briars-grimoire · 6 months
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briars-grimoire · 1 year
Things you can do with a Clear Quartz
Combine with sage and lemon for the ultimate cleansing combination
charge it sunlight to absorb the sun energy
charge it in moonlight to absorb lunar energy
charge it in the wind to capture the wind/air
charge it in rain for extra cleansing and calming properties and to absorb the energy of the storm
charge it in the ocean or salt water for extra calming and energy properties and to capture sea energy
Charge it in the ground to absorb earth energy and for grounding
charge it with flowers and leaves to attract fae
Charge it in ice or snow for glamour and illusion
Keep one near when you study to help you remember what you read
Use it as a scrying mirror/crystal
Add one to your bath to cleanse, heal, and amplify energy
Keep one in a jar of salt (it will boost the cleansing properties)
Add one to your spell jars to keep their energy flowing and enhance their magic
Whisper incantation to them to charge them with your intent
Sleep with one under your pillow to enhance dreams and keep away nightmares
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
🔮How To Use A Pendulum🔮
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⭐Sit down at a table and make yourself comfortable (you should feel grounded and calm).
⭐Rest the elbow of the arm holding the pendulum on the table in front of you. Allow the weight of the pendulum to swing freely.
⭐The pendulum will move itself; either by your thoughts or a spirit who you have given permission to work through you, like a spirit guide.
⭐It is suggested to first program the pendulum with your energy and the movement for "yes" and "no."
⭐Always begin by steadying the weight of the pendulum with your free hand. Keep your eyes on the pendulum and say, "show me Yes." It will soon pick a direction. It can be side to side, back and forth, or circles. Write this down.
⭐Steady the pendulum and now say, "show me No." It should swing in the opposite direction.
⭐For the times that the answer is "unknown" or the spirit needs more information, the pendulum will generally swing diagonally or not at all.
⭐The faster the movement - the stronger the energies, or the clearer the answer.
⭐Always have something on hand to record your questions, answers, and the motions and behaviors of your pendulum.
🔮Pendulum Tips🔮
⭐Keep your questions a "yes," or "no," answer.
⭐You can use a pendulum chart or make one yourself to make things easier.
⭐A pendulum can be made of anything that can be dangled from a string or thin chain.
⭐Use stones or items of a comfortable size and weight. And keep the chain at a comfortable length.
⭐Cleanse your pendulum often as it can collect negative energies and can distort your answers. (Sea salt water, smoke cleanse, clear running water, etc.)
⭐Keep your mind neutral, not thinking yes or no, stay focused on the swinging end of the pendulum.
⭐If you want the pendulum to say "yes," it will honor your desire. For this reason, it is important to keep your mind cleared and ask questions in an emotionally neutral way for best results.
⭐The more you work with a pendulum, the more you will learn its benefits, uses, and limits.
Keep in mind, if the information you receive becomes negative, STOP.
🔮Practice safe divination!🔮
Click on the link below to purchase card readings, witchy items, and more!
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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“The Morrigan” / “Morrígu” / “Mór-Ríoghain” 
These sigils are for the different variations of the deity more commonly known as ‘The Morrigan” goes by for her name(s). Feel free to use any of these in your practices with The Morrigan
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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Imbolc - the feast day of Saint Brigid marking the beginning of spring
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
Jack of all Trades, Master of...All? - A Guide to Lugh
Lugh, Lugus, Lug, of the Long Arm, Master of Skills, he goes by many names. Have you heard about this Celtic God?
Read to find out more!
This is an educational post about Lugh, it will start with history and mythology and at the end I will put modern day correspondences and such. Links provided for more reading!
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(Photo Cred: Unkown)
Who is Lugh?
Lugh is an Irish deity who is known to be associated with lightning, craftmanship, as well as many more skills (all of them, actually). He really is a master of all trades.
Lugh is not a Sun God but many people use the sun as a symbol for him or associate him with the sun. This is in part because of his name being translated to "light", though that isn't the only possible translation of his name.
However, the idea that he is a sun god comes from an outdated Victorian-era ideology. The anthropologists of the time were convinced that at the root of all pantheons and mythology there must be a sun god. They were obsessed with a solar system based pattern in mythology.
For the Irish, though, their gods are less transcendent (like above all else) and more human-like than other mythology. Irish deities are more a part of the world rather than above it all.
The author of this post explains it very well, if you have more questions about this please check out their article!
In short: It is not wrong for you to associate him with the sun, but he is not a Sun God.
The name Lugh (or Lug) was a popular name in ancient times. Some say the name derives from a Proto-Indo-European root "lewgh-" which means “to bind by oath.” Possibly indicative of the role he plays in oath making and promises. Some say it could mean "Light" though many scholars believe this to be unlikely.
He had many names and titles, however, his most known title was Lámfada, meaning “Of the Long Arm,” which was a reference to the length of his spear and that it was like it was a part of him (like an arm). It could also be translated as "artful hands" which references his abilities and skills in creation, craftmanship, and the arts.
Lugh comes from two bloodlines: his father, Cian, was the son of Dian Cedh, healer of the Tuatha Dé Danann and his mother, Ethniu, was of the Fomorians.
Though his birth parents are known, many argue the identity of his foster parents; The Irish sea god Manannán mac Lir, Tailtiu, Queen of the Firbolg, and Goibniu, god of the smiths, have all been suggested to be Lugh's foster parents.
Rough Start
After being told that his grandson would kill him in the future, The King of Balor locked his daughter, Ethniu, up to keep her from seeing Cian (her lover) again.
However, the two met up anyways and had triplets, one of them was Lugh.
Ethniu's father was furious and planned to have the children killed. Two of them died and the surviving child was Lugh. He fell into the water and was rescued by Biróg who took him to Cian.
Lugh would later be given to a foster parent (one of those mentioned above) who would protect and raise him.
Ladies' Man
Lugh had multiple wives, including Buí, Buach, Nás, daughters of Ruadri (King of Britain), Echtach, Englic, and Rosmerta.
Like Father Like Son
Of his sons, the most famous child he produced was with a mortal named Deichtine. Together they created Cú Chulainn, known as the hero of the Ulster saga.
Lugh at the Gate
Perhaps the most famous tale of this god, it starts with Lugh approaching the gate of the Hall of Tara. He asks to meet with Nuada, god of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and become part of the King's court.
Lugh is stopped by a guard and told that, unless he had a skill that would be useful to the king, he would not be allowed to enter.
Lugh then begins listing skills he has mastered, which includes but are not limited to: a smith, a wright, a craftsman, a swordsman, a harpist, a poet, a historian, a sorcerer, a physician, as well as a champion,
Alas, he is told that the king has people for all of those skills and is about to be turned away.
Finally, Lugh asks if the King has a person who is skilled in all of those things.
The guard goes to the king and asks. Once he comes back he allows Lugh to enter with the King's permission.
High King of Ireland
During a battle against the King of Balor (Lugh's maternal grandfather), Nuada is killed by Balor. Lugh faces off against his grandfather and kills him with a slingshot as revenge for Nuada.
During the war Lugh finds the half-Formorian former king of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Bres, lying on death's door.
He offers to spare Bres' life in exchange for all of the secrets Bres has about the land, including when to plough, sow, and reap crops.
After the war Lugh is pronounced the High King of Ireland and rules for many years.
(Later Lugh would kill off Bres, but he spared his life at the battle and therefore kept his word)
Death (...?)
After finding out that his wife had an affair with Cermait, son of the Dagda, Lugh killed Cermait in anger.
Cermait's three sons were furious and swore vengeance on Lugh. They captured and drowned Lugh.
(Ironic that he came into this world and survived drowning only to die by it later in life...sorry Lugh)
Lugh had ruled for over 40 years as the king.
That being said, Deities are not like humans. Death is not the end for them.
Julius Caesar commented on Lugh, noticing his importance as a god to the Celtic people.
Some equate Lugh to the Nordic Odin or the Roman Mercury.
There are many more stories about Lugh but I compiled the most important ones to his character here.
If you'd like to find out more, here are some references you could read:
World History-Lugh
The Celtic Journey - Lugh, Master of Skills
Learn Religions- Lugh, the Celtic Craftsman God
Sadly we don't have a lot of context or stories from the ancient Celts so most of these myths and legends are reconstructed using the knowledge and understanding we have of the culture and times.
A spear
A slingshot
Fragarach; "The Answerer", a sword from Manannán, his foster father. It had the ability to make anyone that it was pointed at tell the truth
Failinis, Lugh's hound
Aenbharr, Lugh's horse
Sguaba Tuinne, the “Wind-sweeper,” a very fast boat
Ravens and crows
Two snakes
The Sun
Holy Days
Lughnasadh, a holiday created for his victory in battle against the the spirits of Tír na nÓg. He would bless harvest fruit and play games in memory of his foster mother, Tailtiu.
Warm colors like red, orange, gold, yellow
(I also personally associate him with a light, stiking, nossy green color.)
Alcohol (ale/cider/mead/wine etc)
A plate of whatever you made for dinner
Blueberries or Blackberries
Some say he enjoys milk and honey!
Bread (preferably if you've made it yourself r if it was handmade)
Honestly, in my experience Lugh's favorite type of offering (as well as most Celtic gods from what I've read) are acts of devotion or something you've crafted yourself.
This doesn't mean you need to paint a mural for him--though I'm sure he'd enjoy that too!--it means anything involving creation. Devote your creative time to him. I like to devote the act of writing on this blog to him sometimes, for example.
End Notes
In my experience Lugh is a kind, sometimes goofy deity--in the sense that he enjoys making jokes and is fairly laid back. Don't speak ill of him or disrespect him, though, no one wants an angry storm god!
Let me know if you have any personal experience with Lugh or if you have some good references to add to this post!
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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The Message.
a tarot spread for imbolc.
1. Darkness. The clutches of winter can be felt all around you. It penetrates down to your depths. Within this place of solitude, what secrets will you find hidden deep under the frozen waters?
2. The Vessel. You must be ready to deliver the message, to reveal the knowledge which was once unknown. You are the lantern, you are the light. In order to prepare yourself, you must be willing to let go of that which no longer serves you. What in your life do you need to let go of? What no longer serves you?
3. The Flame. This is your light, your time, your moment. Take back that which was lost. Take back the power you once had. Where do you need to focus your energy? What do you need to remember in order to be one with the light?
4. The Message. The cold of winter will come to an end soon enough. Set your eyes to the horizon. Feel the warmth of the rising sun. Do not live in fear. Share your knowledge. Do this and you will be blessed. What blessings can you expect to see manifest within your life in the days ahead?
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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Happy Imbolc! If things seem grim out there, remember there is life stirring in places we can’t see, ready to transform the world. 🌱🌞 And us.🌿
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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Cleansing simmer pot for Imbolc
adjusted from: thewholesomewitch.com
This is the very first actual ritual I did. I have been learning for a good 2 years now but I have never performed magick since it never felt right. But this time it did. I celebrate Imbolc early because I don't have much time during the weekdays, so I had my little celebration the weekend before :)
a small pot
3 lemon slices (I didn't want to waste any so I used 4)
for love, purification, longevity, and friendship.
2tbsp lavender (I added some more later for good measure because it just smelled so good)
for happiness, peace, protection, purification, and sleep.
2tbsp chamomile flowers (I used 'expired' calming tea that had chamomile in it)
for sleep, peace, love and purification
1 tbsp rosemary and 1 tbsp vanilla extract
for healing, love, protection and purification
The most important thing is to think about what you want to achieve with this simmer pot. I really wanted to clear the house from any negative energy and entities, to clear the house from any anger or sadness we've had the past year and to fill the house with a clean positive and calming energy. Keep this in your mind.
Fill the pot with water (I just filled it to half because I wasn't sure how long it would take to cook down), and mindfully add your ingredients. Bring it to a boil.
Once boiling, lower the heat to a simmer. Stir clockwise to bring in positive energy (good health, prosperity, love, happiness and peace) and counter clockwise to banish the misunderstandings, miscommunications, arguments etcetera. Recite some words, I just used the ones from thewholesomewitch: ‘I cleanse this place in time and space. Negativity I set you free. As my will, so mote it be.’
Take a deep loving breath in, and another loving breath out. Feel your lungs filling with this new positive energy and visualize the negative going up up and away with the steam. Keep chanting, visualizing and stirring until it feels right to stop.
Leave the pot simmering until there is only a centimeter or so of water left and turn it off. Your ritual is complete.
My results
First of all the smell was absolutely amazing, I am definitely going to be doing more simmer pots. Maybe even instead of incense. We have a small home so incense can get overpowering very easily plus we also have pets, simmer pots are a much safer option for me.
Second, my family was quite stressed and angry this day. Lots of pressure from other family and friends rested on our shoulders but the moment the simmer pot was done it felt so much lighter. We even just fell asleep on the couch so calm and at ease haha
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
The Promise of Spring - Imbolc for Secular Witches
I am the spark before the fire From winter’s cold, I do inspire I am the promise of the Spring I am the tiniest of flames
-Kelliana, “Brighid’s Flame”
As we begin to come to the end of (an unseasonably warm) January, a tiny candle flame appears on the horizon. The beginning of February is marked by a number of “signs of spring” holidays, among them Candlemas, the Feast of St. Brighid, Groundhog Day, and of course, Imbolc.
Now, depending on where you live, Imbolc (or Imbolg) and the Feast of St. Brighid may be celebrated sort of interchangeably. In Ireland, the day is called Lá Fhéile Bríde and it is as much a celebration of an old Gaelic festival halfway between the solstices as it is a celebration for the nation’s other favorite saint. 
The religious and spiritual significance of the holiday is very entwined with the traditional activities we often see depicted online. The reed crosses, the dollies, the ceremonies, the offerings of oatmeal and milk - all of this is wonderful, but it can leave secular witches feeling left out in the cold.
So what’s a witch to do?
The main importance of the holiday, apart from venerating the blessed Brighid or the unconquered Sun, is hope. The glimmer of new beginnings, the warm hearth in the midst of winter, and the promise of renewal with the coming spring. It is a time to evaluate where you are, to determine what can or should be cleansed from your life, and to begin planning your way forward.
If you’re inclined to divination, cast your fortune for the coming season. Contemplate your path to personal growth. What obstacles are in your path? What is holding you back from flowering and how can you either conquer it or work around it? Where would you like to see yourself this year? What changes do you need to make?
Take a day to focus on self-care. Winter darkness can be hard on those of us with depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder (amongst other things). A day spent doing things that make you feel happy, healthy, and fulfilled can buoy your spirits and help get you through that winter slump. Have a home spa day. Watch your favorite movies and eat your favorite foods. Curl up with a good book. Or, if you’re socially inclined, have an outing with friends or loved ones. Visit a favorite shop or cafe. Go see a movie. Plan a date with your sweetie or your bestie. Reconnect with yourself and with the wider world in a way that brings you comfort and joy.
Start on your spring cleaning projects. It’s a bit soon to begin airing out the house, despite the January warm spell (thanks a lot, climate change), but you can still begin clearing the clutter. Organize a closet or plow through one of those projects you’ve been putting off. Scrub down your kitchen and/or bathroom - they ALWAYS need it - or clean out the fridge. Do a few loads of laundry, or just pick up whatever clutter is keeping your space from feeling relaxed and harmonious. If you’ve been saying you’ll get around to it, consider this your Round Tuit.
If you’ve got a green thumb, start planning your spring planting. The gardening catalogs are starting to show up in mailboxes, and they can be treasure troves of inspiration. Places like Seed Savers and Burpee will even send you a free catalog if you just want to have a look. Look back on last year’s garden. What worked? What didn’t? What do you want to try growing again, and what new and exciting plants would you like to try?
Start a new project. If you’re crafty with yarn and textiles, make a stashbuster project with the odds and ends you’ve got sitting around. If you’re a maker of shiny things, pick up that special piece you’ve been waiting to work with and make something gorgeous. Brainstorm ideas for new artwork or sculpture or costuming. Fill a few pages in your sketchbook. Fiddle around with some writing prompts and see what happens, or pull out that old piece you’ve been meaning to finish. Find a creative outlet and let the ideas flow.
And if you can, watch the sun rise. There is nothing quite like the light of dawn on Imbolc day. There’s something peaceful about it. The sun seems to wink at you through the early morning clouds, as if to say, “Soon.”
Happy Imbolc, everyone!
-later incorporated into Hex Positive, Ep. 011 - Secular Celebrations (Nov 01, 2020)
Other Posts In This Series:
Spring Equinox
Autumn Equinox
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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🔮 Mystical & Magickal Shop 🔮 Credit: [x]
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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“We Are Safe”
Protection sigil for a group of people. Can be used on a room to protect people inside. Can be used on yourself and your coven members Or if you’re apart of some other group and wish to protect it’s members. Can also be used on a picture of a group of people (as long as you are also in the picture).
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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briars-grimoire · 2 years
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Crystal correspondences in my BOS :)
Captioned (& more detailed) version
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