br0s-4-n1664 · 2 months
Saturday 04/13/24
I woke up at 7am to prepare myself, it will be a busy day since I have a shift for 9am - 8pm. I am a certified instructor in a Taekwondo gym, so I have to be present. 9am - 12nn was tiring since I didn't get enough sleep, so instead of eating I slept through lunch time. 2pm came and it was my turn to train, I am in an elite team, so I have to train. After training, it was time again to teach. When it was time to go home, I didn't waste any time because I really wanted to rest and sleep.
Sunday 04/14/24
Visitors are coming so we need to clean up the entire house. including the garage and that is where I was assigned. I was told to transfer the sack of sands; it was a heavy-duty job. I transferred probably around like 9-15 sacks. After that I cleaned the rest of the garage. Afternoon came, I was invited to my friend's birthday party so around 2pm I made my way there. When I entered the house, I greeted the parents "Hello po" and "Happy Birthday" to my dearest friend. Around 4pm - 6pm we went out on a Road trip to La Trinidad and went home after. Another day, another tiring day, so I slept immediately.
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