booksandwillowtrees · 10 hours
Anxiety feels like my brain is posting my every action as an AITA post on Reddit and most answers say:
‘YTA and also devoid of all morals. Go lock yourself in your room and never come out.’
Except one answer that says
‘NTA entirely reasonable thing to do. And no one cared. And everyone understood. And you tried your best.’
And it has 97392829 downvotes
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booksandwillowtrees · 11 hours
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booksandwillowtrees · 14 hours
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something somethibg modern day kiddos…. (i’m taking a break from the angst fest i’ve gotten myself into)
ylfa was pretty easy to imagine because red hood. of course. but for pinocchio i had a hard time thinking up a way to imagine puppet strings (and it shows) settled for techwear-style something. may have developed a bit of grudge against straps. anyways i recently (belatedly) discovered procreate has process timelapse ???
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Sickness is so evil. Hey you feel like shit and also you’re a walking mass of poisonous gas.
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My guilt and anxiety about needing to spend as much time as possible with my family Vs my guilt about spending a single second next to someone when I’m sick. FIGHT.
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Would you have fallen in love with her?
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You’re not a monster, is what I’m saying.
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mow! FHSY edit!!?? to a centaurworld song?!?!
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I cant live like this i need to befriend somebodys grandma
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“I don’t know what my goals are, no. Thanks for asking.”
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love me. love me. love me.
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talking with my brother about AI and art and its like bro i think we have a fundamental disagreement about what makes art important
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booksandwillowtrees · 10 days
I hate the thread in this discourse that implies that if you care about the narrative at all of course you’d want the rat grinders to be redeemed. I do not think the story would be improved by them giving more focus to the rat grinders that a full redemption arc would necessitate (except Mary-Ann who is a silly character and would not take that much weight and focus). I think a lot of people got overly emotionally invested in the rat grinders because of fan theories and head cannons and are now having a hard time accepting that they are side characters. They are not the main characters, they aren’t even the main villains. It would be kind of ridiculous if they were the main focus of the finale.
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booksandwillowtrees · 10 days
The builders of the gymnasium set deserve to win actual real award of some kind for set building. It is not only absolutely gorgeous but also so fucking cool, I love that the pieces actually moved and could be raised as well. Gorgeous.
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booksandwillowtrees · 11 days
Riz yelling "You suck at this game!" at Kipperlilly with such ardour and passion, so in character and serious, is for sure the best fourth wall break in D20 history, and maybe ever
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booksandwillowtrees · 11 days
do i have sympathy for the ratgrinders? yes. do i think their story is deeply tragic? yes. do i wanna see the bad kids absolutely kerbstomp these guys? also yes
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booksandwillowtrees · 12 days
i fully believe that the Rat Grinders will all be revived after all is said and done and that their deaths aren't permanent, which is why I personally LOVE how fucking brutal the Bad Kids were with them this ep. it really drives home just how one-sided the Rat Grinders' obsession with them has always been—they go into this ready for epic, cinematic, toe-to-toe combat, but the Bad Kids categorically Do Not have the time or the energy to get into their whole deal right now and drop them in like two rounds. fuck non-lethal damage, they need these assholes out of their way YESTERDAY. there's truly something so fitting to me about the battle-hardened Bad Kids having no patience for coddling the Rat Grinders when the world is actively ending. like yeah yeah, we can figure out who's actually evil later and bring you back to life, but everyone currently trying to resurrect a dead god is going in interplanar timeout right now while the grown up adventurers clean up your mess, sorry
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