and know a solution is arising out of the funky Mercury Retrograde Season we’re all in🌟With Mars in Gemini insisting for months to come that things need to be done twice, the Libra New Moon emphasizes that partnership and friendship win the day for the long haul🌟There’s plenty of Shapeshifter Energy happening too with the recent Autumn Equinox, and the Sun and Mercury RX switching signs with each other..a hint to place ourselves in the shoes of another with loving kindness and compassion🌟The little understood Super Galactic Center (including by me) is a mystical black hole between Earth and Deep Space that challenges this Libra New Moon by square🌟Perhaps it’s a suggestion to go easy on ourselves and others as we encounter the Unknown and Scary, remembering Libra’s ruled by Venus whose answer is Love🌟Love the Unknown, Love the Scary, and Fall Deeply in Love with the Unknown🌟Let the Unknown speak to your own Big-Hearted Trickster who is ready for more to be revealed🌟Trick yourself into Loving the Journey, and find yourself magically at your Destination🌟It’s Right Here, Right Now🌟Check out my link for readings🌟#horoscope #astrology (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci8tswNpIg_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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