boozieshavingababy · 3 years
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything on this page. I’m sorry.
How have you all been?
My 🌈🌈 baby turned a year old this past Tuesday and things have been crazy.
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
I’m writing this as I’m currently attached to my breast pump, actively trying to grow my milk supply again.
This journey has been difficult. In the beginning when I had my son, it was great. I was producing so much milk every day. I was pumping 4-5 times a day and I was producing 12 oz each session. As time went on however, I noticed a decrease. By the time my baby was a month old, I got Covid and was sick for a week. I was lucky if I pumped once a day. My supply suffered and I had a hard time getting it back.
Now, my son is four and a half months old and I’m producing drops of milk. I will admit that I haven’t pumped in almost two months. I was producing 2 oz after each session. I tried everything. I drank what was recommended to drink, I ate what was recommended to eat, and I pumped as often as I could without destroying my nipples. Nothing worked.
But here I am. Attached to my breast pump, determined to try again. Even at this point of only producing a few drops, I learned that it is still possible to bring my supply back. It’s going to take work, but it’s a journey I am willing to take.
I’m going to give it some time, but if it doesn’t work, then I will move on and accept it.
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
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Something that I do differently with Orion that I didn’t do with Liam, is I wear him more often. I get told all the time that I’m spoiling him and he’ll never learn to be independent. To that I say “who the fuck cares?” He’s my baby and you know what? He is VERY independent already. He has no problem whatsoever sitting on his own, or sleeping on his own. He’s almost 4 months old and I wear him during the day when he needs a nap, but during the night he sleeps in his crib (most of the night). I’m able to lay him on his play mat while I get a few things done, and he is completely happy talking to his toys and trying to roll around.
There is no shame in wearing your baby. Don’t let ANYONE tell you otherwise. Just smile and say “well it’s a good thing you’re not his parent.”
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
I’m writing up at part about my breast pumping experience. I know it’s been a while, but it’s coming. I’ve been dealing with some family issues and it’s taken up a lot of my time.
My boys are fine though!
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
Surviving Baby Pt. 2
Welcome to part two of Surviving Baby. I’ve tried writing this, I don’t know how many times. So many things have gotten in the way of this second part, and it was so frustrating that I just had to take a break.
This part is going to include a few essential items that I feel are a must have because I don’t think I would be able to get ANYTHING done without them. And I literally mean, nothing. If I have time, I may dive into my pumping experience as well. If not, then the next part will definitely be about pumping.
Like last time, I will include links to the items I am using, or something similar.
First on my list, is my Jeroray Baby Wrap. This has been my number one item while having two kids. When my infant won’t nap on his own and I have stuff that needs to get done or my four-year-old wants to do something, I just wrap it around my body as instructed and put baby in it. Usually around his nap time, so that he sleeps and doesn’t become fussy. Hands are free and baby gets in a good nap. It’s the best. I highly recommend it over a regular baby carrier. They can be pricey, but I found mine for $20 on Amazon and it is comparable to the leading name brands.
Next on the list is a bouncy seat! This is something that I always encourage any mama-to-be to get. I didn’t think I would need one when my oldest was born, but my sister-in-law convinced me to get one. It was a lifesaver. It let me take a shower in the middle of the day while baby sat in it on the bathroom floor. Also gives them some time to relax by themselves, while you wash bottles or fold laundry. It can be moved to any room in the house and most come with toys to keep them entertained as they get older. This is the one I have. 
Remember, you do not have to get the top of the line for everything. Having a baby is expensive, but it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. I’m not saying cut corners on everything, but there are somethings that are worth saving the money on.
A baby swing. Definitely something to consider buying. If my almost 3-month-old is fussy and nothing I do is helping, a few minutes in his swing, helps calm him down. If he can even take a small nap, so I can quicky eat something, awesome. These can cost a little over $100, but because of the technology, you don’t have much of a choice, but to pay the price. Mine was a gift from my mother-in-law, so it cost a little over $130. It is pretty great though. It comes with some gentle music loaded on it already, but you can connect your phone via Bluetooth and play any music or noise you want. It always swings side to side instead of back and forth. It mimics the gently sway of a mother’s hips while she is walking with her baby in the womb. My son loves it, and it allows me to enjoy some alone time while he’s swinging.
One last thing to talk about and that is a stroller. Unless you get the infant car seat/stroller combo, then you don’t have to worry about this, but I would still recommend looking into this item that I am going to recommend. You don’t have to have a giant stroller right away. Your little love isn’t going to using it until they are able to sit up by themselves without slouching over. I simply take my son’s infant car seat with him inside of it and place the car seat inside what is called a frame stroller or a car seat carrier stroller. It is exactly what the name implies, a stroller frame that you rest the car seat onto. It takes up less space in your trunk and is easy to open and close, while still giving you the storage of a stroller. It’s perfect to use while baby is still using their infant carseat. No need to keep taking them in and out of the seat to put in a stroller. 
I have a run out of time, so I won’t be able to talk about pumping. But if you have any questions at all, send them to me and I will answer them in my next post that will be about exclusively pumping!
If you are enjoying this, let me know some things that you have questions about or you would like me to give my opinion on!
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
I promise that part two of surviving baby is coming! I have typed it up four times and right as I’m going to save it, my freaking power goes out!! 🤬
It’s coming I promise!
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
If you haven’t tried Fetch, it’s definitely worth it! You get 2,000 points just for signing up and scanning your first receipt! You always get some points for shopping! The lowest I’ve gotten is 25 points. You can link you email to get points for any ereceipt! It’s not like other shopping reward apps, where you have to buy certain items to get ANY points. Just scan your receipts and you get points, bonus points if you get any listed items on the app! Use my referral code and we both get points when you upload your first receipt!
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
Surviving Baby #2!
I’ve decided that I’m going to break this up into multiple parts. Mostly for my sanity haha! I’m writing it between moments of quiet, which isn’t often!
So here is part one!
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Being a mom is a pretty stressful, thankless job. Being a new mom is even more stressful. There are no real-life lessons on how to keep your tiny humans alive. Once they place your baby in your arms, it’s time to hit the ground running.
I will say that most of it is pure instinct. After a couple of hours, you start to learn when they are hungry or tired. But there are moments when you question if you’re doing anything right, and I promise you mama, you’re doing amazing. You know exactly how to take care of you little baby.
I’m what they call a “seasoned mom.” I have a four year old and welcomed my second son into the world a month and a half ago. Even though I remember everything from my first born, every baby is different. What works for one, doesn’t work for another and that’s what I’m learning. There are also things that I did with my first son, that I’m doing differently with my second. I thought I would take the time and go through what has helped me survive that few weeks with a newborn and a four year old.
First, I’m going to start with the essentials and that includes feeding, diapering, and clothing. I will link everything that I have been using, as well.
With my first born he was strictly given formula. At the time I was unsure if I was going to be returning to my job as a sales associate for my current job. Though, I did breastfeed in the hospital, it just wasn’t for me at the time. This time however, I have been exclusively pumping while also supplementing with formula.
This has been a huge deal for me. This is something that I decided I would do, when I was still pregnant. I had extensive discussions with my husband, even though I knew it was ultimately my decision, that is just how our relationship works. I wanted his opinion. We both agreed that it would be better for my mental health if I pumped. That way my husband could feed the baby if I needed him to or if our oldest wanted to feed him.
I got my breast pump from a website called aeroflow. They have a wide variety of pumps available. You submit your insurance information and the tell you which ones are covered by your insurance. You pick the one you would like, and they ship it to you close to your due date. I got mine within a week, about a month before I was supposed to go in for my c-section.
I chose the Motif Luna Double Electric Pump. I did my research and looked at reviews. It was 100% covered by my insurance and so far, I have not had any issues! I also bought myself a Haaka Silicone Breast Pump that is great to have for clogged ducts and catching milk from the other breast if you breast feed. It’s a great thing to have!
As I mentioned before, I am also supplementing with formula. Now, this is going to be different for every baby and every budget. I also have done a TON of research! With my first born, he was given Gerber Good Start. This time, we have been using Similac Pro-Total Comfort. It’s what we were given in the hospital and it’s worked for his belly. I was given a few samples of Enfamil and Similac from his pediatrician and via the mail. We tried them with him and this one just seemed to keep him full and happy, that’s how we discovered that he has a sensitive tummy.
You can try to go for what’s best for your wallet, but in the end, if it agrees with your baby then don’t change it.
Ah, diapers. Diapers, Diapers, Diapers. This is kind of a big one for me. So many babies react differently to different brands of diapers. You will get diapers at your baby shower, I promise. People will give you different brands and it’s best to try them. My boys haven’t had any reactions to any brand of diaper, so far. My four year old used Target Up&Up. They were great, not just for his bottom, but for our wallet too. Having our newborn, I knew we would use them again and they have been tried and true. No leaks, no rashes, nothing. 
Buuuut material isn’t the only thing you need to look for. Size is a big thing too. If your tiny human is anything like my boys are and were, they will grow out of diapers quicker than others. My boys only wore newborn diapers while we were in the hospital and as soon as we were home, they were peeing out of them constantly. Usually, when that happens, it’s time to move them up to the next size of diapers. So far, no leaks. I’m not sure if it’s the same concept for girls. I only have and will only have boys.
If your little one hasn’t shown any signs of a sensitivity to diapers, definitely look into buying the store brand of diapers. You can by the biggest box from Target (size 1 has 192!) for $22! Pampers (size 1 has 164) is $40! You get more for less money. And who doesn’t love Target?
Sleepers! Or PJs or Sleep and Plays. Whatever you call them. Zippers are the way to go! Who wants to be buttoning up a bunch of snaps in the middle of the night while you’re half asleep? Not me. Even if they are the cutest sleepers with snaps, don’t do it! Cloud Island, Just One You, and Old Navy have created sleepers that zip from the bottom up! So convenient! They didn’t have these when I had my oldest, so when I was gifted them at my baby shower from the baby, I was so excited! They connect at the top by the baby’s head and zip down to the feet! This is amazing to me. Having a newborn during the winter, means it’s freezing. Now I don’t have to completely uncover my baby to change his diaper. Now he’s not cold! Just amazing. Well done to whoever came up with that idea!
I also don’t recommend buying more than a few newborn outfits. They grow out of them so quick. I have newborn clothes that Orion hasn’t worn at all and never will. He’s such a chunk! He’s been wearing 0-3 months since he was officially a month old. I have plenty of onesies and pants. Socks are a must. Mittens however…..I could do without them. Most sleepers and onesies come with fold-over sleeves. You just flip them over and they completely cover the hands. The mittens are cute, but they aren’t worth the money. I have no problem keeping my baby’s nails short or covered.
I also, don’t base my baby’s clothing size off of his age. They can grow out of them quicker than they age. Even though, my youngest is almost two months old, he will be wearing 3 month clothing soon. His 0-3 months clothing is starting to get a little snug. He’s a chunky baby. Rolls everywhere! I love it, but that means that he has to wear bigger clothes, so they don’t cut off his circulation.
That’s it for this this part! Let me know if you have any questions or would like to know anything else pertaining to this part!
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
Monday Orion will be 8 weeks old. I thought I would share everything that has helped get us through the first month and a half.
Everything from clothes to keeping my milk supply active. Would anyone be interested?
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
This little bub is going through a growth spurt and just wants to be carried while he eats and feeds during the day. At night, he sleeps in his crib just fine.
We are starting to establish a firm routine and that helps most days, but other days he’s strapped against my chest while I get stuff done around the house.
He’s learned to sleep through his big brother’s chaos, but still prefers to be held. That’s okay though, I’ll hold him for as long as he wants.
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boozieshavingababy · 3 years
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Orion turned 3 weeks this past Monday! Which means, I’m 3 weeks postpartum.
I’m still healing and have some discomfort. Had my two week postpartum checkup right before Christmas and my OB renewed my pain meds, but said it’s normal to still have some pain after having a second c-section. I’m no longer bleeding, which is great and surprising at the same time. I feel like with my first son, I bled the entire 6 weeks because I remember going in to get my IUD and still bleeding.
I’m below my starting pregnancy weight, thank goodness for pumping and breastfeeding! I’m not working out, because I haven’t gotten the all clear from my doctor, that won’t happen until the end of January. And I won’t be surprised, if she told me to wait a little longer because of how I’m healing. I mean, that’s still 3 weeks away and how I’m feeling could change, but you never know.
Orion is doing great. He’s gained so much weight but his pediatrician isn’t concerned. He’s perfectly healthy and happy. His big brother, is still just as obsessed with him as he was when we brought him home.
Things are going great so far!
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boozieshavingababy · 4 years
Unless you follow my main blog, you probably didn’t see my update. I was going to post one here after we got settled, but I’ve been trying to settle into be a mom of a newborn again.
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Atlas Orion, who will go by Orion, born at 9:42 am via c-section. He weighs 7 lbs 7 oz and is 20 inches long. He weighs a little less than he big brother did, but is longer than big brother was.
He looks just like his brother, but most people say he looks like me, for now.
He’s already such a chill kid. He barely makes a peep, unless it comes to getting his diaper changed. Then he is a screamer.
My recovery this time around is a lot tougher than my first c-section with my oldest. I’m in a lot more pain because of the scar tissue that was cut through. I am walking around like an old lady. Trying not to stay hunched over, but moving at a slow pace.
I also got my tubes tied or a tubal ligation, and I can feel the aches from that. I’m not on super strong pain meds, because I am nursing.
But Orion is doing great. Though he is under a 72 hour watch because I started taking anxiety medication 3 weeks ago and they have to make sure he isn’t having severe withdrawal symptoms. I haven’t noticed anything and neither has my husband. The pediatrician that is watching over him, says he looks great, but still has to stay until Thursday so I will be staying until then as well.
I’m just so happy that my littlest dude is here and I can’t wait to go home and love on my biggest dude.
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boozieshavingababy · 4 years
It’s been a while, but today is the big day!
Today I am 39 weeks and 1 day pregnant!
Which means that I am having my baby today! I am having a scheduled C-Section and will be heading to the hospital in about 30 minutes!
Between last night when my four year old went to bed and now, I’ve felt so many emotions.
I’ve felt sad, because I won’t be seeing my oldest until I come home with his baby brother. My husband will be allowed to come home and see him, but he isn’t allowed at the hospital to see us. I cried for a good hour and a half last night. I’m gonna miss him so much and his whole world is gonna change when we come home. He’s excited to be a big brother and see his little brother, but I’m scared he will feel less loved.
Currently, I’m anxious and excited. I got up around 5:30 to pee and have been jittery ever since. I’m so ready to load up and get everything started! I can’t wait to hear his first cries and to see his sweet face. I can’t wait to hold him and kiss him. I’m gonna be such a mess.
I will make another post once we are completely settled in our maternity ward room. It’s gonna be a big day and I already can’t wait to take a nap.
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boozieshavingababy · 4 years
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32 weeks tomorrow and I am literally counting the days.
I can’t wait to see what Atlas looks like. I have a feeling he will look just like Liam did when he was born. Liam was the spitting image of me the first month of his life and then he transformed into Jordan Jr.
I think Atlas will look the same, maybe a tiny bit different, but the same no less. I just wonder if he will have green eyes like his daddy and his big brother, or if he will my brown eyes. He’ll definitely have dark hair.
Will he have my freckles? Will he be just as clumsy as Liam and I are?
It’s been amazing watching Liam grow and become his own person. Will Atlas be just as smart Liam is? I can’t wait to see who this whole new person will become.
Take your time sweet boy, but just know you are already so loved by everyone who matters. We cannot wait for you to join this great big world and take it over.
Today, Earth. Tomorrow, the stars
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boozieshavingababy · 4 years
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Holy third trimester, Batman! I am currently 31 weeks and 4 days pregnant!
I had an appointment this past Monday, which included a growth scan of the baby. When I went to my 29 week appointment, my OB said that my stomach was measuring THREE WEEKS AHEAD and want to make sure baby wasn’t too big already!
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He’s actually measuring right on track, but is quickly running out of room because I’m a small person. I’m 5’2”, but make big babies. My first born was measuring two weeks ahead and was measuring at 10 pounds, even though he was only 7.11 when he was born.
My stomach is trying to grow quicker than baby, but it doesn’t matter. He’s running out of room and doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s also still breech right now, but they aren’t concerned about that because he still has time to flip and I will be having a c-section. He’s super healthy and super chill, unlike his big brother who was super active and healthy in the womb. I wonder if that means he will be my easy baby 🤔 Not that his brother wasn’t an easy baby, but he’s learning some hard lessons right now.
I was hit with the nesting bug big time today and am definitely feeling like I over did it. I wish I could take a nice skin melting bath, but that’s a big no no.
Just less than 8 weeks to go before we welcome Atlas to the world and I cannot wait!
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boozieshavingababy · 4 years
25 weeks and 4 days
Took my Gestational Diabetes test last week and got the results back sooner than I thought. Good news though, no diabetes for me!
The scheduling office also called me and we FINALLY have a birth date for baby #2! December 7th at 9:30 am!
How can I be so sure that will happen? Because I had a scheduled c-section with my first born and will be having another one this time around! I’m so excited!
C-sections have such a bad reputation, but let me tell you something. They are the easiest thing I’ve ever been through. I knew exactly what was going to happen and when it would happen. I was home two days later and was moving around like nothing happened.
I really cannot wait to do it all again!
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boozieshavingababy · 4 years
I miss sleeping on my stomach. My whole body aches all the time because I am forced to sleep on my sides. Laying on my back for too long is out of the question. The baby ends up putting too much pressure on nerves and vessels and that can harm him and myself. My lower back also starts to ache.
My right side is the most comfortable, but then I end up with tons of heartburn.
My left side is the best side to sleep on for everything. No heartburn and it offers the most blood flow for baby.
I’m not complaint about being pregnant,
I just want to be able to sleep so good.
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