boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
Everyone is anticipating a load of angst tonight but I'm still pretty positive the drowning scene was a flash-forward that won't actually come until end of episode 8 (or it could also occur in episode 9). We'll see, but I really do think episode 7 is going to be mostly fluff with all the cute scenes we've seen in the trailer.
They need to have their honeymoon period before they hit us with all the angst.
My predictions:
Episode 7 will be mostly fluff/cute (possible some side drama with Eunji or Jaewon's friends), episode 8 will be lead up to the heavy angst, episode 9 will be peak angst, and episode 10 will be more angst but that we will get a happy ending after all the pain.
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
The fact that Jaewon's safe place to go was to the beach and now he's probably going to be too traumatized to go surfing or to the ocean again after what happens to Jihyun, I--
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
In the hotel room scene in episode 6, has anyone talked about how the scene seems to play in a nonlinear fashion? The scene starts out with them cuddling in bed (presumably post-coital), then shows them being intimate with each other, and then ends on a silhouette kiss. To me I think this scene purposefully is shown in the reverse.
In reality I think in the hotel room it starts with the tentative kiss we see in the end (the silhouette kiss), and then they have sex, and then it ends with them cuddling and joking around with each other under the covers.
Why this scene seems to play in a nonlinear way, I'm not sure. But this show really does a great job of making everyone think and analyze every tiny detail.
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
When rewatching the ending scene in Episode 6 we see the light begin to dim as dark clouds roll in, and when Jihyun is swept under the waves, the sun's light too gets blotted out. The sun is above the horizon, barely peeking through, before disappearing completely.
Jihyun has been depicted in this show as being Jaewon's "light." And when Jihyun's "light" has been submerged, Jaewon too is taken back to the darkness.
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
Thank you for this post! I completely agree on all your points, you articulated this so well.
"I don't believe this writing team would take the audience through all that and then ask us to reset our sense of where the relationship is." -- Yes given this show I wouldn't expect them to put out the labor of crafting an episode that so finely lays out brand new layers of character and relationship development only to do away with it all. I just wrote a post on this but I ask, what would the purpose be of this being a hallucination/dream episode? There's nothing it would do to serve the narrative.
I've been enjoying reading theories and analyses of The Eighth Sense ep 6 from lots of different perspectives. Personally I don't believe the episode was a hallucination/dream/anything unreal, because that is not the level of storytelling this show has taught me to expect.
I mean that in multiple senses. First that this show does a lot of playing with perception and time, but not wholesale invented realities (unlike, say, The Eclipse - which, to give that fakeout scene its grudging due, had already shown some full-on character imagination spots). The soft filters and collapsing sense of time feel to me like a very evocative representation of Jaewon's state of mind, not an indicator that what we see isn't really happening.
Second, making the entire episode unreal would be bad storytelling, and thus far this show has been very very good and deliberate in its narrative choices. There were so many good, interesting conversations and character moments, there was so much of Jihyun's perspective, their intimacy progressed quickly but believably given everything that's come before. I don't believe this writing team would take the audience through all that and then ask us to reset our sense of where the relationship is. I think better of them than that.
Back to the thing about Jihyun's perspective - most of the early half of the episode is in his pov, as he watches Jaewon and tries to figure out what's going on with him and how to help him. As he finds himself sitting in the sand and sleeping in the cold and wondering a little bit how he ended up here. If this show were going to do an unreality sequence, I'd expect it to be solidly rooted in the perspective of the person imagining it. It's been nothing but careful and precise so far in its character and perspective work, I don't see that suddenly changing.
(Also, for different storytelling reasons, I think Jihyun is alive. I think we're headed for a lot of complications from Jaewon's guilt and trauma, all of which have more fruitful story potential if Jihyun survives.)
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
I am a firm believer that episode 6 was not a dream sequence (I'm not saying certain scenes couldn't be, but the episode as a whole is definitely not). People can theorize as they choose but every theory that seems to say it's a dream thinks it's to do with the lighting choices and the way scenes are cut.
I think the lighting choices and cuts are intentional but not indicating that it's a dream sequence, rather they're either editorial/directorial preference or it may be that we're supposed to be seeing from Jaewon's point of view. Perhaps episode 6 being very dreamy is because it is a dream for Jaewon. I don't mean a literal dream. I mean that this trip with Jihyun is like a dream to Jaewon because he gets to be entirely removed from reality. The whole episode is practically the two of them together without any outside influence. Jaewon feels lighter by the water, happier, it's his safe space, and Jihyun has become his safe person.
The lighting is soft and light, in contrast to near constant darkness that was in the latter half of episode 5. Also while we do see Jaewon talk about getting medications in the end of episode 5 (which was actually part of a flashback from episode 4), we never saw him take this medicine on-screen yet, and to be honest I think it'll be reserved for a later episode (probably ep 8/9) where this will come more into play.
Other reasons I don't think episode 6 is a dream (below the cut because this gets long):
Jaewon's conversation opening up to Jihyun about his brother -- that whole conversation is a dream? A hallucination? Him telling Jihyun about his dream of being a photographer? I find it a bit hard to believe all of this was part of a dream sequence.
This would be a complete backtrack of their relationship and from everything we've seen in the trailers (Jihyun and Jaewon lying in Jihyun's dorm room together cuddling, them holding hands in the car during the scene driving through the tunnel + the voiceover of them agreeing to start a relationship despite the fears they have, Jaewon wrapping a jacket around Jihyun [which sidenote, it just occurred to me that Jaewon does this because Jihyun complains about getting cold easily, so sweet!])
Given we only have 4 more episodes left my best guess is episode 7 will be pretty fluffy with them in a relationship together, episode 8 will be focused on building up tension again (with Jihyun's friends and family), episode 9 will be the climax with Jihyun's actual drowning scene (I've said before in other posts but I think the hotel scene [maybe] and drowning scene take place together in a separate trip during a flash forward), and episode 10 will be the fall out. I could see the timeline being altered a little but this is the format most shows would play. If episode 6 was a dream, they would have to do a re-do of Jaewon and Jihyun's relationship building that they just did in episode 6. Which frankly, seems kinda odd for a show that's already got a limited runtime (10, 30-minute episodes is more than most KBLs, but it's still a short show overall)
Again with the above point, relationship building between our two leads was such an important element in episode 6, and to take that away and essentially retcon the whole thing to being a dream/hallucination of Jaewon's would really make a lot of the audience upset (including myself to be honest). I really don't think the writers would have characters enter a relationship and undergo so much character/relationship development to just do away with it. For what purpose? Dream sequences can happen in a show yes, but a whole episode? That means 10% of this show's season would be used for a dream sequence. Most writers wouldn't do that because a whole 30-minute dream sequence episode like this would serve ultimately no purpose. And this doesn't seem to be the type of show to spend their runtime on an episode that accomplishes nothing for the overall plot/story/characters.
While people have talked about the character development of Jaewon in this episode, it also had a lot of character building for Jihyun too. We finally find out why Jihyun never swam before and why he seemed in the beginning of the show to be a bit scared of the ocean. I highly doubt Jaewon would make up a story in his head about Jihyun getting hazed in the water. Or make up such details about Jihyun like him having a tendency to get cold.
This may be the strongest contender for why this whole episode is not a dream sequence: Jihyun talks to Jaewon about his interactions with Aeri and says she taught him how to take photos. Jaewon had no idea about that!
Another major reason why I think episode 6 is definitely real is: Taekyung asks Jaewon in the trailer why he would go on a trip with Jihyun when he barely knows him. Why would Taekyung ask Jaewon this if the beach trip isn't real?
Also about the gear of the camping trip: I know people say it has to be a dream/hallucination that they suddenly had all the gear they needed. But to me I just personally thought that Jaewon had all this stuff in his trunk already. I get a feeling that Jaewon has run away to the beach before by himself. Like yes he had to chairs, but besides that he only had one sleeping bag that they had to share, so he likely has camped out by himself before.
As for the rest stop guy, I don't know what to tell you guys but to be honest I didn't think much of him when I saw it. Like yes he gave things away for free but they seemed like random things he had in the back. Like random old songs on a USB? That didn't seem a big gift or anything to me. Most likely something no one ever purchased. Plus lots of Korean dramas have funny little side characters like him so it didn't seem anything out of the ordinary to me.
Anyway feel free to share your thoughts!
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
Guys the beach trip isn’t a dream. The whole of episode 6 isn’t a dream sequence. How do I know this? In the trailer we have Taekyung asking Jaewon about why he went on a trip to Jihyun when he “barely knows him.” So clearly the beach trip is real. A writer isn’t going to make a whole episode a dream sequence. That would mean Jaewon telling Jihyun about his brother didn’t happen. And I firmly believe that happened. Why? Because Jihyun responded in a way that Jaewon didn’t expect. Jaewon is surprised Jihyun doesn’t ask how his brother died like so many others. Instead he just says he’s sorry and doesn’t know what to say.
Also there’s way too much character/relationship development for this whole episode to be a dream sequence. I don’t think anything in this episode was really a dream sequence except toward the end I believe after their kiss in the water that we get a flash forward to future events. I think next episode will be them post-kiss returning to campus. I mean I guess it’s possible the bed scene happened but I am hesitant on that given that would mean they spent two nights at the beach and also while they could move that quickly physically, I think from previous episodes that Jihyun and Jaewon would probably take physical intimacy a bit slower.
Regardless I think the drowning scene is real but just later on in the timeline of the show. And it’ll happen around do 8/9 because it’s way too early for something like that. Plus we have too many clips in the trailer of the two of them together looking for very close like the tunnel scene in the trailer where they hold hands, or Jaewon putting a jacket around Jihyun on campus or the scene together of them in Jihyun’s bedroom where they’re cuddling.
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
I see a lot of people saying that it’s unrealistic that Jaewon would tell the random cashier guy that he has a boyfriend. But honestly it’s like Jaewon said to Jihyun, it’s easier to be open when you don’t know someone. I don’t think Jaewon cares about the opinions of strangers so much as he does the people closest to him and who’ve known him for years. Why he could open up to Jihyun in large part is that Jihyun doesn’t have years of expectations of who Jaewon is. And as a queer person myself, I’ve always felt it’s always easier coming out to people I barely than it is to tell friends I’ve known for years.
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
Everyone else on The Eighth Sense tag thinks Jihyun is dead but if anything I feel like episode 6 affirmed that Jihyun won’t die.
If Jihyun dies what is the message of the story? What ending would that spell for Jaewon? Yes, you lost your brother, the person you were closest to and loved the most in the world. You couldn’t protect him and he died right in front of you.
I mentioned this in another post but history is repeating itself with Jihyun, but this time Jaewon will save Jihyun. If he doesn’t save him, the story would be a tragedy, and yes I know some people think this story could end up becoming a tragedy. But I really think it won’t. I really do think this story is ultimately about hope.
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
SPOILERS FOR THE EIGHTH SENSE EP 5+6 (and theories on future episodes)
So I have MANY thoughts on the new episodes of The Eighth Sense. But mostly I first wanted to talk on the ending scene(s) since I’m already seeing people starting to get confused about the ocean kiss scene cutting to Jaewon and Jihyun in bed to the scene with Jihyun drowning.
I personally believe those two scenes are future scenes (of course the drowning scene definitely is). I think the “current” timeline ends in the episode with Jaewon and Jihyun kissing in the water. My best guess is that the jump cut is showing their next trip to the beach (the bed scene + the drowning scene). Which probably happens around episode 8/9? I figure episode 7 will be more fluffy with Jaewon and Jihyun first dating and being “official” (including scenes like them holding hands in the car like we saw in the trailer).
Also now knowing the history of Jaewon’s brother, Jaewon’s trauma of seeing his brother dying in front of him and feeling like he couldn’t protect him, we’re seeing the cycle repeat with Jihyun. (However, this time Jihyun will survive. Because no this isn’t a story about Jaewon getting retraumatized by again losing the person closest to him and feeling responsible for it)
Anyway I know there’s people out there who dislike the editing of this show because it confuses them about the timeline. Clearly as we saw in tonight’s episodes we will get things out of order sometimes (like seeing Jaewon’s conversation with his therapist that cut off from a prior episode). But I like feeling as if I’m putting the puzzle pieces together and that not everything is necessarily clearly spelled out for us, that the writers allow the audience to form their own theories.
I know this is just probably me coming from reading MDL comments (where people have been slamming on the editing of this show) but you can’t judge a show fully like this without seeing it in its entirety. I think it’s obvious this show is not filmed like a typical Korean drama in large part due to the influence of a European co-director. And I can say I’ve watched many European shows that similarly have a vibe to The Eighth Sense where you have to put the puzzle pieces together yourself. That not everything is clear in the beginning but it all comes together in the end. And I like that this show is different. I love that I can theorize and pick apart this show (looking at all the posts on color theory, breakdowns of Jaewon and Jihyun’s characters, etc.)
That all being said this show continues to impress and I eagerly await more!
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
Thank you for this! I absolutely LOVED the library scene. Jihyun waving at Jaewon was an adorable and precious moment but also we could see just how much it meant to Jaewon. Also the picture behind Jihyun, if I'm not mistaken, appears to be of a sunrise. Jihyun is really the light coming into Jaewon's life.
This one small interaction is one of my favorite moments of the whole show so far. And I also loved the follow up scene after where they talk in the library stacks, teasing each other and laughing together. Their chemistry was overflowing and so natural and felt so warm during their moments in the library.
Jihyun and Jaewon at the library
The whole scene with them together at the library touched my soul but the one that really tugged at my heart the most was when Jihyun waved at Jaewon with such a big fond and happy smile.
And yet again, besides its beauty, it has so so many hidden meanings. From the way they sit in the shadow or the light, to how the camera is placed and how much focus is put on Jihyun.
We see Jaewon sitting across his ex- all covered in a dim light, sun catching the left side of his face. Paired with the things he says, or doesnt say, to his ex its as if he is trying to leave the mask behind he so hates to wear. The light is searching for him.
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We get a shot of him from the side, where he is illuminated by soft golden light- his clothes and movements dimming the scene, showing us clearly how he continues to struggle with his mental health. But still, theres something on the horizon foreshadowed by the light shining on him.
Right after this, we get to see Jihyun sitting on the other side of the library- we get to see how happily he waves at Jaewon, with that adorable smile. The scene? Bright, not really colorful but white and clean. The color of innocence, purity and most importantly?
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Jihyun is bathing in the sunlight- in white. He is Jaewons hope
The track towards Jihyun is straight, without any obstacles- except the shadow on the left side to the corridor- its what they both need to overcome to meet face to face. For the scene, they again picked the OTS/TPS (over the shoulder/third person shot) they picked for the shower scene- to make it clear we are Jaewon. To make us feel what he feels.
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Above Jihyun hangs a painting, representing both characters very well; its colors are:
Blue- for Jihyun its the color of trust, security, loyality, honesty and reliability. For Jaewon its the color of depression and passivness.
Green- for Jihyun its the color of harmony, safety, growth and health. For Jaewon its the color of jealousy
Yellow- For Jihyun its the color of happiness, optimism, inspiration, creativity and warmth. For Jaewon, its the color of fear, betrayal and cowardice
Orange- For Jihyun, its the color of youth and upliftment. For Jaewon its the color of insincerity and pessimism
Its not just a cute and adorable scene, but also highlights so much about their characters, shows their personality and inner thoughts without even saying anything. And with the scene having no background noises or music, except the light buzzing, paper rustling and Jaewons soft laugh, its as if we're watching something so intimate, almost holy.
Its truly beautiful and next to the shower scene my favorite one so far
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
My jumbled thoughts after watching episodes 3 and 4 of The Eighth Sense:
Okay first and foremost, Jihyun is absolutely adorable and I will protect him with my life (insert photo of Rosa from B99 with the puppy meme). I kept melting over how cute he was, especially in episode 4 when he was mooning over Jaewon. Some of my favorite moments of his were during the scene in the library where we waved at Jaewon and teased him about his artwork, as well as the scene where his boss notices him just grinning like a lovesick fool at work. He is so precious to me.
The scene at the Han river was brilliant. I loved seeing Jihyun bringing Jaewon into his world and teaching him about the things he liked, and teaching him how to draw (side note: I see you Jihyun, you're not so slick grabbing Jaewon's hands to "teach" him the proper drawing technique).
I loved seeing further into Jaewon's life and his concerns and his sessions with his therapist. I will touch on this in a later post after I've properly rewatched both episodes 3 and 4.
The scenes between Jihyun and Jaewon really melted my heart in episode 4. The way that they already are being so open and honest with each other. Their dinner date at the Han river, their cute exchange at the library, them walking to the dorms together in the evening. By the end of episode 4 it's clear that both of them know what direction their relationship is heading in.
I loved their conversation especially at the end of the episode. Jihyun deliberately mentions wanting to visit Namsan Tower with someone he's dating. When Jaewon says he wonders when Jihyun will go there, the two exchange very pointed looks. I love the words unsaid here, that at this point they both are very clear on their mutual interest and attraction. Bringing up the topic of past relationships, Jaewon mentioning the idea of it being "too fast" if he goes to Jihyun's room.
I love how their relationship continues to progress and I love again (how many times can I say love in this one post?) how this show really takes it's time to develop the characters outside of their core relationship too.
Suffice to say Episode 2 and 4 will now be on repeat for me until episode 5 & 6 come next week. I already am eagerly anticipating next week's episodes!
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
there's something so inherently queer in the way The Eighth Sense is being acted and ESPECIALLY in the way it's being filmed, and the cinematography and editing choices that keep taking my goddamn breath away.
the almost pain in the longing of short, broken glances to avoid being caught staring, the eyes darting over his whole face instead of lingering too long on his eyes or lips, the tentative broaching of conversation and testing of boundaries that only happens with that level of anxiety in a queer relationship
the constant fear of "what if he's not?" "what if i'm mistaken?" "what if i step too far?" which straight people rarely have to worry about, because at worst if you ask another straight person out you'll get meanly turned down, but if you're queer and you ask a straight person out the reaction could be SO bad, so you're scared and you're withholding but you're just WANTING
there are whole scenes where their friendship is clearly blooming and they both forget their sexualities and they're just having fun like they do with other people
and then there's always a moment where it THUDS back home again. the wetsuits. the showers. outside the bar. on the beach. where they're both so clearly HYPERAWARE of themselves and each other and feeling so exposed and so so scared but still desperate to be near each other
jaewon and jihyun are in parallel states of just YEARNING so badly that it makes my heart ache and my breath catch every time one of those scenes appears
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
Jae Won: you joined the surf club without knowing how to swim in the ocean?
Ji Hyun:
Ji Hyun, internally: well, first of all, I joined for gay reasons,
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
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THE EIGHTH SENSE 여덟 번째 감각 (2023) dir. Baek Inu and Werner Du Plessis
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
I keep refreshing The Eighth Sense tag on Tumblr and Twitter, checking the MDL comments, checking content for it on TikTok and YouTube. I have brainrot over The Eighth Sense and am desperately trying to pass the next couple of hours before seeing the next two episodes drop
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boyfriendsmalec · 1 year
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“I didn’t see you earlier …” THE EIGHTH SENSE (2023) - Episode 1.
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