brckensociety · 2 days
𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢.
mother’s daughter: muse a has had a pretty rough childhood. when her mother was a teen, she got pregnant early with muse a and was tormented relentlessly. it made her snap and attempt to kill the girls who were making fun of her. in the end, she was apprehended and put in a mental health facility to live out the rest of her days. fast forward 20+ years and muse b is the child of the ‘final girl’. everyone thought that the baby had not been born, but muse a is out there, terrorizing muse b and their friends because of what happened to her mother. she could be hiding in plain sight, being friends with the group (and has been for years) or is a stranger.
bury a friend: after a freak accident, muse a and muse b accidentally kill their mutual friend. whether or not it’s an actual accident is up to you. muse a goes completely numb, and muse b is picking up the pieces, trying to figure out how to get away from the guilt. muse a ends up having a taste for killing, and muse b is left trying to clean up their messes so they don’t get caught. 
twisted teeth: muse a is part of a coven of prominent vampires, who don’t often associate with other beings… especially humans. however, muse a is a bit of a rebel and likes to blend in with humans as a bit of a game. but when they meet muse b, everything changes. there is a primal desire to bond in a way that muse a has never felt before. now muse a is trying to figure out how to come clean to muse b, all the while trying not to feed from them. 
maneater: two cannibals who fall in love, but neither of them know that they eat people and their taste seems to be for each other. think of mr. and mrs. smith, but instead of having a hit on each other… they’re just cannibals. 
writer in the dark: muse a is a wanderer, going from place to place and just living life with nothing holding them back. muse b is a beautiful recluse, potentially some sort of demon/witch, who lives in a cabin in the middle of the woods. muse a ends up stumbling upon this cabin, and ends up getting locked in there with muse b. there is no way out, so muse a begins to learn how to live with muse b and being their muse.
rhiannon: muse a is a historian studying the hauntings of an old ghost in a small town, and has moved into a cheap mansion on the hill. newcomers will be bewitched by the ghost’s song. muse b is the ghost in question, burned by a scorned lover so she wouldn’t say his secrets. the ghost was murdered in the mansion that muse a is living in, and only comes to life when a resident is there. muse a finds themselves bewitched by the song and voice of muse b, who has been materializing in front of them. except it seems that the two are falling in love in an unconventional way. 
bring me to life: muse a and muse b were newly weds when muse a died suddenly. muse b did everything they could to save them, and was greeted by a demon after a last ditch effort to bring their love back to life. they do a ritual, and end up beginning muse a back to life… except something is wrong. muse a has some sort of bloodlust, and muse b has to figure out how to satiate it as they navigate living new life.
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brckensociety · 2 days
i'm indecisive so someone help do i make my kaia gerber muse a witch or a scream oc?
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brckensociety · 3 days
my brain is being a butt, so drafts aren't getting done rn. however, i'm still planning on adding those new muses. finally picked all the fcs, but because i'm me and need approval for everything xD i've listed the fcs below. if there are any people absolutely hate (specifically those i rp with regularly) lmk. and feel free to suggest replacements. or just tell me you love them all xDD full list below:
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gabriel guevara
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suki waterhouse
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ester exposito
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kaia gerber
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fivel stewart
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katherine mcnamara
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lucy boynton
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anne hathway
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brckensociety · 5 days
won't be on tonight but will be on a little tomorrow. thankfully got my ket infusion today which will hopefully help me a little.
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brckensociety · 5 days
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brckensociety · 5 days
* tw for mentions of blood / drinking blood / death + murder .
❝ that’s a lot of blood. ❞
❝ so you drink [human] blood ? ❞
❝ how long has it been since you fed ? ❞
❝ bite me. ❞
❝ you just bit me ! ❞
❝  i don’t believe in vampires. ❞
❝ i want to be your familiar. ❞ 
❝ can you turn in to a bat ? ❞
❝ you don’t have a reflection ! ❞
❝ so do you sleep in a coffin ? ❞
❝ you’re gonna need a bigger coffin. ❞
❝ so, how old are you really ? ❞
❝ your skin’s always so cold. ❞
❝ if you need to feed, you can bite me. ❞
❝ you can bite me, i trust you. ❞ 
❝ what does it taste like ? / what do i taste like ? ❞
❝ you’re [not] a monster. ❞
❝ drink this, you’ll feel better. ❞
❝ i’m [not] a monster. ❞
❝ i haven’t fed in awhile. ❞
❝ it’s dangerous for you to be here when i’m like this. ❞
❝ i want you to be my familiar. ❞
❝ forget what you think you know, vampires exist. ❞
❝ no, that’s a myth. ❞
❝ i’m not going to eat you. ❞
❝ you call it a myth, i call it a bad stereotype. ❞
❝ your taste so sweet / bitter / good / bad. ❞
❝ your blood smells so sweet / bitter / good / bad. ❞ 
❝ it’s been awhile since i tasted fresh blood. ❞
❝ you’re so warm. / i forgot how warm living is. ❞
❝ you have to invite me in. ❞
❝ i think i just killed someone. ❞
❝ honestly ? i’m terrified i’m going to have to spend eternity alone. ❞
Actions.   ( add a + to reverse the action ! )
[ BITE. ]  the sender bites receiver on the ( neck / wrist / thigh / bodypart ) to drink their blood.
[ TURN. ]  the sender turns the receiver into a vampire.
[ BLOODLUST ]  the sender has gone too long without feeding, base instincts taking over, the receiver finds them. 
[ COFFIN. ]  the sender stumbles upon the receiver sleeping in a coffin. 
[ STAKE. ]  after finding out the receiver is a vampire, the sender tries to stake them. 
[ MIRROR. ]  when passing a mirror, the receiver notices the sender does not have a reflection. 
[ OFFER. ]  after noticing the receiver hasn’t fed in a few days / weeks, the sender offers to let the receiver feed from them.
[ MESS. ]  the sender finds the receiver covered in blood that certainly isn’t their own.
[ LICK. ]  the sender licks blood from the receiver’s wound / finger.
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brckensociety · 5 days
m/f nsfw meme
pick a random number + letter, and i’ll write a smutty starter based off the gif! you can look, or leave it a surprise. all images linked are HEAVILY nsfw!
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c. 
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
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brckensociety · 5 days
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brckensociety · 7 days
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"Fine, I'll keep doing it, if you promise you won't record it," he replied, knowing he would struggle not to make comments here and there. Although there were times he'd likely tell her what she meant. "Maybe I'll fill you in on a little here and there," he smiled softly. He knew the second their lips connected he was done for, all the pent-up feelings and emotions that had been just below the surface erupting within seconds. The kiss deepened, his arm slipping around her waist, hand resting upon the small of her back, almost like he was scared she'd pull back and leave him in the dust or something.
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Kim chuckled softly before shaking her head slightly. "No!" she said probably too emphatically. "Don't do that. I like hearing you speak in other languages." she admitted, her slim shoulders shrugging slightly as she willed her cheeks not to flush. "Even if I can't understand it." A part of her had expected him to push her off, to tell her that they had to keep things professional; that she'd misread all the little moments they'd been sharing. But when he kissed her back she melted. A small hum left her lips against his own as her hand that had been on his shoulder moved to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to her if that was even possible. His lips were even softer than she could have imagined and they had a slight taste of the beer he'd been sipping, and a taste all his own that was far more intoxicating.
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brckensociety · 7 days
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"You know? I think that is more you want me to want a repeat over actually knowing," she pointed out, knowing if the chips were down she wouldn't be able to resist the obvious tension between them. April noted how he seemed to get distracted for a moment, intrigued if it was her who'd been the reason. "Confident. I suppose I might have to test that... Maybe," the blonde replied. When he finished his drink and spoke her brow quirked, downing the rest of her own drink. "Bravery is my middle name... Lead the way."
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Brock chuckled softly as his brows wiggled playfully. "Oh c'mon, I know you'd want a repeat." he teased, and while he wasn't entirely sure of that statement, the tension between them was palpable and he hoped it was true because he definitely did. God damn her eyes were gorgeous and he caught himself staring for a moment, having to play catch up with the question she'd asked him. "Nah, I can take whatever you dole out." he teased back before lifting his glass back to his lips and tipping the rest of his drink back. "As for my profession, you brave enough to follow me to the back to find out?" he challenged, raising his brows playfully.
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brckensociety · 7 days
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"Damn, you'd do that? Guess I'll have to keep my words to myself," he chuckled, knowing she was more than capable of doing something like that and god it'd be awkward. At least he thought it'd be awkward. "Someone might think it's lame, knowing how to properly dance but I definitely think it can come in handy," at least he had found it handy in some situations, it also gave him better movement and flow in his body. Time seemed to freeze for a moment as they looked at each other and the next thing Warner knew, her lips were on his, and he was kissing her back. The hand that had been on her waist shifted to caress her cheek.
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A small smile crept onto her lips and she shook her head slightly. "Maybe I will. Or just start recording you and use AI translate." she teased, unable to help as her lips formed a slight smirk. There was no way she'd be able to remember what he'd said to type it in later, she just hoped she'd be able to hear it again, or any other phrase he shared with her. Every sound off his lips was becoming more enticing to her. His laugh pulled a brighter smile onto her lips. "Really? That's awesome." She could imagine him standing on his dad's toes learning to dance as a child and it was an endearing thought. It wasn't the first time Kim realized just how close they were, but this time she swore she saw his bright blue hues flicker to her own lips and she licked them unconsciously. Before she allowed herself too much time to think on it and talk herself out of it she leaned up and closed the minimal distance between them, pressing her lips to his gently.
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brckensociety · 7 days
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"Just because I have once doesn't mean I will again, Brock," although to have a repeat of the night before was very, very tempting. And something told her that her actually stripping for him would only make the tension between them thicker. The night before she had been flirtatious and teasing, but now? It was at a whole new level, and she honestly couldn't control it. "Very much," April nodded, green orbs locked on him. "Incredibly fucking dull," she purred in response,. "How is your back by the way? I didn't scratch you too hard, right?" She teased playfully.
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"Well, considering you already have." he retorted quickly, a smug look on his face as he referenced their previous night together. Technically, he'd undressed her, but that was neither here nor there. A light chuckle left him. She was quick and witty, two characteristics he found incredibly sexy and she was flaunting them on clear display in their conversation and he was just as attracted to her as the first night they met, if not more so. "Do you really wanna know?" he asked, unable to help the smirk growing on his lips. "Mmm, well what's life without a few claw marks." he teased with a laugh as he took a larger sip of his drink.
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brckensociety · 7 days
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"It's totally fair. Maybe you'll just have to learn some new languages to find out what it means," he chuckled, wondering if she'd ever actually do such a thing. It was a rather funny situation, the pair having such clear feelings for each other whilst believing that the other didn't feel that way, that they were just being professional and joking. God, her laughter was like a perfect symphony he could listen to for hours, driving him wild. "Thank you, thank you," Warner laughed himself. "Nah, that I learnt from my parents, it can help on the job though," he spoke, his own gaze shifting to her lips.
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A little chuckle left her at the way he worded it, and her hues rolled playfully before looking back up at him. "What? That's not fair." she whined softly, though her attention was drawn back to his lips when he licked them. Did he know what he did to her when he did that? It was incredibly unfair. She found herself leaning up toward him, almost grateful that he broke their close contact when he twirled her out away from him and then back into his body. A bright chorus of laughter left the redhead as he did so and when she returned to her place against him she was still giggling. "Wow, those are impressive moves." she teased through her laughs. "Was dancing part of your bodyguard studies?" she asked playfully. even as her eyes were drawn back to his lips.
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brckensociety · 7 days
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"Mhm," she replied with a nod, knowing she was set in her belief that he was lying. "Oh, I'll want to take my clothes off, sure, but will I want to do it for you?" She countered, her heading tilting in that classic challenging manner, knowing full well she would but unable to stop herself from teasing him. "Oh no, I don't want to get to know you, Brock. But the fact you seem to dodge the subject has my curiosity piqued," she admitted, although there was an allure to getting to know the side of him that he was hiding from Stacy. "You'll heal," April smirked, gaze dropping to his lips for a split second as she took another sip of her drink. "Indeed I am, I do love ripping people to shreds."
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Brock chuckled softly, his broad shoulders shrugging. "Maybe, maybe not," he teased. This time another full laugh left him. That was the other thing he so easily enjoyed about April. She made him laugh, and that wasn't always the easiest thing to do. "I don't need to pay you to strip April. You said it yourself, you'll already wanna take your clothes off." he teased, raising his brows in a playful challenge. "Careful, I might think you wanna get to know me, you keep asking bout what I do and shit." he joked. Truth was, he didn't really care if April knew he was a drug dealer, he cared if it got back to her best friend. But the way their interactions had been going, he didn't think it would. He leaned back, his large hand moving to his heart in a feigned expression of hurt. "Damn, reduced to a wingman, that hurts." he responded before another chuckle left him. "You're a savage."
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brckensociety · 7 days
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brckensociety · 7 days
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"Thank you, I do appreciate knowing I'm appreciated," he smiled softly, glad they could have this genuine moment together, no teasing or fighting. God, he could get lost in her eyes, like a gorgeous field that went on for miles. How on Earth was he meant to keep everything solely professional when everything about her drew him in. "It's a secret," he replied, instinctively licking his lips. He wished he could tell her, but it wasn't a smart idea. Warner know she was more than a job, he felt it deep in his bones but he was trying his best to hide it. His smile beamed as he nodded, wasting little time in twirling her once the permission was giving.
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"I know, but, just thought you should know." she offered with a small shrug of her shoulders. Him reiterating that he was just doing his job, reminded her that that's what she was to him, and she had to remember that. But then he looked at her like that and she swore her heart leapt into her throat. Kim swallowed thickly, large green eyes looking back up at him. He could have been telling her she was an idiot for all she knew, but God did whatever he'd just said sound good off those lips. "What's that mean?" she asked, her tone mimicking his in volume. It was like they were in this little bubble they'd created and if they spoke too loudly between them it might burst. A small sigh of contentment left her when she felt his head resting atop her own. She swore she could get lost in just being wrapped up in his strong form and that was a dangerous thought, especially if she was just a job. His question brought a small chuckle from her and she pulled away to look at him, her brow quirking slightly. "Oh. you've got twirl moves, do you?" she teased before nodding with a toothy grin. "Alright, sure. Show me what you've got."
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brckensociety · 7 days
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"Liar," she replied with no hesitation, only certain because she loved his cockiness the same. "Oh yeah? You going to spend the money from your oh-so-secret job to get to me strip?" She queried, a devious gleam in her eyes knowing she would likely do so without any alcohol if he asked. Also taking a shot at the career he was so vague about at the brunch. "Exactly. We have the same mission, girly label be damned," April laughed softly, her free hand raising to push her hair back out of her face. The blonde nibbled at her lip as he leaned in, his hot breath causing goosebumps to form on her skin. "Every night, really. Wanna be my wingman?" She teased.
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Brock chuckled softly with a slight shrug. 'I could take it or leave it." he lied, knowing full damn well she was right and he did in fact love it. It was a relief to be able to be himself around her rather than having to play a part like he did with his girlfriend. His brow quirked slightly at her words before he chuckled again. "Well, in that case, I'll be sure to provide you with plenty of shots and enable your fireball choices." he teased, his smirk growing. He laughed again, his head shaking slightly. "Hey, it gets me drunk quick and like you said, clothes come off eventually." he teased back. Brock clinked his glass against her own and took a sip of his own drink before leaning closer to her, his lips beside her ear. "You tryna get fucked tonight?"
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