bumblekscript · 3 years
little update, life just got in the way and i couldnt keep going for a long while, didnt bother saying anything since i got no following really, but now that i got a shoutout from tkp (also thank you for complimenting the header :)) i feel like i should. soon i might be able to get back into it but no promises, i apologize
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from RedScarfUK: I saw a joke comic a couple weeks back on Twitter where Amy had had enough of whatever was going on and decided to remove her bracelets, causing Sonic and Silver to be suddenly very worried and Shadow to get some popcorn, the implication being her bracelets are like Shadow's Inhibitor Rings. And that got me thinking: what if they really are Inhibitor Rings? What sort of crazy powers do you think she could unleash after taking them off? And how much trouble would Sonic be in?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: This, this skates right on the line of fan idea
Kyle: It really does, but I also kinda liked it, so
Ian: Yeah, it does raise a question of, what are Amy’s abilities, because, dang it, the girl has had a lot, and they never seem to be fully realized, like, where does the hammer come from?
Kyle: Hammer space
Ian: What is the nature of the pico pico hammer? She turned invisible in Sonic ‘06, what in the world? She’s had the tarot card reading, she’s had implications that she’s got some kind of esp in certain stuff, whether it’s in the game or cut content, it’s like [grunts] I wish they would play more with her potential powers, but I don’t know, I don’t know, in terms of what would happen to Sonic, I think we’ve moved beyond the crazy stalker girlfriend characterization, so he would be fine, he’d be in great hands because Amy’s poorly defined superpowers would protect them all
Kyle: [laughs] “What do they do?” We don’t know
Ian: “When do we want it?” Now
Kyle: Yeah, kinda like that, sure [laughs] I would still like to see that , that’s still funny to me, I like it
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from Tik Tik: there is a YouTuber I really respect, but it keeps bothering me because he says archie sonic was rebooted twice, because he claims that "Genesis" was a reboot while I say it was merely a plot device to facilitate an anniversary story. Can you settle this debate by telling us if genesis was a reboot or not
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: You’re both right, genesis was a reboot for the sake of the story, there were rough plans to potentially spin genesis off into it’s own thing, but those plans never materialized, so had it gone on, yes it would have been a reboot to facilitate a new story, but as it is, it’s a reboot contained within it’s own event, so, it depends on how particular you want to be about it
Kyle: I think that was around the first time, the first year that I went to San Diego comic-con, and we met and I remember that being a big thing about how you guys were trying to reassure people that it’s not a full reboot, it’s not a complete reboot, it seems like a kinda maybe a soft-ish reboot, in a sense, but I think a lot of people were worried because genesis had just come out, and after everything that had happened in the story leading up to it, people were freaking out about it, so yeah, it makes sense, but they’re both right, you know, weird, great, now you’ve made them fight even more Ian, see what you’ve done?
Ian: What he said was true, from a certain point of view
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from StephCube: How was the process of creating characters like Whisper or Tangle? You told the artist how the character had to be and they created it based on that or is It SEGA who asks for them?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: I initiated the character, and it varies from character to character on how much guidance I provide, like with Tangle, I initially envisioned her as a rabbit, she was supposed to be an homage to the prototype for Sonic with the ears that would grab enemies and throw them, which was later used for Ristar, and SEGA said, don’t make her a rabbit, so we went through a few ideas, and I don’t remember how we settled on lemur, but that was then Tyson’s take on Tangle, took what we initially had in mind and put it through the lemur filter, and that’s what we got, with Whisper, I had the general idea, a very composed, very muted character, that was a wolf and a sniper, but I left it up to Evan to figure out how to make that work, and SEGA had a lot of notes back and forth, she came up with the mask for the design, and that informed the story from there, because like, ok, what does the mask do? Well it helps you talk to the Wisps, cool, that makes sense, Rough and Tumble, I had the very core idea that they were two brutes that had a brotherly bond, and they were the Rocksteady and Bebop, the Hack and Slash, the Jesse and James, the two mooks that show up, get beat up every now and again, and I left that entirely up to Tyson, like, they could’ve been two different species, and they referred to each other as brother in the figurative sense, they could have been the same species and are actual brothers, it was way up to his interpretation, and he just mined gold, because Tyson is a beast. Starline was based off of something in particular that I don’t want to go into too much detail yet, because he was originally meant to be part of a trio that were all themed in a certain way in their origins, and we whittled it down to just Doctor Starline because that was way way too unfocused, especially with Metal Virus going on, and from that basis Evan took her spin on it, and then SEGA put their input on it, and there was a lot of back an forth on head design and mannerism, just in body language and color design and bah bah bah bah bah . So I initiate, I give the seed of the idea, but it’s up to the artists and the editorial team and SEGA to cultivate it into the final version
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from Teerack: Does IDW have to obey the Mandates Sega made for Archie? An example: No Nega, characters were forbidden in forming intimate relationships, SEGA original characters weren't allowed familial relationships, no changing wardrobes for SEGA character, etc?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: Pretty much, the rules are the rules, that’s just the standards for the licensing, I don’t know about doctor Nega, we haven’t tried anything with him yet, but yeah, you’re not going to see any of the SEGA characters settle down with each other, live happily ever after, you are not gonna see any significant wardrobe changes, I think Evan Stanley found a workaround with her first arc, but that’s because she’s using official material to work off of, I’m not quite sure how much got approved because, I didn’t write the book, ah, that’s so weird, but yeah, the rules are pretty much the same, because that’s the rules, that’s the license, that’s how they want the thing to be portrayed
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from Jaychance: Ian, why do you like All Might so much?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
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Ian: Because he is the best written Superman we’ve had in a long time, he is obscenely powerful, and yet he’s still relatable and vulnerable and inspiring and comforting, he is this paragon of virtue and heroism, and h’s the biggest dork around, he is basically Clark Kent and he is Superman, he’s the quintessential distillation of the character and just remixed enough that it’s refreshing and engaging, and I freaking love the voice and the catch phrase of “it’s ok, why? because I’m here” it’s got that air of arrogance to it that comes from someone who is supremely powerful, but it’s also reassuring because that is why he’s there, he’s going to make it all right, he’s going to fix things, he’s going to save everyone because he’s here, and it’s just thrilling, and he’s so freaking camp, that it’s delightful when he's yelling Detroit Smash, and punching something, and then the entire city block explodes from the impact, it’s dumb and I love it. And the pacing of his appearances, and I’ve only been going by the anime, I know the manga is like, way far ahead, so no comments on that in the chat, don’t spoil it for me, but like, the first time you really see him let loose, when the league of villain says attack the training center, and he goes mano a mano with the first nomu, which has been established to be just bad news, and he is going all out on this thing and just ripping it up, it’s just stunning, and then he puts that thing into freaking orbit, and he’s standing there, bloodied and tattered, he’s like, “[laughs] in my prime I would have felled it in one mighty blow, but this one took me three hundred″ it’s like, dude! You just hit somebody with the force of the freaking meteor that killed the dinosaurs and you’re just laughing it off. His showdown, with the all for one, Kyle, I still got on the end of my seat, and I know how it ends, it’s [grunts] United States of Smash! Plus Ultra! I love it!
Kyle: [laughs] Holy crap dude, now I wanna watch My Hero Academia, I’ve never watched it
Ian: Dude, the show is fantastic, it’s an anime interpretation of everything western comics have done since like, the sixties, like All Might Himself when he’s fully transformed is super heavily inked like an old nineties comic book hero, there is a villain that shows up in the second season who is entirely a ninja turtles nineties, grunge comic nod, it’s got all the trappings of a western super heroics, but done through the shōnen manga filter, and it works, and it’s so good, and [grunts] cannot wait for the next season
Kyle: Yeah, man, this is the first time I’ve actually been like, man now I do want to watch this, it sounded pretty neat before, it sounded like something I might enjoy before, but now like oh, okay, now I get it
Ian: If you like anime, but feel like it’s as little too Japanese-y sometimes, and if you like super hero books but feel like they’ve been trapped in the same loops for the past 20 years, this solves both. It’s very anime, and it’s very western comic books, and it’s peanut butter and jelly, and I love it. I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it
Kyle: Considering I love F-zero, and that has become sort of a very similar, sort of superheroes through a Japanese anime lens, I would probably really enjoy My Hero, because that sounds good
Ian: The last Season, not to spoil too much, but the last season, it was following up a very, very dramatic arc, so this one was much more silly and down to earth, and the bad guys plot is basically just to piss on everyone’s parade, you know, no lives are at stake, there’s no real danger, it’s more of a moral loss, and it was just as intense as the life or death battle last season, because you want these kids to have a nice thing, damnit, they’ve worked so hard, just let them have this nice thing, gentle criminal, frick off man. Good stuff, good stuff
Kyle: Alright, maybe I’ll check it out in a few years, when I finally get through the rest of my backlog
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from BlueTidalGamer to Kyle: Do you have any favourite games that you'd consider a guilty pleasure?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Kyle: Well, I don’t really feel guilty about them, like
Ian: [laughs]
Kyle: is that a thing? Like, I understand that maybe I should guilty about them but I don’t
Ian: Close enough
Kyle: Sure, I mean, I don’t feel guilty about liking Sonic Heroes [laughs] I will acknowledge that it has massive problems, but I still like it and that’s fine, I’m fine with it, and so, I think a lot of it has to do with the music, but I also do find it kinda fun, it’s a bit repetitive having to play through the same stages with similar character multiple times in order to finish it, but on that same token, it’s actually kind of relaxing in a way, in that way, there’s definitely frustrating points, the special stages are hot garbage, they’re not good, they’re not good, they are not well done, the final battle against Metal Overlord as Super Sonic, no. It’s completely broken, I still don’t understand how it’s even supposed to work, because there’s so many like, invisible walls everywhere and it’s just, that’s completely broken, but I don’t know there’s still something about it that’s appealing to me, I like it better than Sonic Adventure 2, which is probably going to make people very mad to which I say
Ian: Sacrilege
Kyle: To which I say, come at me bros. I also love me some Warriors slash Musou game oh ho, they are so fun, just slaughtering down complete armies as a freaking like god, is awesome, it is so awesome, it is so cool I love them, especially Hyrule Warriors, which is funny, because I’m not like a huge Zelda fan, I like Zelda games but I’ve never been like super into them, and I’ve not played all of them, but for some reason Hyrule Warriors just hits me right perfectly, because even though I haven’t played many Zelda games, I’ve seen and played enough of them to know a lot of what they are referencing, so I can still appreciate it for the references, and because I like Zelda character, Zelda characters are great, I just you know, the games I don’t necessarily sit down and play all that often, so
Ian: I think the magic balance with Hyrule Warriors is that it’s indulgent in all the right ways, you are playing with the world’s best written fanfic, and you are given the power of a god to just lay waste to all the bad guys, until you are given the power of a god to lay waste to the good guys, so that you can lay waste to the bad guys again, as the good guys again, and it’s so good
Kyle: The fact that almost everybody is playable in some form or another, whether they’re good or evil is brilliant, it’s perfect, I can’t wait for the next one, I can’t wait for the age of calamity it’s gonna to be so
Ian: We’re not gonna get into that topic, or we’re nor going to finish the show, because I’m gonna go on and on and on and on and on
Kyle: Yep, that might be something we have to break out the actual episode numbers for, to talk about at some point
Both: [laugh]
Kyle: I also do have a soft spot for the Dead or Alive series, the fighting game specifically, I’ve not played the dating sims, but the fighting games, I like them, they’re silly, it’s a very just kinda stupid, fanservice-y game, but it actually has some pretty good fighting mechanics too, so it’s not all just silliness, I still stand by Super Princess Peach, I think it’s a pretty good, fun little platformer, people criticize it because it’s a game staring a woman focused on emotions, but here’s the thing, the whole point of the game is that Peach is the only one who can control her emotions, no one else can, Mario and everybody else is overcome with emotional strife, and she has to go out and be the one to, who actually has control over her emotions and be the one to save the kingdom, so, I think that’s a nice kinda twist of an old school formula, Golden Axe: Beast Rider, I like just because it’s stupid, I like stupid games, that’s my thing, apparently, same with Lollipop Chainsaw, it’s completely stupid, Metal Wolf Chaos is the same way, they’re just dumb, they’re just dumb fun, and that’s all I want in video games a lot of the time, just something to turn your brain off and have completely stupid things happening, that’s really all I want in life, really, because I’m sick of my brain [laughs] so, those are some of my guilty pleasures, I suppose, I’m not guilty about them, but you know. What about you Ian? what are some games you might, you enjoy but not necessarily
Ian: Going to admit to it?
Kyle: Going to admit it, I suppose
Ian: Ah shoot, I haven’t really thought about it because the question was posed to you, I didn’t think about it
Kyle: [laughs] Well, you know I always turn it around back on you sometimes
Ian:  [laughs] I guess I feel a little dirty with just how much time I’ve spent on Tales of Crestoria, which is a very buggy gacha, and I mean, gachas in and of themselves kinda feel dirty because it’s a thinly veiled attempt to get your money, some of them are better about the gameplay than others, but you know that down at the bottom of it, they want you to spend money to get thing, I like getting the thing, I’ve never been suckered into spending money on it, and crestoria itself is, the bugginess aside, Kyle, the game wouldn’t load half the time when they launched because of a bug in the chat system
Kyle: [laughs]
Ian: You literally couldn’t go to the guild management screen because it would try to load the guild chat and break the game, it was, anyway
Kyle: Sounds like a mobile game to me, especially newly launched mobile game
Ian: And the drop rates are just atrocious, but I’m a fan of the tales of series, I’m really fond of the design aesthetic, the localization on the story is top notch, the music is solid, and who cares if most of the game is running on auto as I, you know, do something else, and just hit the button so I can get the thing, so I can level up the characters, so I can hit auto, so I can hit the thing and it’s completely a skinner box, but darn it, it’s a nice skinner box, I like the box, I press button, people do swingy anime thing, explosion, yay
Kyle: Sometimes you just need a nice boost of
Ian: Endorphins
Kyle: Yeah, sometimes, you just need a nice endorphin boost sometime you do, it’s fine, why do you think I like stupid games with dumb or no stories that are just button mash action, it’s the same kinda thing
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from BlueTidalGamer to Ian: I've really been enjoying how you have approached the Deadly Six in the IDW series so far compared to how they were in their introduction in Sonic Lost World, especially Zavok. I do think that Zavok has potential to be a better villain than how the games portray him as, and after Bad Guys Issue 1, I'm really excited to see how he and Dr. Starline will clash. My question is, what do you feel is the right approach for Zavok in order to try and win more people over to him, as he still to this day tends to not liked by a good chunk the fanbase.
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: Number one, they are not wrong, I mean, I didn’t find them as offensive as some people did, but there wasn’t a lot of meat to the Deadly Six on their introduction
Kyle: Right, yeah, I agree
Ian: And, in sonic runners, that had a event focusing primarily on Zazz, but it gave a lot of much needed characterization to a lot of the Deadly Six, not so much to Zomom, but that’s kinda his thing, is he doesn’t have much to him, and that informed a lot of what I did with the Deadly Six, and SEGA had a lot of notes with them as we were doing the end of the metal virus saga, especially on Zeena, so there is a lot of input for me to work with in that regard, as for Zavok specifically, for me he falls into one of my favorite villain tropes, which is the eloquent monster, someone who is bestial, and primal, and just terrifying to behold, but also has an air of sophistication and intelligence, they’re not just a snarling brute, but they are someone that can string two words together, and can have a degree of calculated malice, which makes all of their bestial power that much more threatening, because it isn’t just some wild animal going amuck, it’s someone who can tear you to shreds and knows the worst ways to do it, see the shadow broker out of Mass Effect, so that’s my approach with Zavok, is someone who is calculating and eloquent in their presentation, but when it comes down to a fight, he will literally bite your head off, if given the chance
Kyle: What’s funny about Zavok is that he gets a lot of criticism as bein a cheap Bowser clone, and I’ve never seen him that way, like you say, he has an air elegant, eloquence and sophistication to him that I don’t think Bowser really has
Ian: No, but he’s also a horned, vaguely reptilian, fire breather who lives in a lava castle in the final world
Kyle: I know, I know, I understand
Ian: He goes super big for the final fight
Kyle: I know, I understand that, but like, it’s just they do have their differences, their not identical, the inspiration is fairly clear, but it’s not one hundred percent
Ian: Bowser’s got a better design
Kyle: Well, I mean, he’s more timeless because he’s been around for a long time, and they’ve been able to refine his design, and yeah I know [laughs] I like Bowser better too, but it’s just, it just seems really kinda dismissive to completely just say he is outright a Bowser clone so, that’s ok, I suppose
Ian: Sure
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from N’Oni to Kyle: Seeing how we're in the spooky month, why not ask about something that's truly terrifying. Are there any video games you will never give another chance no matter what, due to their content? This includes File Eating bugs, and glitches that could corrupt the entire save
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Kyle: I couldn’t think of any that were like, so outright buggy that I would never play them again, and like, I never had a game eat my save file, except once, and that was in the version one revision of Gran Turismo 2, where if you did the, wanna say it was like the one thousand meter brake test, it would erase your garage, so all your car would be gone, you could get around it by not saving, because this was back in the day when you had to manually save and it wouldn’t do it for you, because it was a ps1 game, but still a bit scary, and that was only in the original release though, if you sent your discs in to get the revision with the bug fixed, then you never had to worry about it, but that’s the only one I could think of, and I mean, I’ll still play the game, it’s not going to stop me, but that’s like the most game breaking bug I can think of I’ve ever personally encountered that would have ruined my game, if I had not saved it, but luckily I knew it was a thing, so I just didn’t do the brake test. But otherwise, there and games that I just won’t play again because they’re complete garbage, like San Francisco Rush, for the original PlayStation, it barely even looks like San Francisco Rush, the arcade game, or even the n64 game, it’s a completely different game and it’s just, it’s not good, I don’t know what they were thinking, but it’s not, it’s just complete crap, the n64 San Francisco Rush is not a perfect port of the arcade version, but at the very least it kinda resembles it? The ps1 port doesn't even resemble it, its so bad, it’s just so bad, and a more recent game Flat Out 3 for pc, which is a dirt track racing game, kinda like Burnout, but slightly more realistic, I suppose, well, Flat Out 1 and 2 are, Flat Out 3 is is complete trash, it’s completely, they just, for some reason the original developers and the publishers had a fallout, and the IP got, I don’t know what happened to the IP, it seems like it either got sold off or transferred somewhere, and they just made a cheap cash in game with that license, and it’s just terrible, it completely ruins the franchise, it’s so bad it retroactively reflects poorly on the first two games, which are great I love Flat Out 1 and 2, but at least the developers of those two games eventually went on to do Wreckfest, so you know, the outcome wasn’t all bad, for what that’s worth, but yeah, Flat Out 3 was like just a shameful, a shameful thing that [shivers] disgusting, I don’t wanna play it ever again, it’s just gross
Ian: I could hear the shiver of the revulsion
Kyle: Yeah, I could feel it
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from N’Oni to Ian: How old is Chaos mentally/emotionally? If you don't know the concrete answer, do you have a headcanon for his age? Did Sega ever even have notes on that?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
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Ian: No notes, and my head canon is that he doesn’t really have an age, he is just kind of a thing, he is an element, he is, he [grunts] he isn’t, he doesn't possess some of the emotion so much as he is the emotion, he is a sense of protection and nurturing around the chao, and when they were attacked, it became that of defensiveness and anger, I don’t really see chaos as a being, with well defined thoughts and individuality, I just see him more as a force of nature
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from Soni: Can I just take this moment to say thank you Ian, truly! As someone who truly believed that the Zeti has a place in the world of Sonic despite many people saying otherwise, I am so happy with how you wrote him in the first issue of Bad Guys! I would gladly pay poutine for you! Speaking of, have you tried poutine?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: I was gonna say, this doesn’t sound much like a question, it’s blind praise which is nice! I am very happy you are satisfied, but as for poutine, come on man, I live in Canada, of course I’ve had poutine
Kyle: [laughs] I’ve had it
Ian: I’m not particularly fond of the cheese curds, but if you go to the Smokes poutinerie and get like the pulled pork poutine
Kyle: Uh huh
Ian: it’s [humming]
Kyle: Uh huh, yeah it’s good
Ian: Any variety of meat and gravy on French fries is, you can’t go wrong. Granted, I was dubious at first, because I’ve grown up with French fries as a side, but once you put enough delicious meat thingies on it [humming] let’s wrap up the show so I can go get poutine
Kyle: I mean, I am very familiar with using French fries as a vehicle for deliciousness through the gloriousness that is chili cheese fries
Ian: True enough, true enough
Kyle: Which are similar, I mean they don’t have the curds, and I mean you could argue that, you can make the argument that the chili is gravy-esque and if you put meat on it anyway
Ian: Spiritual cousin to it, I suppose
Kyle: Yeah, chili cheese fries are spiritual cousins to poutine, I would say, so you know, it wasn’t completely new to me to throw meat and deliciousness on top of French fries, but, poutine is good, I will not lie, poutine is very delicious, it’s a weird name though
Ian: It is, but I will never forget when Jon Gray was up here, and he was eager to partake and we took him to smokes poutinerie and he looked at the potential listed across the menu and he had just stared in awe as if he had found god
Kyle: [laughs] Yeah, it’s certainly and experience, did I have the brisket? I think I had the brisket one, this was like twenty, this was five years ago, but the brisket one was good, real good
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from Papadripopolous: So Ian, you’ve mentioned you’ve got some ideas you wanna pitch about Cosmo and Metarex to use in the comics, and as seen in Bad Guys number one, there seems to be a Sonic X reference in the shape of a prison, is there something to the sudden Sonic X mentions? Did you just happen to rewatch it recently and went "hmm I wanna use this stuff"? also, as seen in the New York comic con stream, you got a decently nice beard going, time to update those profile pictures and so on to reflect that
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: You are very kind, but that scraggly thing is, it only looks full and luscious because I have a very bed web camera
Kyle: [laughs]
Ian: Uh-uh, I have a bad, it’s not easy to maintain and I don’t do a good job of it, so no, no no no, we’re going to go with the little cartoony idealized, what Ian wishes he would look like [laughs] may I be immortalized in cartoonish muppet form forever, as for Sonic X stuff, the reference to Sonic X’s rendition of prison island was just a small easter egg on my part, I didn’t even specify it in the script, I just found that really really funny back in the day, and wanted a chance to use it again, in terms of Sonic X material in general I’m not a huge fan of the show, to be honest, but there was stuff that I enjoyed about it, and there are elements that the fandom remains passionate about, so it’s kinda on my bucket list of things that I want to incorporate in some shape or form, whether it’s to satiate my own creative needs, or just as something for the fans to enjoy, same thing with Sonic Heroes, I’m really not a fan of the game, but it’s played a major part in a lot of the comics, because it’s got neat elements to it, if I could use the music, oh my goodness, Sonic Heroes has a fantastic soundtrack, I mean there’s stuff from the boom series that I would like to incorporate, you know, remix and make it fit into the modern aesthetic, but, Sonic X isn’t particularly special or unique, there’s stuff across all the mediums that I want to do with something, somewhere, grammar, syntax
Kyle: I’m a Sonic Heroes apologist, you know? We may be talking about that more in a little bit here, but yeah, I still like it, it’s very flawed, it’s a very flawed game, it has major problems, but I still like it, you know, it’s one of those thing
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from AWF: How much input does a writer have over the art of a comic, like the line work and colors? If I'm not mistaken, Evan has done some of her own line work for the issues she's written, more power to her, her art is amazing, but if an issue looks good in terms of colors and shading, so on, how much of that is credible to the writer?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
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Ian: Very little, and it depends from project to project, like, way back in the day when we did the Sonic Riders tie in story, I believe I suggested that we try to mimic the art style of that super slick trailer, and Tracy freaking nailed it because Tracy’s a beast there are occasional moments where I will try to be very specific in how I want a panel rendered, or how we can possibly convey certain things, whether it be through flashback, or setting or what have you and it might depend on the ability of the artist, it might depend on the deadline, it might depend on whether or not to licensor wants to do that, so with my scripts, they are more or less the guidelines, the rough blueprints, but I entrust a lot of creative decisions to the artist, because they are the ones realizing it, and sometimes they have a better way of approaching it than I have conceptualized, and it’s even more difficult with something like Drogune where it’s a collaborative effort between me and Adam, where I might have a very clear vision of what I want to do with it, or I’m less certain and I’m relying on him to come up with it, or he may have a different approach to the characters, like, case and point, if you read Drogune: Outlaw, which is the small spin off we did as part of the Shonen Jump contest, the enchentee species, hadn’t really been shown yet and we’ve gone a lot of back and forth on how to design it, and he kinda had final say when designing Echo, and it’s super cool because Adam is a beast, as we’ve established with Tracy already, with the inquisitors, I had a much more pedestrian design than mine, and he took it to completely different places, that were super spooky, and it was great, and it inspired me to invent new stuff within the lore to explain away what he had rendered, so depending on the project, depending on the artist, it can really vary on what comes out
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from Ink Pants: Ian, my favorite son. Can you tell us how your involvement in the new Sonic Encyclopedia came about and any cool anecdotes about your work on it? It must have been a really exciting prospect to work on something so aligned with the games. Did you ever picture yourself getting this kind of opportunity back on your humble beginning at Archie?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: [laughing] Did I ever picture any of this when I got started? No, no no no, to be entrusted with this is frankly terrifying, because I know there are going to be people who are not satisfied with it no matter what I put in there, some folks have loftier expectations than what printed media can possibly provide
Kyle: Yeah
Ian: But I think folks will enjoy it for what it is, dark horse has provided some stellar compilations, so I’m looking forward to what the final product will be, I don’t know if I can get too much into the detail of how I was selected, but suffice to say, I’ve been doing Sonic stuff for a long time, and certain people took notice of that, and I got the gig. It has been a humbling experience because, when it was offered I’m like “Oh sure, this is gonna be a walk in the park, I know Sonic like the back of my hand” and there’s a fair amount of stuff that, sure, I remember it, I’ve cataloged this and it’s been my career for years and years and years, but there was also a lot of stuff that I’ve forgotten, or I had become fuzzy on, so pulling up all this old stuff, and doing research, and digging out old games and plumbing the depths that is the Sonic lore is just like, wow, there was a lot of nuance or a lot of unanswered questions, of just stuff that had just kinda fallen into the cracks, so it’s been a good refresher on all things Sonic, and how much has been assumed over the years by myself and the fandom trying to spackle the cracks that is, the Sonic timeline, which frankly doesn’t exist. It just ain’t there, but I don’t know, in the end it’s gonna be as robust as I can make it, as much as the page count, and page space allows, so I hope everyone looks forward to it, and I hope folks enjoy it
Kyle: Yeah, I mean, it’s 30 years of various different incarnations and everything, I can imagine losing the details is very easy, just trying to remember it all, there’s a lot of stuff to remember, it’s hum
Ian: There is also the question of how much do you include because, there is a lot of side stuff I want to include because, y'know, I want this to be as comprehensive as possible, but some of it is like, it’s so nuanced or so limited, it’s like, there’s just not space for it, do I cut a page here to include that, or what, and it’s, I don’t know, it’s something I have to work out with the editors and with SEGA and hopefully everyone will be happy with it and hah
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from Andrew D.: Between what issues or event does the Bad Guys mini series take place?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: It is safely snuggled between Sonic number 32 and Sonic number 33
Kyle: Wow, right between those two issues, huh? Convenient
Ian: It’s kinda like a prologue to season 3
Kyle: Convenient
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from Chris A.: Do the Zeti exists in pre reboot Archie sonic? Do the swat bots exist in idw Sonic along with the roboticizer?
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: Had pre-reboot continued, uninterrupted, I’m sure we would have folded in the Deadly Six at some point, since that storyline is dead and gone forever, you could argue that they are not canon because they never showed up, I don’t know, depends on how particular you wanna be. Swatbots and robotization do not exist in IDW Sonic because they are not game material, they are probably locked in the SatAm vault forever and ever on end, I mean, we’ve already kinda got those with egg pawns, they are essentially Swatbots, and the metal virus was, to a degree, a kind of version of robotization, so we got kinda sorta maybe, again, depends on how particular you want to be about it
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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bumblekscript · 4 years
from BLooDY_GaL: Hey Ian, love your writing for the Sonic IDW comics, I know you don't take requests but it'd be awesome to see Amy rose tie her hair up when she's in a more dire scene. Her confidence reminds me of Violet Baudelaire, she ties her hair when she needs to invent a serious plan.
Questions answered by Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse
Episode link
Ian: I have no idea what the reference is, but probably not because that’s not what Amy does
questions can be asked at: [email protected]; On Twitter @BumbleKast; Comments section on any YouTube video; Through Ko-fi support; Patrons can post on Patreon page and the Q&A channel in the Patreon-exclusive Discord
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