booyerin · 6 years
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Qigang immediately groaned as Yeri said she didn’t want to, because of course she’d be playing up this act ( and for that he was going to ignore the part of his brain that was making him think that she was looking particularly cute right now ). “What if I told you that you were the prettiest girl in all of Century? Would that be a good bribe?” He asked with a small laugh, folding his hands together. “I wanted to paint my nails but I’ve got zero coordination when doing that on myself, and you’re the first person that I thought of. Please?”
Of course she would do it; Yeri was a giving soul, one who happened to fall prey to people’s deeper intentions way to easily, but even then she’d always lend a helping hadn when she could.  However, that didn’t mean she couldn’t be a bit of a brat sometimes, and this was one of those times. Her nose shrivels up in distaste, “That doesn’t really work. I’d prefer talented over pretty, but compliments get you no where.” She elevates her the  pitch of her voice, so that’s clearly a sing-songy tone; in order to let him know she was very well still teasing him.
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booyerin · 6 years
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jennie telling blinks the Ferrero Rochers are all hers
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booyerin · 6 years
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Name: Boo Yerin  Pronunciation: Nick Names: Yeri, tba Age: 19 DOB: September 19th, 1999 POB: Jeju, South Korea Current Residency: Seoul Gender Identity: Cis-female Pronouns: She/her Nationality: Korean Ethnicity: Korean Religion: Agnostic Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Occupation: Idol Languages Spoken: Chinese, Korean, broken english
Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Names():  Boo Dokyung, Boo Jaehoon Sibling(s) Name(s): Boo Yein, Boo Taeil, Boo Saeil Birth order: Boo Yein, Boo Saeil, Boo Taeil, Boo Yerin Relationship with parent(s)/guardian(s): Amicable Relationship with sibling(s): Strong, she’d do anything for them. Pets: Olaf (white kitten), Gong ( Orange tabby), Millie ( Bengal )
Height: 4′11 Figure/Build: Slim Eye Colour: Brown Hair Colour: Brown Hairstyle: Usually down Facial Hair: n/a Tattoos: a heart on her pelvis Piercings: ears Scars: none Unique Features: beauty mark under her left eye.
Smoking: n/a Drinking: social drinker Drugs: n/a Addictions: sugar Allergies: Pollen Ailments/Conditons (phyiscal & mental): general depression, anxiety
Positive Traits: Caring, generous, genuine, sweet Negative Traits: Niave, gullible, stubborn, workaholic, perfectionist Likes: Anything sweet, all animals, making people smile, music Dislikes: messing up, messes in general, stress, upsetting others Fears: monophobia, entomophobia
Musical: A good dancer, perfect pitch Athletic: good stamina, breath stability Mental: photographic memory. quick thinker Survival: resourceful Misc: n/a
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booyerin · 6 years
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“Can you please come help me with this very important thing?” Qigang pleaded, a pout already firmly on his face as he looked at the other person. “It won’t take very long, I promise.”
“I don’t wanna.” She says playfully, a smile on her face as she sets down her spoon to look at him. Brown locks swaying back and forth along with her head while she speaks. Yerin loved teasing her friend, it was beyond one of her favorite things to do, really. Plus, she figured it usually put a smile on his face. “What is it though, and maybe i’ll consider it.”
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booyerin · 6 years
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“The trick is to not be where they can hear you when you complain.” Qigang suggested in the most unhelpful manner that he probably could have. “That, or have a healthy stash of snacks somewhere in your dorm room or the practice room. That’s what I usually do at least.” He finally shrugged, looking away from Yerin and back to where he had been looking to begin with. Her comment did make him laugh though, rolling his eyes. A part of him wanted to argue that he wasn’t a tree, but compared to her, he kind of was. He usually only felt this tall when around Feng, and his nephew’s excuse was that he was three. At nineteen, Yerin didn’t really have any excuse besides being nerfed by the higher powers out there. “Yeah, they have some savory stuff that you’d be able to get away with, don’t worry. And rapping? That’d be amusing. I thought rappers were supposed to be able to be intimidating on stage though. That’d never work for you. You’re too… cute.”
“ I try but they always sneak up on me! It’s frustrating and really annoying. I look around and triple check and they still end up hearing me somehow.” The younger pouts at him, eyebrows furrowed in disappointment, “If my members don’t eat my snacks, my managers or someone finds them and then I get in trouble. Luckily though, my manager’s pretty easy on me.”  She really could’t understand how she ended up so short when both of her brother’s had ended up around the six foot mark, but it wasn’t like she could change much any way, maybe wear some insoles, or heels but it also wasn’t like she was trying to be tall any way. She liked being compact, it meant she could fit in a lot of places and that made well for a few party tricks and variety shows. “Yes, cravings will hopefully be satisfied, it may not be meat, but at least it’ll be savory. Um, that’s obviously not true. Sure you can have like intimidating rap but a rap can be cute too. Plus, have you seen some of our stages?  Or the MV? Peek-a-boo was more of a sexy concept than most of our other songs.”
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booyerin · 6 years
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blackpink jennie x elle shots
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booyerin · 6 years
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Qigang’s smile admittedly widened at the nickname, glancing around as Yerin did before focusing back onto her. It was hard not to focus on her though if he were to honest- he did meant it when he had said that she looked very lovely that night. “Oh, thanks!” He returned the thanks with a small laugh before glancing down to his jacket when it was questioned. He had gotten plenty of comments about his particular look tonight… some were good some were bad, and he was just rolling with it. “It looks cool! Plus it makes me stand out. Too many guys go to formal events in suits that all look the same. Why should only girls get to have all of the fun with their outfits at these things?”
Her smile deepens, though she’s sober enough to keep her hands to herself (for once) “While I agree you all should be allowed to dress up there are plenty of better ways to do it than random plaid sleeves. Like for example, why not make the ends of your sleeves flare out and then have small embroidery on it, or do what Chadwick Boseman did at the Met Gala? That was really cool too.” The small girl looks up at him, standing on her tip toes, “It’s so dark in here, I can’t see. Are you wearing eye shadow? It’s cute. If not your eyelid color is cute----wait, is that weird?”
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booyerin · 6 years
“have i ever mentioned how much i hate heels?” mina sighs, glad that she’s found herself a partner to keep her company as they hide out of sight from the rest of the gala. she’s toeing them off, not even caring about the fact that she’s now bare foot on the floor, and sighing. “i mean, i like being tall and all, but at what cost?”
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“I vote we just start stuffing all of our socks with insoles and then they’ll make us wear shorter heels. Doesn’t that sound fair? it does to me.” The younger looks at her leader lovingly, though she’s sure that their stylist would hate it, there’s nothing wrong with being a little clever. “Now you’re still tall and your feet hurt way less.”
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booyerin · 6 years
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booyerin · 6 years
@booyerin !!
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Fancy events were almost always boring for the first hour or two, even the ones thrown for the most exciting reasons. So of course Qigang had gravitated towards someone that he knew the moment that he saw her, knowing that her company would make this time more tolerable. “You look really nice tonight.” He greeted Yeri once he was close enough, flashing her a smile.
She was swaying to the music; not anything to intense, just a gentle sway. Yerin really didn’t know what much else to do aside from sitting there and looking pretty, which, she had now realized was harder than she had originally thought. Nonetheless, there’s a soft smile on her face as the song finishes and her hands move to clap for the end, though their partially interrupted as she hears a voice, turning around just in time to see it’s owner’s smile, “GangGang! Hey! Thank you!” To be fair she was trying to figure out, one: If she was supposed to claim, two: if she was, was everyone still even clapping for the same thing and three: she forgot to compliment him back, “You look nice too, but why plaid?”
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booyerin · 6 years
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                    jiwoo was used to photographers, it was almost like second nature for her to pose before attending any events, but there seemed to be more here than usual. when she finally reached the actual party jiwoo let out an exasperated sigh “how many are out there? felt like i was walking a kilometre.”
"It’s really scary how many there are. I forget that our company is so popular.” She says, giving a gentle wave to the other, “If i’m not mistaken, more and more photographers are showing up to and once they’re let in we have to keep a smile on all night. My cheeks are gonna be sore, i can feel it now.”
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booyerin · 6 years
“That’s because I’m not in rehearsal getting my ass kicked by these dance routines. Don’t worry though, I don’t think I’m too bad even when I get cranky. Though you’d have to ask the rest of the members to truly know what I’m like. Anyway, I do hit the gym pretty much daily since It’s what is demanded to keep up with our dances.” 
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“That’s a fair point! I heard I get overly affectionate during practice because I’m tired, but I don’t know if that’s true. if it is, is that a bad thing?” Yerin tilts her head to the side a bit, shrugging as she mulls the thought over. “I love going to the gym, I mean not when i’m tired or for a comeback but being healthy is really important. My brother owns a gym in Gangnam.”
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booyerin · 6 years
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“You could have just asked if there was any good food on today’s menu,” Qigang laughed a bit, looking down over at Yerin. For someone who loved food and loved to eat, diets were the worst thing ever created on this planet. The only real one he ever had to be on was the beginning on being a trainee but now he was having to deal with it again because the company really was focusing in on whatever group he was supposed to debut with. He hated it a lot. “But yeah, they have some diet friendly stuff for once. I think it’s because so many groups are readying for comebacks and stuff.”
“Hey!! I wanted to be polite, last time i talked crap one of the chefs fed me a smaller portion than everyone else..” If Yerin was the embodiment of ANY sin, it definitely would’ve gluttony. She loved the way food tasted and she definitely loved the feeling she got after a well cooked meal. BUT, that wasn’t ideal for the type of life she wanted to lead. It was all about looks, you had to be pretty and if you weren’t naturally endowed, then someone (be a stylist or the CEO) would tell you to get surgery, you had to have talent but not that much; you could always be trained, but you definitely, for sure, needed a body.  No one would give you a second chance if you weren’t physically appealing. Then again, that didn’t mean Yeri didn’t cut corners. She had snacks and she had ways to curve her ever growing appetite. “Anything diet friendly that like... is kinda savory? I can’t see from here... You know, ‘cause you’re a tree and i can’t see.--- That rhymes! I think i should try rapping.”
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booyerin · 6 years
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booyerin · 6 years
       —〈 ☾ 〉 she’s sporting headphones, though her volume is low enough to prevent her from being rendered deaf to the world happening around her. however, it doesn’t prevent the small fright she receives, evident in a quick jump, when she hears a sudden voice behind her. ❝ whoa, you scared me. ❞ a, slightly embarrassed, giggle tumbles from rose colored brims as she brings a hand to her chest. ❝ but, the menu, ❞ continues yumi, ❝ always has something diet friendly. you know how this place is. ❞ with ease, the leader removes the buds blocking her ears and wraps them around her device, ❝ what sort of diet do they have you on, if you don’t mind my asking ? maybe i can help you decide. or at least point you in the right direction. ❞ 
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The nineteen year old jumps in response, smiling bashfully before waving her hands. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to.” Yerin didn’t quite like being scared herself, so the last thing she wanted to do to anyone else was scare them. The girl debates on touching the other reassuringly, but decides against it as she knows some people don’t really like being touched. "I think i should check into getting glasses, because I really can’t see it from here. You’d be surprised though, sometimes they have cheat days and all the stuff on the menu is good.” There’s a twinkle in her eyes as the other one offers their help and she can’t help but stand on the tips of her toes a little, “Well, I need something that isn’t high caloric but has a lot of protein.--- Something savory would be nice.”
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booyerin · 6 years
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moonshot x blackpink
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booyerin · 6 years
Okay so just MAYBE, she smoked herself out if the dorm trying to cook something to eat. BUT she had gotten rid of most of the evidence, the pan of burnt eggs strategically thrown in the dumpster and the windows to the dorm left open. One thing was for sure though, she was glad that the burnt stench was only in the kitchen. After a shower and changing out of her equally burnt smelling clothes, (which she had thrown in the washer.) the four foot eleven girl trekked her way over to Century’s Head quarters, where her stomach desperately called for something good to eat that didn’t smell burnt. “What are they serving on the menu today? Anything diet friendly?” She asked the person in front of her.
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