bra1n-d3ad · 4 days
grinding and cramming for finals when I'd rather be grinding and cramming. in like a sex way or something. i guess. i dunno. shuffles away sadly. hits my head on a low-hanging branch and bleeds out in the snow
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bra1n-d3ad · 4 days
Who invited him?
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bra1n-d3ad · 5 days
🦇 fagnsfangs Follow
i dont want to start anything but @castlecrypttt has had the same familiar for 20 years and i dont think she ever intends to turn it...
🧛‍♀️ castlecrypttt Follow
"i dont want to start anything" then why did you @ me you braindead fuck?? willie has been with my family for so long because its his choice. he doesnt even want to be a vampire he enjoys being a familiar. and we take care of him, we give him as many flies and spiders and rats as his little heart desires. all you snobbish vampires who look down on having familiars dont seem to realize that its not a one way relationship. he helps us with our vampire needs and in return we protect him and give him lives. he's going to live far longer than whatever his normal human lifespan wouldve been, 20 years is nothing. and hes part of the family. keep out of our business you clearly dont understand
🩸 bloody-bloody-marie Follow
oh my g*d i cant believe there are still vampires on this site defending keeping familiars.
🧛‍♂️ fresh-blood Follow
genuine question, whats wrong with having a familiar?
🩸 bloody-bloody-marie Follow
are you seriously asking me about the ethics of keeping an enthralled servant that you force into doing your bidding...
🦇 fagnsfangs Follow
op here, i think youre seriously misunderstanding the concept of familiars. a lot of humans would love to have the opportunity to become vampires in exchange for a few years of servitude. the issue lies in when the familiar is promised vampirism and yet never gets it. and no, vampires shouldnt be using thralls to get their familiar to do its job.
🕷 blood-is-the-life Follow
familiar here, and no. i dont really care about becoming a vampire. that was never in the deal i had with my master. but yeah, do agree thralls shouldnt be used unless the familiar is okay with it
🧛‍♂️ vampire-guy-steve Follow
if you dont want to become a vampire then whats the point of being a familiar?
🕷 blood-is-the-life Follow
well for me its a sex thing.
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bra1n-d3ad · 5 days
Once you exit the womb, you can use the left stick to walk around and explore your surroundings. You can press A to jump, allowing you to access higher places. Try jumping onto the doctor's cabinets
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bra1n-d3ad · 5 days
You Should Fear What You Already Know
7.10 Spec / T+ / 1k / Author Chose Not To Use Warnings
Buck’s always hated hospitals. The sickly smell of bleach and illness, the squeaky floors and buzzing fluorescent lights, the fact that he could never tell which was worse; being the victim or the victim’s family. He thinks he’s made up his mind about that last one today.
Sitting by Bobby’s hospital bed, Buck’s mind keeps getting stuck on how small he looks, how young. Objectively he knows Bobby’s not old, per se, but he’s always seemed so solid, so sure of himself and his place in this world. Like steel, or concrete.
But Buck knows what repeated application of stress can do to steel, to concrete, to strong men. He’s seen it first hand; never needed to see it again.
“I don’t know if you can hear me,” he says, taking Bobby’s pale, fragile hand in his own. It’s warm to the touch, calloused like Buck’s own, but smaller, and that feels wrong. Nothing about Bobby should be smaller than Buck. “Every coma is different, you know? But I’m gonna believe you can until proven otherwise.”
Chim hadn’t heard anything. Buck had heard some things; not everything. But Bobby’s heart stopped, and Buck’s heart stopped, and maybe that’s the common denominator, the link between them. It’s a little hope, but it’s the only one he’s got.
“You- you said the other day, after I made lunch, that your work here is done. And at the time I- I was excited ‘cause I really tried, you know?
“I put everything into that meal, just like you do, and it must have worked. You looked so happy, after just one bite. And I was so proud of myself-“ Buck sniffs, wipes at his face with the back of his hand. “I was proud, ‘cause I’d impressed you.
“But I’ve changed my mind. You’re not, okay? Your work can’t be done, Bobby, ‘cause I made your lasagne for Tommy today and I don’t know what happened but the sauce, it was too thin, you know? I need you to show me again.” 
Buck squeezes his hand again, then relaxes it. The last thing Bobby needs is a bruised hand if… when he wakes up.
“I know you can hear me, okay? Because I heard you. After the lightning, in my coma dream. I heard you praying for me and- and I came back to you. So now it’s your turn, Bobby. I’ve seen what a world without you looks like and I can’t go back there. I won’t.”
Bobby’s heart monitor continues to beep, steady as a funeral march, not a stutter in its pace to indicate he’s heard anything Buck’s said. The low wheeze of the vent accompanies it, a nightmarish harmony. Buck wants to wake up.
He wants to wake up and see Bobby, whole and well and smiling and alive. But Buck is awake and Bobby might never be again and it’s the most unimaginable pain he’s ever felt.
Worse than the radiation scare in the tunnel - at least then Buck could talk to Bobby. Could wave off his concerns with gentle - and not so gentle - words. Could walk and talk and make them breakfast and smile. 
Could call Buck overprotective with an eye roll, and a warm hand on his shoulder.
“I lied to you, then,” Buck admits between clenched teeth. “You weren’t the same, in my coma dream. You- you were dead.” He whispers the word, like speaking it aloud could invite the possibility of it into the room. “You were dead, because you relapsed.
And the team never noticed how bad it was getting, because I wasn’t there to provoke you, I guess. After the plane went down.”
Buck laughs humorlessly as he remembers how even in his own head, the thought of Bobby not being there nearly killed him too. 
“I think my brain might have over-inflated my importance in your life, honestly, but it- it devastated me. And I still- I can’t-“ The tears come rushing back from somewhere so deep, so dark that Buck’s not sure they’ll ever stop once they spill. “I won’t live without you, okay? You know better than anyone how stubborn I am, Bobby. So you better come back to us.
“Your work here’s not done, and it’s never going to be done. Athena needs her husband. The 118 needs their captain. May and Harry need their dad, and I-“ 
That’s the thing, isn’t it? That precious, unspoken line they’ve never crossed. 
Because no one’s ever cared for him like Bobby has. No one’s worried about him, and protected him, and loved him with exasperation and anger and fear and joy so big and bold that Buck’s always been scared to look at it too close, let alone reach out and claim it. 
Now he might be too late.
But if there’s any part of Bobby that can hear him through the haze, then Buck’s going to be brave, gonna take the chance. He’d give all his blood, his plasma, his marrow. Any organ they could wrench from him he’d give to Bobby in a heartbeat, in the space between them.
Seems only fair to give him the title that goes with it.
“I need my dad, too. So, wherever you are, come back?” Please?”
Title is from Plastic Flowers by The Front Bottoms, don’t listen to it unless you wanna cry
I’ll post it to Ao3 later once I have it edited ✌️
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bra1n-d3ad · 5 days
I can’t get over Lou’s face 😭😭
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how many takes are there of buck slamming into tommy because look at oliver's tattoo cover-up coming off on his left arm and then look at lou's shirt
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bra1n-d3ad · 5 days
i could get so much done in a day if i didnt decide my day was over at 4 pm. too bad theres no solution oh well
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bra1n-d3ad · 5 days
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bra1n-d3ad · 5 days
Call me impact font the way I make that Bottom Text
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bra1n-d3ad · 5 days
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911 s7 ep10 stills — incorrect quotes
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bra1n-d3ad · 6 days
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bra1n-d3ad · 6 days
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bra1n-d3ad · 6 days
I thought the Eddie/Chris theory was a little far fetched but these new stills have me worried 😭
(Can’t put all of the stills involving Eddie/chris/buck/eddies parents but these are the ones that stick out the most)
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This isn’t completely a theory but I think Amir definitely was the one to start the fire. My reasoning:
1. The trail of gasoline/flammable liquid that led to the gas bottles didn’t seem coincidental
2. When Amir went to their house and was looking around, he was asking questions like how long they’d lived there for, about their kids, and then finally seemed to have some sort of breakdown/realisation when he saw Bobby’s medal.
3. As Amir explained, his wife passed away because of the fire. I think Amir wanted to cause the same pain Bobby caused him by lighting his house on fire to kill Athena, not Bobby. I also think that he asked about Harry and May because he didn’t want them to be in the house when he burnt it down (or he did but realised they often aren’t there).
As for Eddie’s storyline:
I think that both Kim and Marisol are going to break things off with him (obviously). Eddie will most likely be distraught because of all the reminders of Shannon being brought back up. Christopher will probably talk to Buck about it either by “running away” to his place again or by calling/talking to him.
I think that after Buck finds out about Christopher seeing Kim dressed up as Shannon he will try and contact Eddie’s family and they will force Eddie to let Chris stay with them for however long he needs to until Eddie isn’t acting, for lack of a better word, crazy. So because of Chris getting taken away I think Eddie is going to resent Buck A LOT for “causing” it and will probably stop talking to him for however long Chris is away (maybe even longer). Everyone else is probably trying to talk some sense into him and he’ll probably get angry at everyone else for trying to make him forgive Buck.
Consequently, Eddie will be very isolated.
Sooo those are my thoughts for the finale/some of the episodes in S8. They’re probably very obvious but I wanted to share them :)
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bra1n-d3ad · 6 days
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bra1n-d3ad · 6 days
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Eddie + listening to Buck re: all of his love interests
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bra1n-d3ad · 6 days
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bra1n-d3ad · 6 days
oh but they have indeed made use of their ten episodes because there has not been a SECOND of rest. capsized cruise ship. bi crisis speedrun followed by the worst date in history. catholic guilt guy feeling Catholic Guilty. rebar guy gets encephalitis and hallucinates his fiancee's abusive ex-husband. tragic past™ guy's past gets even more tragic. entitled woman takes child away from her mothers. carbon copy of mr. avoidant's dead wife enables his self-destructive behavior. house on fire and cardiact arrest and yet another coma. 10 hours of the most harrowing, fear-inducing screentime ever
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